Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1985446-LIZ-THE-POWERFUL-MEGA-WOMAN
by BarryN
Rated: NPL · Chapter · Other · #1985446
Normal dumpy Liz gets super powers. How will she use them as the powerful MEGA WOMAN?

CHAPTER 1:  Liz becomes Mega Woman

It had been a long time since Liz and Tom had a weekend to themselves.  Both were busy professionals and the recent and unexpected death of Liz's grandmother had kept her very  busy.

         However, this weekend was different.  For the first time in ages, the couple decided to go up to Liz's grandmother's cabin at the lake.  It was the only thing she had left her granddaughter, which was fine with Liz.  Liz had very fond memories of the place, but had not stayed in the cabin in ages.

         Tom put the car in park and sighed.  "Finally," he said as he popped the trunk and opened the car door.

         "Awww...what's wrong Tommy? Not used to long trips?" Liz teased as she opened her door and met him at the trunk.

         "No, of course not.  Just didn't expect it to take so long to get up here.  Anyway," he said as he looked around.  "It is a beautiful as you said it would be.  Almost as beautiful as you," Tom said as he reached down and kissed Liz's cheek.

         "Flattery will get you everywhere," Liz said as she grabbed her suitcase and pulled.  "Ung," she gasped.

         Tom smiled and put his hand on the suitcase. "Liz, it's too heavy.  Let me," he said as he grabbed it and pulled it out of the trunk.

         Liz shot him a look.  She HATED when he pointed out her lack of strength.  And it wasn't like she hadn't tried!  She worked out, but alas, she could not see to lose any weight.  As it was, she stood at five foot five and was slightly overweight.

         "You got the keys babe?" Tom asked as he got to the door.

         "Yes," Liz said as she grabbed the keys and unlocked the door.  "Wow, this place hasn't changed a bit," she said as she walked in.

         To took a step in.  "Really?  When was the last time you were here?" he asked.

         "Five years ago.  The bedrooms are in the back.  I need to run out to the car to get something," Liz said as she ran outside.  Tom took the bags to the bedroom.

         Liz grabbed a small bag and opened it up.  Inside was a special treat she had made for the evening.  She grabbed it and ran back inside to the bedroom.

         "I have a surprise for you little man," she said as she came into the bedroom as Tom was putting away their cloths.  He spun around.

         "Really?  Like what?" he asked.

         "Well if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise would it?" Liz teased.  Tom smiled and went over and grabbed his girlfriend lifting her up.  "I can't wait!" Tom said as he kissed Liz deeply. 

         "Mmmm...." Liz said as she enjoyed the kiss.  "Tell you what.  You start on dinner, and I will bring out your surprise," she said.  Tom gave her another kiss and left the bedroom. Liz shut the door and went over to her bag.  She slowly unzipped it and smiled.

         Inside was a gift she had specially ordered.  She grabbed it and pulled it out.  The garment unfurled, revealing a white, once piece looking bathing suit with a blue cape attached to the back.  In the center of the white suit was a large, blue M.

         "Mega Woman," she said smiling.  "Tom will LOVE THIS," she said aloud.  It had been their fantasy for years to role play, with her being a super powerful supergirl and Tom being dominated. They had never found a suit to fit her correctly so Liz had taken matters into her own hands.  This had been custom made.  Tonight, Liz would be the mighty and powerful MEGAWOMAN and Tom would kneel at her mighty feet!

         Liz laughed as she undressed and place the outfit on.  She next reached into the bag and pulled out an envelope.  On her deathbed, her grandmother had sworn that she should not open the envelope until she got to the cabin.  That was part of the reason she had come to the cabin.  She opened it and read the letter.

         "Dearest Liz. If you are reading this, I have passed on and you are at my old cabin.  Please do not grieve for me for my death will be your advantage.  During the war, your grandfather served in Africa and close to Egypt.  While there, he found a locket made of pure gold.  Inside was a piece of papyrus with a writing on it we could not decipher.  After your grandfather's passing I sent it to multiple professors but no one could translate it.  Until now.  The day after I found out about the cancer I got a call.  The man on the other line remained anonymous, but he said the writing translated as 'the power of the goddess is yours.  You are the divine.'  I was too old and weak to try it so I now leave it to you."

         Liz put down the letter and reached further into the envelope. Inside was a very small locket attached to a necklace.  "The power of a goddess?" she thought as she slipped it on.  "Surely there was nothing to it," she further thought.  "Regardless, might as well show Tom the surprise," she said as she left the bedroom and walked out to the kitchen.

         "Surprise!" she said as she put her hands on her hips and hit a power pose.

         Tom looked up and smiled.  "Wow!  You look....amazing!  Where did you get that?" he asked as he walked over to her.

         "Had it made," she said.

         Ton came up to her and looked down.  "What's the M stand for?" he asked.

         "Mega Woman!" Liz said proudly.  "I have amazing super strength, total invulnerability, flight, super hearing, sight, smell, heat vision, super smart and, my favorite, the power to drain you dry little man!" she said.

         "Incredible!" Tom said as he felt his pants tighten.  He got to his knees and took Liz's hand.  "Nice to meet you, Mega Woman," he said as he kissed her hand.

         Liz laughed and then got a wild idea.  She squeezed his hand and then let go, hitting a double bicep flex.  "I am the divine!" she said.

KABOOM! Was heard as a bright light radiated from the locket. "Ung," Tom gasped as he was pushed back, flying through the air until slamming into the couch.  Through groggy eyes he looked at Liz and gasped.

         His girlfriend was bathed in the purest white light Tom had ever seen.  Her eyes were glowing and she was levitating in the air.  She opened her mouth and a powerful voice said:


         Another blast occurred which shook the cabin.  Tom watched in disbelief as Liz's muscles slowly started to slowly swell in size and shape.  They were soon past the size of Tom's with their expansion rapidly increasing.  With each pulse of light, her muscles became larger, more defined. They soon passed male bodybuilder size and continued to grow larger, harder, stronger, better.  After a few moments the growth increased.  Her flexed biceps took on another worldly shape and size.  The peak of her bicep larger than a watermelon, and it kept growing.  Inch after inch of pure, female super powered beef filled her body.

         Tom's eyes shifted down.  Her lats looked like angel wings made of pure muscle.  Her thighs exploded with power.  Ripples of pure might grew from her once fatty legs.  They also began to lengthen. Her calves grew at a furious rate, with diamond hard muscles forming a super large heart shape on her calves. 

         Even her feet were expanding.  Each toe became longer and thicker as her foot both grew in length and width.  Tom looked back up at Liz's hair.  It had grown several inches and her brown hair grew darker.  Her green eyes turned blue and the scar on her cheek from a fall during her youth was gone.  Her tits were the size of beach balls, pushed out further by pectoral muscles which defined reality.

         The growth continued for several minutes as she became larger, stronger, harder, and smarter.  A smile crept on her larger face as she looked at Tom

         "THE POWER OF THE GODDESS IS NOW MINE!" she said as one final last blast burst from her body, again throwing Tom into the air and slammed him against the brick fireplace knocking him out.

         Tom slowly opened his eyes. "Ung, what, what happened?" he whispered as his vision cleared.  The being in front of him defined description. "What the..."          

         "Hi babe," a deeper but familiar voice said.

         "L...Liz?" He gasped as he sat up.  He was on the couch. "Is, is that you?" he gasped.

         Liz smiled. "Yes and no," she said as she pointed to the now huge M on her chest.  "In this form, I am MEGAWOMAN!" she said as she hit a double bicep flex.  Tom's eyes widened as her already massive biceps began to swell.  They appeared to more than double in size, with the peak the size of a boulder.

         "My God...." Tom stammered.

         Liz laughed.  "Not God little man, Goddess," she said.

         Tom gulped in hard.  "R...right...G...oddess.  Goddess Mega Liz," he said.  He slowly stood up.  "Fuck, you, you, how tall are you" he asked as he longed to feel her super muscles.

         "Seven foot ten inches," she said as she patted him on the head.  "More than two feet taller than you.  And I didn't just get taller and bigger.  I got stronger babe...WAY stronger.  Remember when I listed off the fictional powers of Mega Woman?" she asked.

         Tom looked up at his massive girlfriend.  "Um, yeah," he said.

         "Well, turns out, I now have all those powers.  Maybe more. It was this," she said as she opened up her hand, revealing a gold locket.  "A final gift from my grandma.  Grandpa found it in Egypt during the war.  I now know that it contained the power of the Gods. Well, actually not the Gods but of an alien force of unimaginable power.  To the holder, the person's inner most wish would come true.  Turns out the stories of ancient Gods and Goddesses are true. Their power coming from this.  And now, now t that power is mine Tom.  The power of The Devine," she said.

         Tom went back to the couch and sat down.  "This, this is a lot to handle," he said as he stared at her massive tree trunk size legs.  "You, you are like, fucking unreal now.  Just like in our fantasies, but this, this time, its real.  You are now divine? Damn,' he said.

         Liz smiled.  "Yes. And I want to test out my new powers Tom," she said.

         He looked up.  "I bet.  So, what do you want to do Liz?" he asked.

         Liz took a step towards him, the cabin shaking.  "In this form Tom, you will not address me as Liz.  Lis is mortal.  I am Devine.  I am, MEGA WOMAN!!!!!

© Copyright 2014 BarryN (barryn1978 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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