Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1983754-Luscious-Lips-03-Woods-Of-No-Return
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #1983754
In this film, a teenage boy finds himself naked and lost in the middle of a forest.
Just like the last one, read the first story in this series to get a general idea of the world and how it works.

Did you read it? Did you read the second story, too? And you want to read this one?

Well, who am I to deny you! Read and enjoy!


Josh was nervous. He doesn't know why, he just is. This is his fourth film in the past six months since he joined Luscious Lips, having gained experience throughout his films. He knows the drills and knows what he has to do, but why is he nervous?

Could it be the script of this movie? No, he read it all the way through. Nothing was wrong with it. Maybe it was his co-star? Again, no. It might be the fact that he is naked? No, he was proud of walking about in the nude. So why is he like this? Maybe he ate something that didn't agree. It's possible, his stomach had been complaining for an hour. Yeah, maybe that was it. Maybe he just needs a drink of water. Yeah, a sip of some water should do it.

He then grabs a bottle of water from the table, twists off the cap, and drank some water. After two gulps, he twists the cap back on the bottle and places it back on the table. He was relaxed now, completely fine. Why was he nervous to begin with? Perhaps he should see the studio medical team after this film was done.

Josh Benford is a 19 year-old man, sporting a decent build. Not much fat or muscle, not bulky or skinny, just in the middle of them. He scratches his short, dark red hair as he looks at his script with his green eyes. He stood about 5'8 and was 191 lb. He continues to read his script and finally reaches the part he thought about most.

In the script, it says that he'll be shrunk to 12 inches before the film starts rolling. He was never shrunk before, even in his last three films before this. This was gonna be an interesting experience, he thought. He continues to read on, skipping the sex scene and made it to the vore scene. From the looks of it, it's gonna be his first unwilling prey type role. He hopes he'll make a good first impression.

He stood there reading his script some more until he feels something wrapping around his legs. In less than a second, Josh finds himself upside down and face-to-face with a 8 foot long, 1 1/2 foot wide, 100 lb. cell-shaded cartoon snake. From the red lipstick on its lips and the smell of perfume, this is his female co-star. She was a green snake with a yellow under belly that led from just below her head to the very tip of her tail, the very tail that's holding Josh upside down.

A smile spread across her face as she brings the surprised human's lips to her own, giving him a full blown kiss. As if being caught unguarded twice wasn't enough, third times the charm as she inserts her long forked tongue past his lips and down his throat, making a noticable buldge in his neck.

The thrice surprised human gags and chokes a little at this makout and soon relaxes, closing his eyes a little and places his hands on her cheeks as he enjoys this kiss. The both of them mmm'd with every passing second until they both pulled away from each other, leaving a small saliva trail connecting from their lips.

"How's my young co-star doing?" the snake asked.

"I'm doing well, Granny," Josh answered, looking into the eyes of the old serpent. "And how are you?"

"Good," she says with a smile. "Care to guess how old I am, young man?"

"Uh," Josh starts, trying his best to think. Granny has been around way before Luscious Lips was even born. "You're 55?"

"76 and still got it," Granny tells him. "When I was 32, young boys and girls would always come to me for some sexual fun before I made a meal out of them, their youthful bodies adding to my figure. Of course, back then we didn't have those revival things, so them young ones didn't get to see their 18th birthday."

"That's nice and all, but could you put me down please?" Josh said, trying to get off the subject of Granny's past.

"As you wish," she says as she brings the human into yet another deep kiss, laying him down on the ground as she makes out with him.

This one must've lasted longer than the last one, he thought, as he noticed that they've been kissing for two minutes. Finally, Granny pulls away from him and slithers over his body, rubbing her serpentine body on the human, until she stopped with only her tail end in front of his face. Josh could see a slit and a puckering hole before him, making his 8 inch manhood become erect. He notices the hole twitching a little as he looks at it. He suddenly realizes what was gonna happen and was about to push the snake away, but it was too late.

With a small grunt, Granny unleashes a few farts on Josh, each one smellier than the last. Green gas was all he could see or smell, closing his eyes to prevent them from being stung by the old snake's stink. Try as he might to push Granny off of him, the snake proved to be stronger and held her ground as she continues to blast him with her gas. After what felt like an hour (when it was really two minutes), the snake slithered off of him. Josh got to his feet and looked at the snake, who was looking back at him.

"Just give it a second, dear," she said.

Josh was confused at first until he felt something throughout his entire body. He looks at his hands and noticed that they were just fine, but everything else around him was getting bigger. Or maybe he was getting smaller! He soon found himself no taller than 12 inches exactly.

He looks up to the now humongous snake slithering towards him. At least now he knew how he was gonna shrink. Granny's tail wraps around his body, only his head sticking out. He looks up at her, seeing her lick her lips.

"Oh, you look so tasty," shes says to him, lust and hunger in her voice.

Just before she could anything more, a voice called out to anyone listening, stopping her from doing what any snake would do with prey wrapped in their coils. She lets out a sigh as she looks to see a cell-shaded monkey running into the studio they were in. The monkey panted as he stopped in front of Granny, having ran from the nude beach just outside.

"(Pant, pant) I've got to quit smoking," he says, completely exhausted from the small distance he ran. After a few more breaths, he then looks at Granny. "Is Josh around? We've got a film to shoot."

The snake uncoils her shrunken co-star and shows him to the monkey.

"Present and accounted for, Manny," said the old snake.

Manny looks down and sees the small, naked human standing inbetween him and Granny.

"Ah, shrunk already?" the monkey says. "Good. We got work to do and it needs to be done NOW."

Manny then turns around and sits on a chair with "Director" written on the back. Granny then picked Josh up with her tail and places him on her back. Once she felt him place his hands on her, she slithers to the shoot.


"Quiet on the set! This is a take! Aaand...ACTION!!!"

Josh was walking through the woods, naked as the day he was born. He had his arms around him to keep him warm, a cool wind blowing on his nude body. Just a few steps ahead of him, the teen spots a big hole in a giant tree, the hole as big as a cave entrance to a dragon's lair. The wind continues to blow, almost as if to tell him to enter the tree to seek warmth.

Wasting no time, Josh sprinted to the tree and was about to enter when he suddenly heard a noise coming from inside. He stopped just before completely entering the cave, the noise from earlier much louder now. Before he could get a word out, a warmer gust sends him flying out of the cave. Josh lands on his naked rear-end, his sight retrained on the hole.

He then noticed a smell in the air. He then took a few sniffs and finally realised what it was. Whoever, or whatever, was inside the tree cave just farted! Josh gets on his feet and waved his left hand in front of his face, swatting the smell away from him. He was about to do something when suddenly...

"Hello, dear."

That voice came from inside that tree cave! It sounded like an old female. Then a giant, green, snake head with red lips pops out of the hole, the human getting afraid fast as more and more of this snake slithers out of the hole.

"And what brings a tasty morsel like yourself to my home?"

Josh was really scared now, standing in front of a huge serpent. He took a few steps away from thes big snake, his eyes still lock on to the giant cell-shaded snake. She was slithering at his pace! The teen didn't know what to do. Thoughts of running away from her ran through his mind, not a single one was a good idea.

He soon felt something behind him. He looks to see that he backed up against a tree, the roots of the tree blocking his left and right. He was trapped! There was no way out! The giant snake slithers closer.

"Not gonna say anything?" she says in a mocking sad voice. Her red lips then grew into a smile, sending shivers down the teen's spine. "Well, no matter. After all, free food is free food."

And without giving him a chance to do anything, the giant snake opens her maw wide and snaps up her meal, his flailing and kicking legs sticking out of her lips. She slurps them in and proceeded to taste him, her forked tongue rubbing all over Josh's nude thrashing body. With all his might, the human plants his legs on the lower jaws and his hands on the upper and pushes them apart. Slowly but surely, Josh opens the giant snakes maw, his front pointing towards his freedom.

But she would have none of that. The snake tries to close her jaws to keep her prey from escaping, but the teen proved stronger and held her jaws open. Then, with a sinister thought, she moves her forked tongue into position behind the teen. Slowly she eases her tongue closer to his lower body, ready to strike.

Josh thought he was gonna make it, the fact that he could hold this giant snakes jaws open proves it. But before he could make his next move, he felt something wet pressing into his backside. Just when he was about to turn around and look, the wet object inserted itself into butthole, a surprised moan escaping his lips.

The teen finally looked behind him and saw the culprit, the snakes forked tongue! Back and forth and in and out the forked tongue moved inside his butt, pleasure running through his body and even his penis has grown erect. As good as it felt, he knew that if he lets off even a little bit of strength, he would be done for.

Try as he might to resist the pleasure, Josh was starting to weaken as the snakes jaws started to close slowly. As bad as things looked, he couldn't help but moan at this sensation in his ass. After three minutes of pleasurable torture, Josh couldn't hold back anymore and threw his head back and climaxed, spurting his load onto the grass below him. Once his orgasm was done, he felt the tongue withdraw from his anus.

Suddenly, the jaws snap shut all around him, his strength drained from that orgasm. And without further warning, she threw her head back and swallowed, a small lump travelling down her serpantine body. Eventually the lump reached its final destination, the stomach. The teen inside her belly began his futile struggling, desperately trying to escape digestion.

With a hearty belch, she returns to her den and coils around herself and began to sleep, listening to her meal struggling and screaming to be released. She will set him free...once her body is done with him!

Ten minutes later, the snake wakes with a build up inside her rectum. She uncoils herself and sticks her tail outside of her den, not wanting to make a mess inside her home. With a few grunts and some smelly farts later, her tailhole opens up and releases some brown toon shit. Bits of bones could be seen as she continues, the last of her turds landing in the smelly heap.

She then brings back her tail and sticks her head outside her den, looking at the end result of her meal.

"Shame I can't eat you again," she says, licking her lips and rubbing her tummy with her tail. "You were so delicious."

"CUT!!!" yelled the director. He then gets off his chair and walks to the table with bottled water. He grabs one and started gulping it down, feeling very thirsty after shooting three films without break. He then turns around, only to come face to face with Granny.

"What do you think, Manny?" she says.

"Oh! Uh, good. Very good, Granny," he said. He wasn't expecting to come face to face with one of his actors, especially her. "I-I'll be sure to thank Josh once he's back."

"Good," said the snake. "I'm calling it a day. Smell you later, monkey."

Manny grumbles at that last sentance. He hadn't showered in three days because he was so busy making films. He then remembers something he has planned tonight and rushes to the shower room, only to realize a few seconds too late and a couple feminine screams later that the mens shower room was on the left.


Josh opens his eyes to a sight he didn't expect. A completely nude fat elephant lady bouncing up and down on a skinny tiger guy. The two didn't seem to hear him "wake up", so he just sneaked out of the room and into the changing room, leaving them to their privacy. Once he was dressed, he head to the parking lot and saw a big hippo in a pink dress a size too small holding a syringe in one hand.

"Aren't you forgetting something, my little sugar dumpling?" said the hippo.

Of course, he tought. The syringe contains a fresh batch of those micro repair units. Usually, when someone "wakes up", the first thing they get is a fresh injection of them and that's it.

"Yes indeed, my plump lover." Josh said as he walks closer to the hippo. The teen then gets injected with the new batch of repair units, a slight pain the only thing he felt. Afterwards, the two kissed deeply for a few seconds before entering Josh's car and driving away.

It was gonna be a fun night a his house.
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