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The beginning of an adventure for the young hero's. |
You just opened your eyes and looked around and saw you were in a hospital bed, just out of the corner of your eyes you saw the medical charts. Just as you reached out your hand out to grab it you saw your hands much bigger than what your feminine hands were what only felt like a few days ago. As the clip board was in front of you it read: Super Extra Strength anti-mutagenic antibiotics As you lay in bed trying to figure out what that meant, a man in a white lab coat came talking to what looks like an assistant. "I wonder if she knows what is going to happen in the next few days?" The Assistant whispered As the guy walked to the table next to your bed he saw the clipboard was missing, then he looked in your hands. Just as you handed the clipboard to him you asked him a question that he shocked him. "Can you tell me what this Super Extra Strength anti-mutagenic antibiotics is? "Well your abilities are to strong for your body to contain and along with you there are three other people that cannot control their abilities like you." "So am I stuck in this bed or can I eventually leave the bed?" "Well thats why we came in here, hopefully to find out if you can leave the bed." As they left the room you laid in the bed another five minutes. As you stood up it was as if there was no trouble, no pain, and it just came more easily and faster. As you walked over to the door and peeked out into the hall, you saw nobody walking so you made your way down the hall. Just as you saw another person in an exact same room as yours, then you heard more talking down the hall. "So now we have all the blood samples from the kids, what else do we do besides the tests in the next few days?" Voice resembling that of the Assistant. "Pack up... equipments... get ready... leave... five minutes..." Other end of a phone. You open up the kids room to hide from the the doctor as she walks by the door the kid in the room sneaks up on you. Just as he puts his hands on you, you spin around and see a kid maybe 10 or 11 years of age. Just before you could say anything the boy started to levitate into the air. "Get me down please." The boy asked As you grab the boys arm and pull he fell into a hug, as you let go of the boys arm you see you have bruised it. You could of sworn you didn't squeeze to hard but in all its glory the bruise is visible. The boy still hugging you like a big sister, the boy then went to his bed and lied down. "My name is Daniel, what's your name miss?" "It's mary." Before you could do or say anything else the doctor and assistant were standing in the doorway. The went silent when he saw the doctors, you turn and see them a little disappointed and yet happy. The doctor motions for you to follow them, you get up and walk to the door and look back and mouth the words "I'll be back." "You that is the first time I seen him smile since he got here, you have some talent with kids." "Yeah well I used to babysit my neighbors kid, but before we continue on with this I need answers." "Ok what are they we are here to help you to live normal lives." "I overheard a conversation saying you were going to pack up all equipments and leave explain?" "Where did you hear this?" "From her on the phone with someone." "Well we packed up some of our older equipments and got newer ones." "Oh ok one more question why did you exactly take our blood and what are these tests?" "That's two questions but we needed your blood samples to run tests to see if you need to be on bedrest or not and these tests are for those who are not on bed rest." "Ok i'll go back to my room now." "Not yet your blood came back fine, and we want to start your tests today if its possible?" "I'm feeling tired maybe tomorrow." "Alright tomorrow it is, how does ten o'clock in the morning sound?" "It's fine." As you head to your room you hear someone demolishing your room, as you open the door and stand there. He turns to leave see's you blocking his path so he charges and shape-shifts into a rhino, you stand your ground and stop him cold i his tracks. With all the commotion the doctors came running with you locked in a test of strength. Then he out muscled you and pushed you out into the hall smashing you in the wall and still not letting go you wrapped your arms around his neck and choke him out. "You really managed to beat one of our oldest patients, you really got talent kid." "Wait this wasn't one of your tests was it?" "No he just picked you to introduce you to the team." "What team are you talking about?" "A team you can choose to be on if you so choose it." "What do they do?" "The team does different things they either rescue other mutants or they might even defeat mutants that have turned from the path that we offer." "What happens to the ones that is defeated?" "We imprison them here so they can't harm anyone." As you were finishing your conversation another person came walking down the with a black and red leather jacket. Before he got close enough to talk the shape-shifter started to awake from his defeat. As went to get to his feet he then changed into a mouse and again tried to escape but you managed to catch him by the tail. Right when you grabbed the slippery rat the guy approached from all angles with clones. "Thank you for catching our little friend here if it's not any trouble we'll take him from you?" "Why would you want a rat for haven't you heard they always come back and bite you in the behind?" "(chuckle) Yeah I heard that before but rats always have their uses." "Alright here take your rat and leave or you can fix my room that your rat has done." "Alright i'll fix the damage that he caused you."(Sultry tone) "The names Mathieu Carmelo and the rat's name is John Miller." As you handed John the Rat over to Mathieu his clones went in your room and started to fix the mess he made. John then made another escape attempt and got caught again by you. John then started to take human form, but stopped short at removing the hair from his body. Mathieu and John started to walk down the hall and talking. "So is she a threat to our plan?" "Yes sir she is a major threat priority alpha 1." "Then we start the plan when we get back to headquarters." "Yes sir, but if she chooses to join you are going to let her right?" "No she is a threat to us all." As you turn to enter your room you see something sparkle in the vent, as you open up the vent you see its a bomb. The explosion radius is big enough to wipe out the occupants of the room. Before you could do anything it exploded sending your body launching out the room with your body charred black from the explosion doctors and all came running. They saw your body gone limp and stuck in the wall, then you started to move and looking angry you grabbed at Mathieu's clone neck that just so happened to be standing right next to you. "I'm coming for you Mathieu you better be hiding from me." "I'm not at all scared of you come and get me i'm down the hall behind the bookshelf." With that information you charged down the hall to the bookshelf, with only one punch you knock the shelf down. Then out came two huge muscle-bound bodyguards without much effort you knocked them out cold. Then you started to walk down the stairs and into a living area of his entire team. Then you saw two pyromancer's and playing pool and an icemancer watching t.v. with that you attacked the icemancer before he realized you were there. With the attack startling the two pyromancer's you charged them both only sustaining minor burn injuries. Then coming up from a lower floor were a couple of soldiers trained to attack mutants that got out of control. They then shot you with a traquilizer hoping it would affect you but it did not take affect as you gotten closer you heard the doctors voice. "STOP. This is not where Mathieu is hiding, instead he had you attack the prison where have the criminals." "Where is he then?" "With all the destruction you caused he should attack himself anytime now." Without waiting Mathieu and his clones came charging in with stun guns in hand. Without thinking you charged into the clones not letting a single one into the basement, but without realizing John has snuck into the basement you continue to fight. With all the fighting going on you get tazed and knocked out by a concussive beam from behind. As your vision blurs Mathieu and John walks up to you. "I think we owe you for helping us get my team out of prison, now goodbye." With that Mathieu stomped his foot down with all his clones knocking you unconscious. |