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by kylan
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1984819
fantasy novel
My name is Kyla; I come from the kingdom of Riverwand, the southeast forest elf kingdom. I was born in a peaceful era, which allowed our kingdom to focus our time on the arts and intellect endeavors. Riverwand is located near the end of the forest, following the river for a couple of miles. The fact that our kingdom had not been to war for seven hundred years was indeed amazing considering the fact that our kingdom lies only ten miles from the nearest human village. Most of the villages had some small raid or another going on at all time.

My parents were on the high council, were both peace delegates. I get my crystal blue eyes from my mother and strawberry blond hair from my great-grandmother; both parents have dark brown hair. Because my parents are peace delegates of our kingdom, they are the ones chosen to travel to the other kingdoms to make sure peace between the kingdoms is ensured. Our kingdom was most known through the kingdoms as healers. Our people’s nature ability to heal had always attracted attention. Our healers used different methods of healing depending on of course the sickness of the patient. Because we had peace for so long, many of our soldiers had become slack in their military training. An instrument that we sometime use to harness our healing power is through what we call “Healing Stones”, which are suppose to have great power. We keep these stones located in a secret vault hidden underneath the Palace. These stones only leave their home in dire straits. We fear that given their power for healing in our hands may in other hands cause sickness and death on a great level.

My parents were given a mission by King Skylar. They were to take one of most powerful healing stones to a kingdom that had been attacked and needed healing on a large scale. Very few people had ever seen the stone that my parents were to carry to that kingdom. I had not seen many of the healing stones but I was still young being only seventy years of age. My parents ask me to travel with them on their mission knowing that I wanted to carry on the family task. I of course said that I would love to travel with them on the mission. I was told that we would leave in a week’s time. In that time I had gathered all the materials I would need to take the long journey to the foreign kingdom.
The night of the leaving, my mother came into my bedroom as I finished the last packing of the trip. My mother saw the jewelry that I planned on carrying for the journey. As she fingered some of the jewelry lying on my bed waiting to be put deep into my packing sack she said “I believe you have chosen wisely in your decision to bring on this trip but instead of your ruby necklace, I believe you should take this necklace. She then pulled out a purple cloth from her green long cape pocket. She unfolded the purple silk cloth in her hands to reveal a necklace. The necklace was made of silver, with silver fine leaves intertwined through the chain of the necklace, at the end of the necklace it formed a small flower made also of silver and four other stones in colors representing the four elements. The types of stones representing the elements were emerald (earth), ruby (fire), water (aquamarine), and wind (diamond). She asked me to carry the necklace in my belongings. When I told her I would be glad to take the necklace instead, she smiled and said “you better get some rest tonight for we will be leaving early in the morning.” I said goodnight to everyone after finishing my packing then laid down to rest. I could not sleep though for all the thoughts running through my head about my first mission with my parents.
The first day of travel went quickly and without any problems. Twelve of us made camp the first night on the outer limits of the forest by the river. Before we lay down on our bed rolls we talked about our plans for the following day. Ten miles east of the river, there was farming village called Yellow Rose. This village like most in the area was a peaceful, trading village. All types of people came to this village to trade for supplies for their journey. Yellow Rose was in the middle, making farming land the outer perimeter of the village.

Early the second day of travel, our caravan reached the outer limits of the farm land. The summer sun had not yet risen when our party realized that all was not well. The area was too quite. All of our party instantly became alert, grabbing their bows and arrows ready for a surprise attack. We did not have to wait long when a group of humans in green outfits jumped out of their hiding spots to surround our group. The people in green outfits were of different sex and age. Their eyes had a far off look about them, as if their minds were not the ones controlling their own bodies. Our party fought a hard battle but we were outnumbered ten to one. I got in several shots with my bow and arrows before I passed out from being hit on the back of the head. When I came to the sun was bearing down me, already the summer sun had caused my clothes to stick to me. Not hearing any noise, I carefully sat up and checked on further injuries other than my head. After my overview, I decided it would be alright to get up and check on the rest of the group. I walked the field searching for my parents. After my long search, of the field, the only thing I found was the dead. The dead comprised of almost all my companies and many those who had attacked our party. I did not however find my parents in my search. I was relieved not to find them in those who had died but then became worried what had become of my parents. The only thing I could think of at the moment was that I needed to get out of the sun and take care of my head. The village was not even a mile away but with the sun bearing down on me, my head injury and the fact that I had to find a way to find my parents, the length to get to the village seem much longer.

In the village there were only two inns that looked presentable to my eyes. The inn I tried my luck with was a small, newly two story oak inn, called The White Stallion. Being early in the evening, I found no trouble finding the inn keeper and haggled over the price of a bed for the night and a meal. The couple running the inn seemed a clean and honest. The husband being the cook and oversaw the tavern of the inn while the wife looked over the duties of the inn. The husband was broad and tall with brown medium length hair that he had tied back. His ancestors were said to have been guards of the kings for many generations, he had decided to take another path, his wife, Lizzy was a toned lady, whose father store owner,
After the long bath, I went down stairs into tavern part of the inn in which I had decided to stay. The smells of dirt, sweat, smoke, soaps and pot roast all mingled in the tavern, where as the silence hit you on the way in the only noise that could be heard was the shuffling of chairs to see the performer. The performer was a woman singer from a northern tribe known for their stories and songs of heroes past. I found a table in a corner of the tavern where the shadows hid what my outfit did not. After the morning that I had just had I was not about to be flashy about who I was, even though most of the people crammed in this tavern seem to be common travelers and locals needing entertainment before heading off to their bed for the night. The tavern was lighted by one fat candle at each small wooden table, in all the table count was eight. The middle four tables could provide enough room for four big men or six regular. The two side tables that sat near the only two windows in the tavern part of the inn looked too seat only two people facing one another. The fire place was to the left of the small stage and the door to the tavern was to the right. Up above the large wooden door, there hung a horse shoe for good luck.
The young female singer was adored with a long, blue light weight shirt and an eggshell, long sleeves loose knit shirt. She had pulled her long black hair into a loose pony tail. She had a male companion, who sat on the stage with her and accompanied her singing with his guitar, and though he was not much bigger than his female relation, his eyes and body language told those who watched that he knew his way around a weapon or two. Though, both the performers were human in origin, about them, radiated a learned power. As I was watching the performers, another was watching me, a warrior named Kar, who was of giant statue.

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