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by Rain
Rated: 13+ · Other · Young Adult · #1987287
Katrin loses a friend, grief has stricken her harder than she could have ever imagined.
If the rain came down any harder that night, I think it would have busted through the concrete.
Though I suppose the mood was right for the weather.
I lost something very important to me that night.
Someone I never thought I could live without.
“Huh? What?”
“Can you believe it’s been one day today?”
My heart clenched at yet another reminder.
The pencil soared across the paper, spelling out his beautiful name.
Sarah and I sat there, staring at the sheet of paper before us.
“Hey! What are you guys looking at?”
I think I speak for both myself and Sarah when I say my stomach jumped to my throat.
“Nothing!” Quickly I whipped my notebook around.
“Aw. Was it my name in a heart? Are you finally going to admit how much you love me Kat?”
“Let go of me if you want to live Drew.”
“Who’s Katrin?”
My eyebrow arched as I glanced over at Drew. “That’s me you dumbass. Have you seriously not known my whole name in the two years I’ve lived here?”
“Anyways, Kat, why didn’t you move back? You know, when it happened?”
“Moved back where? When what happened? Do you have a secret life?”
“Too many memories there.”
“You guys! What are you talking about?”
“It’s your home. It’s where you grew up together.”
“It would just hurt too much Sarah.”
“I get that, but still.”
“Dude! Seriously! Stop ignoring me and tell me what’s up.”
“I’m from Germany you nimrod. My name is Katrin. And one year ago today my best friend died.”
“Why can’t I come home and visit?”
“’Because, I know the only reason you want to come visit is because it’s his anniversary today.”
Silence fell between both lines, as if a known tradition.
“But you and dad will be going on a trip soon won’t you? Who’s going to watch the midget?”
“’The neighbors.’”
“’What Katrin? You’re going to skip a whole week of college to baby-sit? Who would you blame when you failed? Because it certainly wouldn’t be me.’”
“Fine.” I grunted, accepting defeat. “I gotta go, everyone’s waiting. Love you.”
“’Love you my beautiful daughter.’”
God, how long had it been since I had heard someone speak in my homelands tongue?
It was a relief, almost like a slight weight had been lifted.
“Kat! Hey! I have an idea!”
“Oh yeah? What would that be?”
Sarah smile gleefully. “Let’s visit Alexandros’ grave tonight.”
“And just how do you plan on doing that? His plot is in Germany Sarah.”
“Well,” A slight blush rose to her cheeks. “Jarrod and I have been working on something for you. You’ll see it later.”
“Okay okay, I get it, it all happens later. Should I wear something special?”
The words to next leave her lips left me speechless. “Wear whatever Alex would want you to wear.”
“Keep your eyes closed.”
“I have them closed.”
“You look great Kat.”
“Yeah yeah, thanks Drew.” I was only nice to you because you were Alex’s friend you twit.
“Almost ready.”
It seemed like Sarah left out a few details.
It wasn’t just us, Jarrod, and Jason like I had assumed, it was a few of Alexandros’ other close friends.
And we were in the middle of nowhere. Sitting in a car while Jarrod played around in the distance.
“Okay Kat. Open your eyes and get out of the car.”
“…..We’re still in the middle of nowhere Sarah. What’s so special about this?”
Instantly my thoughts, my feet, and my heart stopped as a gravestone came into sight.
“We figured you couldn’t fly home all the time, and it would be easier for you to visit Alex this way.
Right here in the states.”
“You guys, this is, thank you so much.” Tears prickled my eyes.
Having a way to visit Alexandros, was the top on my list to do. And now, I could whenever I wanted.
“Would you like to do the honors? We saved the final prayer for you.”
Nodding I stepped forwards, trying to think through everything I wanted to say, but I knew what I said would never be good enough.
“’Alexandros, my dear friend. One year ago today you left me.
I still to this day don’t know why, but I can’t even bring myself to hate you for it.
……Do you remember when we were four, and we went on our quest through the woods? Our parents were furious, they kept us apart for a whole month.
But it was then, I believe, that our friendship grew stronger.
We were so little, but we concocted a friendship so strong not even death could tear us apart.
I miss you so much Alexandros, more than words could ever explain.
Everyday I wish to be with you, to be where you are.
But I’m too much of a coward to take my own life.
Just know, I love you, so much.
And I would give anything, to see you again my love, my best friend.’”
“Excuse me! I’m afraid you guys are on my property.”
“’I’m sorry, we had no idea.’”
“’Do I know you?’”
“’Not to my knowledge.’” A familiar pull rested in my chest. “’What’s your name?’”
“Kat honey, you’re still speaking in German, he can’t understand you.” Sara laughed as she stepped closer.
But he responded, he spoke in German.
Or maybe I was imagining it.
He did look rather confused.
“Did you see the shooting star?”
“No, when was that?”
“When Kat was almost finished with her prayer. Perfect timing I guess.”
My ears burned as I listened to the boys’ conversation.
“Kat, come here. I’m sorry, but I think we have to move Alex’s stone.”
“’It’s alright’ . . . . .Sorry. It’s okay, you guys didn’t know it was someone’s property. I could just, put it in my room?”
“No, I don’t think your roommate would appreciate that much.”
“’You’re right.’” With a light sigh I glanced at the headstone. “’Sorry Alexandros, looks like rest won’t be so easy for you here.’ Listen, I’m very sorry we trespassed, we’ll leave immediately.”
Quickly I turned, signaling for the guys.
“Now wait just am moment. I think, I can let you keep your friends plaque there,” Now way. “For a price.”
And there it is.
“What price?”
Either this guy is a pervert, or he’s money hungry.
“Whenever you come visit, come let me know it’s you so I don’t call the cops.”
That’s it? What if it’s three in the morning?”
“Just check for a light in the right hand window. I don’t sleep much.”
I don’t know if I should be scared or not.
‘I don’t sleep much.’
I bet you don’t creeper.
Who would be nice enough to let them keep a person, who they don’t know, headstone on their property?
“This is fantastic! Can you believe this Kat!? Thank you so much… what was your name again?
“You’re German?”
The shock in my voice sent a smile across his face.
“Just slightly. You’re familiar with the culture?” Snickers roamed the field.
“You don’t speak German?”
“No. I’ve always wanted to learn. Do you?”
Slowly I nodded. “I’m from Germany. ‘You remind me of my good friend, he had the perfect smile, just like you.’”
“’Thank you.’”
“Why did you say that? I thought you didn’t speak German.”
“I don’t, I didn’t say anything.”
In that one moment, everyone of us fell silent.
“I’m going to get it today.”
“You can’t do that Kat.”
“And why the hell not Sarah? It’s mine, I can move it whenever I please. I don’t want it in some crazy asshole’s field.”
“He‘ll call the cops, you’ll go to jail. Somehow he’ll find a way to pin all of the troubles on you, the crazy ones are usually the smartest.”
“Maybe I should become crazy.” I slumped, crossing my arms. “I might be able to figure out how to get Alex back.”
“Kat, you know human transmutation is forbidden.”
“You….are going to be slapped. Alchemy isn’t even possible on this side of the gate.”
“You girls are constantly talking about anime.”
Sarah and I jumped ten feet in the air as Jason appeared.
“Fucking Jesus Christ Jas, don’t care us like that! I almost had a heart attack.”
“It’s not my fault you guys aren’t observant. I’m not exactly quiet.”
“So, you’re going to get Alexandros right?: Cuz I feel he doesn’t like being in crazy person’s field.”
“What, no. You go get it if you want it so badly.”
See, I have a plus side to this, Jason has a huge crush on me.
Lightly batting my eyelashes I gave the puppy dog eyes. “Please Jason.”
“Well….I guess I can do that for you. I’ll go get it after class.”
“Uh, I don’t know what you’re supposed to be getting, but we’re going out tonight bro. We’ve had it planned for weeks man. Don’t tell me you forgot.”
“Ah shit, I’m not missing this dude. Sorry Kat, you’re on your own.”
“Fail!” Sarah laughed obnoxiously as she walked away.
So, that means I have to go get it myself. . . . Damn it!
This creep is gonna try to kill me.
I’m fucked.
I don’t see a light, he must be sleeping.
‘I don’t sleep much.’
Yeah, right, that’s why you’re sleeping at one in the morning right?
“Hey. Don’t mind me.”
“Holy fuck! What is it with people today!? Stop scaring me like that!”
“I’m sorry.”
Even his laughter reminds me of Alexandros.
Though it sounds crazy, I feel like, my wish has been answered.
Alexandros came back to me. It has to be true.
“I was just, fixing up your friend’s site a bit.”
Glancing around him I finally notice the lovely flowers now set around the gravestone.
“Izaak, you didn’t have to do that. I’m very grateful, but you really didn’t have to do that.”
“Ah don’t mention it. If you don’t mind me asking, who was he to you?”
Winding my hands, I took in a deep breath. “He was my best friend. We grew up together in Germany.”
“That’s right, if it weren’t for your slight accent I would never be able to tell.”
“Most had no idea we were German until we said something. Even now, after knowing me for years, my friends can’t tell I have an accent.”
“What can I say,” He shrugged with a slight smile. “I’m observant. How did he die?”
“That’s,. a long story.”
Izaak sat down on the ground and patted the area next to him. “I have time if you do.”
I don’t know what prompted me to sit down next to him, or what made me tell him about Alex, maybe it was because he remind me of Alex, or maybe I just needed someone to finally talk to about it, but either way, we sat there for hours upon hours talking about my past, my friendship with Alexandros, and his death.
“You two were very luck to find each other. Not everyone can find something like that in their lifetime.”
“Hold on, what are you talking about? Find what?”
“That love. Whether you deny it or not, you two love each other. Plain as day.”
“Loved, past tense. He’s dead remember?”
“He still might be with you. You never know.”
“No, I believe in reincarnation, it’s been a whole year already. I at least hope that they’ve put his soul to good use.”
“Well,” He paused, glancing around. “do you believe in ghosts?”
Laughter erupted from my body so fiercely I had to lay back. “What were you looking for? Can you see dead people?”
At this, he joined in, a deep husky laugh mixing with my own.
“’You know I believe in spirits.’”
“…..You did it again Kat.”
“Did what?”
“Spoke in German. . . . .Hey, do you think you could teach me some things?”
I was talking to Alex again.
How would he know that I believe in spirits, we’ve never actually talked it before.
“Uh, yeah. Sure. What would you like to learn first?”
“’Hello?’ Why the question?”
“That wasn’t me. I think someone is walking around here. Who’s there?”
“Katrin? Is that you?”
Never in my life did I think I would pass out from shock, but I also never thought I would see Alexandros again.
© Copyright 2014 Rain (feellikerain at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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