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Rated: E · Other · Other · #1982802
sequel to road to the championship
baseball , anything can happen


The night before tryouts for the michigan wolverines baseball team , matt

is with vanessa gordon , the girl he met in high school , they have been in

a relationship for quite some time , "hey , are you ready for the tryouts?"

says vanessa ,"yeah , i am , just a bit nervous tho" replies Matt "college is

quite different than high school ball " , "i know you will be great ,you lead

your home state in homers, so i know you are going to be great here ,ill be

rooting for you the whole way" replies vanessa ,"thanks , vanessa , you

have always been there for me" replies matt ,as both turn into bed , matt

dreams all night of him at home plate at yankee stadium , the pitcher is

chicago white sox closer fred Williamson . the first pitch is very high for a

ball , the next pitch a fastball down the right side of the plate , matt take

and hits it foul ,the next pitch is thrown right at mat, before it hits , matt is

awaken , "whoa what a dream , man it felt real , " says matt ,matt falls

back a sleep before he has to get up for his first class ,the time has finally

come for matts tryout with the wolverines ,matt gets dressed in his

dorm room , does up his buckle , and throws has hat on and grabs his bag

and heads out to the door , he heads out to the field and signs up for

tryouts , as matt arrives to stretch , he looks around , he doesn't no

anybody here ,"ok gentleman, welcome to tryouts , were only picking the

best ,the coach calls out the names of the players till he gets to matts

name , "matt alberson?," says the coach ,"here!" replies matt ,"your up ,

show me what you have" replies the coach , matt grabs a helmet and

walks up to the plate ,the first pitch is right down the middle , matt swings

and crushes it over the wall , "nice shot , i havent seen a homer like that

since george brett " says the coach , "throw him a couple more ", "you

got it coach " replies the pitcher , look calls time to fix his batting glove

,takes a deep breath and steps back into the plate, the next pitch is high ,

matt takes it , matt takes another deep breath and awaits the next pitch ,

the pitch is in the middle of the plate , matt swings and crushes it over the

wall , "thats enough," yells the coach , "where do you play in the field

son?" ,"i am a catcher and first basemen , my dad is iron jack alberson

,catcher for the new york yankees" replies matt , " your father is jack

alberson?" says the pitcher ,"he is my favorite player ", "ok , now matt is

your name right ?" says the coach ,"yes sir " reply matt ," we will give you

a call to tell you how you did" replies the coach ,matt leaves the field ,"hey

slugger , howd it go?" says vanessa ,"i dont know yet , they will call me in

a couple days to tell me how i did" replies matt ,"dont worry , i know you

did great " replies vanessa ,"thanks vanessa ,i hope i made the team , but

time will tell . i am tired so i am going to relax in our dorm ", replies matt .

The next day , matt is sitting with vanessa watching the tv in there dorm

room , "today is a cloudy with a chance of thunderstorms ,tomorrows

sunny with no chance of rain " says the weatherman , "the weather is ,

always wrong ,this guy never get its right" says matt ,"its not his fault matt

the skys are always confusing , "replies vanessa ,"last week , he said it

was gonna rain with hail , it never happend " matt replies , "he said that for

the other side of state ,i remember " replies vanessa , " he said we will get

rain while the other side of the state got hail " ," o right i remember now

,your right ," ring ring " as matts cell phone goes off, its his father ,"hello?"

says matt , "hey slugger , how did tryouts go?" replies jack ,"oh hey dad , i

dont know yet , i am hoping by tomorrow to find out " replies matt ,"i know

you did great , just call me when you find out ,your mother wants to talk to

you , "matt?" says matts mom , "hi mom , wats up" replies matt , "i just

want to know how you are doing ,i miss you , but i know you are doing wat

you love". replies mom ,"i miss you guys too , vanessa has been keeping

me company " replies matt "thats good , that your with people you know,

how did baseball tryouts go ?" replies mom "it went good , i have not heard

from coach yet if i made the team" replies matt ,"of course you made the

team , dont worry , if u fail, your father will fly to ann arbor to speak with

the coach " replies mom , "ok , i gotta go matt, heres your father " ,hey

matt i know you will make the team ,baseball has been in our blood for

years " says jack , "i dont want to disappoint you " replies matt.you will

never disappoint us " replies jack , "ok i have to go , call me when you

find how you did " , replies jack ,"ok dad , ill give ya a call when i find out

how i did ,talk to you later " replies matt as he hangs up his phone , "how

are you parents doing ?" says vanessa , " there doing great , remind me to

call them after i find out " replies matt , "knock knock" ,matt opens his

door to find the mail man ,the mail man gives matt a letter , matt opens to

find a letter

"dear matt

i am writing to inform you , that you have been named to the michigan

wolverines roster , good job, we expect big things out of you , go out and

play hard ,your number will be 31 after your favorite player mike piazza

,you will be behind the plate , at practice you will compete with the our

other catcher to determine who will start opening day , we know the talent

you have ,we know your father was a professional player , report to the

field tomorrow afternoon for the first practice session, we will give you

your jersey ,


coach williams "

"wow , i knew you could do it" says vanessa ,"i cant believe i am a

wolverine " replies matt, "i gotta call dad ". "ring ring " ,"hello?" says matts

dad ," dad , i made the team , a mail men gave me a letter from the coach"

replies matt , "thats great son , i am happy , i know you are going to have

a great season ," replies jack , "i gotta compete with the other catcher "

replies matt , "i no you will win , if you dont maybe they will let you play

first or dh " replies jack ,"ill do my best , ive never liked sitting on the

bench replies matt, "I know you will do great " replies jack , "thanks dad"

replies matt ,"anytime slugger .ill give you a call tomorrow " replies jack ,

"ok , ill talk to you later " replies matt ,matt hangs up the phone and puts

his arm around vanessa , the next morning ,matt gets ready for practice ,

matt finishes putting his jersey on , he looks at himself in the mirror , matt

fixes his hat and grabs his bag and heads out the door to the field , matt

arrives to practice , puts his stuff on the bench and jogs to the field ,45

minutes into practice , matt is behind the plate catching , the coach hits a

soft grounder in front of the plate and throws it to first without any problems

the coach tosses the ball into the air in front of the plate ,matt catches it

and fires to first for a double play ,its time for matt to bat , matt grabs his

bat and heads to the plate ,matt steps in , the pitcher is last years all

american pitcher brett johnson ,brett finds the pitch he want and delivers ,

the pitch is high , which matt drives into centerfield , the next pitch is in the

middle of the plate , matt swings and misses , matt steps out and takes a

deep breath ,he steps in ,the pitch is again in the middle of the plate ,matt

swings and crushes it over the left field fence ,the next 6 pitches matt

belts over the fence ,"thats enough " says coach williams ,"you did great

son , im impressed , you are the starting catcher ,congratulations" ,"thank

you sir , ive practiced hard to earn this" replies matt ,"dont make us regret

this choice " replies the coach , as matt leaves the field to head back to

his dorm ,he calls dad , " ring ring ". "hello?" says jack ,"dad i made the

opening day roster," replies matt, " thats great son , i am so proud of you

,i new you could do it , me and your mother are flying to ann arbor to watch

your first game , we cannot wait to see you and vanessa , i will invite her

parents too ," replies dad , "ok i will tell her ,i cant wait to see you guys "

replies matt ,"ok i gotta go son , congrats" dad replies , " thank you , bye"

replies matt ,"so wat did your dad say ?" says vanessa " he told me

congrats on making the starting roster , and hes inviting your parents to

come to ann arbor to watch my first game ," replies matt ,"my parents are

coming with yours?'" replies vanessa ,"yes my dad invited them ,are you

ok with that ?" replies matt,"im ok with it , i miss them so much " replies

vanessa ,as both sit in there dorm watching tv , "i am going to order a

pizza , do u want anything?" says matt, "im ok , im not hungry, " replies

vanessa ,"ok " replies mat, as both are sitting in there dorm the rest of the

night , matt thinks about the season is going to go or him , "i hope i can

remain patient this year at the plate , the next morning , matt and vanessa

go out to breakfast , "well todays the day , opening day " says vanessa ,

"i am exited ," replies matt ,in a couple hours , matt and vanessa are in

there dorm , "knock knock ",matt opens the door , "dad!" ."hey slugger , its

great to finally see you " says dad ,"mom , dad!" says vanessa ,"matts

parents invited us ,we are happy to see you " replies Vanessa's mom, "so

matt are you ready for the game?" says jack ," yes ,i am dad " replies matt

as both families go out to dinner , a couple hours have passed ,it is time

for the game , 'ok son , were gonna head to the field , good luck out there"

says jack ,"thanks dad , ill do my best , as matt heads to the locker room

to get dressed , he see the lineup on the wall

1.max gerhart ss

2.lee sanders 3B

3.matt alberson c

4.tony jimmerson RF

5.colby cabrera 1B

6.fred williamson 2B

7.tyler reese LF

8. cody armstrong CF

9.brett johnson p

"ok boys , its opening day , play hard , " says the coach ,"on 3"

"Go blue!" yells the team as they jog out to the field , matt and brett head

to the bullpen to begin warming up , the announcer announces both sides

,the national anthem plays and the wolverines take the field to a big

standing ovation , the game begins with brett johnson tossing a 1,2,3

inning ,matt and the wolverines head to the dugout to get ready to hit ,"we

have a very special guest with us tonight , please welcome former major

league slugger , iron jack alberson ,the crowd applauds as jack stands and

waves and signs a few autographs ,the next inning begins with max gerhart

lining a double in to right , lee sanders knocks a single , 2 on , no body out

,matt steps up to the plate ,matts parents stand and cheer for him ,matt

stands in the batters box , the first pitch is a high fastball ,matt takes ,

'ball 1!" yells the umpire , the next pitch a slider low and away , make

takes , "strike 1!" yells the umpire ,the next pitch is a changeup , right

down the middle , matt swings ,"crack!" goes the bat as the ball goes

sailing over the fence for a home run ,as matt rounds the bases ,the blue

crowd goes wild ,matt and Vanessa's parents applaud ,


3 0

in the top of the 6th inning , texas states clean up hitter crushes a home run to center field for the 2 run homer


3 2

in the bottom of the 7th , matt come up ,with a homer and a single ,steps

in ,the first pitch is a change up low which matt takes , "ball 1!" yells the

umpire ,matt calls time and steps up , then steps back in , the next pitch is

a fast ball in , matt swings and misses , "strike 1!" , the count 1 and 1 , the

next pitch is a curveball hitting the outside corner , matt swings "crack" as

the ball is hit into the right field wall for a double , matts family cheers ,

matt waves ,tony jimmerson drives a ball into right center , allowing matt to

score ,


4 2

it is the top of 9th ,closer barry jenkins is in to finish the game , "get these

guys " says matt , as matt gets into his crouch , he signals for a fastball ,

barry shakes his head no , matt then signals a curveball , barry agian

shakes his head no , matt signals slider , barry nods , and begins his stride

and fires , "strike 1! " yells the umpire ,the next pitch by barry is a slurve

,it is fouled back , "foul ball!",the next pitch is a fast ball high and in

,"strike 3!, 1 out , the next batter , texas state LF bubba morrow , steps in

, matt signals slider ,barry nods and fires , "crack " as the ball is hit over

the fence for a home run ,


4 3

barry strikes out the next batter, then texas slugger george hernandez

steps in , barry deliver , "crack" as the ball is hit , it is high it is deep and it

is caught!, right fielder tony jimmerson robs hernandez of a home run ,

giving michigan a 4-3 win ,after the game , matt meet up with his family

and Vanessa's ,"great game son" says jack,"i am very proud of you "

says mom , "great game matt " says Vanessa's parents ,"thank you"

replies matt , the family spend the weekend with each other at a nearby

hotel , they go to the rest of the series against texas state , michigan

sweeps them , at the airport , the parents hear there plane being called

"well son , take care " says jack , "thanks dad" ,vanessa says goodbye to

her parents as well , when matt and vanessa get back to there dorm , they

fall asleep under the full moon , over the next 3 seasons, matt leads the

ncaa in home runs with 64,and is predicted to be drafted in the first round

of the mlb draft ,


next story will feature matt entering the minor leagues working his way to the bigs , thank you for reading ,
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