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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Relationship · #1987303
The rest of my other one.
Chapter 3

I woke up to the sound of sirens going off and sighed as he sat up on my bed and rubbed his eyes. "They took longer to notice than I thought." His voice was husky from sleep, I don't even know how I noticed that, what with his voice being so scratchy to begin with... sounded like two voices at once. One demonic, one human. I realize that could very easily be the case. He could be two people trapped halfway in one body. As my door slams open I pull the covers over my head and roll over.

"He's in here!" I growl as they run in and surround my bed, pointing guns at him. I sit up and they all seem to flinch.

"Chill out."  He was crouching on my bed's edge, his hands in between his feet. "Drago sit normal." I whined

"What?" He seems amused again.

"You're scaring them, they'll shoot you."

"You really think I'll listen to you?" He raises an eye ridge.

"You would if you weren't so proud. But I guess that's part of being male." I stood up and yawned, stretching and grunting as my back popped. I sigh as I relax my body when I pull my arms down. "Could you, I don't know... take him to his new cell now?" They looked at each other and I groaned. "Gooood... you're all wussies." I walk up to one of the many men with guns and he jumps when I reach down and grab his cuffs. I pick them up and walk back to Drago. "Hands?" He smirks and holds out his wrists. I secure them together and then walk back to grab a pair for his ankles. They had a longer chain so he could walk in them. But no high kicks. So I walk back to him and lock them together. He sits on the bed, dangling his legs until his feet/talons touch the ground and stands up, flicking his tail. He looks very smug. "You are a bastard of epic proportions." I tell him with lowered eye lids and a pout. His amusement turns into a cough of a laugh.

"Aren't I though?" My lips twitched and I turned away from him.

"You can take him now, right?" They all just blinked at me in shock. "Jeez, fine. Drago, come on." I gesture with my hand for him to follow after me. He takes a step and they all level their guns at him. He pauses, glaring around at all of them, his eyes darting from person to person. "Put away the fucking guns!" They all jump and he dashes forward in that moment to end up right in front of me, waiting in the doorway. They all pointed their guns again and I give them a glare. "Do you want me to shove those guns where the sun don't shine? No? Then put them the fuck away!" They looked at each other and suddenly dropped their guns. They still seemed unsure but they knew I could do what I threatened them with.

         I walked out of my room in a frilly almost see-through nightgown and walked all the way to high security containment with him walking sedately behind me. I came upon them scrambling around, trying to get themselves together before the superior woke up and saw that they'd failed to keep a man in a cell. I could see the large puddle of blood that the man had been dragged out of to be treated, and knew he was dead now. I sigh and walk toward the higher security cells on the other side. He follows after me and I step inside the cell, turning and gesturing for him to go ahead. He looks completely calm, albeit a bit curious. He steps inside and looks around, his neck stretching with every movement. He was a lot bigger than he used to be when he first showed up in this dimension. I'd read his file. He was supposed to be five foot seven or eight. He was now six feet five inches. He towered over me like nobody's business, but I just turned around and grabbed his wrists, pulling him toward the wall. I unhooked his restraints and then re-hooked him to the wall itself. They were iron chains, so they should hold him just long enough to actually slow him down. He watches me do this with a calm expression, knowing somehow that he will get out eventually.

"How did you get out?" He flicks his eyes toward me, and smirks, his teeth glinting.

"Maybe I'll feel like telling you later." I roll my eyes and turn around, suddenly feeling breath on the nape of my neck, I still. "Will you be back tonight?" His voice reverberated in the room and all the way down my spine. I shivered.

"Yes. You haven't scared me off yet, sorry." I walk away from him then, hearing a low chuckle. I stop when he speaks again.

"Wasn't trying to scare you, princess."

"Princess?" I turn and glare at him. "Why am I 'princess' all of a sudden?" He grins,

"Tell you later princess." I roll my eyes,

"Yeah yeah, if you feel like it, right?" I leave then, his laughter following me down the hallway.

I wonder when I became the go-to person for an emergency when Drago was involved. This morning I awoke to a call from my superior and of course Drago had gotten out again.

         I cough and fan the air around me, the smoke thick and white. Only Drago breathed white smoke, so of course you know who I found in the middle of it. I ran smack into him in fact. His hands grabbed my shoulders and he came so close I could see my own eyes mirrored in his. "Finally." He remarked as he took a tight hold of my arm and started to drag me out of the smoke.

"What-cough! The hell, Drago?"

"They wanted to put me in a freezer." I roll my eyes.

"We don't have... hack! Any freezers!"

"They were going to build one."

"Oh for... cough-cough, fucks SAKE!" He chuckled,

"How- cough! Do you breathe in smoke!" I start coughing in earnest now, my whole body shuddering and falling to my knees. He made a noise that I take to mean he isn't pleased, then he's picking me up in his arms and pushing my face into his chest. I breathe easier now, but I still cough as he walks out of the building.

"Better?" I pull my face away from him and look around. We're in the cafeteria now, everyone standing around with guns pointed at us. I sigh.

"I'd be happier if you hadn't broken out in the first place. Do you know they woke me up hours early just to deal with you?" He shrugs and puts me down.

"Don't really care."

"Yeah I figured that." I cough once again and clear my throat. "You know you could've just run away to my room again. You didn't have to smokescreen the place." He raised an eye ridge.

"You think I didn't try that?" I blink. "They increased security around your room. You didn't notice?"

"...no. I didn't." I stomp over to a speaker on the wall and hit the button for the intercom. "Captain Reese, I'd like a word with you!" I heard a chuckle and turn to glare at Drago who is now sitting on the floor with his legs crossed like a yogi and his hands upside down on his knees.

"Isn't he going to think it odd when you yell at him for increasing security to keep me away from you?" He looks perfectly smug.

"Pff. Like I care what he thinks."

"Is that right, Datake?" I jump slightly and turn to see my captain standing behind me. Drago erupted in laughter and fell on his back, kicking his feet out and holding his sides as he chuckled loudly.

"Sir. I think we should... well as long as he's not causing any monumental trouble..."

"He kills every guard he escapes on; you don't call that causing trouble?" I flinch, I'd forgotten about that.

"Um... maybe-"

"I've already talked it over with the higher-ups. He listens to you when you talk, he hasn't tried to escape when you're around and it seems like the only reason he escapes is to see you." I didn't like where this was going. "So-"

"Please don't say it." He sighs,

"So, you're in charge of him now."

"Ohhhh noooo." I groaned and fell to my knees as he walked over. I felt something clamp onto my wrist and looked up as he clamped the other end on Drago's wrist.

"Sorry Datake. Keep him in line." Drago growled at him and he backed away.

"... yes sir."

"You're confined to your room and the cafeteria."


         So I was escorted back to my room, with dragon in tow and sat on my bed heavily as the door closed on us. "At least you're allowed to be in a room now, I guess." I sigh and fall back on the bed, my hands settling on my stomach. I felt the bed dip at my side, then my other side, my eyes snapped open when I felt his breath hit my face. His knees were on either side of my hips, his hands on the bed beside my head. I blinked and glared up at him, "What the hell are you doing?" His lips twitch but he keeps the mostly serious look on his face.

"Have you ever gotten this close to any other demons?" I sigh and close my eyes, reaching up to rub the bridge of my nose.


"I'd have to assume you'd have been ravaged by now."

"What?" I blink up at him and his mouth is even closer to mine than before.

"The way you smell, it drives the demon half of me wild."

"Wh... why?"

"Virgins always do that to demons." His nostrils flared as he sniffed me. I flush brightly.


"Do you always stutter when you're embarrassed? That could get annoying." I glare at him and my blush fades.

"Aren't you only half-demon? Control yourself for fucks sake." He raised an eye ridge.

"What makes you think my human half doesn't want you?" I blink.

"What- It doesn't matter if it wants me or not, your human half can control your demon instincts, can't it?" He smirks,

"Do you know where the instinct comes from?" I blink.

"No... I'm going to regret asking, but where does it come from?" His smirk grows and he leans down so his lips are touching my ear now.

"Virgins are usually the best fuck, human OR demon." I lift my legs in reflex and throw him into the wall... forgetting that he is attached to me. I get pulled hard into his body as he slams into the wall, making a dent. I groan as we slide to the floor and his arms wrap around me. "Didn't know any woman liked it that rough." I bark a laugh that I regret when he laughs with me.

"Maybe next time-"

Suddenly the door is slammed open and I pull myself away from him to see a few of them with their guns pointed at us. "It's okay guys, I just... forgot we were attached."

"What's that have to do with anything?" One of them asked as they lowered their guns. I smile nervously.

"I threw him... and went tumbling after." They threw back their heads and laughed, walking out of the room and closing the door. I felt a cool claw slipping under the front of my shirt to play with the hem of my pants and I turned to smack his hand away. He lifted a brow.

"Why so opposed to sex?"

"Maybe it's just that I don't want YOU." He rolls his eyes.

"You didn't give it up to the boy either, why not?" I press my lips together and stare down at his chest instead of looking into his eyes.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"It's funny, I smell fear coming off of you, but you can't be afraid." I blink and look up.

"Why not?"

"You know the secret to controlling fear, don't you? Or perhaps you aren't as adept as I thought." He looks like he's slowly starting to hold me in contempt.

"I don't have to tell you. And there's nothing to override my fear with so it doesn't apply anyway."

"Fear of...?" He's lifting an eye ridge again.

"Nothing, I don't want to talk about it." I try to stand up but his legs spread too wide and I end up falling into his chest again.

"Well if you don't want to respect my curiosity... perhaps I won't respect your personal space." He got so close to my face this time, I felt the heat radiating off of him like an open fire. I swallow hard.

"Sex, I'm scared of sex, the act itself, now get off me." I push hard and end up falling on my back on the floor with him following along after me, ending up with his hips still snugly against mine, but now he's on top of me.

"What about sex?" I groan and cover my eyes with my hands.

"The... damn it, I don't know... the pain of the first time and the intimacy you're supposed to feel? Afterwards when the guy might run off and leave you? I don't know, it's the whole... thing."

"Sex isn't about intimacy." I pull my hands away from my face and glare confusedly up at him.

"What are you talking about?"

"It's about sex. It's animal, there's no higher thought in the middle of sex. Nothing past, this feels good, I like this... etcetera." He's looking down at me curiously.


"No." I pout as he interrupts me and he smirks at my expression, "Nothing you do during sex is about love. It's about pleasure, fun."

"What if you love the person you're with?" He shakes his head.

"You can love them all you want, sex won't be about the love you feel."

"You're awfully sure about that... how many women have you actually had?" He lifts an eye ridge.

"Plenty. All of them demons and half demons."

"Well there's your problem right there, you need to find somebody human who falls in love with you. I know sex has to be about love, it just... has to."

"Hm." He sits up and back on his heels, finally letting me get back up. "Perhaps."

         He gave that point to me awful fast, seeing as how he'd been pushing that it wasn't true for so long. I watched him carefully as I stood up and walked toward my computer desk. My chain became taut and I sighed. "Drago." He hm's as if terribly amused. "Follow me over here please."

"I don't feel like moving actually." I let my head tip back so I'm staring at the ceiling and swallow hard.

"What is it going to take to get you to cooperate with me?"

"I thought I was being pretty good considering." I blink and turn to look at him.


"The fact that we're on different sides of the war and all." He lifted an eye ridge.

"Why ARE you being so good?" I watch him as he stands and walks over to the bed, sitting then lying back on it.

"I don't really know." He muttered. His eyes were closed and I felt like this was the most relaxed he ever got. He was still tensed for an attack, as if one could come from any direction at any moment. Did he think I'd attack him?

"You know... I won't hurt you if you don't hurt me." One eye opens and he glances at me, closing it again.

"And if I hurt someone else?" He murmurs. I walk over to the edge of the bed.

"Who says you've got to hurt anybody?" His eyes both open as he looks up at me.

"I like it." I blink at him. Then I think about that.

"What about it do you like?" He seems to ponder that, looking hazily up at the ceiling, still tense.

"The power of holding someone's life in my hands... the smell of blood..." He shrugs. I swallow hard.

"And what if..." I started to shiver and I know I'm afraid, but my fear for the other guards makes me ask, "What if I let you hurt me? Just for... whenever you want to hurt somebody. Would you leave everybody else alone?" I wasn't looking at him. He was staring at me. I could feel his eyes boring into the back of my head.

"You want me to hurt you." It wasn't a question.

"No... but I could bear it... if it would protect them." I felt his breath suddenly on the back of my neck again. I'm starting to wonder if wearing my hair in a ponytail all the time isn't such a good idea.

"Why take on pain for them? What have they ever done for you?" I turn to look him in the eye, we're too close, but I don't back away.

"They've watched my back when we've been out on patrol, they've saved my life a couple of times... they'd do it for me." He looks into my eyes and he seems to accept that I mean it.

"I can see that you think they would. Why don't we test that theory?" I blink and he walks for the door, yanking me after him, holding the chain in his hand.

"Drago!?" He walked us out into the middle of the mess hall and everyone stopped to look at us.

"I'd like to test a theory." He speaks clearly and distinctly.

"Drago, please!" He pulls me so I fall into his side. He pushes me in front of him.

"This young woman tells me that she would take the pain of my abuse, if I would stop hurting all of you. She says, that you would do the same for her."

"Drago, this is-"

"I'll give you a choice. One of you can give yourself up for torture, or you can watch me torture her." I closed my eyes as he grips me close to his chest, his claw on my throat. "What will it be?" He scratches a line across my collarbone, I hiss and it starts to bleed. A lot. I knew suddenly that he was going for that. They all surged forward and started babbling that they would shoot him if he didn't let me go. He lifted an eyebrow. "Really, you're going to shoot me through her? Or perhaps her through me?" They looked at each other, they hadn't thought of that.

"Drago, cut the theatrics, you got what you wanted, alright?"

"Not yet," He whispered against my ear. He lifted his claw and licked the blood off it. They watched him, disgust twisting their faces. I rolled my eyes.

"I'll do it!" Drago stilled as a young boy walked up to us. He couldn't have been a day over sixteen. He probably lied about his age to enlist, cause he looked a hell of a lot younger than eighteen. "I'll let you hurt me, if you let her go." Drago glared at him.

"You'll take all the pain, and blood letting, and breaking bones?" He turns white now, but nods. Drago wraps the chain around my arms and waist, walking around me to reach for the boy.

"Don't!" I shove back into him but he doesn't move. He just grabs the boy by his shirt front and pulls him into the space we occupy. He suddenly grabbed the boys' arm and wrenched it out of its' socket. For just half a second, it was completely silent. Then the boy screamed and fell to his knees, sobbing and screeching. I looked down at him in horror. Drago kneeled and pulled the boys' face up so he could look him in the eye.

"Do you want more?" He shook his head, sobbing. Drago stood up and turned to me. "Does the offer still stand?" He's looking at me, like he knew exactly what I was thinking. Maybe he did. Now that I'd seen how much it had hurt the boy... I felt like it would kill me to let him hurt me. He'd break every bone in my body or cut me up so bad I'd bleed to death, I was suddenly so sure of that. He could see the fear in my eyes, I could tell. And he seemed to think he'd won something, and he didn't look happy about it. I look down at the boy as he sobs and I feel something go up my spine, something warm and tingling. And I looked up at Drago and I said,

"Yes. It does." His eyes narrow. "Don't touch that boy again." I stared him down and he stood there in front of the boy, his back bent but so tensed I expected him to unbend and stand ramrod straight. Then he stood, his pose relaxed but his muscles still tensed. He mussed the boys' hair and started walking with me in tow toward my room. I spun as we walked so that the chain came undone from around my body. "That was unnecessary."

"No. It wasn't."

"You can't just go around hurting people like that!" I step in front of him to stop him. He looks down at me, his lips twitching.

"Why not?"

"Because there are consequences for such actions." Drago turned as I did to look at my captain. Not my commanding officer, my CAPTAIN. He was so high up the chain of command he could do whatever he wanted and have immunity from the law. He had a license to kill and everything. I gulp as he walks forward. Drago seems to take a step toward him, I don't understand why he'd be so confrontational, from what I've seen he's mostly into needling someone until they break.

"Consequences?" Drago asks, his voice low and dangerous.

"Oh not for you. I'm fairly certain you'd like any punishment we could imprint upon you." He turns to look at me then and Drago shifts. He looks amused now.

"You think punishing her will make me stop doing exactly as I like."

"No. I think you've chosen her to be your new play toy. I think you're possessive of her. I think you like to annoy her and getting her into trouble would be fun for you." Drago seems to get where he's going with this faster than I do, because his eyes are slitting and he's growling deep in his chest. "So I'm going to take your possession, and I'm going to make you see that you have no control over it whatsoever. I'll break it, and deny you your fun." I blinked at him, still not realizing what he was talking about.

"You'd do that to your own people? Funny, I thought you were supposed to be aligned with good here." He seemed really ticked off about whatever the hell my superior was threatening.

"Shoot him with the water pistols." They took out super soakers and Drago backed away, right into me.

"Sir I don't think-"

"Fire." I blink as I'm suddenly soaked in water and Drago is falling back into my body. I keep him on his feet for the most part but he's growling and shaking and unable to really hold himself up. "Unhook them." Suddenly I was yanked out of the way and Drago fell to his knees. They used a key to take off our shackles and then they were looking to my captain for further orders. "Take them to the room I had prepared earlier today."

         I still had no idea what was going on, or why I had to be there when they were going to punish him... by breaking whatever it was that he liked that they'd found. They stop in the middle of a completely white room, a wall with shackles on it right across from me. I figure they'll put him there. But instead I hear something from the other side of the room and turn around to see them locking him there, facing the room... Then they pushed me up against the wall and locked me to it, facing the wall. "What the hell are you doing!?" I struggled but the cuffs were metal and I couldn't control my strength, especially not when I was afraid.

"Don't you... ugh... get it?" I heard his voice and turned my face and then looked as far as I could, glimpsing him as a fuzzy green and black blur in my periphery.

"Get what? What's going on?"

"Oh, you'll see, soon enough." My captain said. He stepped forward and picked up a whip from the table. I frown, they weren't going to whip Drago were they? While he was drenched in water it could really hurt him! Then he moved toward me and my eyes widened as they cut my shirt apart and unclipped my bra so my back was bare. I started to struggle harder,

"No! No no no!"

"You... really think, this is going to work?" Drago sounds even weaker than before.

"It's more of a test than anything, but honestly, in my gut... yes, I do." My captain whips his hand backward and I face the wall, clenching my eyes shut as a burning line rips open my back and I gasp in pain. I clench my hands and bite my tongue, curl my toes and bang my head against the wall but the next lash opens my mouth. I scream so loud and so long while he whips me that eventually my voice breaks and I can't scream anymore. My mouth is still open and I'm still screaming, you just can't hear it as well now. My back feels like so much hamburger meat right now, pounded and ripped up and crumbling. Eventually he does stop, and I slump into their arms as they pull me down off the wall. I feel something on my face,

"Sir she's bleeding, she must have hit her head really hard against that wall." I pant as they carry me past Drago

"That's fine, it'll heal just as well as her back. Put her in her room, lock them back together." And then I lost consciousness and didn't know anything anymore.

                                                             Chapter 4

         I woke to soothing warmth. I yawned and stretched, then gasped as something lifted off my body, it felt like a body weight. I turn over to see Drago lifting himself above me. I stare up at him and he blinks down at me. "Um... what?" He rolls his eyes.

"You haven't even noticed, have you?" I blink. Then I remember what had to be a horrible nightmare.

"Noticed what?" That couldn't have actually happened right? My back would be in agony if it were. Even with my accelerated healing it'd still be a while before the whip marks would heal up.

"That I healed your back." I blink at him.

"Oh my god." I fall on my side and slip out from under him, running to my mirror and feeling him jump after me when I get too far away. I turn and pull up my shirt, my back was criss-crossed with small scars. That should have been more noticeable than that. "Oh my god. How long was I asleep!?"

"A few hours. Stop panicking, it's annoying." I turn with a gape,

"My healing doesn't work this fast!" He rolled his eyes.

"No. And it didn't. I Healed you."

"What? Why?" I blink at him as he looks to the right, staring at the wall. "Drago-!?"

"I don't know!" He snapped and turned around so he could sit on the floor outside the doorway, against the wall.

         I stand there looking at him for a moment, then I walk over and sit next to him, our arms barely brushing as I settle and sigh. "That's going to drive me nuts you know." I hear a snort, turning to see smoke coming out of his nostrils. "Ughhh, my back feels so tight."

"Well you did regrow skin over most of it."

"How did you do that anyway, I thought you couldn't do magic if you were surrounded by good magic."

"There's a healing agent in my saliva, it's how dragon's heal themselves."

"So what, you spit on me? Gross." I turn to look at him and he lifted an eye ridge at me.

"No. I licked you, from the top of your hips to the bottom of your neck." I didn't know how to respond to that.

There was suddenly knocking on my door as my commanding officer yelled my name. "Are you alright in there!? Answer me damn it!" I sigh.

"I'm coming, hang on." I step over to the door and open it up, he steps inside and grabs my shoulders, looking into my eyes.

"Are you alright? I heard what he did- how are you up?" I blink and flush.

"Drago... healed me."

"What!? Why? How?" I shrug and turn away from him. He leaves now that he sees I'm fine, with a warning to be careful.

         I fell asleep on my bed, waiting for them to shut up outside my door. I could hear their muffled voices even in my dreams. I woke to a warmth slicking up my cheek, it was wet and I scrunched my face in disgust before his voice whispered in my ear, "What? Don't like that?" I snap my eyes open but he's not there. Then I sit up and I see that he IS there, just farther away than I thought.

"Drago? Why are you up?" I frown as he rolls his eyes.

"I don't sleep every night."

"Why not?"

"I don't need it as much as you do."

Suddenly there was a knock on my door and I look up as it opened and my Captain stepped inside. "Datake. Drago, we have a job for you." His eyes slit and he glares at him.

"And what exactly makes you think I'll do it?"

"Well, if you don't..." He pulls out his gun and points it at me, I gasp. "She gets a wound somewhere unpleasant." He lowers the gun to my chest and I stare at the gun, my eyes hardening as I glare into the barrel.

"What makes you think-" Drago cut me off, his hand slashing the air to shut me up.

"And what if that's not enough?" He looks shrewd now.

"What do you want, Drago?"

"You won't give me the demon chi or my freedom, I'm certain of that. So I want you to reward me with something else."

"And what's that?"

"Gold. Silver." He shrugs, "As long as it's valuable I'll take anything."

"You want coins instead of paper money." He nods at my captain, his grin suddenly appearing.

"I'm a dragon, did you think I'd give a damn about things I can't polish with fire?" I watch with my breath stopped in my lungs as my captain lifts the gun to my face.

"Well if we don't need her, then I suppose we have no need to keep a reject like her alive." He pulled the trigger and I closed my eyes. I didn't feel anything, then I heard his voice again, "I see... You don't care if she's in pain, you just want her alive." I open my eyes in a flash at hearing that only to see Drago standing in front of me. He's got his hand over the opening in the gun and it's bleeding profusely.

"Drago, your hand!" He turns to look over his shoulder at me as I go to get up and pushes me with his other hand so I fall flat on my back on the bed.

"She's mine, I decide when she dies. Unless of course you're offering me someone more interesting." He's looking at him like he seriously doubts that and I sit up on my elbows, watching with anxiety in every line of my body.

"Fine," He turns away from Drago and walks to the doorway, Drago drops his hand to his side. "She'll live as long as you cooperate. And we'll compensate you for your work. Unlock him, he's coming with us." I can't believe they're taking him to do something and I can't even move because Drago's damn tail is pushing me backwards on the bed so I can't get up.

"Drago." I growl and he turns to give me a blank look.

"Don't let anyone in this room but me after we leave, there will be a spell on the door. Understand?"

"You can't use magic in-"

"Do. You. Under. Stand." I huff and nod, he walks toward the door and they unlock him from me, throwing me a key to unlock myself. I run to the door as they empty out and he turns, and with a flash of green, suddenly the door is wreathed in magic. I can feel it. But...

"Isn't this-?"

"Yes. It is." He turns and walks away, and I back away from the door when he disappears around a corner with them. I snort and slam the door shut.

"Son of a bitch. I'd quit if it weren't for the desertion status that'd be tagged on me. They'd hunt me down and drag me back to put me in a cell."

                                                           Chapter 5

I was reading when I heard the knocking. It was soft, and there was the sound of something collapsing against the wood. I blink at the door and get up, putting my bookmark in and opening the door to see Drago, bleeding and his arm at an unnatural angle. "Drago!" I grasp his other arm and try to pull him to his feet, but he just seems to get weaker. I grab around his chest and pull him into the room, shutting the door and heaving him onto the bed, his blood is getting all over the place and I panic, he must have already lost a lot of blood, judging by how much he was losing now. "Uh... ummmm..." I was practically crushing my head in my hands and then- I got an idea. "I'll be right back, don't move- um, if you can... um... yeah!" I dash out of the room.

         I run down the hall and as fast as I can and start pounding on the door to her room. She opens the door with a groggy face and I yank her out, running back to my room with her cursing me out for waking her up so late and then we're in my room and I'm in front of the bed tapping his cheek, trying to get him to open his eyes. "Please, I don't care how much you wanna charge me or what favor you want, just... heal him! Please?" I turn to her and she's looking at him like she's seen something grotesque and frightening.

"You want me to heal this?" I nod rapidly.

"Please, I'll do anything, just... he can't... don't let him die or suffer, please!" I realize there are tears running down my face, but I don't care. She walks over, sighing when she stops and surveys the damage.

"I can only bring him back from the brink of death, I'm not going to heal him completely."

"Anything you can do. Please." I don't know when I started thinking of his death as a bad thing, but at the moment all I wanted was for him to sit up and growl at someone for coming too close, and let me curl up to his side. She held out her hands and started to chant.

"Thank you Opal." She shook her head as she chanted and his bleeding stopped, but he still had deep gashes in his chest and all over his arms. Plus a few of what look like teeth marks in his legs and tail. He was breathing easier now. I felt so relieved and she turned to smack me across the face. I blinked at her in shock.

"You always feel bad for the wrong people, don't feel sympathy for a killer Nikoru. He almost killed my ancestors several times, remember?"

"Jade Chan..."

"That's right. If he had, I wouldn't be here to heal him, and you wouldn't ever have known me. Think about that." I did. As soon as she left, I thought about it. I turned it over in my head... and I didn't care. As long as he was alive and no one I knew was in any immediate danger and his sins were in the past, I didn't give a damn. I didn't care how many people he killed before now, because I was going to keep them safe from him now. I had to. I had to make them value him as much as I did. And that made me think of something. What if I started with the person who probably feared and hated him the most right now?

"What... the hell?" I snap out of my reverie to see him trying to sit up. I don't tell him that he's been healed by Opal, but he doesn't ask. He must assume he was less hurt than he thought, because he just sits against the headboard and pants as the pain peaks and settles. "I... got all the way... here?" I blink,

"Don't you remember?"

"Remember what?"

"Getting to my room."

"I don't even remember... getting... to the building." I frown at him, "I must have healed enough to walk..." He couldn't walk back when he can remember? Oh god, his healing must have already done so much just to keep him alive and moving.

"Just... lay down, I'll let you sleep in bed without fighting you over it. Okay?" He closes his eyes slowly, blinking one open and glancing at me.

"Why are you crying?" I blink and touch my face, surprised to find I'm still, in fact, crying.

"Oh... I don't... um... do you need anything to drink? Or eat? For your healing to work better?" He stares at me with that one eye, lazily half-lidded.

"Come here." His voice was lower than before and I shuddered.

"I'm fine over here thanks."

"If you want me to heal faster, give me your blood." I blink at him and go a little white.

"My... blood will heal you?"

"Any blood would do." I swallow hard and look around for something to help me, but there are no convenient blood pouches around. "You won't feel anything if I do it quickly, just get over here." He seemed really intent on my blood. Then I remember him talking about the scent of it being a reason he liked to kill.

"You won't... kill me, right?" I started walking toward him.

"If I said that I would, you'd still give it to me wouldn't you?" He was looking at me with softly lidded eyes and a bobbing head, as if it were an effort just to keep it up.

I thought about it for less than a moment. "Yes." I climbed up on the bed and curled up next to his side. He pulled me closer with his arm, but he was too weak to really squeeze me that hard. He dropped his head onto my shoulder and growled as he tried to brush the hair from my neck. I lift my hand and brush it to the side, pulling it all over to my other side and waiting for the pain of the bite.

         It wasn't anything like I'd expected, his tongue flicked my skin and I shivered as he bit down. It sounded like he was biting into an apple, but I barely felt anything. I heard him swallowing and I started to feel lightheaded. His tongue smoothed over the bite and suddenly I was falling into his body, my vision going black and my body hanging limply in his arms as he sat up and growled at something.

         I woke up to the sound of a ching!... ching!... ching!... I lift my head, it felt so heavy. I look over to the other side of my room to see him staring at the ceiling, flicking a gold coin into the air and catching it with his other hand and repeating the process, back and forth. "Drago?" His head was suddenly turned toward me. It was so fast I don't even remember him moving, and my vision swam a moment. "Don't... move so fast." I cough a bit, my throat feels so dry. He's suddenly there beside me with a bottle of water. I take it from him with weak fingertips and almost drop it. I growl and rip the top off, drinking it as slowly as possible so I wouldn't choke. I twist the cap back on and put it on my bedside table. He was looking down at me blankly, as if I weren't interesting at all to watch but he still expected something from me. "Drago... why were you so beat up?" He closed his eyes and shrugged, opening them and staring at me expectantly. "Do you... need something?" He blinked,

"Do you?" I blink this time.

"What... are you waiting for me to ask for something?" He rolled his eyes.

"You almost died last night." I blink again.

"Wh... What... I mean I know I blacked out, but-"

"You very nearly let me suck you dry." He was staring at me as if I were an idiot. "You didn't tell me when you started to feel dizzy, and I expected you to."

"Well pardon me for not knowing blood drinking protocol." His lips twitched.

"It should have been common sense to shove me off when you started to feel significant blood loss."

"You needed the blood." I stare up at him and flinch back as he suddenly leans down over me. His lips are definitely quirked now. It's barely noticeable.

"You'd have died for me, wouldn't you?"

"Uh..." I feel my face pull what was left of my blood up to the surface of my face. "No?" He sits on the bed next to me and leans down into my face.

"Don't lie, it doesn't suit you."

"Fine." I pout and turn my head away from him. He leans in closer, his lips touching my jaw.

"Do you know what I'd have given to know someone like you when I was young?" I blinked and turned to look at him, not even realizing that would brush our lips together. I turned redder.

"Uh..." He didn't wait for a second chance. His lips press into mine and I feel my heart rate suddenly sky rocket. My first instinct is to, of course, freak out. So my hand flies up to his shoulder, about to push him away. His body stills, as if he knows what I'm about to do and he knew I'd do it even before he did this. Did I want to do something so predictably me? He was... I wouldn't say he was reaching out to me, but... he was trying to be more than civil and I was about to shove him away with no consideration for how he felt about it. I swallow hard as he pulls back, my hand just lying on his shoulder now. He looked intrigued.

"Hm." He stands then, walking into my bathroom and shutting the door. I sigh and my body turns to jelly as I relax all my tensed muscles.

"What the hell was that?" I whisper to myself.

"Even for a virgin, you're incredibly naive." Came his voice from beyond the door, making me jump.

"What?" I frown at the door and get up, walking over to it.

"I'm evil, and you know that. And yet you just lie there and let me do whatever I want to you." I flush and my eyes widen. He was right. I had just lain there and let him kiss me. I should have hit him or something. I lift my shoulders and hunch, leaning on the door and slipping when it just flew open. I almost fall flat on my face, but a pair of arms wrap around me before I can. I blink my eyes open, they were shut tight cause I was sure I was going to hit the linoleum hard. He's got his arms around my waist and shoulders, his face about four inches away and he wasn't wearing a shirt.

         My scream brought a cavalcade of soldiers into my room. I ran into my closet and pulled it shut after he'd dropped me and covered his ears. I was standing in it, shaking like a leaf, my hand on the handle so no one could just pull it open. "Where's Datake?" He came out of the bathroom and pointed at the closet. "What happened?"

"Apparently she's more of a virgin than I thought." He commented as he stepped back inside the bathroom, shutting the door in the process. They all look at each other and my commanding officer is running to the closet, trying to yank it open. I can't speak, I just stand there, holding onto the door handle and pulling as he does. He gets it halfway open and my hands hurt from holding so tight, so I let go and it slams into his face, knocking him backward. I pull it back closed and watch as he yells.

"What the hell are you doing, Datake!?"

"I don't know!" I yell and sit on the floor of the closet, shaking and breathing heavily.

"What did he do that's got you so freaked out? What, did he touch you?"

"No." I curl into a tighter ball. He didn't have to touch. I was all hot and bothered just by looking at him. Oh god. I knock my head against the wall until my commanding officer opens the door.

"What in gods' name is wrong, then?"

"I..." I was suddenly seized with the sight of him covered in water on the bank of the river. I jerked to my feet and ran to the bathroom door. "Drago, you're not taking a shower are you!?"

"Of course not." I sigh in relief. "Did you think I was that stupid?"

"I don't know how stupid you are yet." I mutter. I hear a sudden silence and then I'm running out my door and down the hall as he opens the door to the bathroom and darts after me.

"What was that!?" He's yelling as he chases me. I can't remember ever running this fast before when I wasn't in training or some kind of danger. But I guess I kind of was in danger... Though I was having more fun than I'd ever admit to. I was smiling as I ran and when he caught up to me and snatched me up off the ground, I shrieked a laugh. I smacked a hand over my mouth as he stilled and then we were zooming all the way back to my room and he threw me on the bed, slamming the bathroom door closed. The guards with my commanding officer were running back in now, having lagged behind when we took off running and then ran past them again. They were panting and a few gagged. I wiped the smile off my face when I turned and saw my commanding officer standing there, tapping his foot.

"Getting a bit friendly aren't you?" I cringe.

"Well-" Drago suddenly walked out, fully clothed once again, and I thank god for that.

"Why is it a big deal? Isn't she usually this weird around everyone?" He walked over to sit next to me on the bed, flopping and lying back with his hands under his head.

"You haven't been with her and another person yet, have you?"

"Not in a social setting, no." He's staring at him, upside down on the bed and glances at me. "Is she different?"

"No, I'm not!" He tackled me suddenly, pinning me to the bed and then lifting off me to ask him,

"Does she usually lie back and take abuse like this?"

"Hell no." He hm'ed and he looked at me from the corner of his eye.

"Oh Fuck off." I shove him with my hands and feet and he ends up on the floor. Blinking in surprise.

"That's how she usually reacts to abuse." He sits up on the floor, his claw over his mouth as he stared at me and thought.

"Is she normally self-destructive? For someone else's sake?"

"Hell no." I sigh and lean back on the pillows.

© Copyright 2014 Leah Adralene (leahadralene at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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