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Rated: E · Draft · Children's · #1986854
Two little boys help Mr and Mrs. Rabbit and their little bunnies move to a new home.
         One fine spring day, when the birds where singing and the grass was finally turning green after a long hard winter, a little boy named Henry looked out the window of his home with amazement. For there, under a big green pine tree, near where the enormous sunflowers stretched their heads towards the sun in the summertime, stood a little white mouse with fur as soft as feathers and twinkling merry eyes as blue as the sky above him. On his head there perched a little fedora and he was clad only in a little grey vest with a stripped red tie. It was obvious to Henry, that this was a very special mouse because in his hand he had clutched a notepad and a pen. He wore no trousers and his feet were free of cumbersome shoes. Attached in the middle of his back were two enormous wings, that began where his large fluffy ear lay and ended at his waist with a raggedy scalloped border. The wings were very wide and frightenly fragile and looked similar to an umbrella which had been sliced vertically straight though it. The spines which held the wings together were a dark grey, the cloudy area between being almost transparent. The mouse wasted no time and hurridly scampered up the deck and ran to the patio door. Young Henry, who was only two years old and quite a sweet little fellow, felt a sudden stab of fright. Who was this tiny, strange creature and where had he come from?
         "Good Morning, Charlie Henry," the little mouse said in a friendly voice. "Do not worry young laddie, I can assure you, I mean you no harm. Let me introduce myself. I am Mr. Bigglesworth and I have a message to deliver to your two brothers, Zephan and Benny." Mr. Bigglesworth, fumbled in his enormous pocket and took out a little pair of gold rimmed reading glasses which he plopped on his nose with a frown of concentration. From his other pocket, he took out a shinny gold stop watch with the letters S. B. and a handwritten letter with bold writing that said: Read Me
By the permission of Mr. and Mrs. E. Rabbit, you are hereby invited to the rabbits den this Saturday. Please leave your house at 8 am. sharp. Go out to the Salmon river dam. We have arranged transportation for your two boys Zeph and Ben.
We are moving to a new home and our two oldest boys, Jack and James E. Rabbit are very worried. They have been finding it very difficult to sleep lately. They are concerned about their new bedrooms and that some of their toys may be left behind at our old bunny den. I understand that you have moved recently and that I will be leaving the Easter chocolate at your new address this year? Your Aunt Laurie ( who is also an Aunt to many woodland creatures ) suggested that Benny and Zephan, accompany us to our new place and help set up our boy's bedrooms. I am hoping that Ben and Zeph, will reassure my two sons that moving to a new place is fun. Thank you. Mr.and Mrs. E Rabbit.
This is unbelievable" Henry murmured, as he hurried away to find his Mother.
         Saturday Morning finally arrived and the little house almost shook from all the excitement. A big orange sun finally peeked out of the horizon and Daddy said in a big booming voice, " Boys, it is time to get up."
         After Zephan and Benny and Little Henry, had their breakfast of yummy pancakes,the wall clock was slowly inching it's way to eight oclock. Do you think that little Charlie Henry, wanted to go with his older brothers? No he didn't.
          I am much too little to go traipsing about without my Mommy or Daddy, Henry thought happily. I would much rather stay home and keep my baby brother Mason, company for the day. I will play with the boys favorite toys while they are gone. If my brothers aren't here, there is no way they can stop me! Henry got a big smile on his face thinking about what mischief he could get into at home.
         Zephan and Benny were very excited and had dressed for the day in their favorite outfits.How would they get to the Easter Rabbits home the boys wondered? The excitement had kept them up practically all night. the boys had back packs with Ninja turtles and Yoshi on it. Inside the back pack they had a good lunch packed, with fruit and cheeze and lots of healthy snacks. They had water bottles full of ice cold water. Organic carrots were packed as a gift for the rabbit family.
         At 8 oclock a sharp rap came to the front door. Uncle Larry, was there to pick Daddy and the two boys up and take them to the country. The boys jumped in the car, put on their seatbelts and went for a 10 minute drive.          When Zephan and Benny opened the car door their eyes grew enomous and their mouths hung open with surpise for there in a cornfield were two identical twin turtles, who were so enormous that the boys could ride upon their back. The eldest turtle spoke in a soft gentle voice and said, "I am Breck and this is my brother Teck . We are the loggerhead turtles, some of the biggest in the world. We escaped from the Philoxian zoo years ago and the woodland animals have always fed us and gave us shelter. We would not survive in this area in the winter if not for them. Teck bent his head down and proudly showed a splatch of orange on the top of his head. "This is our very special markings," Tech said " and we are tropicals which mean we love the warmth and must have warm water to swim in.Our turtle family is almost extinct in other parts of the world and none of the scientist know we are here or they would come to get us and put us on display."
"That is terrible!" Zephan said angrily. "All animals should be free. We will always keep your secret."
Benny walked up and touched the hard turtle shell. "How old are you?" Benny questioned.
" I am very old, Teck replied, "at least two hundred years old."
The turtles skin was black and leathery and thick winkles hung off of his neck. He looked very, very old indeed.
Zephan and Benny put their backpacks on and kissed their Dad and Uncle Larry goodbye. When the turtles bent down Zephan hopped on Breck's back and Ben jumped up on Teck's.
         "Goodbye boys," Daddy called. "Have fun." Zephan and Benny waved to Daddy til he was out sight.
          Back at Ben and Zeph's home, little Mason was scampering along on his chubby hands and knees, learning to crawl as quickly as he could. His blue eyes sparkled with happiness. Little Charlie Henry, was swirling around with his hands outstretched, jumping like a jackrabbit and laughing. His golden locks tumbled all over his head. He kept looking out the patio door hoping that that furry winged mouse might return with another note.
When Daddy came in and told Mommy about the boys riding away on a turtle, Charlie screamed in delight. "Inconcievable, " Mommy said, shaking her head back and forth and smiling.
         Riding on the back of the turtle was so much fun. The boys held on to the top of the shell tightly with their hands and pressed their legs together. Soon they were swaying back and forth as the turtles slowly walked on their way to the bunnies den. Whenever the turtles crossed a creek they swam their big feet paddling and splashing water up on Ben and Zeph. The two boys screamed with delight and laughed and laughed. Soon the turtles came to a forest and started walking through it. In the trees above, robins called down happy greetings. Bullfrogs hopped and croaked and big raven flew in a circle and screeched, "I will tell them you are coming, I will tell them you are coming!"
The forest was warm and moist and new grasses and flowers were sprouting everywhere. The sun shone down threw the tree top canopy of new leaves and a gentle wind gently blew tthe top of the pines. The clouds above were as puffy and white as big chunks of cotton candy. Everywhere birds were flying and chattering happily. Spring had arrived and the birds were building new nests. In a nearby tree, a little downy woodpecker pounded his little beak into an old tree and it made a hammering sound that echoed all over the forest. A little black and white gardner snake slithered out from under a big limestone rock and started at the two boys riding on turtles. What a strange sight it was. The little fellow hurried home to tell his Daddy. He was sure that his Dad would say he was telling stories.
         "We are almost to the Bunny Den," the big turtle announced after an hour had passed. These boys have been so patient and quiet. They did not ask once what time we will arrive at the Bunnies home. What delightful children. Could one of the forest animals please read us some poetry? We will soon be entering the Land of Ryme and listening to someone read is such a treat.
"I will read to you " a little fox suddenly cried running up to Breck and Teck. The fox had orange colored glossy fur, almond shaped black eyes and a sharp pointy nose. In between his eyes and on his chest, there was snow white fur.
The little fox had a top coat which was grey in color and looked very new and from the pocket he took out a book of fairytales that was full of bright pictures and fun stories. The fox had been following the turtles and the boys for quite a while. He wanted to join in the fun but he did not know how. This was his chance.
Mr. Fox opened his big, big book and took a deep, deep breath. He cleared his throat and read in a clear voice.

The Owl and the Pussy-cat went to sea
In a beautiful pea-green boat,
They took some honey, and plenty of money,
Wrapped up in a five-pound note.
The Owl looked up to the stars above,
And sang to a small guitar,
"O lovely Pussy! O Pussy, my love,
What a beautiful Pussy you are,
You are,
You are!
What a beautiful Pussy you are!"

Pussy said to the Owl, "You elegant fowl!
How charmingly sweet you sing!
O let us be married! too long we have tarried:
But what shall we do for a ring?"
They sailed away, for a year and a day,
To the land where the Bong-Tree grows
And there in a wood a Piggy-wig stood
With a ring at the end of his nose,
His nose,
His nose,
With a ring at the end of his nose.

"Dear Pig, are you willing to sell for one shilling
Your ring?" Said the Piggy, "I will."
So they took it away, and were married next day
By the Turkey who lives on the hill.
They dined on mince, and slices of quince,
Which they ate with a runcible spoon;
And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand,
They danced by the light of the moon,
The moon,
The moon,
They danced by the light of the moon.
Poem written by Edward Lear

When the fox was finished reading Zeph and Benny thanked him very much. "Why did you pick this poem? the boys said, curiously.
"This is one of your Aunt Laurie's favorite poems" the fox replied his white teeth shimmering like white pearls in the sunlight. "She likes poetry."
" Thank you so much for reading it to us." Zephan said.
"Would you like to come with us to help Mr. and Mrs. E. Rabbit move?" Beck and Tech asked the fox.
"I certainly would," the fox replied, "I would love to help. Many hands make light work."
         Let's have some lunch first the turtles suggested. The boys jumped off the turtles back and lay on the thick lush grass. Breck and Tech decided to eat some new sprouts and the boys ate their lunch that Mommy had packed. They shared their lunch with Mr. Fox and he was grateful for he was very hungry. It tasted so wonderful. Breck, Teck, Zeph, Ben and Mr. Fox had worked up an appitite in the fresh air.
The boys were just getting ready to hop up on the turtles when they heard small sobs and the sound of a little girl crying. It was a furry spider curled up in a ball. Her little hair bow had fallen in her eyes and she looked fightful.
"Little black spider, what is wrong?" Benny said.
"Everyone here teases me constantly about Little Miss Muffet!"
"Who?" Benny said.
"Little Miss Muffet."
"Do you know who I mean."
"No" Benny said and was sorry that he asked.
"It is a poem."
"I'll read it!" Mr. Fox squealed excitedly jumping up and down for sheer joy.
Once again Mr. Fox opened his big, big book and took a deep, deep breath .He cleared his throat and read in a clear voice.

Little Miss Muffet, sat on a tuffet,
Eating her curds and whey;
Along came a spider,
Who sat down beside her
And frightened Miss Muffet away.

"What a shame Zephan said. "Spiders are so useful, they spin webs and catch little nasty creatures that buzz in our faces and wake us up in the morning."
"Come with us Little spider?" Benny said. "Yes, Please do" the turtles added.
"You can help our friends Mr. and Mrs. Rabbit move."
"Yes. the little spider said I think I would like that. I will go ahead to their new place and take all the old spider webs down. I will be useful, I get so bored here. All I do is play on the forest floor from morning until night."
"Many hands make light work, said Mr. Fox. I am coming with the boys to help."
Soon Zephan and Benny, hopped back up on the turtles back and the fox ran on ahead. The little spider was riding on the foxes back and the pair of them were laughing merrily for they had found new friends.
Soon the turtles came to a fork in the road and did not know which way they should go. The forest is a big place and it is easy to get lost. Suddenly infront of them there was a wooden sign and on it there was big red clock with hands that Spin me. Zephan jumped off the turtle and ran to spin the dial. It landed on the Land of Rhyme and said Go Left, so they did.
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