Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1983615-Lucky
by ajam
Rated: E · Fiction · Other · #1983615
Will Lucky maturely develop on his trip?


At 28 years old, Lucky is going away on his first real vacation; cruising the Southern Caribbean. Lucky is the typical bubble boy. He enjoys and values the familiarity of his everyday life. Lucky was not named after a dog, he was named Lucky because he was a long shot to survive ever since he was in the womb. He goes to work at a car plant and has been at the same assembly line for 12 years. Monday to Friday, from 9-5 Lucky is in pure comfort. The same comfort he gets when he wraps himself up in his bed sheets, leaving just a little bit of an airway. He has accepted the fact that a relationship with a woman is a long shot as they are attracted to men with unpredictability, spontaneity and danger. It is not a logical want and therefore has accepted his solitude. Lucky still lives at home with his mother and father. The assurance of his food and clothes being done is the reason he falls asleep at night within 2 minutes of cocooning. He has been in his bubble for 28 years, his friends have finally convinced him to attend on one of their getaway vacations. His friends are quite different and yet they all respect each other and their ways. Lucky’s friends are the extravert, fun loving friends you see having fun in a bar or club, with or without the drink. Lucky will attend friends birthdays to keep the peace. He is the one who is pretty sober, sitting down and nodding his head gently, trying to fit in while logically trying to figure out how people enjoy being in a room with ninety sweaty men for every eight females, four that you will regret banging the next day, 2 that look a lot better with the firecracker club lights enhancing their symmetry and 2 that pass the physical exam but then quickly judged to why they are in the club anyways.

Lucky’s passport came in 2 days before departure. The unplanned, free flow cruise vacation. He did look forward to the eight o clock planned dinners every night. As he starts packing the first decision he makes is who is going to help him through the trip. Will it be Palahniuk, Delillo, Vonnegut or Wallace? Delillo’s Libra wins, Choke will have to wait until he comes home. With the assistance of his mother, the rest of the suitcase was packed. His mind was tired trying to plan out his experiences that he will witness. An hour before his alarm was due to go off he made a promise to himself that he will not plan anything for the future on this trip other then the essentials. Let life come at him like it never has. His friend’s uncle picked him up in his limo taxi. Passport check, phone charger check, currency check, medication check. Lucky slapped himself in the face, looked in the hall mirror and said “Let’s do this man.”

The early winter morning was grey, cold and lonely. It was Lucky and his friends against the world, the world of enjoyment. One of Lucky’s friend Fred was still hungover from the night before and before the airport limousine could stop, chicken chunks and pizza were spray- painting the rear driver side of the car. Charlie who was Bobby’s Uncle was not one for humour or hungover puddles of vomit. Uncle Chuck did not even say one word, just gave a serious look to his nephew silently saying “These are your friends?” Lucky quickly got his friend a bottle of water and a piece of desert gum aka cinnamon gum. The rest of the ride was quiet and long. Once Fred could speak he continually said sorry and that he would clean it up when they arrive at the airport. Uncle Charlie did not say anything to counteract Fred’s decision. The 15 minute ride to the airport was finally done, Bobby and his uncle were unloading the luggage and Lucky and Fred were cleaning the remanding protein stuck on the car. Two bottles of water and nine paper towels cleaned the car. It was a new shining black, well at least 25 percent of it was. After bathroom sickness and dealing with the checking in and security, the three young gentleman were waiting for the boarding call.

The flight was 24 minutes earlier then expected. The flight had minimal turbulence and everything else went scheduled as planned. In San Juan, Lucky’s skin woke up out of hibernation. He could feel the vitamin D entering his system or at least he thought he could. The bus ride to the port was busy. Lucky sat beside an older attractive lady and her daughter. He was tired and not really in the mood to have this lady dry cough on his upper right shoulder, he was already worried enough about getting sick while in vacate mode. The daughter was roughly 21 years of age from Boston. The older lady fell asleep and more importantly stopped coughing. Lucky and Sarah started talking while leaning forward so they could talk quietly and read lips when necessary. Sarah’s parents were just recently divorced after her mom found out about her husband cheating on her with Sarah’s friend since elementary school. Lucky started feeling sorry for his prior feelings towards the older sick lady. Sarah is an average looking girl but with her style, flare and confidence bumped herself up to an eight on Lucky’s attraction chart. He looked back at his friends and they both smiled and nodded with approval. The bus arrived at the port and Lucky decided that he would like to see Sarah again and told her to meet him at port side, deck nine at midnight.

Lucky’s first sign of relaxation was when he dropped his bags in the room and smiled at his friends, silently implying that the vacation is here. They were unpacked and showered just before dinner. The dinner seats were assigned randomly and Lucky and his friends were put together with two older single guys that lived in Toronto as well. The dinner basically consisted of male banter about sports, women and more sports. The five of them decided to make a bet and system based on the rating of woman. They all agreed to put a 100 dollars each into a pot and whoever slept with the most women and had the highest amount of points, based on the average rating of the five guys in the bet would win the 500. Lucky only agreed to this bet because he felt like this is what he should do on vacation. He knew right there that he wouldn't sleep with the most girls. Sexually transmitted diseases are at it’s highest or at least he told himself that.

After roaming the city on the sea, it was 11:45. Lucky told left his friends at the casino and went to port side deck nine. There she was, the breeze blowing her long straight chestnut brown hair. Lucky felt like Jack on the Titanic. Her white summer dress dancing with the breeze in a jazz rhythm. Lucky forgot about the future and for the first time in a while was strictly living in the present moment. They laid on the beach chairs while learning about each other. Before he knew it, it was 4:30 in the morning. Lucky asked Sarah about why she left her mom for the night.
“ My mother wont admit it but she blames me for my father and my friend. I feel like it is hard for her to look at me right now. She is also doped up on sleeping pills and probably has no idea that I even left.” Lucky walked Sarah back to her room after they both ate a pizza at the 24/7 pizzeria. She kissed him on his lips and he felt nostalgic until he woke up the next day at 11:00am.

Lucky woke up to the room alone and assumed his friends were at the breakfast buffett. While showering he processed the information she had told him. Sarah is in her last year for her honours and is going to medical school next year in New York. She just got out of a long term relationship and only slept with one guy. School is her first priority and will be until she is done. Lucky told her he would love to attend a writing school in the big apple but with work and bills it just isn't logical. He repeated her response internally “Most human actions in life are not logical but it does not mean they are wrong, Nimoy. If writing fiction is your “life’s purpose” then isn't it illogical to not pursue it?”

Who would of thought that a younger girl could have an impact on Lucky but she did. He knew after last night that she was someone he needed to be around. Logical or not. They were ported on the island of St Thomas. Lucky found his friends eating breakfast, lets just say it wasn't kosher. After discussing Lucky’s night, they decided that they would hit a beach. They left the ship and on the way through the duty free shops, ran into Sarah and her mother. They all decided to split a cab and go to the beach together. Lucky whispered to his friends while they were in the back of the van “Are one of you attracted to the mother?”
Fred said “Not really, but that has never stopped me before, she looks all doped up on pain killers anyways, should be a stroll in the park.”
“Not so fast, I am attracted to her and want to make a move on the wounded feline. Remind her what the young guns are all about.”
“You’re right Bobby, you will remind her about young stallions using up all of their energy before the finish line.”
All three of them laughed and for the rest of the way to the beach they were enjoying the beautiful scenery of St. Thomas. Good old Bobby took the pictures for memories. The five of them decided to go to the more exclusive, low key beach. When they arrived they thought they were underdressed, yes they thought they were underdressed at a beach. This place felt like a Fitzgerald beach party. Summer dresses and hats were everywhere. The men must have agreed to wear trunks that cost minimum two hundred dollars American and the brand having to end in a vowel. The waitresses were out on full force with highlighter colour mixed drinks and umbrellas incase it rained? Lucky, Bobby and Fred always appreciated the wealthy’s way of consuming. Once all the towels were placed and laid on the sand, Lucky got his goggles and asked Fred if he can borrow his for Sarah.

Lucky and Sarah went for a swim in the cove. The water could not decide what shade of blue it wanted to be, Lucky felt complete, especially when he looked into Sarah’s eyes and they looked back at him saying save me, take me, make love to me. The under water coral and fish were so exotic, Lucky felt like he was the happiest he has ever been. The world under the sea is beautiful, he felt like being in the water was his natural form. His feeling wasn’t totally wrong he should feel one with the water as today’s science predicts the beginning of life to come from water. After swimming and diving they decided to rest on a bed of rocks with no other human form around. Lucky laid back and Sarah rested her head on his stomach, they formed a capital letter T. They both said nothing but could tell they were sharing the experience of security, peace and love. After feeling the sun cook their skin, like the bacon that was cooked this morning they swam back only to find that Sarah’s mom was gone with one of the wealthy men in attendance. His wife was causing a scene partly because she still loved her husband but mostly because she loved the drunken attention. Fred went up to her to calm her down and asked her to go for a walk with him. She dizzily walked to get her sandals and fell over while putting them on. Fred glanced at Bobby with a joker like smile, silently saying cha-ching.

The time to port was approaching and Sarah decided to go back to the ship and grab their luggage as she assumed her mom would not make it back on time and they would have to stay on St. Thomas. Without even analyzing, Lucky volunteered to stay and make sure Sarah was safe. Lucky’s friends tried to convince him that he was out of his mind. Lucky just looked at them and said “I will see you at the airport in San Juan.”
“ Good Luck Lucky, we shall see you soon enough.”

Lucky and Sarah watched the ship sail, it was just the two of them in St. Thomas. They cabbed back to the beach resort and saw Sarah’s mom. Sarah sprinted to her mom yelling at her.

“What kind of person are you? wrecking marriages because yours is wrecked. Sarah slapped her mom lightly, “Where is your new boy toy now?”
“He went back to his wife to tell her the marriage is done and we are going to fly to one of his private islands.”
“How about me mom? just going to leave me alone?”
“You’re a big girl Sarah, looks like you found a guy to take care of yo…”
“ Mom, you should rely on you to take care of yourself.”
Sarah gave the passport and luggage to her mom and went back to Lucky. They stayed to make sure the man came back. He did and they both left.

On the way out of the resort, a local island boy walked by asking if they wanted any natural grown St. Thomas bud. Lucky tried not to look excited, he was first waiting for Sarah’s reaction. Sarah looked at Lucky and they both smiled simultaneously. Sarah’s smile made Lucky feel safe and secure every time. Lucky did the good ol handshake swap that he has been practicing ever since the movie Casino came out. Lucky folded the twenty dollar American bill three times making it into the average size of a square on a chessboard. The transaction was done smoothly, the local boy must have seen Casino as well. Before Lucky and Sarah could get into a cab and go somewhere where they can afford, a man came up and explained that he saw the interaction with Sarah’s mom. He feels bad and even though he prefers solitude to do his work, he invited both of them to stay at his beach house right beside the resort. He pointed to the place as he invited them. It looked like an A list celebrity’s beach house.

Lucky and Sarah were both on board and they walked back with the older man to his place, he introduced himself as Walter Silver. Walter offered them their own rooms but they both decided to share a room. The house was made out of everything scarce on Earth. Lucky was not an appraiser of any means but he would say this place cost at least 20 million. For the next 5 days, Lucky felt like he was in Fitzgerald’s Tender is the Night. The nightly parties at his house were catered with exotic foods, people and music. Lucky and Sarah felt like a famous new couple as they were attaining all of the attention, fresh blood with all of these sharks. These people lived off of fun and trying to sleep with as many married people as possible. It is like they all agreed to try and ruin each others marriages. The new young couple were tested every night with beautiful, rich looking adults trying to steal the young fresh couple away from each other. It did not work as each night they made raw love together, they became one during the night.

It was hard for them to both leave this oasis. Lucky knew he would never experience class like this again or at least not in the long term future. Walter drove them to the airport and made sure they both had enough money to get home. Walter asked to speak to Lucky alone before they went in the airport.
“ I am a little embarrassed Lucky but I snuck into your backpack and read the short story you were working on. I am a big time publisher in New York and would love for you to send me your work. Let’s get you working on a novel. “
Lucky wrote for himself, in reality he never expected to sell his work but if there is a living in this world for Lucky to write then maybe this planet Earth isn't so bad.
“Thanks for your honesty Walter and I will email you when I get back to Toronto.”
“Take care old Sport.”
“You too Walter and thanks again.”

Sarah was standing naturally in line but the way the intangible energies surrounded her made Lucky feel alive. They were both next in line to get their tickets. Sarah told him she would be skipping the trip back to Boston and just go straight to New York and get settled down before school started.
Lucky let Sarah go first.
“One for New York please.”
“Sarah, make that two.”
© Copyright 2014 ajam (ajam at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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