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Rated: E · Short Story · Emotional · #1987260
A Tail of Dogs Yet to be finished...........
The Dog Tail
Eve was a female dog who lived near St Mark Street. She had a very loving owner. She and her brother Elivs were exempted by the owner of their mother at a very small age. Life as a mutt wasn't easy for them. They grew weaker and weaker, they had no shelter. For weeks they strayed. Finally they reached to state where it was impossible to take one more step for them.

Elvis simply lied down and Eve fell on him. They both had silence in them not because they were very weak to speak; it was there because they knew that what is ahead. These small lives suffered so much that for them life was no more than a punishment. They had beauty in their eyes they just saw towards each other and closed them.

Next day when they opened their eyes they were in a warm room with pink walls. A girl came in she gave them food to eat. She spend hours with them house and then they fell asleep and she left the room. The girl named them male she gave name Elvis and to female Eve.

Life afterwards became smooth. The owner and dogs made the strongest of bond. Every day they used to wait for her to come back from school. She too had something new every day for them when she reaches home. They used to play, eat and even sleep together. Every morning they would wake her up at then they would have a walk. In summers they also used to go to nearby lake to swim. At evenings they would go to Dog Park but all dogs there were very arrogant so were their owners but this had nothing to do with them. Eve and Elvis didn't needed friends they had each other and their most loving owner to be with.

One day Eve while looking out towards road was remembering the day she was rescued by the angle. Her eyes stopped to the girl she was back with a loud barking Elvis was running towards her. He was so happy that he didn't even looked what's coming and just jumped to the road. He was so happy and energetic like always. He was so fast that it looked like as if he will fly up to sky in matter of minutes.

He just was able to pass by a car when he collided with a truck. Time and heart stopped for Eve; the deathly movement pierced the heart of her. The girl burst into tears and aftersome time few people came there. The body of Elvis was dragged to the pathway and everyone left. This incident changed the way of Eves living. For Eve, Elvis was closest to her; Elvis was there in hardest of her time; he was there in happiest of her movement for her everything was finished. Eve was just a zombie with no heart and feelings. This was something she couldn't have forgotten even if she wanted to. She wanted to live no more but she also had to be there for the girl who was in more pathetic situation than her. She only had one reason to live and all others were to die. She knew that Elivs won't have liked her idea at any cost and he also would have done same so she became a dead alive. Every day, hour, minute, second all she had in mind was how to get Elvis back but she knew it's never going to happen.

Days passed but nothing changed. Every time she eat it reminded her of him, every time she walks around she gets the smell of him. The life became a living hell for her. One day while looking to the same place where Elvis ended up she saw a dog with the same charm as Elvis. He was running towards the same road. A shock made her bark out in pain the dog stopped, he saw towards her and in a matter of seconds he was running towards her. He told there are some stray dogs behind him and he needs a hide out. Without even asking him the reason she took him to her kennel. He was afraid and was praying to save him. She went out waited and saw the dogs pass by and again in her mind was Elvis. She kept looking as the as last dog passed and then she went to the kennel looked at him and asked his name. He told his is Deamon.

He asked her out. She saw towards house lowered her head and said "Please LEAVE". He was not able to understand that what the problem was. Still he had to move he thanked her and asked "So are we friends now?" Eve just looked away and didn't answer. With a heavy heart he walked away on trodden path towards the road Eve kept looking with paws crossed till he didn't crossed and then he looked back and she was looking towards him. He smiled but she just walked into the home.

He was curious to know about her and next day when she came out he called her "Hi". She was shocked she asked wont your owner be looking for you. He replied "No, because my owner is me you know na we are cool dogs....." She smiled and they had a long chat. Eve told him "My owner would be back soon and she won't like to see me with you".

Deamon left the place. He was very happy he went to his friends and narrated what happened but they had the question that what will happen if the owner comes to know.
He told that the owner is a very kind and will accept him with Eve but first of all Eve will have to accept him. He wasn't able to sleep all night. He ran to Eve's house and slept by the side of road. Next morning when she saw him there, she was shocked but she tried to ignore. The movement she turned he woke and called her she said that it was her owner's holiday and she will meet him tomorrow. With sorrow in his eyes he went away. Even Eve was not happy.

Still next day when he came to her, she told him that she was not interested in meeting him. Deamon was not yet ready to leave her, every day he would be there waiting to see her, listen her voice and it became the most important job of his life. In matter of weeks they became good friends and he knew she likes her but never was sure.

It was Eve's birthday whole day she was busy in party and Demon had no chance to see her. He didn't lose his hope at midnight he reached to her with a shiny piece of ribbon he gifted it to her and said "will you like to be the princess of my life?" She burst into laughter. He too smiled and said "you are my best friend" and she replied "Nope, Just friend would be better." Next day he was there before the sun he wanted to celebrate her birthday. He reached to her kennel but she was not there so he hid inside in order to surprise her. After a few minutes owner came there she saw him. She called him very sweetly gave him food and then left him on other side of the road. This filled him with courage to take her out. At daytime he again reached there and told her that she has a very sweet owner and she would not have any problem if she goes out with him. She tried to ignore but he convinced him.

They only reached to the road when her owner saw them. She was all red and started shouting on Demon and chased him down the road. She didn't wanted to lose Eve as Elvis she was afraid. When Eve reached back to home she had tears in her eyes. Next day Deamon came and told her that he loves her and he wanted to be with her. He will come by next day to get her and if she loves him too she should be ready or he will leave the town and she will never be disturbed by him again.



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