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Serena believed she could trust Charlie, but can Charlie be trusted? |
Serena, was waiting outside for Charlie. She really wasn’t ready for this date, no, not a date, professional dinner. Hopefully he saw it that way. Of course he did, there is no way he was into her, but the way he was staring at her today it seemed he wanted to be more than just friends. She got that out of her head as she saw him pulling up on his motorcycle. “You are not going to make this easy for me are you.” She said to herself aloud. Charlie got off his bike and took off his helmet. “Hey, are you ready for dinner?” “Yeah, where are we going?” “Well it is only a few blocks away, we can walk, but we are going to Bubba Gumps. Is that ok.” “Yeah, I love that place.” They finally got to the restaurant and took a seat in a secluded booth. “So, what would you like me to take pictures of at the wedding reception?” “Mostly any of the happy moments, of course when people give their toasts, um, when we all sit down at the table, the father and bride dance, and any other happy moment at the wedding, oh and also when Sebastian and I cut the cake.” “That is fine, I can do that.” “And we will pay you tomorrow for it.” “That is cool. Why don’t we take a break from work for a second, work is all I ever talk weeks about.” “That is fine. You know meeting you and looking you up, you don’t seem like the mysterious brooding type.” “What makes you say that?” “People have said you are outgoing and it seems like you get along very well.” “Well, only for my friends I am outgoing for other people not so much. I just don’t like people seeing the real me you know. Like I said before that is why I like being mysterious.” “You know what your problem is you take yourself way too seriously, and you use sarcasm to cover it.” “I do not.” “Yes you do. You should try to lighten up.” “I am lightened can you drop it please?” “Fine, ok.” They sat there in silence until Serena made funny faces at him. “What are you doing?” She made another face.” “Sop it, it is distracting.” Charlie said smiling. “It is ok, you can relax, I won’t tell anyone.” Serena said smiling. Serena looked back down at her food, while Charlie just looked at her amazed. When they finished dinner they walked back to the shop. “Thanks for inviting me to dinner.” “Thanks for the company.” Charlie kissed her cheek and then her other cheek, then slowly he moved to kiss her lips. He has wanted this ever since he first saw her. Serena’s heart skipped a beat as Charlie kissed her cheek, and then her other cheek. Her heart slowed as he kissed her on the lips the one thing she kept thinking of. The kiss felt so good. She put that feeling aside and pushed him away. “Charlie, I am getting married I can’t. I will see you in 2 weeks with the payment ok instead of tomorrow. Bye.” As she was leaving he wanted to pull her back and kiss her again, but he should’t he kept reminding himself that this was a game and nothing more. Cassie was hiding in the restaurant and followed Charlie and Serena back to the store, and saw the kiss and took a photo of it. This would come in handy in the future she thought. She then sent it to Sebastian’s phone. When Cassie got home she undressed, she couldn’t stop thinking about the kiss she had shared with Charlie, it was hot and passionate, nothing compared to what she felt with Sebastian. Being with Charlie just felt so right, he really understood her. Sebastian was being standoffish as we got closer to the wedding. She got this out of her mind she was getting married in 4 weeks, nothing not even Charlie was going to stop it. She can’t start having doubts now. Sebastian was sitting at the bar having a drink before he went home. He couldn’t believe that in 4 weeks he was going to be married to Serena. Marrying Serena was right, being with Cassie was just a one time thing even if he was with her twice. He has always loved them both, he lost his chance with Cassie, but now he had a chance with Serena. Time will only tell who he chooses, but he didn’t have to make that choice now. He felt a vibration from his phone, he looked at it was from Cassie, she wanted him tonight no doubt. He looked at it and saw a picture of Serena and the owner of that house Charlie kissing and it had read, “I thought you should know.” He couldn’t believe it, Serena wasn’t the girl he thought she was. Cassie was right after all. If she wanted to have fun then so could he. She was going to pay for this he thought. He chugged the last bit of scotch from his glass and went to see Cassie. He couldn’t believe he almost was sorry for having sex with Cassie. Charlie heard the door bell ring and he opened the door to find Serena standing there breathing hard. “Serena what are you— He couldn’t finish the sentence because she kissed him passionately, and he kissed back. he pulled her in and closed the door and pushed her up against it. They stopped kissing enough for Serena to take off his shirt and unbuckling his belt. he stopped and looked at her. Suddenly he felt wrong, he didn’t know what he was feeling. This would win him the bet, he would win the game, but it didn’t feel like a game, not anymore. “Serena I am sorry, I can’t. You have to go.” Serena looked surprised and left in a rush. What was he thinking, he shouldn’t have let her go. What was she thinking, she shouldn’t have done that, she was getting married soon. It was good that he stopped it before it got too far. Then why did she feel so sad and angry over that, that she had no answer for. Two weeks later “Morning” Charlie woke up to see Cassie on top of him. “How did it go with Serena?” “If you are asking if I had sex with her the answer is no.” “She shot you down because of her stupid morals.” “No just the oppistie.” “what went wrong?” “I don’t know, she was in front of me and ready to do it, but I was…I just didn’t feel right about it.” “Your telling me you had a chance to fuck her and you didn’t, you are a chump.” Charlie pushed her off of him. “You better go, she is coming here today to give me the check.” “Oh she is not, I am giving you the check, it seems she doesn’t want to see you and she didn’t tell me why.” Cassie said with a smile. But it seems she is settiing up for the wedding anyway on the boat. Charlie arrived on the boat looking for Serena and he finally saw her in one of the rooms. She was trying to make it perfect for her and Sebastian he knocked on the door. Serena turned and saw Charlie, she was not ready to face him after what happened two weeks ago, she never thought she would see him until the wedding. Charlie walked into the room and closed and locked the door. He went up to her and was inches away from her. “I am sorry Serena.” “I am impressed you showing up here.” “I think that I…” They both looked each other in the eyes, Serena was drawn to him and Charlie was drawn to Serena. He kissed her and and she kissed him back. “Are you sure about this Serena?” Charlie asked. “Yeah.” They started kissing again. Not knowing who was behind the door Cassie was listening to every word with a smile on her face. Sebastian could hardly sleep since he got that text that Serena was kissing another man. He couldn’t believe it. For days he was waiting for her to tell him, but day by day she never told him anything. She was going to pay for this, no one makes a fool out of Sebastian. Seastian called Cassie. “Cassie, what is the update with Serena?” “I am meeting her today. I will keep you posted my dear.” Cassie said. “Fine.” Cassie was waiting for Charlie when he came home. “Aww, I care about you a lot? I heard you on the phone.” He looked in the foyer and saw her siting in the chair. “My god, you are completly whipped.” “Shut up.” “What happened to us?” “Nothing has changed” Yes it has. You love her, you don’t love me anymore.” “It is just a game Cass.” Cassie walked up to him and kissed him, but Charlie pushed her away. “Look at you, and what you are reduced to, she has changed you. Wait, she doesn’t know about your past does she? As her best friend it is my duty to tell her what you are up to.” She got her phone out to call Serena. “Put the phone down.” “Shh, this will only take a second.” She whispered. Charlie took the phone away from her. “I was thinking about telling her everything myself. I don’t care what you say anymore.” “I forgot, you care for her. People don’t change in one day. You and I are the same, we love games. Don’t do it Charlie or you will end up a joke.” “I will take my chances.” Cassie left as he said those words. Serena went back to the apartment tired from her planing. She couldn’t stop thinking aobut what happened with Charlie, she didn’t know what to think anymore. She had to think about it and she had only one week to do it. “You are home early.” She turned and saw Sebastian sitting at the desk. “Yeah, I needed a break from the wedding planning.” Sebastian went up to her and kissed her. “Good. How is it coming along?” “It is good, it will be ready this week.” “I know what has been going on.” “What do you mean?” Sebastian wanted to say I know you kissed Charlie, but he didn’t want anything ruining his wedding day. He was going to wait until afer the wedding. After the wedding everyting would change, for them. He was in control of everything and she would pay for what she did to him to make him into the fool. “I saw the present you got me, sorry.” She let out a breath, she wasn’t ready to tell him anything until she really knew what she wanted. “It is ok, you can wear the watch for the wedding.” “Thank you I really love it. You know I love a good watch.” Serena kissed him on the cheek. “I am really tired ok, I am going to go to take a nap before I meet Cassie.” Serena went into the bedroom and laid down, she didn’t know what to do, she was torn bewteen if she should follow her heart or stick with what is easy. She was going to talk to Cassie later, but she really wanted to follow her heart. Serena finally met up with Cassie at the Starbucks near Cassie’s apartment. “Hey Cass, it feels like forever since I have seen you.” “I know, I have been trying to get new clients, plus doing your wedding at the same time. I have been busy. What is it that you wanted to meet up about, you sounded sad.” At that moment Serena’s phone rang and she noticed it was Charlie. “Hold on one second.” She picked up her phone and got up and went inside Starbucks and into the bathroom to take the call. “Hey Charlie, I am having lunch right now, can I call you back?” “I will make this quick. I am messed up ok. I thought I cared about you, but it was just a lie. I just wanted to screw with your head and mess up your marriage. I don’t care about you at all.” You don’t mean that” “You don’t get it, I don’t like you, you were just another conquest for me. Everything was just an act.” “You are messed up in the head! After the wedding I never want to see you again!” Serena hung up, and while she was crying she went back to the table. “Sweetie what is wrong.” Cassie said in a comforting tone. “I cheated on Sebastian with Charlie. And I thought that there was a reason I met Charlie, whenever I saw him I felt a connection with him, more than I do with Sebastian, but he just called and said I was just a conquest. I can’t believe I did this to Sebastian. I need to come clean.” “Oh sweetie, you shouldn’t come clean, it is over, you already got your heart broken once, you shouldn’t break it again. It is over between you and Charlie. Sebastian has no need to know.” “Thank you Cassie, I will just forget Charlie ever exsisted. I will marry Sebastian, he is the real love of my life anyway.” Cassie hugged Serena while Cassie was smiling. Sebastian’s phone was ringing he answered it. “Hello” “Hey, Sebastian, its Cassie.” “What is the update Cass?” “I am sorry but they did the deed. She even said that she was going to leave you for Charlie.” “She can’t do that, I have done everything for her. Noone leaves me and gets away with it.” “Well, at least you have me, you can leave her and come back to me.” “You don’t get it, after I marry her I get her money and become rich since her father is rich. I am marrying her. I deserve that money. She is not going to do this to me now, when I am so close to the finishline.” “I know what I can do to help you with that, and you could also leave her. I will be in touch.” Cassie hung up the phone angrily. She was not happy, Everyone wanted Serena. Serena was going to pay for this. “What can I do for you” the person at the register said. “I want to purchase a pistal please.” “Ok, that would be $110. Have a good day.” Serena was going to rue the day she made a fool out of me. Her wedding day is somethng noone will ever forget. The person thought as they left the store. Cassie got back to her apartment and went to drop her keys on her table. She turned and jumped. Finally noticing that Charlie was there. “Shit, Charlie you scared me.” “Don’t like people coming in unannouced do you? Now you know what it feels like.” “What are you doing here and what is with the champagne?” “I thought you would like to know what happened between me and Serena. It is over.” “Really?” “You were right I can’t change. I thought we should celebrate. What do you want to toast to?” “My triumph.” “Ok, whatever. To your triumph over Serena.” Cassie laughed at that. “What is so funny?” “My dear Charlie, my triumph isn’t over her, it is over you. You gave up on the first person you ever loved becasue I threatened you. Don’t you get it, You are still in love with her, but it made me smile to make you ashamed of that. You are just my toy I loved to play with and now I am done with you. Now you have officially blown it with her, I think it is the most patheitc thing I have ever seen and heard. Never get in a game that you can’t win. Cassie smiled and took a sip of the champagne. Haven’t you heard, I am the bitch in this town, noone says they are done until I say so.” Charlie stormed out of the apartment. Serena saw that her phone was ringing, she noticed it was Charlie, and quickly ignored him. She didn’t want to have anything to do with him anymore, especially the way he talked to her. She couldn’t believe she almost broke off her wedding for a guy she only knew for a few weeks just because she thought they had a connection. She wasn’t going to think about it anymore, she was done with him officially. After the wedding she never had to see him again. Charlie went to Sebastian and Serena’s house to try to explain what happened. He loved her he knew that much and she deserved the truth. He knocked on the door hoping Serena would answer, but Sebastian answered instead in nothing but a towel. “Charlie, what a surprise, what do you want?” “I need to talk to Serena is she here?” “Oh, she is in the shower right now.” “Hey Sebastian I just took the last bit of the soap Serena uses, she needs more.” A woman called out from behind Sebastian. Charlie looked past Sebastian and saw Cassie standing in a towel. He couldn’t believe it, Sebastian was cheating on Serena, she need to know. “Wow Cassie, you wouldn’t have done this if you didn’t think I should know.” “This is a coincidence Charlie, I didn’t expect to see you.” Charlie faced Sebastian again. “You need to tell Serena about this or I…” “You will what, because Cassie has informed me that you have been having your own little trist with my girlfriend. You tell her anything you are done. No one is going to keep me away from my money that she has. Not even you. So turn around leave and forget you ever saw anything.” “What money?” “Cass, I thought he knew about the money, that is why he was with her.” “Oops, did I say he knew, my mistake Sebastian.” “Forget everything or you will regret you even knew me or Serena.” Sebastian slammed the door in Charlie’s face, he was going to tell Serena the truth, it felt wrong lying to her. He would tell her everything one way or the other. One week later The night before the wedding “Tomorow is the big day are you excited?” Cassie asked Serena as they did finishing touches on the boat. “I am, I have waited for this day ever since I met Sebastian.” “Have you heard anything from Charlie?” “No, not since he kept calling multiple times last week. He just stopped.” “Lets make a toast, to the wedding that no one will ever forget.” “Cheers to that.” “You better get some rest you are a wife starting tomorrow.” “And nothing will stop me from going down the aisle.” The Wedding Reception Charlie didn’t stop the wedding in time, Serena still married him even after he wrote her the letter. “I thought I would get the girl in the end” He said to himself. He would take the pictures she needed and leave her alone for good. “Mrs. Smith…” Serena turned around and saw a waiter. “I love hearing that. Is something wrong?” “No, I have this package for you I wanted to give it to you before, but the wedding had already started. This person wanted you to open it immediately.” “Thank you, I appreciate it.” Serena left to go below deck, the party was dying down and everyone was starting to get off the boat to go to the beach. She was able to sneak away. She got a champagne glass and went downstairs to the room where she and Sebastian were suppose to sneak off to, and closed the door behind her. She opened the package and found a note that could have been a book. She noticed that it was from Charlie. “Serena, I don’t know what to say to repair the damage that I have caused you. Being with you is the only time I have been happy and truly myself. My life has been a mystery and a joke, I loved playing games with other people, until, you. You were the person that wasn’t a game, because I succeeded in hurting the first person I ever loved. Enclosing, I give you the truth, please read the other pages. No more lies, and no more hiding. Please give me another chance my dear Serena, I love you with all my heart and I mean that. Always and forever yours, Charlie.” Serena put down the notes and read the other pages. “Oh my god.” She said to herself surprised. Serena was standing on the deck of a boat that had white lights on the rails and flower petals everywhere around her in her white wedding dress drinking champagne, she was looking out in the water, she turned around bringing the champagne glass down to her side and saw a gun pointed at her and had a sad worried look on her face. “I never saw this coming any of it. Why did you betray me?” Serena said. “Why, because you get whatever you want without any consequences, Sebastian, Charlie, you are just a whore who had to have both.” “Cass, how could you do this to me. You set me up from the beginning, you even toyed with Sebastian, and you have been having sex with him?” Cassie laughed. “Oh Charlie, he got to you huh. I knew I should have delt with him first. First you got the man I ever had feelings for and then when I moved on you had to get Charlie.” “I didn’t know Charlie was yours, and we just happened. And you, you have been having sex with a man that doesn’t even love me, he only wants my money. So you have him.” “No, I don’t officially have him until you are out of the picture. We will get your money, I pretended to be your lawyer, I changed some things around for you. See if you die, Sebastian and I get your money you inherited from your father.” “All this so you could hurt me?” “Exactly.” “I am so sorry.” “It is too late for apologies.” Cassie pulled the trigger and shot Serena in the abodomen, when she didn’t go down Cassie shot her again. Serena dropped the champagne glass that shattered when it hit the ground. Serena got pushed back and fell over the railing into the cold water it took only a few seconds and she closed her eyes. Cassie, put the gun in her purse while she smiled and walked away. With Everyone at the beach, and with all the music and festivities, no one will figure out that the bride is missing until that last possible moment. “Sebastian, you look rather lonely.” Sebastian turned around to see Cassie. “DId you do it?” “Yes I did, no one will find Serena, or figure out she is gone, it is like she never exsisted. And you are my alibi.” Cassie went to kiss him on the lips. “I am glad you told me what you did. Thank you for getting me that money, now that we both have it we can do anything we want.” “Of course we can. Now we can finally be together.” Sebastian kissed Cassie passionately. Cassie and Sebastian stopped kissing when they heard Sirens. The sound was coming near the boat. They both ran as fast as they could, the boat was a walk away from the beach. They saw that people were gathered and the police were all over the boat searching and looking around. “I thought you said no one would find her body Cassie!” “Relax, she probably floated to the surface or something and someone saw her body. We just talk to the police, no one knows it was us who killed her.” Cassie and Sebastian got through the crowd and went to talk to the police. “Excuse me officer what is going on.” Cassie said pretending to be surprised and concerned. “Are you Cassie Blake? And are you the husband to Serena Bennet? “Yes I am, and this is her husband, is something wrong? Did something happened to her?” Cassie said pretending to be worried. “Cassie Blake, you are under arrest for the premeditated murder of Serena Bennet and Sebastian Smith you are under arrest as her accomplice for the planned murder of Serena.” “What!!!! This is absurd!!.” As Sebastian said that and they were taking him away to the police car he saw Serena standing there with Charlie by her side. “Cassie you said you had taken care of it, I can’t believe I believed you.” Cassie turned to see what Sebastian was talking about and she saw Serena. “I killed you, it is not possible that you are here.” “Officer can my friend and I have a moment with these two before you take them away please. Oh and check her thouroughly when we are done, she didn’t throw the gun in the ocean.” “Sure, just make it quick.” “I watched you die, I shot you and you fell in the water. How is it possible you are still alive?” Charlie handed Serena a glass of champagne. “Cassie, remember our toast. I would like to make a toast now, to my triumph.” “What the hell are you talking about?” “Would you like to do the honors Charlie?” “No, you are the one who got shot, you should be the one to tell them. Serena.” Few hours earlier “Oh my god.” Serena said with surprise. She left the room and rushed to find Charlie. “Where is everyone” she said to herself. She looked around the deck and no one was on the boat. She went off the boat and ran until she got to the beach. She finally spotted Charlie at the bar. “Charlie!!” She screamed. Charlie turned around and ran toward her. When she stopped he noticed that she was out of breath. “Are you ok, what is wrong?” “Can go back to the boat for a second?” “Yeah sure.” He motioned to someone that he was leaving. “Oh, I am sorry, you are with someone.” “Oh no, I am not, it is fine, I can go with you.” They both walked back to the boat, while Serena was unaware that they were being followed. When they finally got back to the boat, Serena took him to the room. “Is this the truth?” “Is what the truth Serena?” “Everything you wrote in this letter. Or is this some more of your lies.” “Like I said in the letter, no more lies, no more mystery. This is me. I hope that you can forgive me, and I hope you give me a second chance. I…I love you too much to hurt you or to watch other people hurt you.” Charlie walked up to Serena and was inches away from her. “You are the only person who knows the real me and I will do anything to get you to fogive me, even if it takes a lifetime. I am going to count to three and then I am going to pick you up and put you on that bed and kiss you. If you don’t want me to, walk out that door right now. One….two…..” He didn’t finsh Serena kissed him passionately on the lips. Charlie picked her up and laid her on the bed and he continued kissing her. Serena put her hands on his chest to stop the kiss. “What is it Serena?” “Even after everything you told me, I am still married.” Charlie smiled. “No you are not. Charlie stood up and took Serena’s hands to help her up. “You three can come in now.” Three people walked in, but she didn’t recognize them. “Serena, meet my friends Ashley, Samantha, and Hunter.” “That is the minister.” “Yeah, I wouldn’t call myself a minister, I actually just help him get his pictures and art work sold. Hunter said smiling. “Charlie what is…” “I knew that Sebastian just wanted your father’s money. Ashley and Sam here are police officers, so I asked if they could keep an eye on Sebastian and Cassie for me while I looked out for you. They found out that Cassie, changed things around so Sebastian can get your money and she could get your money. Samantha went in and told the lawyer what had happened and he changed it back so you can still get the money and you alone. And I would tell you the truth no matter what, so for one thing you are not really married.” Charlie said with an awkward smile. “How is that possible?” “Well Charlie told me what was going on with you and told me all about it, so I offered to help. I played a minister for you and you signed fake papers for a marriage license. The party was really fun though, I got a girls number which was awesome.” “Hunter really.” Ashley said. “In otherwords we got you out of a really bad perdicamemt.” “Why would you all do this for me?” “Well, Charlie did it because he loves you duh, even if he was a mean, arragant, ass…” “Sam, point.” Charlie said “Sorry, oh, he does love you and you are the first person to make him happy. The three of us did it because Charlie is like family to us, he gets hurt we hurt someone for hurting him. And since he is family and he loves you, you are like part of the family too or whatever. Sam said smiling. “There is one more thing I need to tell you, they are planning on killing you tonight because they both want the money and they want to run away together.” “What!!!” “We are going to arrest them before they can do anything.” Ashley said reassuringly. “No.” “No? Look girly, they are going to kill you if we don’t arrest them now.” Hunter said “Look, I want to know why Cassie is doing this ok. She owes me that much.” “If you get shot…” “She won’t. Take off your dress.” Sam said. “Sorry sweetie, you seem like a great girl, but your not really my type.” Serena said smiling. Sam threw her blouse at Serena. “Pushing it. This is a bullet proof corset made for me, I know a person. Anyway I wore it tonight just in case. Ashley and I will tell the other officers to stand down, and then after she shoots you, well if she does we will wait a while then get them and arrest them. I can understand why you would want closer.” “Thank you Sam.” Serena dropped the champagne glass that shattered when it hit the ground. Serena got pushed back and fell over the railing into the cold water it took only a few seconds and she closed her eyes. Serena sunk down in the water and opened her eyes, and quickly held her breath. She waited a few minutes to give time for Cassie to leave. After fourteen minutes Cassie swam back up to the surface and gasped for air. She swam to shore where Charlie and Hunter were waiting for her. “Shit!! Getting shot really hurts.” Serena said angrily Charlie helped her out of the water and put a blanket around her. “So closure, did you get any?” Hunter said smiling. “I will hit you. But yes I did, you can call Ashley and Sam they can arrest them now.” Hunter laughed and walked away to make a call. “Are you ok?” Charlie asked Serena now that they were alone. “I am just peachy keen. Thank you Charlie for everything. You didn’t have to do this.” “I did, I am the one that hurt you, I owed you one.” “Is that the only reason?” “No, I love you that is the other reason, I knew we had a connection when we first met. I love you Serena Bennet. What do you say to that?” “I love you too Charlie, and you have already paid your debt, the only thing I ask of you is to love me unconditionally forever.” “I will have no trouble doing that my dear.” Charlie picked her up in his arms and kissed her. Presently… “You counted me out before we even finished our little game Cassie. Don’t start a game you can’t win, isn’t that what you said?” “Screw you. Charlie.” “Never fuck with the king of games, you will loose everytime.” Serena walked to Cassie and Sebastian. “There there, Cassie and Sebastian, at least you two still have each other in jail.” Serena said smiling. “We are done now you can take them away.” “This isn’t over Serena I will be back.” Sebastian said angrily. “Aww sweetie, it is ok, I think you will meet alot of guys who want you. I can move on.” Serena said while laughing. “What do you want to do now my dear?” “Well Charlie let’s go home, well your home, and then we can kiss, and spend the rest of our lives together.” “Sounds like a plan. I finally got the girl of my dreams.” Charlie said smiling. Serena kissed him on the lips. She finally found true happiness, and found someone who truly loves her. |