Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1987986-Nickname-made-cool-maybe
Rated: E · Other · Western · #1987986
I had a nickname throughout school, and to this day that spawned this story.

A lone figure walked into town. His features were hidden by his hat. He had a gun on his hip. He was dressed like most ranch hands, a light blue shirt and brown vest. He also had a pair of well worn black trousers on. But this man did not look like your run of the mill cowboy.
The town was small, one of the many small towns scattered across the west. Almost as if by instinct, the strange man made his way to the local saloon. When he pushed through the gull wing doors, he brought a stop to all the ruckus inside. The half-drunk cow hands at the bar turned around. The card sharps plying their trade looked up. Even the soiled doves had to stop to take notice of this stranger.
Without a word, he made his way to the bar. The barkeep, after realizing that he was gawking, walked over. With the fake enthusiasm practiced with many a customer, he asked "So partner, what's your name and what will ya have?". A grin tugged at the stranger's mouth for a heartbeat, and he looked up and gave his answer. "Applejack".
"Well, you're in luck friend, cause we just got a bottle from the east. But with it being so rare, it may cost a bit-".
Applejack cut him off. "I got money, if that's what you're getting at." He pushed a double eagle across the bar. "This for the bottle?" he drawled. The barkeep, normally never seeing this much at a time, just nodded, and left the bottle and a glass. As AJ poured himself a glass, a hand down the bar raised his voice. "Drinking something like that, and throwing money around like there's no tomorrow! This feller's gotta be loaded!".
Applejack grimaced. He could sense that this wasn't going to end well. The cowpoke stumbled over. "How's about y'all gimme some o' that cash ya seem so free with, h-uh pardner?". AJ calmly and quietly said "Why don't you go back to yer drink, an I'll sit here and enjoy mine, and no one needs to spend any time with the local sawbones.?"
The cowpoke got angry, and growled "You give me that money, or I ventilate you, amigo!" and reached for his gun.
At this, Applejack turned and sent a hard left jab right into his nose, laying him out in one punch. Seeing this, one of the cowhand's friend's sheepishly walked over and started to pull his friend away. "I'm sorry friend, my friend here was mighty drunk, but he don't normally get violent like that". AJ just nodded and knocked back another glass of his namesake. He had about 3 more glasses, then put the bottle in his bag. He asked the barkeeper, who had not lifted a finger during the altercation, how much it was for a room. He was told that all the rooms here were occupied, but that he might be able to find a clean room at Gartner's place down the street. He thanked the bartender, tipped his hat and walked out. As he stepped outside he noticed that it was dark out and that he had been inside longer than he thought.
When he turned to start walking down the street, he was greeted by a familiar face, the Cowpoke from the bar. "You made a fool o' me in there! I ain't gonna stand for it, ya hear!".
AJ shook his head. "Partner, I don't want this, and I can tell ya, you want it even less. Your friend ain't here to drag ya away this time."
"We'll see who gets dragged away!" the man snapped, as he reached for his gun.
Before he even cleared leather, Applejack had hooked, drew, and fired once into his stomach. The man fell to his knees, Clutching his belly with one hand, and fumbling with his gun with the other. Just as he was about to bring it to bear, another bullet ripped though his chest, sending him to the ground.
Applejack shook his head and glanced at a passerby. Tell the sheriff I'll be at Gartner's." he said, and made his way down the street.

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