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The youth of Logo prepare for a life changing celebration, unaware of what awaits them. |
Chapter 1 'There are no forks in the road, there is only destiny that bends our will for its' own purposes' Able Crutchfield, Kartic Archive 042.12e Wentu's thoughts were drifting as he gazed into the wooden bowl, thinking back to the day when he felt his heart fall so deeply into sadness. Like a window etched into his soul the memory was still crystal clear. He could not place where the sadness came from; it seemed to creep up on him like a silent stalker, only to strike with surprising quickness, absorbing his spirit. It was the day the council of races adopted hierarchical reasoning, a midst such grand celebrations he was completely devoid of hope. Hierarchical reasoning spelled the death to any involvement of spiritual input to decision made by the central government in matters of science, medicine, education, political and social policy. He retreated into his garden, looking for solitude to try and make sense of his feelings, the sense of utter despair. It was there that the thought planted itself, like a budding seedling it flourished and grew. The source of the thought would remain a mystery until many years later. He would search out a place deep into the mountains of Caelum and live a hermit's life. He was to take with him written texts of Ligo's history, philosophy, religions, culture and arts. Why he did not know. At the time it seemed like an act of a crazed man in complete desperation. It would not be easy, transporting books to a remote location. As he put his plans together, getting help and gathering resources, he remembers people looking at him with blank stares and saying; "books, why not take electronic archives"? Again, he had no answer other than that was his perceived mission, the voice one again. What Wentu didn't expect in his mountainous seclusion was to be joined by others, a conclave. There in the remote wilderness a small group of likeminded adventures carved out a primitive yet fulfilling existence. There were 17 others who followed Wentu, some from every race, 10 were women, the remaining 7 men. They varied in age, from 22 to the eldest, Wentu who was 57. It took them many months but slowly the compound took shape, sleeping quarters, eating hall, gardens and of course the library. It was morning, a time for reflection for many at the Conclave, Wentu no exception. He heard footsteps on the gravel path and recognized the shuffling steps, "good morning Cairn, what brings you to my garden". Cairn stops and pauses, then quietly says, "Wentu, I am, well, concerned and perplexed. Wentu asks, "Ah, so Cairn you sense something and wish to bring me news?" "Yes, you are correct as usual Wentu, it is in the surroundings, everywhere I've walked this morning it is the same, a feeling of calamity, one of dread". "I am unfamiliar with the completeness of this sensation, usually I sense only one thing from one creature or plant, not the same from all". Wentu slowly stands, he opens his hands and looks at the purple pebbles he picked up from the path, "And my friend, you think this may be tied to tonight's events, the Takara Shinning?" "I cannot say, my abilities do not predict the future, only what feelings come from the living things around me". Wentu looks Cairn in the eyes, "what do You think, not what do you sense?" Cairn sighs, "Yes, I fear it is connected, I fear tonight we'll get more understanding as to what brought all of us here". Wentu nods, "So do I my friend, so do I". It was the morning of the Zenda Celebration, and coincidentally, the Takara Shining. An unusual combination, the Takara Shining happened only every 50 years. The sun reflected off of the buildings below, each roof had a different coloration to give the Zenda compound a colored wheel effect. The buildings were positioned in the typical Ligo circle, to emphasize unity. There were 8 outer buildings, all around a central circular building. Each outer building had a connecting corridor to the larger building in the middle. The 8 outer buildings represented the major races on Ligo; Humans, Hobbits, Tulctans, Dwarves, Taweens, Orilians, Elves, and Kartics. Each of the outer buildings were quite busy staging the youth who were part of this year's Zenda celebration. All of them accept one, the building for the Kartics, the lost race of Ligo. Kartics had always been a reclusive people, choosing to live in the Northern wastelands and high mountains with limited contact with the other races. A little over 2 decades ago the Kartics suffered a terrible plague that decimated their people. Since the plague no one has seen or heard from the Kartics, they have become only memories. The Council of Races decided to honor their memories by keeping one of the out buildings set aside for them. All over Ligo there were over a hundred staging areas for the Zenda Celebration, all of which had one building that honored the lost race. With the morning suns reflection the colors presented a stunning sight. It was a picture perfect scene, one the Ligo leaders would be exceptionally proud to display on this morning of importance. In the buildings gathered the 100 children who would spend the next 21 days participating in the Zenda. At first the children would stay in their separate buildings, getting to know those of their own race. Then walk the corridor to the main building for a final orientation before taking the long hike up to the Zenda celebration grounds. Jortus followed the others as they walked to the out building, the sun was bright in his eyes. As he got closer to the door, the letters took shape and formed the words, "Here begins your life long journey to citizenship, may the time serve you well". He was one of the few Olairans that were here, along with the 11 other of his race, all from different locations. The names of their towns and cities were familiar, that was all he knew. Jortus parents encouraged him to befriend the other Olairans, to create bonds during the Zenda. He was nervous about the Celebration, maybe his parents were right, making friends would help pass the time and ease the tension. As he enter the Olairan out building he surveyed the others, 7 boys, 4 girls. Huum, he thought to himself, here we go, and he took one last deep breath, walked to the girl closest to him and ask "mind if I put my pack here?" The girl smiled, "good morning and no I don't mind". She brushed her hair back, stepped aside and gave Jortus room. "With only the few of us here I'm surprised there isn't more room". I'm Lorius from Portsmith by the way". Jortus stood up "thanks, I'm Jortus from Stockton". "I've heard of Portsmith, isn't that a central port on Torgen Bay"? "Yeah, our family has lived in Portsmith for over a century, we're part of the navigation guild'. "How about your family"? Jortus glanced and notice the other Olairan's start to walk over, he was smiling to himself, thinking the ice has been broken, this will turn out okay after all. He replied "Dad just took a new position in logistics, we moved to Stockton about 6 months ago". "Now he heads up the eastern shipping division, the move was hard at first but we're settled in now". Jortus smiled at Lorius and said "lets' go meet the others, might be better to get acquainted before we take the hike up to the Celebration grounds". She nodded her head, smiled and stayed with Jortus as they turned to greet the others. Etched on the doorway were the Dwarven word's 'From the earth comes all we have used to create our legacy', He entered the outbuilding alone, walked over to the bench and put his pack down. He saw the 5 other Dwarf's on the other side of the room, talking causally. He instantly knew they were from the same city, most Dwarf's lived in Brocking, a major manufacturing city in central Modo. Glaren's family lived elsewhere, in a remote town up in the hill country. His father worked the smelting pots in the steel foundry. They traced their ancestry back over two century's, all metal workers. They settled in this area because if was rich in minerals and offered steady work to those willing to labor. He was named after his Grandfather, Glaren Hardstone Belegost. He adored his grandfather, not because of the name, no it was the time they spent together. Grandfather was a smithy by hobby and Glaren from an early age spend countless hours helping in the forge. His Grandfather would tell stories as he worked, some about their family, others about their people. Other times he would stop his work and talk for hours about metallurgy, forging or metal crafting. Right before Glaren left for the Zenda Celebration, his Grandfather gave him a book, all hand written, it was really three books in one. Each section a separate book; metallurgy, the art of forging, and weapons-crafts. Glaren was speech less when his Grandfather handed it to him. He explained that the book had been in the family for centuries, handed down from generation to generation, always to the next kin who shared a passion for the crafting of metals. As Glaren sat in the Dwarven outbuilding, the book was with him in his pack. He watched the other dwarf's across the room talking, his mind was comforted by having such a precious gift. Tara sat alone in the outbuilding, she was not surprised to be the only Taween in this celebration group. Her kind were rare on Modo, she now lived with her Aunt who had recently taken a new position with the science guild. Aunt Yulu had taken Tara in 10 months ago when her parents died in a crash. It had been a hard 10 months, but she was thankful for her Aunt's generosity. Aunt Yula was kind, loving and attentive to Tara's needs. Since her Aunt lived alone they were able to spend quite a bit of time together. Tara admitted the special time had helped her heal through the grieving. Weeks before Tara left for the Zenda, her Aunt began sharing her celebration experiences with her, giving a glimpse of what she could expect. It was during this time Tara almost told her Aunt of what she was experiencing, the new sensations. Tara had heard Taween's had unique abilities to sense things in their surroundings. When if first happen she was confused and a little scared. One day she was walking home from school watching two dragonflies flying next to each other fighting. Out of nowhere she had a sense of fear and need. It happened so suddenly, taking her completely by surprise, that she was a bit stunned. The feelings faded quickly when stopped focusing on the dragonflies. Out of curiosity she watched and focused again on the dragonflies, this time she sensed desperation as one of them speed away. Tara just stood there for the longest time trying to make sense of what had just happened. Over the next few days she kept focusing on different living beings, a flower, tree or small animal. She wasn't always successful but sometimes she was able to get a sensation. Now as she sat and waited until being called to the main building. Her mind reached out just to see if she could sense any life, off in one corner was a mice -- hunger then comfort as it find a morsel of food. Tara just smiled to herself, happy to have an ability which made her feel connected to her surroundings. The green light by the door came on, Tara took a deep breath, time to go! Alone she walked down the walkway to the main building. As Tara entered the main building she was overwhelmed by the number of youth around her. She thought to herself 'how am I ever going to cope this entire 21 days totally by myself '. Her hands started to shake and she could feel the sweat begin to bead up on the back of her neck. Not sure what to do she could only stumble into the room. Immediately to the right was a group of hobbit's quietly putting their packs on shelves. They looked preoccupied and didn't even notice her so she looked away. Straight ahead was an even larger group of elves, now she was completely intimated. Nervously she reached up pushing the hair back from her shoulder while leaning over to set the pack down. Across the room the dwarfs milled about, one was sitting off to the side alone fiddling with his pack. He looked uncomfortable and out of place. Not really thinking Tara walk over to the lone dwarf and sat beside him. "Hi there, I'm Tara, saw you sitting here and thought I'd come over to say hi". "Looks like we're in for an interesting trip huh?" "I mean really, look at everyone gathering in their little groups trying to act casual, as if this trip isn't a big deal." Glaren smiled at Tara, knowing what she was hinting at, the Zenda was a once in a lifetime event and meant a great deal to everyone. "Good to meet you, I'm Glaren, and, yeah, they all look so cozy together in their groups." They both laughed and could feel the tension ease. "Glad you're here and said hi, I didn't expect to see a Taween, I've read so much about your people it will be nice to get to know you". Tara smiled "thank you somehow I don't think the others will greet me with such open arms". Tara laughed, she was hoping the Dwarf would be friendly and was pleased to see Glaren was okay with befriending her. She could sense Glaren's anxiety was lessened, he seemed a bit afraid he'd be a loner on this trip. Tara was use to running solo but even this was a bit much, she was breathing much easier now. A bell started ringing, then the guide, Chan, got everyone's attention by shouting "All right everyone, listen up, we'll be leaving shortly, gather your day packs and get ready for the hike". "All of your other supplies are already at the campsite so I don't want anyone asking me where there teddy bear is". Laughter rang out in the room. "Okay, here is how it will work, Tara come here". Tara was a bit shocked, thinking to herself "what is this all about?". Glaren "whispered, I'll watch your back, don't worry, you'll be fine!". After a second Tara got her legs to work and slowly walked over to Charn. "This is Tara, she will be our trail guide up the mountain and lead the hike". "As we all know Taween's are natural scouts and tracker's so she gets the lead on our way up" Charn, turned to Tara and said, "welcome, it is good to have you here and I wanted everyone to know the Zenda is about each race's unique abilities". Tara smiled and shyly waved to everyone, not quite knowing what to do. Charn tuned to go and shouted out 'let's get going everyone'. The room erupted into a flurry of movement while everyone gathered their personal packs, the room went from order to mayhem. Glaren quickly grabbed his pack and worked his way to the front of the room where Tara was standing. As he pushed his way forward through the crowd some gave him dirty looks. Glaren didn't care, he made a promise to watch Tara's back and meant to honor the promise. Tara turned just as he reach where she was standing, 'I thought maybe I'd lost you in the crowd, glad you're here'. 'Nah, I just plowed thru everyone, made a great impression already'. |