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The second story in the Vampire Knight Series. |
Trista was running down the corridor, she was in a rush to tell the king the news she had on her mind. His very own brother was on the war path. He had his followers, he made a plan, and tonight he would set that plan into motion, she had to stop it as soon as possible. She rushed, breathing heavily, when she turned the corner she bumped into Damien, a man that she trusted, if she couldn’t stop Klaus in time she trusted Damien to save Ash in time before Klaus could kill him. “What is the rush Trist, you look like you are about to pop.” “Damien, this is important, Klaus has gathered people on the inside against the king, he is planning on killing him and trying to take the ring for himself to gain all the power over vampires. We need to get to the king now and warn him or try to get him out of here..,” “Calm down, how do you know this.” “I heard the betrayers talking, as far as I know Karma and Roman are part of it. Klaus was planning on killing the king tonight with their help and one other, I didn’t get the other person’s name.” “Really, then we have to warn the king immediately. Lets go, I know the where the king is right now. Trista ran as fast as she could with Damien right on her heels, all of a sudden she heard a of a gun shot close by, she stopped in her tracks. She knew she was too late, Klaus had done what he set out to do, she turned to Damien, and looked up and saw that he had a gun in his hand that she saw was recently fired, she looked down and saw that the gun that he had just fired, the bullet that he used was the same size as the wound in her abdomen. She looked up with the look of astonishment. “Damien, why did you....” Mid sentence she went down on her knees still looking up at him with astonishment and surprise. “You are too smart to not figure it out.” “Yo.....You are part.........of Klaus’s coup de grâce? But why?” “Why, Ash is overrated, he is a weak king, Klaus is a much suited fit for king, he is the oldest of the two and he wouldn’t let just any vampire do what they wanted and roam freely. Klaus has a plan to bring every vampire to their knees, and to get rid of every human and make it a world for vampires, if any vampire is not on board they will die.” “So you are just in it for power, Ash is a better kinder ruler than his brother would be even on a worse day. If you do this, if Klaus does this, then there will be no turning back, humans never did anything to vampires, we share this world equally without them ever knowing about us, if they do Ash erases their memories or at least tries to make them see that vampires are not all bad.” “There are people who know about us, hunters, hunters killed my family. Ash doesn’t understand that because he is too weak, he believes we can trust humans.” He kneeled down right in front of her and went in closely to whisper in her ear, “I would have rather you were with us, but since you aren’t, I have already told you what happened to people who are against us,” “Bang” She looked down and saw another wound to her abdomen, the one person she thought she trusted just shot her twice and was walking away from her like she was nothing but an enemy. She went down and closed her eyes. Trista heard a familiar voice, and felt that she was in someone’s arms. “Trista, it is going to be ok.” she opened her eyes slightly still weak from the gun shots. When she opened her eyes and saw Blake, next to him was Kieran. “Don’t you dare die on us do you hear me. Kieran we got to get her to Xavier’s house, Xavier has Ash and the ring, we have to get there quietly after we do this we cannot come back to Ash’s house until we are ready to confront Klaus and whoever is on his side. I know Roman is one.” “Karma is another one.” Weakly Trista sat up and stated, “Add Damien t....to the list. he told me and then shot me” “What!! This just got interesting.” “There is one more thing, there was a hunter here tonight on the inside, but what I don’t know is if he was here to kill us because he never showed himself to anyone.” Trista, closed her eyes once again, the king was saved, she was happy to hear the good news, but with this mysterious hunter and Klaus trying to get power to destroy all humans, everything was about to change. PRESENT DAY Trista was looking at a spitting image of herself at five years old, it was like going back in time. She followed herself until she saw a woman playing the piano, with her and her brother. The scene changed to the woman huddled in the room and she was hiding Trista in the closet behind her. “Trista, you need to go, they are going to find you?” “Who is going to find me, who are you to me? Blake, why are you here? “You need to leave.” Who was that boy she thought, he turned at the sound of a whimper. “Blake, why is he here?” “Vampire, you are going to die now.” “Blake, what are you doing?” All of a sudden the scene changed to when Damien shot her. Damien, don’t walk away from me. WAIT!!!!!!!!!” “Trista, wake up, wake up.” Trista woke up startled. Blake, what are you doing in my room?” “You were screaming, yelling out Damien’s name. Are you ok?” “I am fine, just thinking about the past. What time is it?” “6:00pm, and we all need to meet in Ash’s office for a briefing, and then welcome back Ray and Speed from their honeymoon, they will be here shortly.” “Ok, fine, I am going to get ready. You can go now, I am alright.” “Are we still on for Friday?” “Yeah.” As Blake closed the door, Trista got up and went to turn on the shower, she had been dreaming about Damien, but after dreaming about Blake. Why was Blake standing over a woman’s body, and who was she? Why was Damien there ? After closing the door, Blake walked back to his room. She still doesn’t remember anything about that night, and how I was there that night- “RING” Breaking him from his thought he picked up his phone. “Hello Blake, is everything still going according to plan?” “Yes Declan, I am keeping an eye on the king and everyone who is with him now. there are only a few of them so when I give you the word you can come in and kill all of them. One thing, there are three humans that live here now, what do I do about them?” “We kill them, they shouldn’t be mixing themselves with vampires, if you cannot persuade them then you destroy them. Just like the first time. Humans and Vampires do not mix.” “I understand sir. As Blake hung up he was having second thoughts about his plan, but he only knew he had to follow orders. “Hey everyone, the honeymoon was wonderful, swimming in the pool at night, late walks on the beach...” “Having sex all the time.” Trista said Speed and Ray blushed, “That is not all we did. We went out to restaurants, and went out dancing, so ha, sex is not all we did,” Ray said still blushing when she realized what she said, which made Trista laugh. “Welcome back you two, but we do have business to discuss.” Ash said with a serious look on his face. “Great we come back and there is danger, we should have stayed in Brazil.” Speed said. “Xavier has brought to my attention that not just Klaus is after us now, but hunters are on our trail.” Blake had a surprised look on his face from hearing that news, he tried to hide it before anyone could see. “What makes you say that?” “Someone attacked me when I was coming back to the house and the words “die vampire” gave me a good clue that it was a hunter, I killed him. Elena said answering his question. “On top of that since the ring is so hard to find, Klaus is sending out the big guns. Roman, Karma, and Damien are out and about trying to find all of us.” “But Xavier, why would Klaus send them and how are you getting this information?” “Elizabeth and Tommy are actually handing me information Kieran.” “Wait WHAT!!!!, are they not human, Klaus would have killed them already Xavier.” “We helped them enough to make it seem like they are vampires, so right now they are safe and when they are in trouble they know how to contact us if anything happens. They know the risks and they are willing to help us and Ash, we tried to stop them, but this is the only way to have people on the inside.” Elena explained “How did they get inside in the first place?” “They told them that they had heard what Klaus had done and they wanted to join his side for true power.” “Knowing that those three are on the loose we have to be careful when we go out from now on, there is no telling when they will come up behind you, they are good at tracking. The only four people they don’t know about are Ray, Elena, Elizabeth, Tommy, and Speed. As for the rest of you, they can track you, and then trace here with you, so be careful. If there is a slightest chance you feel someone following you call first and back up will be at your location. That is all for now.” Ash said. Everyone left except Trista. “Trist, is everything ok, you look worried.” “Ash, I wanted to ask you about the past. What happened, because you guys are the ones who found us from the hunters right?” “Yes we did, you were a little girl when we found you and your older brother. Your father had died trying to protect you two and your mother as well. Why do you ask?” “Was there someone else there that night besides you, I thought I saw....” “Saw who?” “It is nothing, it was just a dream.” “Sometimes they are not just dreams Trista, they are repressed memories trying to come to light. Maybe if you get some sleep then maybe you will figure out what the dream means hmm.” “Yeah, thanks Ash, I may just go out for some fresh air for a bit.” “Just remember, be careful.” “I will.” Damien was walking the streets, looking for the people who would know where Ash’s ring is. He had a feeling that they were keeping Ash alive somewhere, he just needed to find where so Klaus can get his hands on that ring and do him and every vampire a favor and kill all humans, to kill all those damn hunters once and for all. Especially the one he let get away. He was walking down the street, he needed a drink if he was going to be out here most of the night looking for those people. When he turned the corner and was about to cross the street, he saw her, the one he thought he had killed long ago. “Well, well, now isn’t this interesting. I better go reminisce with this girl.” Damien said with a creepy smile. Trista was walking down the streets, still thinking about that dream she had, wondering why Blake was in her dream and standing over a woman’s body. Who was that woman? What was her connection to her? All of a sudden she heard a tune in the distance. She has heard this tune before. “Where does it hurt....tell me the cause I understand....the words of a heart. Where have I heard that tune.” Trista stopped mid thought and stopped walking, the tune was getting louder, she realized it was not in her head, someone was whistling it, and it was getting louder. “Someone is following me.” She looked to the right and to the left, the tune of the song coming in and out, it had to be a vampire, then from behind she could hear the whisper, feel the air of the breath of the person behind her. “You always did like that song when mom sang it, after all this time I am surprised you remembered it my dear Trista.” Trista turned to see the person who was behind her. “Big brother, nice to see you again and to see that you are not going to be a coward and shoot me behind the back this time.” “Well, you know what I want, so that is the only reason you are still alive.” “Tsk, tsk, tsk, Damien, you know better, you know I wouldn’t betray friends. For most of us it is not that easy to betray someone you are close to.” “Ha, well, then you don’t really know everyone you are close to do you?” “What the hell is that supposed to mean.” Damien circled around her slowly while still talking to her. “Someone in your inner circle is not who he says he is. I found out the day we did our little plan to kill Ash. You see, I know, that you all know as well there was a hunter there that night. What you don’t know is that there was another hunter, who came in earlier than that hunter, who got to know us, befriend us, and then he keeps his buddies informed and they wait to attack.” “How the hell would you know that, hmm, did your imaginary friend tell you?” “No, you see, Later that night, the hunter was looking for his friend, and I happen to see him looking, he was being suspicious, I knew he wasn’t a vampire right off. I tortured him a little and he told us he was a hunter. They had a plan to kill the king, if we had just waited they would have killed Ash for us. Anyway, after two days of torture, he told us the name of the person on the inside. Hence, a person you are friends with is not telling you the truth.” “Why should I believe you?” “Well, you shouldn’t, I did betray you, but you know how I feel about hunters, if he hadn’t left with you I would have found him and killed him by now. I knew from the first moment I saw him in Ash’s house he looked familiar. We both have seen him before. Ah, you do remember, I can see the look on your face, that you have someone in mind of who this hunter is.” “Whatever Damien, I don’t trust your word anyway. Damien smiled and walked up to trista to whisper in her ear, “So, tell me baby sister, how did our dear mother die, who was first at the scene to see her last breath?” Damien traced away and disappeared. “Ok, Declan, come out, I know you are following me, you have been for awhile.” “You always were observant, that is why you are the best at being a hunter.” “You know it is dangerous for us to talk, let alone calling me a hunter. You know they know that hunters are on to them. Apparently, someone tried to kill Elena and she had to kill him.” “Some people are loosing faith in you, and they are going against the plan. So, I have to ask, can we trust you to get us inside and destroy these vampires?” “You know you can trust me, just like last time.” “Only last time you let that little girl and boy escape.” “Last time I found them when it was too late, I have no trouble killing her now.” “Good, I want to move up the plan. I want to execute two nights from now. They all better be at that house when we go in there.” “Don’t worry, they will be, along with the humans who love the vampires. Trista laid down still thinking about what Damien said and her dream, it doesn’t make any sense. She immediately went to sleep, trying not to think about it anymore. She heard someone say I love you, Trista my darling and it showed the same two scenes as before. The scene changed to when she visited her parents grave with Damien. She was looking down at the graves, with her friends and her brother beside her. Trista had just looked up when the same woman who had died before her eyes walked up to her. “Mommy,” she called out to the woman, now knowing who she really was and how she was connected to her. How did you and daddy die?” Trista’s mother was looking down and then looked up at her. Trista noticed that she had a calm look in her eyes, she replied to her, “you have to know what to see.” Trista had a confused look in her eyes, as she looked away from her mother and looked to her right and saw that Blake was there in the same suit as the person who killed her parents. Trista woke up immediately knowing the truth and she had to find Blake. Trista walked fast through the hallways going to see why Blake was there, even though she knew the truth, she didn’t want to believe it. She finally found him in the study room talking to Kieran. “Trista, you need to hear...” Trista, didn’t hear Kieran, she went straight for Blake’s throat by grabbing it with one hand and pushing him down on the desk. “Trista!!!!” Kieran said yelling at her. “What do you know? Did you do it? Did you kill them?” “Trista, calm down, what are you talking about?” Trista let go of Blake’s neck and stepped back from him. Blake coughed and then replied, “I see that you finally remember, I did kill them. It was my job to do that, I was following orders.” Trista lunged at him, but Kieran pushed her back. “I don’t understand.” “He killed my parents!!!! I was there hiding in the closet and saw him, I couldn’t remember because I was young when it happened. So why didn’t you kill Damien, why didn’t you kill me!!!” “I had found you too late, Ash and the others caught up, and I said I found your parents, you were passed out. Damien was near your father.” “I don’t get it wh....Blake, why would you kill her parents?” Kieran asked confused “Because he is a hunter, it was his job to kill them remember.” Trista slapped him as tears were rushing down her face. I...I...I trusted you, ever since I thought you saved me that day, all the while you were going to kill me from the very beginning. You, betrayed me, I liked you. You not only betrayed me, but everyone of us.” “I did what I thought was right Trista.” Trista lunged at him again, but Kieran held her back. “Trista, don’t.” “Kieran let go of me, I am fine. You have been with us for years, with me for years. Is this your thing, get to know vampires, earn their trust then the vampires died. You knew my parents and you betrayed them. I....you were the one person I trusted, I really liked you alot and I thought......whatever.” “Trist...” “No, Kieran leave me the hell alone.” Ray and Speed walked in just as Trista was storming out. “Trist what’s......Kieran, Blake, what is going on with her?” “Blake has a lot of explaining to do.” Kieran turned to Blake at that moment and put his hand against his throat and pushed him against the wall. “You, I have many words for what I have heard tonight, but the main one is you are an ass. You hurt my friend, and whatever falls on her or on any of us, is on you. If she doesn’t forgive you for this, if she can’t I am siding with whatever she decides” As Kieran was walking out of the study, he turned to Ray and Speed, “Blake is a hunter, go tell Ash. I am going to check on Trista.” “So, no one is talking right now, I got out of bed for nothing? I have been awake for twenty four hours, I would like some sleep boys and girls. So, what was this meeting all about?” “Well, we were on a date.” Xavier said “Brace yourselves, um..” “I will tell them, it is my secret to tell after all Speed.” “Of course it is you backstabber.” “Hey, chill out Ray, what is wrong with you? And, second of all, what happened to you Blake?” “I am a hunter, Trista did this to me, I am the one who killed her parents, surprise.” “Ok, so...um, what. I don’t get it, if you are a hunter, how did you get close to Ash, and why are you here.” Elena asked “I got close to Ash slowly. Getting close to other Vampires who knew of him, and then I met Trista and Damien’s parents. I told them I was a vampire looking for a job, so they said Ash was looking for some protection. My job was to get close to Ash enough to see his habits and where he goes so I could...” “Kill him, say it, since you are a hunter say it.” “Kill him.” “How did Trista find out?” “I don’t know, I know she was hiding in the closet when it happened and she blanked out, and forgot about it, I don’t know how she remembered it. Something must of triggered it.” Xavier went up to him and punched him. “How can you be so calm about this, we are your friends, how could you do this, especially to Trista. Did you even know how much she cared for you?” “It was my job.” “Your job is crap. Ash, what do you want to do?” “I will leave it up to Trista, she is the one who has the right to decide what happens to you now, and you will be the one to tell her that. Whatever she decides I will go with no matter what anyone says. Now, As a person, well since you are half human, I am not your king anymore, so you don’t have to tell me shit, I won’t care if you do or don’t, but is there anything else you want to tell us? You are obviously here for a reason, a hunter attacked Elena, so what are you here for? Tell me don’t tell me, everything from tonight on is on you and I hope you can deal with that.” Blake swallowed then, “The hunters are coming to kill you two night from now. I was sent to kill the king, kill the king and killing every other vampire would take a few years but it would be easy since no one was protecting them. Since I knew you were still alive they told me to keep an eye on you and tell them when it was a good time to strike.” “And you told them two nights from now, then why did a hunter attack me, hmm?” “that hunter did it because apparently I am too soft and you all are getting to me more than you should, they don’t trust me with this anymore.” “Well, I guess you have no one, because we don’t trust you now either.” “I just have one question, now that we know everything, what side are you on? You know throughout this whole thing, I can understand why Trista would actually try to kill you. You could have killed us at anytime, you have had years, so I believe there is some part of you that still wants to be here, there is some part of you that wants our forgiveness or Trista’s. Don’t answer now, think about it for the next two days.” Xavier said, walking out of the study. Everyone soon followed, the only two people left were Elena and Blake. “Blake.....” “Whatever Elena do what you need to do, punch me, threaten me do whatever makes you feel better.” “I forgive you.” “What? Yell at me, do something, I don’t deserve forgiveness. How can you be so calm about all of this?” “I forgive you. I am so calm because I don’t think you can be all bad. You know, these past few months, you didn’t seem like you hated me. I didn’t know you for years, but since I have been at this house, you didn’t hate any of the others, you couldn’t have because if you did, you could have killed everyone here a long time ago, long before I came to live here, but you waited. Why did you wait?” “I had to know what your plans were and....” “No, that is not true. You know why I stopped being an assassin, killing people for hire for my parents and Vince, why I ran?” “Because you were going to kill innocent people.” “Not just that, you know I had no problems with the life I have led, killing criminals here and there, killing their families, but for some reason, Tommy and Liz were different, that particular hit was different. Then I finally knew, deep down inside if I had really thought about it, I didn’t just get attached to these people, they made me feel again, made me feel human again. Then I realized, every person that I have killed, were innocence, you know, don’t get me wrong, they led bad lives, but at the end of the day, I was killing innocent people. Seeing Liz and Tommy and finding out that they were innocent taught me that. I can see the same look in your eyes that I got when I first met them. You have had that look for a long time I bet. That is why you told us the hunters plan for us. To warn us, that is why I can see the guilty look on your face for everything that came out tonight especially when it comes to Trista. I want you to know that I have been there, I have done terrible things. You killing vampires, you thought you were doing the right thing, but you don’t feel that way anymore, trust me, I know. So whatever you decide, you have someone in your corner. If you are against us or you are going to help us, I will be in your corner. So yes, I forgive you.” Tears began to come down Blake’s face. “Elena, I am so sorry.” Elena went up to him and hugged him. “It is ok.” “No, it’s not, they wanted me to betray everyone, I can’t do that, they are all my friends no matter what they think of me, and Trista, what I did to her parents, she will never forgive me. I just, I hated vampires, one of them killed my parents, fed on them until they died, vampires were always dead to me, until I met everyone. You know, they wanted me to kill Elizabeth, Speed, and Tommy, three humans, I can’t do that, they are not even vampires.” “Blake, I understand, you know how long it took Lizzy and Tommy to forgive me, it took two years. Let alone, I didn’t have to apologize for them being put in danger because of me. It will take time, and groveling and maybe buying their favorite things for a while, but I am sure with time, they will all forgive you, and if they give you more of a hard time than they should, I will beat them to a pulp until they forgive you. Now Trista, that is another story. ok two things, one, you are an ass, two, you were different, you didn’t know better. So talk to her and tell her what Ash told you to tell her, and make it right with her dude. Because if you don’t, I have a feeling that people are going to choose her before you. Just, step lightly on the eggshells around her. Let her do all the talking unless she asks you a question. So, get up, wipe the tears, and trace up to her room and knock on her door and be brave.” “Thank you Elena, but why are you helping me, you hardly know me.” Elena looked up into his eyes and smiled. “I know what you are thinking and it is not because you helped rescue me. I have been where you are before, played the hating game and if I thought you were a lost cause like Vince and my parents, I wouldn’t be doing this, but you remind me of me, you don’t have that hate anymore, you just have that guilt, and it won’t go away until you start with the one who put it there. Plus, I think of you as a friend now, and I help my friends, so whatever. Plus you all accepted me, even with my assassin past, so I have no right to not accept that you are a hunter. If you don’t want to do that anymore I will accept it head on.” “I don’t want to do this anymore, I think that is why it took me so long.” “Then go, earn your forgiveness.” Elena hugged him and stepped back as he traced away. “That was great what you did.” Elena turned to see Kieran, Xavier, and Ash. Elena smiled while blushing, “You three saw that, you weren’t suppose to.” “Xavier smiled, “Well my dear, next time go somewhere not in the open. But thank you for talking to him.” “Well, I just thought he needed it, I had no one, I just thought he needed someone who has been there.” “Well, it is up to Trista now, whatever she decides we have to go with, hopefully one day she can forgive Blake.” “Have the three of you? I know it is still early, but can you forgive him?” “We have talked about it and we can forgive him. I could actually see the look in his eyes and he was guilty about what he has done. It has always been my dream that vampires and humans can coexist together without fighting each other. So we can forgive, but he is definitely cooking and doing our laundry for a year. This is going to be fun. Ash said with a smile. Everyone started laughing. Trista was laying in her bed crying, she didn’t want to believe it, everything about blake was a lie. He had done something that was unforgivable. Damien was right, he gave me hints, she just didn’t want to believe it. She didn’t know why she was so sad over this, but she knew deep down inside that she had fallen for him. “I am happy that I never told him how I really felt.” “How did you feel about me Trist?” Trista didn’t turn around, but she knew who it was from the first word. She had memorized everything this man did, how he talked to everyone how he only talked to her, and how handsome he looked and all she wanted is one kiss from him, but now she hated him, and yet deep down inside she didn’t hate him completely which felt wrong. “Go away Blake, there is nothing you can do here.” “I wanted to talk to you about it or you can yell at me about it.” Trista got up from the bed and was standing a few inches away from him. “You want to talk about it hmm, how about you betraying me, you doing the worse thing you could possibly do to me. You hurt me more than you can ever imagine. You killed my parents, why, why did you do it?” “I thought I was right in killing vampires, my parents were killed by a vampire brutally, their blood drained. I had snuck out like I always did, didn’t miss a beat, climbed down the tree that was close to my window like always to meet my friends. That night I went with them to go to the movies, when I got back to my house everything was quiet, too quiet, lights were still on, but my parents weren’t saying anything, they always found that I had snuck out of the house, my mother always knew, and I go in through the front door, I call out for them no answer, I walk up the steps calling for them, my heart is starting to beat fast in my chest, and I knock on the door, I smell something as I slowly open the door, I smell blood, and the more I open the door the faster my heart quickens it beats, and when the door is finally open I see my parents lying there, in there bed blood everywhere, I slowly walked up to their corpses, very slowly, my knees weakening, when I got close to the bed I threw up on the floor, I buckled, I was on my knees, tears coming down my eyes, I didn’t know at first but I was screaming. When I stopped, I noticed that on their neck were two bite marks, I ran out the house and Declan found me, he told me about vampires, he helped me, and let me live with him, and he taught me to kill vampires, so I was doing my job as bad as it sounds it was my job and I was the best at it. But then I was sent to all of you, and I interacted with you and talked and joked with you all, I don’t, I kept stalling, I just couldn’t do it, I even fought with Declan that night we were suppose to strike, I put it off. I was the one who told the king that someone was coming for him, I had no idea that Klaus was after him too until that night. I have been stalling for years. Tonight they even said I was going soft, I wasn’t in it anymore, and that is why they went after Elena, they don’t trust me anymore.” “I don’t know what to say to all of that. On one hand, I want to kill you and make you miserable, on the other hand I want to...never mind.” “This necklace that I wear is the only thing left I have of my mother and father. I couldn’t go back into that house, so I burned it and buried my parents in the backyard. I don’t expect you to forgive me.” “You should have told me, you should of, I had to figure it out thanks to Damien.” “Damien, your brother knew?” “Yeah, he saw you and Declan talking that night, then remembered who you were, he wants you dead.” “And you, what do you want?” “what do I want? I...I don’t like you, you know, while she was saying this Blake was walking towards her while she was taking steps away from him. “I hate you so much, more than my brother, and that is saying something.” “No you don’t, you want to forgive me, I can see it in your eyes. So what is stopping you?” “I, you really hurt me, and you betrayed me, and you didn’t tell me the truth, you were lying to me about yourself all these years” Trista was backed up against a wall now. “One part, of me, the rest I told you about myself was all true.” “The biggest part, you hid, I understand you had to, I know, but, can you not look at me like that.” “Like what?” “Like, like....” “Don’t look away from me Trist, my little bumble bee. I promise, I will never betray you again, and I will keep telling you that and showing you that until you can trust me. I care about you, out of everyone, you are the one I felt most guilty about, I wanted to tell you, so many times, but I was afraid of what you might say. I care about the others I do, I would die for them, but you...” “Me what?” “What did you want to tell me earlier, how do you feel about me?” Trista looked up into his eyes, then down to his lips, and back to his eyes. “Trist, I am very close to kissing you ring now, seconds. when I count to four I am going to kiss you, if you don’t want me to you will stop me. one..two..three..” Trista didn’t give him a chance to get to four, she kissed him on the lips and he kissed back passionately. “Declan, what do you want to do. it looks like your poor little hunter is giving up the hunt.” “Well, Damien, how about we up the time of our attack, we attack tomorrow night.” “You will still hold up your end of the bargain right, I get to kill him, and I will let you live and kill the king. Win, win.” What do you and your pals want with the king anyway?” “That is none of your concern. Just know we have eyes everywhere, and we know where you live, where you are, think of it like, you are our bitch. So you will get me in there. “Fine.” The next afternoon Trista and Blake were laying in bed together, Trista had her head on his chest, thinking that he was the guy that she always wanted, she could forgive him for what he did, she knew that, she loved him and she could forgive him. Blake kissed the top of her head. “I want to give you something.” “What is it?” “Well you are already wearing it, the particular something.” Trista looked down and sat up, she felt something against her chest. She looked down and saw his necklace his mother gave him. “wait it is different, it looks like a puzzle piece and with a bee and a heart on it. and it is cut in half. There is writing on it, I never noticed that before.” “It is a magical pendant, my father found. When two people are in love it separates and writing appears on both of halves and breaks apart for the two lovers to both have. My father got it for my mom from his father. It changes with each couple it comes upon, for my parents it was a broken parchment with a love letter written on it, for us, a bumble bee and a heart, I have the bumble bee and you stung my heart. So you have my heart.” “What does the writing say?” “Fate controls who walks into your life, but you decide who you let walk out, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.” “There is one question I have to ask you, I am prepared to do anything you ask, and keep you with me forever. Can you forgive me, and do you want me to stay with you?” Trista looked into his eyes, “It was written that we were fated right. I wouldn’t want to let you go, I can forgive you, I love you too much to not forgive you. You are stuck with me Blake, and you have to do alot of cooking to make it up to me.” “I would love to be with you forever, but cooking, maybe we can eat out a lot, cooking not really my specialty.” They both laughed. When Blake and Trista went into Ash’s office for the meeting, everyone looked at them and smiled. “What.” “So, you guys made up huh? by making up.” Ray said with a big smile on her face. “Whatever, “Trista said while blushing. “Anyway, I called this meeting because of Blake. Blake, I wanted to ask you, if the hunters don’t trust you anymore, what would they do, what are they capable of doing?” “They know the location and bits and pieces of the layout, I didn’t give them the basement areas, just the front door, side door, and back door. Most likely they will act on their own soon. either coming through the windows or the doors. On this they would have ten people to outnumber us, but they would come in one at a time, that is how they operate, people always think that they are coming in together. They only carry guns and knives, they know how to sneak and they are sly. They are good, but not great, that is why they always had to have a person on the inside. So you all can take them. If you can pinpoint where exactly they are coming from and I do. One is going to be coming through my window, two the back door, they are going to change up because I know they know by now that I am against them. two are coming through the side door, two are coming in through Xavier’s window, and three more are using the side door. I gave them little information about this house. So we just have to wait now and prepare.” “Hey, I see people right now through the window.” “They came a day early.” CRASH!!!! Two men came in through the window, when they crouched down to the floor, a knife was thrown in one of their chest, the other male looked up. “Hey, we are not the ones dying today,” Ray said as she threw a knife at his chest. There was another crash, and a male crouched down he got shot in the chest. Downstairs, the back door opened slowly two men opened the back door. An arrow was shot in one of the men’s chest, the man went down, another arrow went into the other man’s leg as he tried to crouch down. Elena came out and walked up to him, “You were not sneaky enough, I am way better at this than you.” Elena took a knife and stabbed him before he had a chance to pull a gun. At the side door, Speed and Trista, were caught by surprise, all five men were coming through the side door. “You ready,” Speed asked. “Definitely. Speed shot an arrow through three of the men’s chest. there were two left. “Two left, I don’t see them, they must have hid. The good thing is they are stuck there.” “Trist, Speed, what is going on did you get all of them?” “No, two left, the last two ducked and covered. They brought in five at a time, I hit three of them.” “Let’s get them out then.” Kieran said smiling. “You might as well get out you two, we killed your men, you are surrounded and you are stuck. now let’s get this party started the right way huh.” The two men got up and walked out. Trista turned pale at the last person she thought she was going to see. “What, are you not going to give your old pal a hug?” Damien said chuckling “Hello my dear sister, I guess, my suspicions were right, they did save you. I guess you managed to turn Blake into a goody goody isn’t that just sweet.” “What the hell are you doing with the hunters?” “Well, it was a win win situation see, they wanted something and we wanted something. We want Ash dead, let’s send stupid hunters to do that, but they didn’t count on Blake knowing their every move. Declan here didn’t see that. They like to kill vampires so I followed your little crumbs my dear, you were a surprise I was not expecting. I on the other am here to get your dear friend, Blakey boy.” “Wow, I am surprised Declan, you can be here in the battle yourself, I never thought you would ever.” “We all pull surprises out of the hat Blake. I wasn’t surprised at you though, you were too weak, sentimental, I could even tell when I told you to kill the humans.” “They are innocent people who did nothing wrong” Oh, blah blah blah, where is Ash, he needs to die, and for him to die he needs to be here.” “Oh, is that why I should be here, I thought I could be here to see you die, or to see you retreat to my brother to tell him that you failed.” Ash said from behind Damien and Declan. “Ah, so you do show to your own battles.” “No, my battle isn’t with you, or your friends, they are with my brother. And he is being a coward sending people to do his work, but don’t worry, our final fight will come soon enough.” “Whatever, we want the ring, will you give it up or not?” “Oh, I think not.” “Pity, well, I don’t need the hunter anymore, we know where you are now, we can just keep track of you.” Damien took his knife out of his pocket and stabbed Declan. Declan looked at him shocked. “Sorry mate, don’t look so shocked, one of us had to stab the other one in the back sooner or later, you were just too late to get to it sooner, so I beat you to the punch.” Declan fell to the floor. “You never change, still stabbing people in the back.” “Well my sweet sister, that is not all true, I shot you in the back.” Damien smiled after replying to her. “So how are we going to do this, all I want is Blake, so look, you know that I know he betrayed all of you, so you just send him my way and I kill him, I will be on my way and we can fight some other time.” “You are not going to kill him, and we are not giving him to you, you miserable bastard.” “Bastard, hmm, nice. So, you love him, I can see it in your eyes, well shame because he’s gotta die, and he is going to by my hands tonight.” Trista walked up to him, she was inches away from him. “You have to go through me first, brother, and it won’t be that easy this time. I will fight back.” “You do realize he killed our parents right, why protect him?” “I love him, he is apart of me, that is in the past, I know he has done terrible things, but I love him, I can forgive him for what he did because he is my guy that I have been waiting for, and I will stand by him and protect him no matter what he has done.” “Wow, nice speech, fine, then I will kill you first make your little boyfriend watch, and then kill him.” “FIne, how about a fair fight, just like practice, only one of us goes down permanently.” Damien smiled, “You are not so stupid after all, fine, where.” “In the backyard, you know I have always liked fighting in the moonlight.” “What weapons, I let the loser pick, since you always loose.” “Hmm, swords of course, I still have my rebellion, from dad, do you still have your sword that you got from mom?” “Yeah, I still have my shadow sword. Oh, this is going to be fun.” “Lets go.” “Trist are you sure you want to do this, you don’t have to you know, you shouldn’t, why are you doing this, I should be the one.....” “No, Blake, you shouldn’t, it is not your place, it is mine. He is my brother, and if anyone is going to kill my brother it is me, especially since I owe him for two bullets that I had in me.” “Ok, but be careful, any sign that he is going to kill you, I am going in.” “I would expect nothing less from you or any of you. Just please do not interfere.” Blake kissed her on the lips before she went out to face her brother. Trista and Damien faced each other for a long while, swords gleaming in the moonlight, one waiting for the other to make the first move. Damien traced to right in front of her, Trista blocked fast, and jumped back, Damien came at her fast, she kept blocking and backing up. Trista traced behind Damien, but he traced and swung his sword behind her, she didn’t have time to block and got hit on the back. He was going to swing again but she backed up. Trista charged at him, traced behind him and gave him a cut on his back before he could get away. He turned and backed away. “Look who is weak now.” “Still you loser.” The battle went on like this for the next few hours, Trista getting a hit here and Damien getting a few hits until they were both back to staring at each other, both tired. “This is it isn’t, they both have nothing left, they both only have one strike in them and then they are done. Come on Trist.” “You are done.” “It is not like you are all full of energy right now.” “Ready?” “Lets end this already.” Trista and Damien both ran toward each other and swung their swords at each other. as they ran past each other. They both were still for a while. “Hmm, I have to say you have gotten better, at least you won’t be an embarrassment.” Damien smiled at saying that and went down to his knees and fell down in the grass. Trista went down to her knees, before she went down, Blake traced to her and caught her. “I guess you won, my little bumble bee.” “It would seem so.” “I can’t believe he is dead.” “He isn’t he was just knocked out, now he is gone.” Everyone turned to see his body missing. “I noticed that you all were not our only audience, I think Roman and Karma were here.” Trista got to her feet. They know where we are now, so I guess that we have another fight on our hands, and I have to face my brother again, he doesn’t like to lose so easily.” “Yeah, but lets not worry about that now, lets wait until that day comes. Tonight we celebrate, we defeated the hunters, and we don’t have to take care of the bodies since they disappear afterwards, I am so glad hunters do that, they are still human but not really. So, Blake is cooking, and making us a drink.” “Cheers to that” Everyone said “So, we are having pizza from somewhere, right, I will get right on that.” “No olives and no mushrooms.” “Yeah, yeah. Trista are you ok?” “Yeah I am fine, I am just happy that I have you now.” “I am happy that I have you too.” At Ash’s house, Roman and Karma were going to Klaus’s bedroom. “Sir, we didn’t get Ash’s ring, but we found out Damien was right, your brother is still alive.” “Interesting, looks like my brother is ready to join the game. We will get the ring soon enough, don’t worry, no one is going to stop me from my plans I will make sure of it.” |