Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1987669-INVISIBLE
by Joseph
Rated: 13+ · Draft · Inspirational · #1987669
Daniel Will's parents, are going through an ugly heart throbbing divorce. God is amazing
Daniel Will's is a 15 year old, who is going through a rough time in life. His parents Danny and Debra are currently engaged in an ugly divorce, that is tearing Daniel apart. He feels it's his fault as if he caused them to fight and hate each other. Last year Daniel saw his father with his 40 ounce, Danny told Debra he quit. Obviously he didn't quit, which rose conflict and with the conflict came no trust.Daniel has started to get involved with drugs and gangs. Daniel's friend Abigail Smith, is a very good influence on him. Abigail is a Christian and she is proud of it. She tries to share the word of God, to Daniel but he wont listen. She has given up on him, because he has started doing drugs.He was walking home with his crew,Alex and Daniel were rapping while the others were buying some Narcotics.When all of a sudden Daniel fell head first to the cold hard asphalt.

Daniel was bleeding from his head, all of the crew ran away except Alex Sweets. Alex called 911 and tried to dress the wound on Daniel's head,as he applied pressure to the wound. Daniel started to convulse and his body jerked back and forth. The ambulance arrived and the EMT opened the back of the ambulance." With the help of another EMT they both pulled the stretcher out. As the EMT's were preparing the stretcher and personal protection equipment. The paramedic went over to Alex and Daniel and said " how long ago did he hit his head, how long has he been unconscious?

Alex replied "he's been unconscious for about 15 minutes since he hit his head, but right before you got here. Daniel started jerking his body in several motions." the paramedic replied " Okay, we need to contact his parents do you know if he has a cell phone? or any type of phone number to get a hold of his parents?" Alex hesitated and replied " uh, he has a phone i'll call his parents right now" Alex reached into Daniel's pocket and heard a voice saying to him "Do not be afraid, I am the Lord your God. Do not call his parents. Not yet wait until they start getting worried. For what they will experience in the next few days will be life changing." The voice was God and it sounded like raging waters and thunder, but his voice was peaceful and amazing to listen to Alex thought to himself. As the EMT's were picking up Daniel to place on the stretcher. Daniel was starting to gain consciousness, and then as the Paramedic was doing his physical assessment Daniel's eyes rolled into the back of his head. His body started to jolt and his BP(blood pressure) was increasing, the EMT's placed him in the back and put a bag valve mask on his face.Alex saw what they put on his face, so he asked " what is that for why are you putting it on his face." The EMT replied "a bag valve mask it's an artificial ventilation device. Alex replied "okay, it's to help him breathe may i go with you guys?" The EMT was about to reply when,Daniel started to fade away Jake the EMT said to Arnold hurry up give me the paddles! he went into V-fib"( ventricular fibrillation, is a condition in which there is uncoordinated contraction in the ventricles of the heart.) Alex took that as a yes, and hopped into the back of the ambulance. Jake and Arnold were performing CPR and Daniel completely flat lined for at least 25 minutes.

The EMT"S were trying to bring him back to life, but God had showed Daniel a vision of his life; if he continues to go down the road he is going down. The vision started out with Daniel going to prison for Selling narcotics to a minor, that minor he sold the narcotic to died after 2 days of taking the narcotic pill Oxycontin. Daniel wasn't just charged with selling narcotics, but also with 1st degree murder. His life was over as he knew it, when Daniel arrived to prison the prisoners beat him everyday. On Halloween Daniel was beaten to death, he died a painful death. God also showed him his 'After Life' which makes prison seem like heaven. Daniel felt the flames burn his skin, there was no air his feet were in a pot of hot coals. As the devil ripped into his flesh and tore his heart out, he felt like it was real. He felt the sins on his shoulders, he felt the pain of his wrong doings he wished he was dead.

The vision was realistic, God allowed Daniel to feel the pain of it all. As the EMT"s arrive at the hospital, they rushed Daniel into the E.R. Dr. Swan was paged for a code blue ( Cardiac arrest) he ran as fast as he could. When he arrived in the E.R room Daniel was still in Cardiac arrest. Dr. Swan immediately performed CPR, he performed CPR for about 20 minutes.Dr. Swan started to give up, but right before he gave up Daniel's vitals rose up. Which gave Dr. Swan some hope, he ordered I.V fluids and some pain medication for Daniel.
© Copyright 2014 Joseph (liljojo3414 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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