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A laxative accidentally gets put in the bag of a kid at school and he shares it cluelessly |
Episode: "the laxative" this story was written based on a dream I had, I found it hysterical so I turned it into a story, I hope you all enjoy, no hate please :) Hazel: *bends over to grab something and shoe squeaks* Deliah: bahahahah nice fartttt Hazel: that was my shoe. Deliah: nice cover up. *chuckles* Hazel: *glares* Jack: gaw Deliah can't you just be nice?! I saw her shoe move Hazel: looks up at Jackand smiles* Deliah: what ever *chuckles* Hazel: hey, Jack, thanks *smiles* Jack: she's rude. I'll get her back for you. Hazel: how do you plan do that? *smiles* Jack: you'll find out *winks* Hazel: *smiles* okay Deliah is mopping and almost falls* Hazel: *laughs* Deliah: yeah well at least I didn't fart hahahahahaha Hazel: hahaha you're so funny. I already told you it was my shoe gosh. -The next day- Jack: hey Deliah you want my chocolate bar? I bought it and opened it but realized I'm not hungry. Deliah: aw sure thanks jack! Jack: anytime Hazel: *looks up at Jack* Jack: *sits down next to me* Hazel: um. what was that? Jack: me, being nice. Hazel: mmm. Okay. *looks confused* hazel: I'm gonna be so lonely in 3rd hour. Jack: no ya won't. 3rd hour Hazel: this is what you meant. Jack: exactly. Hazel: We better not get in trouble for laughing today. Jack: we won't. Hazel: okay. Jack: I told me mom I wanted to study today and I told her you could help me. Ali isn't gonna be here since she's at the doctor and Nate will be at the dentist I don't want you to be lonely. Hazel: you're so great. Jack: thank you!:) I know I am. Hazel: *smiles* Ms Suzan: you may study together as long as you're quiet Ms Susan: hazel, could you help Jack with his math? Hazel: sure! *sitting in the back* Montana: may I go to the bathroom? Ms Susan: yeah give me your planner. 3 mins later Jack: *reaches in bag and sees chocolate bar* oh my gaw. Hazel: what? Jack: I didn't give her the chocolate Hazel: *tries to keep from laughing so we don't get in trouble* well what'd you give her then? jack: my sister bought a laxative and a chocolate bar and I accidentally gave her the laxative. Hazel: covers mouth* I'm dying OMG jack! Jack: *covers his mouth* haha. hahahahah. Hazel: *begins writing* so you add this side if its a negitave because you add the- Jack are even you listening? Jack: I'm sorry. I was but I got distracted.. you know i think she shared half of it with Montana Hazel: poor Montana. Should you go check on him and make sure he's alright? Jack: he'd totally do it for me. Not Hazel: but it would be the nice thing to do. Jack: but I wanna be with you and study hazel: oh you're so nice Jack: you are too. Hazel: can I play with your hair? Jack: can you please? I might fall Asleep Hazel: no don't get yelled at by your mom Jack: okay Hazel: *pets hair* ugh can I have your hair softness? Jack: it's not that soft hazel: its perfect and soft the perfect color the perfect texture lays the perfect way and it's soft! Jack: *face turns red* *smiles* Hazel: you're blushing aren't you? Jack: no... Hazel: yes yes you are Jack: no... *blushes* Hazel: well now you are Jack: you caught me Hazel: that's cute Montana: *comes back* Montana: Jack, dude I just took the worst crap. Jack: Montana, Montana: *looks puzzled* what? Jack: you um seem to forget um there's Um I don't know um A GIRL RIGHT HERE! Montana: she doesn't care Hazel: yes of course it thrills me to hear about Montana's craps *laughs* jack: montana, that's not gonna get you girls Montana: you just heard her. Jack: learn the definition of sarcasm Hazel *laughs* y'all don't argue we're all friends I think.. If Montana even thinks that way I don't like to say he's my anything Cus of past experiences Montana: :O dont even start, yes were friends. hazel: so anyway are you okay? Montana: ...I'm flushed out that's the word for it *giggles* I feel bad for the next person that goes in there. Deliah: I'll be back I have to go call my dad I forgot I need some notecards for a project Jordan: ight montana: imma go sit back down Hazel: later, Montana. Jack: peath and love Hazel:peath on earth Jack: look. *points* Deliah: *gets up* Deliah: may I go to the office to call for some notecards? Ms Susan: no. You have 5 mins left of class Jack: *laughs* Hazel: what? Jack: she doesn't need notecards she needs to poopied Hazel: *giggle* I love when you say poopied Jack: poopied 2 mins later Jack: *looks down in stress* Hazel: are you okay? Jack: yeah. But I don't wanna get in trouble Hazel: why would you get in trouble? Jack: i gave her a laxative that's like bullying Hazel: you didn't mean to. Jack: I know but that bag says laxatives and she's gonna find out Hazel: just explain to her. Jack: you're hanging with me and she's gonna think it's something we came up with Hazel: Well she can kiss your cute bubble butt Jack: I don't want her to actually she can do it from 50 miles away hazel: this is why you're awesome Jack: *blushes* Bell rings- 4th hour Jack: Montana, Montana: wha? Jack: did you eat any of that chocolate Deliah had? Montana: yes like a half of it why? Jack: *facepalms* Montana: what Jack: I accidentally gave her Vanessa's laxative Montana: JACK!!!! Hazel: It's okay he didn't know Montana: yeah, but I shared it with Nathan Jack: *puts head down* Montana: you can get In so much trouble for that. Jack: I'm aware! Montana: you're lucky I have the bag Jack: you're a life savor. *reaches in to grab the bag* Montana: *pulls it away* but, I still have to make a deal with you because you're the reason I have tha trots Jack: *discusted look* euh please don't put it Like that. Montana: *hands it to him* eat it Jack: uh no way! It's not my fault you ate candy Given to you by someone else! Montana: eat it. *glares* Hazel: okay montana, that's really kinda harsh Montana: and what happened to me isn't?! hazel: well it is, but It was a honest mistake Montana: how do I know I you weren't trying to be mean to Deliah Jack: you only care Cause you like her. Jack: but no I didn't do it on purpose Montana: I don't like Deliah! Montana: you KNOW that I like Ali Jack: but you like Deliah a little bit. Montana: no I did.. She hurt me really bad. Hazel: then why are you defending her? Jack: if..? Montana: because it's not her fault I'm not good enough Hazel: don't say that. jack: yeah don't Montana: why not say it? it's 100% true hazel: montana, it's not that you aren't good enough it's because you aren't good enough for her. Montana: let's talk about this in PE she's probably fixing to be here Hazel she's been in here for at least 15 mins Montana: shhh--oot I said shoot 1 min later Montana: crap! Hazel: what? Jack: what? Montana: I don't have the bag. Jack: so does that mean, Deliah does? Montana: what do you think? At lunch Hazel: so, how'd Deliah hurt you? Montana: The things she said at that dance a while back they hurt my feelings Hazel: well what'd she say? Montana: I don't wanna talk about it. Hazel: please? Jack: she's more worthy of a secret then Jade is Hazel: *cough* true *cough* Montana: she made sure that I was positive she wasn't happy being with me and she hits me in the head with basketballs and books and footballs and when I text her she doesn't answer and when she does it's never nice Hazel: hmm.. That last parts not ironic.. *mumbles* you totally didnt do that to me. Montana: what? Hazel: nothing. montana: I just membered. Jack and Hazel: what? Montana: I got hungry and ate the laxative Hazel: dumbo. Jack: *laughs* Hazel: *moves down* Jack: *moves down* Montana: way to leave me! Hazel: sorry! *laughs* 2 mins later Deliah: alright who put the laxatives in my bag? Hazel: *looks at Jack trying not to laugh* Jack: *widens eyes* Hazel: *whispers* calm down and act natural. If she asks be honest. Jack: she's gonna tell my mom! Hazel: your mom was with your sister when she bought it right? Jack: yeah. I think. Idk. Hazel: well she'll understand. Jack: okay. I guess Deliah: I blame you, Jack Jack: why would you automatically blame me? Deliah: I dunno. You gave me chocolate this morning. Deliah: and I think It may be something the two of you came up with. Hazel: why would I be a part of it? Deliah: well you two NEVER hang. And today you haven't left eachothers side. Which makes it questionable. Hazel: just Cus jack and I were hanging and he gave you chocolate doesn't mean that we put laxatives in your bag. Deliah: well why have you two been automatically so tight? It's kind of ironic. hazel: I don't have to explain my friendships with anybody to you. Jack: let me see it. hazel: *looks at jack* deliah: *hands it to jack* Jack: *reads it* you're right. This is the bag I gave you this morning. Hazel: *whispers* Jack, what are you Doing? Jack: *whispers* you'll see. Jack: I remembered We bought both, and I accidentally grabbed the wrong bag when I gave it to you. I'm so sorry. I found the chocolate in my bag earlier but I was scared you'd hurt me. Right hazel? Hazel: yeah. He did. Deliah: and how do I know this isn't something y'all came up with. Hazel: by the look on Jack's face. You can tell he's sorry. I was with him when he found it. He freaked out. He feels horrible. He would never do anything like that to hurt someone. He's not that mean! Jack: she's right. Deliah: okay. Fine I'm sorry for accusing you guys I believe you. Please try not to let it happen again. Jack: I won't. And I'm really sorry. Deliah: it's alright.. *walks off to sit with her friends* Hazel: see we did it. Jack: we sure did. Thanks for your help. I don't know what I woulda done if I were on my own. Hazel: you're welcome. That's what friends are for! Thanks for hanging out with me today. It was fun! Montana: oh thank God. *Sits down next to us* It was a chocolate bar! See? Hazel: hooray *laughs* Jack: *laughs* you're so dumb. Hazel: I can't stop *laughs* After school Hazel: well I gotta go.. My moms here text me? Jack: I'll think about it. Hazel: think hard. Jack: I will. Hazel: *laughs* see ya later Jack: later! *laughs* |