Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1983502-Lessons-at-the-roller-rink
Rated: 13+ · Other · Experience · #1983502
Adolescent experiences at a roller skating rink.
Mainstreet USA was an indoor roller skating rink on the edge of our town.  It's was a great place for teenagers to socialize, or in my case, attempt to pick up girls. The rink was bordered by three small towns, which made it the perfect place to meet new people and start new relationships. I had a couple of friends that worked here and I desperately wanted to work with them. I was only 15 years old at the time and wasn't quite old enough to get the job. But, I wanted to work here so badly that I came up with a solution. I simply changed the date of birth on my birth certificate so that it looked like I was a year older. It was a "cool" job to have as a teenager, and I had to have it at all costs.

I didn't know how to skate very well, so I was initially placed in the "skate room". This is where all the rental skates were located. All I did was collect shoes from people in exchange for a pair of brown skates with orange wheels. When they returned the skates, I returned their shoes and put the skates back in their original home. It was an easy job, but it was the lowest position on the totem poll. Besides, how could I meet girls when I walked around all day carrying smelly shoes and skates. I needed to find a more prestigious position. In order to do that I desperately needed to learn how to skate.

After many falls and bruises, I became better at skating and was finally promoted to the position of "skate guard". The only real skill required for this job was to be able to skate backwards around the rink. The other duties I was required to perform were to, from time to time, dress up as the roller rinks mascot for birthday parties and to  slow people down that were skating recklessly or skating too fast. I knew most of the people there, so it was challenging to do my job and retain my friends. But, somehow I managed it.

Dan was the main DJ and a good friend of mine. We've known each other since kindergarten. We have opposite personalities and belong to different groups in school. But somehow we get along. He doesn't get many girlfriends, although he tries hard. He's a good guy, but he's too clingy and scares all the girls away. I feel sorry for him in a way.

Pat sat at the entrance. She was the boss and a wonderful lady. She was more or less a second mother to all the kids that worked and played here. Pat would always let the employees in for free on their nights off. She was supposed to charge us half price, but as long as the owner was not standing over her shoulder, she will let us pass without paying.

Tammy is working the concession stand. It's the most difficult job here. It can get extremely busy at times, especially when there is a couples skate. Half the people leave the skating floor at this time to get a snack or something to drink. I help here out at these times, even though I have no clue what I am doing. Saying that she is pretty is an understatement, she's the hottest girl here, at least in my eyes. She's been going out with this idiot, Kevin, for a couple of years. He treats her like dirt. I don't know why she stays with him.

Along the length of the rink are lockers and benches. The benches are shaped like carpeted mushrooms. I sit here along with a dozen other people and put my skates on. I bought all the parts separate and assembled the skates myself. All the regular skaters do this. A regular skater would never be caught dead wearing rental skates. That would be social suicide. I skate around the carpeted area for a few minutes so that my legs know I have skates on. Falling down is not cool either. I think I'll head up to the DJ booth and see Dan.

I see someone I dated two years ago. She usually doesn't come here. Actually she never comes here. This is my place, my little world. She shouldn't even be here. Damn, she looks pretty tonight. We dated in the eighth grade. She was the first girl I really liked. I'd gone out with other girls before her, but she had me hooked. I still thought about her from time to time.

"Hi Mike how have you been?"

"Good, how are you Trina?"

"I'm o.k., so what have you been up to?"

"Just working and stuff."

"Where do you work?"

"I work here, I'm off tonight, anyway, um, so"

" I was just leaving. Take care."

"You too."

Damn, I still like her. She was the one that broke up. Should I get her number? Should I ask her out? You're an idiot. She dumped you remember. Just skate away and try to be cool and not fall on your ass.

I head over to the DJ booth two girls are flirting with Dan so they can get their requests played. Wonder if he knows this? I really don't think he does. He's all smiles flirting in his awkward way.

"Hey Dan, what's up"

"Did you see those two chicks."

"Yeah I saw them."

"Pretty hot. I like the blonde one. I'm going to ask her out."

"Go for it"

"Hold on. The songs almost over. I need to change it out."

As one song ends he blends in the next song. He's pretty good at it. His older brother was the top DJ here. Dan learned from him. After his brother left Dan took his place, at least he has something going for him. As far as that blonde he has his eyes on, I don't think she's very interested in him. Like I said before, I feel sorry for him. The music is loud and makes it difficult to talk, I motion to him that I am going to go. He nods his "cool nod" and I head off to the skate floor.

I make a few rounds around the rink to warm up and get a view of who is here tonight. A group of people are gathered in the center of the floor. This area is used to practice new moves. Most of the time it's a place that people hang out and talk. I talk to a few guys I know. They have the floor marked off with a couple of jackets and are trying to jump over them. They are about ten feet apart, no one can jump that distance. For some reason I think I can do it, but end up wiping out and sliding on my ads across the floor. I'm embarrassed so I make up an excuse.

"I need to go help out at the concession stand. I'll catch up with you guys later."

"But you're not working tonight." Someone says

"I still need help out anyway."

Tammy is working the concession stand tonight. She'll give me a free drink even though I'm not working. I am getting thirsty after all.

"Hey Tammy. How are you tonight?"

"Not so good. Kevin broke up with me."

"Really? I'm sorry. Can I get a coke?"

" I don't know what I did wrong. I think it's that Josie. She's a little bitch."

"It's his loss. Can I get the bigger cup?"

"I get off in a few minutes. Do you want to skate the next couples skate with me? I don't want to go home yet."


I can't believe she asked me to skate with her. I know she isn't interested in me, but I'm not going to pass up skating with the most beautiful girl here. Besides, it will do good for my reputation and help me pick up other girls. The lights go down and the slow romantic music starts. I skate backwards like all the cool guys do when skating with a girl. She puts her arms around my neck. I put my hands on her waist. Typical couples skating position. She talks about her ex. I listen, comment and nod occasionally. I never liked Kevin, now I have to listen to her talk about him. That's just great. One thing about this place is that relationships change quickly here. Sometimes they last a couple weeks, a day, or in Tammy's case, for years. She'll get back with Kevin, I have no doubt about that. The music ends. She moves her lips toward mine. She kisses Me so passionately that I'm a little dizzy afterwards.

"Do you have your car here tonight?"


"Could you give me a ride home?"


My skates are off and my jacket is on in record-breaking time. She grabs my hand and we walk out the door. Pat smiles and rolls her eyes as we pass. It's freezing outside. I start the car and let it warm up. She starts the kissing again. We didn't leave the parking lot for over an hour. The whole ride back she sat right next to me. Not one mention of Kevin the whole time. I drop her off, but not before getting her phone number. From no girlfriend to a beautiful girlfriend in one night. Unless she goes back to Kevin? The hell with him. He was stupid for giving her up. I'll call her tomorrow or maybe the day after.

I sat in my bedroom all morning trying to figure out the best time to call Tammy.

"Mike, phone call." My mom yells.

"Hey Mike."

"Hey Dan, what's up?"

"What are you doing New Years Eve?" He says.

"Nothing that I know of."

"You know that blonde chick I was talking to last night. Her name is Andria. I'm going to her house for New Years. Her mom is really cool and is going to buy beer for us. Do you want to go?"

"Cool, can I bring someone?"

"Who do you want to bring?"

"You know Tammy from the concession stand?"

"Your kidding. Thought she was going out with Kevin?"

"Not anymore"

"That's cool. Can you drive? My mom won't let me take the car that night."

" No problem, I can drive."

  Now I need to call Tammy. I hope she'll go or I'm going to look like an idiot. All I have to do is dial the number. I hate this part. I hope her parents don't answer. Deep breaths. Here's we go.
It's ringing, one ring, two rings, three rings.


"Is Tammy there?"

"This is her"

"It's Mike from the skating rink."

"I was hoping you'd call."

"Do you want to go to a party tomorrow night? It's only going to be a few people. Dan the DJ, his girlfriend and her mom. It's at her house. Her mom's buying beer."

"I can go. Who's the girl?"

"Her name is Andria. She comes to the rink sometimes. You've probably seen her up there before."

"I think I've seen her before. You know, I really like you Mike."

"I like you too, I'll call you later when I find what time I can pick you up."

  I pick up Dan and Tammy. Dan has directions to the house. He's never been there before. I don't know this neighborhood either. We end up driving up and down the streets trying to find where we are. Finally we find one the streets listed on his directions. I don't know how we missed it. I know we passed this street at least once. In any case we found it. We find a place to park and walk up to the door. The curtains are pulled back. She has been waiting for us.

"Hey Dan, I was wondering what happened to you guys." Andria says

"Hey Andria, we had a hard time finding your place. Sorry no late. This is Mike and Tammy."

"I know you guys. I see you at the rink all the time."

"Yeah, mostly working." Tammy laughs

"Let me get your coats. I'm Andrea's mom. Just call me mom, everyone else does. Come on and sit down at the table in the dining room. Does anyone want a beer?"

  Andrea's mom drank with us. It was a little weird at first, but she was pretty cool. Andria was somewhat spoiled being an only child. Her parents were divorced and she didn't see her dad very much. It was just her and her mom. They didn't have much money, but Andria still got almost everything she wanted. Or at least everything her mom could afford. Tammy was holding my hand under the table. Andria hardly paid any attention to Dan. I could tell Dan was upset about that. He kept making jokes to get her attention. She wasn't laughing.

  We started a game of quarters. I was never very good at this game. Everyone thought I was losing on purpose. I just couldn't get the damn quarter in the glass. The more I drank the harder it became. I should have quit, but that wouldn't have been cool. Things became a little fuzzy after a while. Some parts I remember, some parts I don't. I do remember walking down the hall to the bathroom. More like weaved gracefully staggering to the bathroom. When I looked into the mirror I could see that my eyes were shot. How many beers did I have? How many shots did I have? I must have been in the bathroom for twenty minutes trying to figure out how to flush the toilet. I don't remember saying "Happy New Years". I do remember Tammy kissing me. I definitely remember that.

  The ride home was a bitch. Stay between the lines, stay between the lines. I kept repeating those words. I think Tammy was mad at me. I don't remember her saying goodbye. Dan wasn't saying much either. I don't even remember dropping him off. I do remember pulling into the drive at my house. As soon as I stopped I threw up out the window. The only problem was that I didn't roll the window down. I'm too drunk clean it up. I decide that I will wake up early and clean it up before my mom finds out.

  My head is pounding. I think the clock says 12:00 noon. My mom is waiting for me when I get out of bed. Her shouting didn't do much for my pounding head. After a few hours I thought it was safe to come out of  my room. I wanted to call Tammy.

"Hey Tammy, crazy party last night."

"I was talking to Kevin today. He wants to get back together."

"That's up to you."

"You don't care? Your not going to fight for me?"

"I can't make up your mind for you."

"O.k. nice knowing you, bye."

  I didn't know what her problem was. I kind of liked her too. The phone rings again. That's her, she's calling me back.

"Hello Tammy?"

"No, it's Dan"

"Hey Dan, crazy party last night."

"Your an ass. You knew I liked her."

"Who? Tammy?"

"No, Andria."


"Why did you kiss her, bye asshole."

  This day is not going well. I hope this isn't a bad sign for the year to come. I didn't kiss Andria. The only person I kissed was Tammy. I think. Last night was a blur. I remember Tammy kissing me when we were leaving. It was Tammy wasn't it? They both have blonde hair. It could have been Andria. This is bad, real bad. Maybe that's why Tammy was mad at me. I need to straighten this out.

  I walk into work. I'm still not feeling well after last night. Pat is at the door as usual.

"Hey Pat, is Tammy working tonight?"

"She's around here somewhere."

  I look toward the concession stand. She's with Kevin. I don't think I'll be talking to her right now. I'll wait until Kevin is gone. I clock in and put my skates on. There's not many people here tonight. Dan's here. Tammy is here. A few people skating. I get out on the floor and skate around the rink. Unless more people come in, it's going to be a boring night. I pass Dan in the DJ booth. He gives me a dirty look. Tammy is talking to Kevin, but looking at me. This night couldn't possibly get ant worse. Then it does.

  Andria and her mom come in and sit at a table overlooking the rink. It didn't take long for them to locate me. Andria's mom waves me over. This can't be good. How much trouble can I get into in one day? I guess I'm about to find out.

"Have a seat Mike. I thought I'd come up here with Andria tonight. I needed to get out of the house for a while anyways. How are you doing? Oh, and here, I bought you a gift. It's nothing really."

  Andria sits right next to me. She holds my hand. I felt sandwiched between Andria and her mom. They are both smiling at me. I'm not sure which one likes me more. Dan's on the other side of the rink in the DJ booth. I can feel him staring this way. Not far behind me Tammy is burning a hole in the back of my head. I feel trapped on all fronts. How did I ever get into this mess? More importantly, how do I get out of it?

"I'm working right now. I should get back on the floor before I get in trouble."

"There's no one here." (Great observation Andria. You get a gold star.)

"My boss is right over there. I better go. I'll see you when I get a break."

  I'm not so sure that going back on the skating floor was a good idea. There are only two other people skating.  There is no where to hide. I circle around the rink. I pass Andria and her mom, then Tammy and Kevin, then Dan. All eyes are on me. I pass each one over and over again. Hates me, likes me, hates me, a fricken merry go round from hell. Now Andria's mom is talking to Pat. What is she up to? They are both looking at me. Then Pat waves me over.

"There's not many people here tonight. If you want to skate couples with Andria when it comes up, it's o.k. with me."

"Thanks Pat."

  Thanks a lot Pat. This is going to be a long night. Andria's mom is smiling. She is much to smart for me. I can't see how to make all this go away. If I wasn't working I would have quietly slipped out of this place. Only four hour's until the end of my shift. For long agonizing hours. That's an eternity in dog years, and I feel like a dog right now. Two days ago life was good. What happened?

"Our next skate goes out to all the couple's out there." Dan announces.

  Andria takes no time to meet me on the floor. We are the only ones to skate couples. All eyes are on Andria and I.

"I really like you Mike."

"But, I thought you were going out with Dan?"

"We were never going out. He's been chasing after me for a while."

"But, Dan's a friend of mine. I can't steal his girl."

"He was never my boyfriend. I like you. My mom likes you too."

  I stopped talking. She wasn't listening. She had her own agenda. Dan's watching me like a hawk. Tammy is watching me as she talks to Kevin. Andria kisses me. I can't pull back in time. Andria's mom is all smiles. She is the only one smiling. I tell Andria I can't do this to Dan. Now I pissed Andria off. The skate is finally over. Andria runs over to her mom, she's upset. I feel bad, but I never asked for any of this.
  Andria is a pretty girl, but Dan is a friend of mine. She feels like kryptonite to me. All my energy is drained away. If Dan didn't like her I may have gone out with her. There is no way I can explain that to him. He wouldn't believe me anyway. Twenty four hour's ago everything was good. Now everyone hates me. Looks like Andria and her mom are leaving now. That makes me feel slightly better. I still have Dan at one end of the building and Tammy at the other. I didn't do anything wrong. I don't think I did. Drinking and girls just don't go together. O.k. lesson learned. I'm not drinking again. As far as girls, I like them, I just can't figure them out. When I get off work, I'm going home and straight to bed."

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