Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1986118-Sacrifice-for-a-Stranger
by Chels
Rated: ASR · Fiction · Family · #1986118
The strength to save someone elses life over your own.

Sacrifice for a Stranger

Victoria Stone kept fidgeting as she tried to get comfortable in those modern metal seats these airport terminals now have. Her new stepsister Eve Shrowder and her were waiting for their plane to arrive, witch was now two hours delayed. The New York LaGuardia airport smelled like stale coffee, carpet and junk food all mixed together in a interesting but unpleasant odor. Sitting in terminal C2 with a person you have no interest in being with isn't Victoria's idea of fun. She would rather be at her dorm putting her photography portfolio together than being in this brutal situation. There was nothing wrong with Eve; she was a normal looking girl. She was around Victoria's age and had ash brown hair that was pulled up into a neat bun and vibrant hazel eyes, a normal looking Honduran girl Victoria thought. Victoria had light brown skin and very short dark brown hair in a pixie cut with bangs that made her face glow within every ray of light. The bangs hide her eyes witch were a modern dark brown.

Victoria was forced to spend two days with her new stepsister in New York and fly back to California with her for Victoria's family reunion. Victoria has no desire to get to know Eve because in her mind Eve's mother, Lydia was responsible for the divorce of her parents. To Victoria, Eve helped her mom destroy her parent's relationships so why should she have a relationship with Eve. "I hope we get back in time for the meet and greet, you know dad is a big perfectionist," Eve chattered sweetly.

" My dad is not that big of a perfectionist and the family reunion isn't 'till tomorrow, we have plenty of time," Victoria declared meanly.

"Oh sorry, it's just I want us to be like sisters and since were family now I thought that it would be less complicated," Eve assured warmly.

"Not really," Victoria grumbled.

Victoria could see Eve's innocent face slowly dip into a somber frown. Before Victoria could apologize for her behavior bleated screams roared through the airport as a humongous crowd of people furiously stumbled away from an avalanche of falling airport debris and broken airplane parts that lit on fire as it quickly glided toward Eve and Victoria. Victoria and Eve franticly scatter away from their seats and run with the crowd and into a nearby bathroom. This is all because a plane has suffered an engine malfunction and crashed into LaGuardia airport and destroyed it beyond repair.

Victoria and Eve regain consciousness thirty minutes later. Both of them are buried in the debris and passengers of the now demolished LaGuardia airport. "Eve, hey Eve are you there," Victoria choked through the dust and broken pebbles.

" Yeah Victoria I'm here, I'm okay," Eve murmured beneath the ashes of the airport. Victoria was at least twenty feet away from Eve and was underneath a giant concrete bolder that was planted firmly on her chest probably weighing about half a ton. Eve was literally covered in concrete and debris, only a small opening in front of her face to breath. " What the hell happened?" Eve coughed fearfully.

"I don't know, the building just collapsed, don't worry there will be people here to rescue us in no time, in the mean time lets see if we could dig ourselves out," Victoria uttered doubtfully.

Victoria's arms were the only parts of her body that were free, she tried and tried to lift the boulder off her chest but it was no use, there was nothing she could do. Eve was buried alive and she couldn't move an inch so she just watched Victoria cry in frustration. "It's too heavy, I can't do it by myself," Victoria panted somberly.

"HELP, HELP, HELP..."Eve bellowed as her screams echoed through the debris.

There was nothing but concrete, dirt and debris surrounding Victoria and Eve, and as Eve screamed louder and louder, pebbles and dirt started to tumble on top of them as they rattle through her echoes. "STOP IT STOP IT, you're making it worse Eve," Victoria snapped.

"HELP, HELP, HELP..." Eve bleated through Victoria's voice.


" What are you talking about, I'm just trying to get out of here, don't you want to get out of here," Eve wailed.

" I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for you, if your mom hadn't destroyed my parents marriage I would still be at college and not in this shitty situation," Victoria snarled.

"And then to make it worse my dad, who has completely ignored me for my entire life suddenly treats you like the light of his life once you pop into his world," Victoria continued viciously.

"This is not about your stupid feelings, our lives are on the line now and you want to talk about your abandonment issues," Eve sobbed.

"You think I supported my mother in her actions, I didn't, I don't believe in home wreckers but I'm just trying to look on the bright side of this situation. I don't deserve your scrutiny, I didn't do anything wrong so give me the respect I deserve," Eve snarled.

Victoria knew Eve was right, but before she could say anything she heard the most wonderful sound. " HELLO IS ANYONE THERE, IS ANYONE ALIVE OUT THERE" a man hollered.

" HERE OVER HERE PLEASE HELP US," Victoria barked cheerfully.

As he crawled closer to me he became clearer in the dust of the debris. He was pale and dust and dirt clouded his no longer white marine uniform. " My name is Sergeant Emmett Jacobs, I'm going to get you out of here," Emmett greeted.

" Where is the rest of the rescue team, what happened, how did the airport collapse, is there any other survivors," Eve blurted gleefully.

" It's just me, I was in the airport when it collapsed, I know as much as you do, and you two are the only survivors I found so far, now let me get this boulder off you," Emmett revealed bitterly.

Emmett started to lift the heavy boulder and Victoria started to breath normally again. But before Emmett could lift the boulder fully off everything around them stated to rumble and a downpour of concrete and rocks descended on top of Emmett as the boulder and Emmett's lifeless and crushed body plop back on top of Victoria's chest. Victoria just lays there in shock, staring right through Emmett's soulless blue eyes. He's so close to her that his short curly black hair brushes against Victoria's forehead. "AAAAHHHHH AAAAAHHHH, THIS CANT BE HAPPENING, HELP SOME ONE PLEASE HELLLLP!" Victoria shrieks in terror and sorrow.

" Please Victoria, please don't lose it now, it's going to be alright," Eve sob's through dry dirty tears.



For the next hour Victoria lies in silence, staring at the dead body above her. "HELLO, IF YOU'RE ALIVE DOWN THERE YELL OR MAKE A SOUND," a mysterious group chorused from above.

Victoria and Eve screamed help on the top of their lungs, but they were too deep to be heard." Maybe if I dig a hole above me they'll hear us better," Victoria exclaimed.

"Yeah good idea," Eve proclaimed.

As Victoria began to dig out the debris above her large concrete started to shift and fall down. "Stop Victoria the concrete will topple over you," Eve pleaded fearfully.

"HELLO, IF YOU'RE ALIVE DOWN THERE YELL OR MAKE A SOUND," the mysterious group repeated as their shouts slowly doused within the concrete.

" We'll both die down here if we don't get their attention," Victoria warned plainly as she started to continue digging the debris above her.

Larger and larger bits of concrete started to fall on top of Victoria. "Stop, you don't have to do this there has to be another way, we can both make it out of here," Eve sobbed.

"We don't have time to wait for another way, you're going to make it out of here and meet our family and meet our dad, you will always be a stranger to me but today you are my sister," Victoria reasoned plainly.

Before Eve could respond Victoria started to dig again and a mountain of concrete crushed Victoria revealing a ray of light as the way out. As Eve screamed for help and the group of rescuers ran towards her Eve stared at the pile of concrete, watching Victoria's blood glide against the floor.

© Copyright 2014 Chels (chelsjnov96 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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