Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1987974-Worst-birthday-Ever
Rated: E · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1987974
worst birthday ever

I thought it was going to turn out perfect, there was a bright yellow dot in the magnificent blue sky and everyone invited turned up on time, each with a wrapped present in their hands. As the party progressed the fun decreased and soon people started to tire like they had been given sleeping pills.

It was not my idea to play hide and seek, it was Storm’s. Storm was my best friend and very popular and she got along with everyone, so of course everyone agreed to play.

“Twenty, nineteen, eighteen….” Called Storm as she started counting down.

Around me everyone was rushing off, trying to find a hiding spot, some went inside but most stayed outside. I was starting to get flustered, there were no hiding spots anywhere! But then I spied a large gap between the garden shed and the back fence, so I squeezed in there. It was damp and full of cobwebs but I didn’t have time to find a new spot because I could hear Storm yell,

“Ready or not, here I come!”

Instantly the whole place went silent, like all the noise had been paused, even the birds had stopped chirping. There was an eerie feel, anticipation was creeping into the atmosphere.
I was trying to keep as still as possible and that was when I heard the screech of metal against metal,

‘Why was Storm opening the garden shed?’ I wondered, as I was positive that no one was hiding there.

It only took a few seconds before I heard Storm exiting the garden shed and heading towards the house.

Storm was taking forever to find everyone and my legs were getting sore so I decided to sit down even though it was really dirty. It was then that I heard the screams, I thought it was kind of odd, but I came to the conclusion that Storm was creeping up on them and scaring them. But I kept hearing screams, no sooner would one end when another would start, I was becoming a bit worried and anxious, so when the back door slammed I jumped. It could only mean that Storm was coming outside. So I crouched down and made myself as small as I could go, like a snail retreating back into its shell.

I could hear the footsteps coming towards my hiding place so I shut my eyes, Storm was not going to scare me. Drawing nearer and nearer, closer and closer, the footsteps came towards me, then they stopped and once again there was silence.

It was unfortunate that I chose that moment to look up, for all I saw was a rusty and bloody rake falling towards my head with great force. In my last seconds I looked into the eyes of my so called best friend who now had the eyes of a murderer. She held me in her arms and gently laid me down,

“I’m sorry,” she whispered

And it was in that moment that my eyes closed for the last time. Ever.

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