Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1987711-butterflies
Rated: E · Fiction · Other · #1987711
Kyiah almost loses everyone she has ever had

Bright colored flowers, the smell of the freshly cut grass. This is where I love to spend all my free time. My mother used to bring me here as a child. I’d run around in the glorious field trying to catch butterflies. My mom loved butterflies. She thought they were so beautiful and marvelous. Sometimes when I see butterflies I feel like she is right here with me. It reminds me that she could still be around watching over me. I wish I could go back to those times. My mother died of cancer four years ago. I’ve never known my father, he died before i was born. I don’t have anyone left. I only have my best friend, Dylan. Dylan has beautiful sandy blonde hair and gorgeous green eyes. He’s very strong, tall and good looking. I’ve known him since I was five. My mother and his mother were best friends. His mother moved about six months ago to california. We don’t really hear from her anymore. When my mom died he never left my side. He didn't want me to feel alone, and frankly i didn’t want to be alone. It’s relieving to have company. He stayed at my house everyday to comfort me, and just never left. He’s like the brother I’ve never had.
I feel a hand touch my shoulder and sit next to me, It was Dylan. I’ve always had some sort of attraction towards him. So when he touched me it gave me butterflies in my stomach.
“Why are you out here all alone?” He asked.
“Oh, I’m just thinking.” I answered.
“About what?” He demanded. He always somehow gets what he wants.
“Just about what all has happened in this past year. How you have been so kind to me. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have you. I would have nothing.” I sighed.
“I love being around you Kyiah. I feel complete when I’m around you.”
His eyes sparkled, I couldn’t take my eyes off of his. I am feeling something stronger than just friendship. I’ve been around him so much now, how could I not fall for his good looks and his amazing personality. I love everything about him, yes love. I think I love him, but I don’t know if he feels the same way. I don’t want to get hurt.
“Come on, lets go inside, it’s almost time for dinner.” He grabbed my hand and he helped me up. “What do you want? We could go out to dinner if you’d like, or just eat here.” he had a mischievous smile on his face.
“Like a date?” I curiously asked.
“Yes, like a date.” He winked. “Go get dressed really nice, We’ll leave in about an hour.”
I went to my room and got my lacy red dress. It was my favorite dress. My mom had given it to me for my seventeenth birthday four years ago, shortly before she passed. I got ready and headed downstairs. He was waiting for me. He looked so stunning I couldn’t help but to stare.
“You look beautiful Kyiah.” He whispered.
“Thank you” I blushed.
We drove to the fanciest restaurant in St. Louis. It is so elegant and expensive.
“Dylan, This is really expensive. We don’t have to go here, we can go somewhere more in our budget.”
“No, Kyiah. I want to take you here. This is an important night so I want to take you to the nicest place!”
Important night? What’s so important about tonight? What is going on? I’m confused and a little scared. Should I be scared? We sit down and order our food. Dylan is staring at me with a little smile. He grabs my hand,
“Kyiah, I’ve been holding this back for a long time now. We’ve known each other for many years. The more time I spend with you the more I don’t ever want to leave you. I love you Kyiah.” His looked so sincere.
I didn’t know what to say, My heart melted, butterflies flew throughout my stomach. I smiled, “Dylan, I’ve always felt this way about you but I didn’t want to say anything because I didn’t know If you felt the same. I’ve always loved you.”
We just stared into each others eyes for what seemed like forever, he leaned over and his soft lips gently pressed against mine. My stomach turned in all ways possible. Finally. I’ve been waiting for this for and eternity it seems. I’ve been waiting for him to love me back and now I know he does.
During dinner I laughed and smiled the whole time. I am just so happy.
“Dylan, thankyou for this wonderful dinner.” I glanced over at him with a cheesey smile.
“You’re welcome Kyiah, I had a wonderful time only because I was with you.”
We left the restaurant and started heading home.
“Omy dylan watch out!!!”
Everything went black. I can’t see a thing. Am i dead? Is this what it’s like to be dead? I started to see butterflies flying everywhere. What is going on? I dont understand. Suddenly I saw a figure in the distance calling out my name. I try to focus on the figure. As it got closer and closer it looked more and more like my mom.
“Mom? Is this really you?! Am I dead?!” my voice was shaky.
she laughed, “Yes honey, it’s me. You’re not dead but you are hurt. It’s not your time. One day it will be, but not today. You have to try to go back, just open your eyes, you’re dreaming. I love you.”
“I love you too.” and suddenly she disappeared. I opened my eyes and I was sitting in a hospital.
“Hello Kyiah, I am Doctor Jones. You have been in a pretty bad car accident but you are fine now. You have just a few broken ribs and bruises but thats it.” he informed.
“Dylan! Wheres Dylan?!” I panicked
“Kyiah, just lay down and relax..” I cut him off “I have to find him!!!”
I got up and started running to find him. As i ran past a window I noticed him and came to a complete stop. My eyes started to water. I saw him laying on a bed, he looked so helpless.
“The car hit you guys right on his side. He is in a coma.” The doctor is out of breath after running towards me. “I am sorry Kyiah, we will do everything we can do. But right now there’s not that much we can do.”
My heart melted. This day went from the best day of my life to the worst day of my life. I could possibly be losing the love of my life. If I do I would have nothing left. No one else who loves me like he does.
It’s been three days and I still haven’t left his side. I don’t want to miss anything. I want to be here at all times for him as I know he would do for me.
“Dylan, I know you probably can’t hear me right now, but i'm hoping that you can. The strangest thing happened to me after we got in the accident. I saw butterflies! Then my mom came to me. I know now that whenever I see butterflies, she’s there with me!” I sighed
“Kyiah, I think you should go home and get some rest. He is doing fine, NUrse Nancy will take good care of him.” The doctor touched my shoulder.
“I can’t leave him! What if he needs me when he wakes up?!”
“We both know Dylan would want you to go home, eat and get some rest. Just go, He will be ok here. I promise.”
I gently kissed him on his forehead. I really didn’t want to leave him, but I did. It probably was a good thing that I went home and got some rest. When I arrived home and all I wanted to do was cry because Dylan wasn’t here with me. This is the first time I have actually been alone. No one to comfort me, No one to talk to. I was alone. I just wanted to sleep. I curled up in my bed and slept till sunrise. I woke up, got ready, ate a bowl of cereal, and headed back to the hospital. When i got to his room my heart started beating fast. Tears just came rushing from my eyes and I couldn’t stop them. I ran over to Dylans bed and hugged him and didn’t let go. He was awake! I have never been so happy in my life! He is alive!
He had a big grin on his face and chuckled, “miss me?”
“This isn’t funny! Yes I did! I thought i was going to lose you!” Tears still rushing down my face, I still haven't let go of him.
“Oh Kyiah, it’s ok. Im here now, and I don’t plan on going anywhere, ever. I love you to much, and I don’t ever want you to go through this again.”
Dylan was able to go home today. I was so relieved. I don’t know if I would be able to live without him.
One year passed, I am happier then I have ever been. At one moment of my life everything was going right for me. Dylan and I moved to Memphis Tennessee. We wanted to start a new life together, have a fresh start. We now are living at this adorable little farm. He wasn’t a big fan of living in the country but I finally got him to give in, especially when we found out that I was pregnant. We are expecting a baby girl. He thought the farm would be a great place to raise our family. I’ve never seen him happier. I believe He will be a great father.
Everyday I always see butterflies flying around our house. It makes me feel better knowing that, the butterflies are my mother's way of saying she’s here and everything is alright. I just hope one day my daughter and I will have the same connection my Mother and I do.
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