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Rated: GC · Assignment · Other · #1982430
Final Exam for Romantica Class
The Vow

WC 3824

State Park Trail was ten miles long. It was cloudy as they got their gear out of the Mini-Cooper. Charles had done all the packing, making sure their rucksacks had everything they needed.

Things haven't gone all that well since that night we made love at Edith’s apartment. It wasn’t my fault. Heaven knows I tried but the whole relationship just suddenly fell apart. She became distant and either didn’t answer my calls or kept coming up with a bunch of feeble excuses. I love her so much. I can’t just give up. Somehow I must become the man she’s looking for.

He kept calling and sending e-mails. I didn’t know what to tell him. I was falling in love and that night, after we did it… well I felt myself losing control of my life. My parents told me to slow down, my friends said the same thing and my job really got hectic. Then there was my son, Jason, to think about. Still, I really felt the tug of my heartstrings and Charles kept calling and turning up “coincidentally” when I least expected. I finally relented and we went to the zoo last Saturday. Charles and Jason really hit it off. When I got home he asked, “Is that man going to be my Daddy?”

So when Charles came up with the camping trip idea, I decided, I’d waited long enough. I decided to follow my instincts. They were telling me, "he’s the one." So I agreed to this hike, the two of us alone together. All day I’ve been tagging along and I have to admit it’s been fun even though I’m not much of an outdoors person. I wonder how this adventure will turn out and what the evening has in store. The weather forecast said thunderstorms tonight. I bet we get soaked.


The meal turned out better than expected. I never cooked survival rations before. Then I was hungry after all the walking. It was nice sitting around the campfire. Charles has been humming an old John Denver song. He doesn’t realize I know the words.

Talk of poems and prayers and promises, things that we believe in, how good it is to love someone, how right it is to care….How long its been since yesterday, what about tomorrow? How about our dreams and the memories we share?"

(Note: What follows are alternating POVs)

The sky was dark when I held the flap and motioned Edith inside. A storm was brewing and in the distance flashes flickered on the horizon.

I unrolled our sleeping bags and Charles showed me how to zip them together into a coverlet of soft down.

We kissed. Her lips were warm against the wind-chafed texture of my own. She pressed her breasts tightly into my chest. We swayed back in forth for what seemed a long time, lost in the comfort of each another's arms.

When we kissed I realized how much I cared. Tonight, I’m going to make him feel like a man.

“Storm’s coming,” Charles said. He felt her tremble and wondered if it was the cold or something else bothering her. He sniffed and the air smelled of spring This will be a night we won’t soon forget.

“When I was little I used to hide under the bed.” Edith said. “Whenever a storm came that’s where I’d go, like a little rabbit, straight for my burrow.” She trembled in his arms. Please not another anxiety attack. Trembling was an early symptom. Ever since my affair with Bruce, intimacy triggers strong feelings.

“Crawl up under my arm. I’m not going to let anything bad happen to you.”

He’s been like a rock these past months. Even when I tried to break things off, his commitment never wavered.

From far off lightening flickered on the horizon followed by a distant rumble.

“Are you beginning to trust me?” From the beginning it was a struggle to earn her trust. Somehow, today seems a milestone. Is it because we’re out in the woods where a man usually takes the lead?

“Trust doesn’t come cheap," she replied. Is this the man I want to spend the rest of my life with? I feel safe in his arms. Her look was pensive. I’m taking a chance with him.

“Then maybe we should formalize our relationship.” It was a bold statement but the time seemed right.

“What do you mean by that?” Is this a proposal?

“Like a contract… something that’s binding.”

“What kind of a contract?” Why can’t he come right out and say it?

“Like when two people buy a house together and agree to make the payments.”

She traced the outline of his jaw. “Something sealed with a kiss?” She pursed.

He put her off. “A little more binding than that.”

“What then?”

“Like taking a vow in the Boy Scouts. I remember vowing that I’d keep myself Physically Strong, Mentally Awake and Morally Straight.”

“I wasn’t a Girl Scout."Why does he keep being so evasive?.

He reclined her back onto their pallet. It was made of Thinsulate stuffed with goose down. It made a crinkly sound as he rolled on top. His hand went between her thighs and he felt her stiffen. “When are you going to quit fighting me?”

She relaxed, but only a little. “You surprised me, that’s all.“ Her hand was pulling his away. “It’s not you I’m fighting… Don’t you realized that by now?”

“Are you forgetting the night we went all the way?”

“How could I ever forget that?” she reflected.

She’s getting nervous, maybe I need to slow down the train. “I’m only reminding you that we’ve been down this road before.”

Edith sighed, “...and it was wonderful.” Not so much the sex but the intimacy, the feeling of fulfillment.

“You’re just saying that. My performance was pretty lame.”

Edith showed her exasperation. Here we go again. “It’s a fond memory, don’t go spoiling it.” First it’s the size of his manhood and now ejaculating early. What is it with him anyway?.

“...and tonight I want it to be even fonder.” He kissed her neck running his tongue across the creamy texture of her skin.

She shivered. "Stop, that tickles. “

He kept it up.

She twisted away. "Please don’t do that. It tickles."

"Why not?" he asked, Probably one of those “no” but “yes” things.

Bruce used to do that and I hated it. “I’m not going to say it again, 'Stop!”

Opps, she wasn’t kidding.”Sorry.”

"Bad memories," Edith replied bitterly.

Oh my goodness, don't go there. He paused raising up on his elbow. “I didn’t realize you were serious….”

Her eyes got wide as if regretting the words. She recalled how Bruce kept it up, kept it up---. refusing to give it a rest.

"Its OK," he answered, tracing her breast with his finger. "Today is for you.."

She squinched her face. "It isn't fair for me to put all this on your shoulders."

”Let me worry about that."

She arched her back, shifting her buttocks.

"Give me some of that baggage you're carrying around. My shoulders are broader than you think."

At that moment the dam started breaking. She relaxed a little even though her body continued to tremble.

Charles began stroking the inside of her thigh

Tears began rolling down her cheeks. Don't be like Bruce.

Tears? What’s this all about?. "Let me be your rock."

She knit her brow and he saw the struggle in her eyes. It was a flashback and she was laying once more on the conference table. Bruce was on top, his hands holding her waist. He had a mole on his back and she was fixated on it, rubbing it back and forth. “I’m trying, but some things are hard to forget.”

What's going through her mind? Her face was like an opaque looking glass. I can watch her expressions but I don’t know what she’s thinking.

Why? Bruce, why? why?

He felt like he was watching an old silent movie.

Why, did you keep stringing me along? Why did you keep using me?

He wondered. It looks like a conversation she’s having with somebody else. “Relax, Honey, it’s OK.”

She could still feel that damn mole and hear Bruce ‘s voice egging her on, "Give it to me!” She started!

“Are you OK?”

Her bottom lip quivered and her jaw was set in determination. She was back in time, reliving a memory, watching while the video cycled through her imagination. Bruce slapped her flank as she struggled to please him. “Give it to me! give it to me!

In her eyes Charles could see the playback of some strange silent drama.

It "clicked," returning to the beginning of the sequence. Edith shouted… “Not again… Please not again, just let me go!”

Charles was shocked, and turned her loose.

Edith couldn’t believe what she'd just exclaimed. “Not you, I’m having a flash-back.”

“...Are you imagining, doing it with somebody else?”

Damn! What have I gone and said now…?” “I meant a ‘Hot Flash.” I’m getting hot, OMG!" She fanned herself, "and that’s the last thing I want to happen.”

Women get those. My mother used to have them all the time. “Whew, you had me worried for a minute.”

This is no time to be thinking about Bruce. Are you trying to ruin everything? She reached down putting her hand on his inseam. Her fingers could feel that hard outline of “Horse” in the leg of his trousers. Let him think about that.

A tremor raced down Charles’ spine. I’ll give her something to ponder. His fingers fondled her breast feeling the cotton fabric of her blouse.

She tried to push it away.

“No!" he said, "Leave it where it is." Maybe its time I exercised a a little machisimo.

A voice whispered from inside her head. Why don’t you just give him what he wants?.

“I’m going to unbutton you.”

She answered her own question. Yeah, why don’t I? At that moment she conceded. It was like a landmark decision, amounting to total surrender. Her arms opened and dropped to her sides. She totally “caved,” and laid there quietly watching as he undid her blouse. Was that so hard?

Charles spread the garment revealing her bra. Her bust heaved up and down. His hands caressed the silky fabric and squeezed the bulges underneath.

She looked up nervously and responded gripping his shoulders. “Making love to you is going to be the easy part.”

“So what’s the hard part going to be?”

“Turning loose.”

“Relax,” he said, soothingly. "We’ll take this one step at a time. Think you can you handle that?"

"As long as I have you to guide me." That sounded so trite.

"I’m like the song. You can soar and I’ll be---'the wind beneath your wings.'”

She gazed at him. At any other time that would qualify as "totally lame."

“Can you trust me to be that person in your life?”

She nodded again. Jeeze! where does he get these lines? From a soap opera?

He looked down at her jeans and popped the snap. She spread her knees.

“Take me, I'm yours." What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Holding his neck she kissed with a hungry and lingering insistence. Her tongue beckoned, inviting his to reciprocate.

He responded with a halfhearted kiss, trying to pull down her zipper at the same time. It didn't want to cooperate.

What a klutz. She sucked in her stomach and it came free.

He accepted this as a sign of compliance and felt a growing self-confidence. At last, she’s coming around. He recalled how he felt on their first date. How his heart skipped when she appeared on the stool next to him. He knew he loved her from the very beginning.

“I love you Charles.” She realized it was true, simple as that.

His heart thrilled to the words. Joy rang like the buzzer that ends class.

“I want to spend my life with you.”

There! She finally said it. “Same goes for me.”

“But you have to realize that sometimes, I can be a real 'Bitch.'"

Edith is strong willed,--- That part's true. What it means for the future I won't think about right now.. He cringed. She’s a force bigger than life.

She noted his expression and thought to herself. Why are you trying to spoil the moment… some kind of death wish? “I don’t mean to upset you, Charles, but you might as well know, I’m not all that easy to live with.”

Like I need reminding. Darling, you’re the center of my Universe” and sometimes, the black hole of my existence.

Edith gave him a hug. “I love you so much."

She’s so strong and compelling. Sometimes it seems her spirit is tugging me down into a dark pit.

The wind blew harder. The intervals between the lightening and thunder grew shorter. The booms got louder.

At last I have somebody to cling to, who loves me for who I am.

The candle of his spirit danced inside as the sky darkened and the wind began to really blow. It seemed to flicker around them. He remembered the dread thinking he’d lost her. When she wouldn’t return his calls or e-mails. How it weighed like an anchor around his heart.

She lifted her bra and guided his hands underneath and then turned her attention to the retainers. The second popped loose and the cups fell off the cleavage.

They were so soft. “I swear Honey, I’ll always be here for you…” Even though it promises to be one hell of a rollercoaster ride.

”Do you want to kiss them?”

“You bet I do.” He nuzzled down with his lips kissing one and then the other. He remembered her chiding when she first caught him staring at her boobs. That was when the embers really burst into flame. At that moment he realized there was no escaping her attraction. His heart was hopelessly entangled in her web.

She sighed as he kissed her nipples and simpered as he drew the bulging fullness into his mouth. With a moan she let loose, acquiescing to his will. She spread her legs, reading his eyes for the response.

He got the message. “Are you ready to get on with it?”

She nodded, her bottom lip pursed. … For the past five minutes.

What am I signing up for?. His mind drifted back to that night of discover in her apartment. The memory made him uncomfortable. I couldn't control myself and it was over before I even got started He remembered the embarrassment, even though Edith seemed to take little note of it. Tonight I’m going to make it up to her.

“Pull them off,” she said, raising her legs.

He grabbed the cuffs and tugged.

She pushed the waist-band over her buttocks.

As he pulled, her blue jeans came sliding down those long shapely legs. Charles watched as she struggled with her panties, slipping them down over her ankles and tossing them aside. Her vagina gaped, a tangle of brown curly hairs. He devoured her, staring in wonder at the gateway to iniquity and into the dark corridor of her soul. His head was spinning.

She straightened, coming to her knees, tossing her head. Her hair swirled about her shoulders.

Looking up he saw the blouse being tossed aside. Her eyes had a distant look. She was beautiful. He breathed her in, unable to believe she was his for the taking.

Like a wraith she squatted down, all but naked in front of him. She threw her leg over and began unbuckling his belt.

He watched like a mute as she fumbled.

She released the retainer and pulled down his zipper.

He remembered the night in her apartment--- their night of discovery. How she climbed on top and showed his fears were unfounded. How long had it been since that night. Six months? It didn’t seem to matter now. Her long brown hair was falling about her shoulders. The tent was beginning to sway as the storm drew closer.

“Are you going to just sit there?” she asked, holding out her wrists.

"Ah sorry…” He reached for the bra straps and pulled them over her arms. His heart raced.

She began getting under the covers. Her bare breasts perked up in all their glory.

“I have a question for you.”

“Not now," she pleaded, "...hurry!”

He paused, “It won't wait.”

“Don’t tease me… ”

“First answer my question.”

“Please don’t do this."

"It has to be discussed."

“Can't it wait?”

“I’m afraid not…..”

“What is it? ” she snapped.

“Will you marry me?”

She sagged for an instant, shaking her head. “Why are you asking me this now?"

“Only because it’s the most important thing in my life.”

Her face flushed with emotion. “YES! Now get in here and we'll consummate it together."

“You aren’t just saying that under duress?”

“You got your answer, don’t press your luck.”

“Do you vow to love, honor, cherish and obey?”

“We can talk more later; I'm not sure about the obey part.”

Now that he’d managed the question, he was eager to move on. " Determined" was the operative word, that, unlike the last time, he’d do a better job. He loved this woman and wanted to make it right. He was still in a daze when he heard her voice.

“Are you going to help or just lay there?” she was exasperated.

“What do you want me to do?”

“Get those pants off.” Her hands struggled with the legs of his breeches.

He lifted his hips and let her pull them free.

Her hands dove for the elastic. “Raise up.” He lifted once again and she pulled his boxers down about his ankles. OMG! I'd almost forgotten how big it is.

“Are you ready?”

...as I'll ever be. Overhead a brilliant flash was followed by a loud crack! “Hurry,” she pleaded, “before the storm gets here.” Naked, they crawled under the coverlet.

She scrambled on top as he laid out to receive her. She got through it once... He waited, holding his breath while she reached for him. ...don't let me hurt her.

Edith reached down between his legs, groping to find it. Her heart was racing, breasts pressed against his chest. Her face was flushed.

He could see in her eyes the thought process going on in her head. She searched, shifting her knees and spreading her buttocks to position the opening. He felt the tip gain entry as she coaxed it inside. How long am I going to be able to hold out? He tried to think of something distracting like lying on the beach of a South Sea Island. He reached up with his hands, elbows pushing into the pallet, holding her hips.

She began to lower herself and it started to move with a wet friction. Then it began sliding, necking its way deeper until at last the head could go no further. She let out a groan. Moist secretions flowed around it and her body began to relax. As it became more pliant Edith found she could move. Tentatively at first she worked up and down, feeling its measure…. I can do this. and then started moving with a greater confidence.

Charles kissed her long and passionately. They lingered in the joy of a timeless embrace.The moments passed with a languid slowness.

She felt the glow of a deep and abiding tenderness. They wallowed in the earthly pleasure, becoming more and more familiar with the intimacy. She felt the heat radiating off her stomach and beads of sweat running down her clevage. The halting of her breath came in little mews as her bust heaved. Their short hairs squished together in a lather of perspiration. She smelled the pungent eagerness still lingering on her hand. The raw scent thrilled her. Why does he seem to be restraining himself? “Dance with me Charles, I promise not to break.”

He saw the intensity in her eyes imploring him to match the rhythm of their intercourse.

“Move with me,” she pleaded.

He matched her tempo, moving his buttocks in consonance.

She delighted as they rose and fell together, like wild surf, surging up the beach and receding back into the dark waters. “That’s it, that’s it.”

Willpower began to betray him. He felt the hunger of his need crying out.

“Slow down, let me feel you.”

He tried, with all the strength of his will.

This isn’t working. "Get on top, I want you on top of me." She strained trying to roll her hips.

He let the momentum shift her sideways and underneath.

“Don't hold back.”

He came on top and she closed her thighs letting him straddle.

“Push deep, I want all of it.” There was no stopping now. In and out the dance went on until at last they could bear it no more. Edith stiffened, arching her back and crying out… Charles! Charles!”

A bolt of Lightning cracked overhead and illuminated the inside of the tent.

His knees came up and she splayed. He moved to the inside spreading her like a wishbone. Once more he seated his member, driving it to the limits of her body.

A loud clap of thunder shook the ground.

She groaned, writhing on the cusp of desire.

He began working it relentlessly, in and out.

Then came a simper, followed by a long sigh. At last, liberated from all anxiety, Edith was caught in the throes of a shimmering delight. The wind howled shaking the tent. Driving rain pelted the canvas and the poles swayed back and forth. She quivered, and arched her back, holding, while the orgasm ran its course. Then she collapsed beneath his weight.

Charles continued to rut.

She saw his face etched in the flashing light, bloated with a blind and mindless passion. The flicker of the lightening made the tent surreal and in slow motion she could see as he hunched, like a glassy eyed demon. The moment seemed an eternity before there came the blaring of a distant trumpet.


Charles exhorted her spent body

“I love you!” she cried out.

He asserted his dominion. It resonated inside and began thrashing back and forth. The hounds of desire broke their fetters and began howling with the wind. He hoisted her buttocks and came to his knees. His cock swelled…

She felt the spasms, one after the next as the squirt of hot semen gushed into her womb.


Charles was extremely pleased with himself. He puffed out his chest and looked proudly down at the woman he loved. Taking the flashlight he turned it on. Edith was lying exhausted with her eyes closed. On her face was a serene look of bliss.
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