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What will Aria do when she finds out this big secret her husband is keeping? |
Chapter On The Show Must Go On I smiled as I read the message from Jake, he’s such a sweet guy, but he can get so over protective. Worrying about me on my trip to northern Georgia, I did everything he asked, I packed everything he threw at me and yet he still worries. I jumped as I felt my phone go off in my pocket, laughing at myself for being so stupid. I pulled it out and unlocked it, laughing at his newest message. Aria Knight you had better be careful or else I will drag you straight home. I decided to call him instead of reply. “Hey sweetheart, don’t worry. I’m driving just like you asked. If you keep worrying, you’ll get lines.” I laughed and shook my head at the vision. “You know I worry because I care. I gotta shower and go to work. Call me when you get to your hotel. I love you Meine.” He sounded so sad, I almost thought about just going back home. “Alright, I love you too Saiai.” And with that I hung up, got in my car, hooked my phone up and started heading towards the highway. I was gonna miss the New York scene though. The buildings, the people, the wonderful views from the top of my apartment building. But my career demanded some southern sights. I smiled as one of my favourite songs played. I love my music, that’s why I had to leave. My band booked a gig in the upper part of Atlanta, some hot club called Dusk Light, whatever that was. They left without me this morning, thinking I would need more time and they were right. I hated leaving my husband behind, but I needed to be there. What’s a metal band without their singer, right? I shook my head and relaxed some as my favourite bands played their complicated melodies and sang their violent and calming words. I could do this, nothing was gonna stop me this time. **************** I sighed in relief as my drive seemed to be coming to an end; I could see my hotel and the band van park in front of it. I pulled in and got out only to be tackled by Adrian and Andy, throwing all three of us to the ground in a laughing ball of black and pink. “Aria! We were starting to worry that you wouldn’t make it!” Andy said as he tried to untangle himself from Adrian and I. “Me? Not make it to a gig? Leaving you to sing? Yeah right.” I laughed as I managed to pull myself free and stood up, helping the others up. “Yeah Andy, no one wants to hear that.” Adrian laughed as she straightened herself. Andy just stuck his tongue out at us. Mitch just shook his head as he came over to us. “Andy, what did you do this time?” he asked with a serious tone but an amused smirk. “I didn’t do anything! Aria just being mean to me!” Andy tried to pout but just ended laughing. “So when do we go tonight?” I asked Mitch while Adrian tried to drag Andy back to the van. “About three hours, might want to start getting ready love.” Mitch snagged my keys from me and started getting my bags for me, knowing I could barely lift them after such a long trip. Great, no rest time. “You coming or what?” he yelled from the doors, I snapped out of my haze and ran towards him. The others had checked us in and were waiting for us by the elevator. Andy seemed very worried but looked up and smiled at us. “So apparently we have one room instead of two. Damn hotel messed up. So you ladies go upstairs and get ready while Mitch and I try to dress in the van!” He laughed “Come on Mitchy, Adrian and Aria can handle their bags.” And with that, Mitch handed me my stuff and left. “Well tonight is gonna be interesting, huh?” Adrian said to me as the elevator opened up. “Oh yeah, guess you and I are sharing a bed huh?” I dragged everything in and we started our slow journey to the fourth floor. “Hey, when we get to our room, go ahead and shower first. I gotta call Jake.” “Okay sweetie.” She smiled down at me and picked up most of the stuff as the doors opened and we went to our room. She put up everything up and went into the bathroom. I checked my phone for the first time since having left. Six texts, all him being worried. I smiled as I unlocked my phone and called him. “Aria! Are you okay? Did you make it there safe? Did Andy or Mitch help you carry everything?” he asked extremely fast, making me laugh. “I’m fine. Mitch helped me. Don’t worry so much, I’ll be okay, with the guys watching me, you have nothing to worry about.” I could hear him let out a sigh and then a chuckle. “Guess you’re right. You know why I worry so much.” “Yeah, I know.” I smiled sadly at the memory. “Anyways, I gotta go. The oven just went off. I love you.” And then he hung up, I looked at the phone then threw it on the bed. I grabbed my clothes and started getting ready for the show. What was going on over there? He never does that to me. I just shrugged it off, Jake wouldn’t ever do anything bad without me there with him. Right? “Stop being an idiot Aria, you’ll just worry yourself sick again.” I muttered to myself. Just then I saw Adrian watching me, her bright red hair still damp from her shower and her skinny jeans seemed to cling to her skin uncomfortably from the leftover mist. “Girl, you okay?” she asked me as she crossed the room to hug me. “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just so worried about him. I’ve never been this far from him before.” I sighed, returning her embrace. “Sweetie, chill. Jake is a big boy, he can take care of himself for a week. It won’t kill him. Trust me on this, okay?” she smiled down at me and pushed me a little. “Now get your butt in gear and get ready, we still have a sound check to do.” And with that, she went to the vanity, plugged up the blow dryer and started on her hair. I grabbed my clothes from the bed and went in the bathroom, turning the shower on and stripped. Waiting on the water to warm up again, I studied myself in the full body mirror. Staring at the long scar trailing up from the middle of my back around to the middle of my chest. I cringed in memory of how I got it; turning my back on the mirror, I got into the shower. Sighing in contentment as the hot water relaxed the tensed muscles in my legs and back, I relaxed. Slowly working the lavender scented shampoo in my hair made my body relax even more. Next thing I knew, I heard a crash and the water was freezing. Quickly rinsing my hair as fast as I could, I then shut off the water and covered myself in my towel. I rushed out to see if Adrian was okay but what I found was shocking. |