Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1982240-Whats-The-Point
Rated: E · Essay · Other · #1982240
I wrote an essay about a specific point of view of mine.
There are so many philosophical questions recently such as: what is the meaning of life, why are we here, and what happens when we die? Some people sincerely believe they have found finite answers; however, I am not inclined to agree. The truth is no one actually knows the answers because no one has come back from the after life, but I will hazard that each individual creates the meaning and purpose of their life.
Many people are confused. They actually believe they don't chose their life because they can't control every aspect of their life. This idea is far from reality because humans are fallible and finite. The only thing one can control is their self, and no one will always be able to change their circumstances; however, one can always chose who they are going to be in the face of adversity.
Am I being cliché, or over simplistic? Everything I am describing is a point of view; although, this opinion is grounded in reality. No one can tell everyone what to do and expect that they do it, but one's actions can influence other people. If one continues to take little steps toward a goal, then they will eventually reach that goal. Humans include certain things in their lives for a reason. Life is not an accident. If one wants something they can work for it, and if anything catastrophic happens, they can stand firm
they don't have to give up, instead one can use it to motivate them to work harder.
This concept really is quote simple. If one wants something, then they do what it takes to get that thing. If one wants to play hard, then they can play hard. If one wants that yacht, then one can work hard, plan accordingly, and it will be theirs. There isn't anything one cannot have if they truly want it.
Let us look at the current space programs for example. They are achieving the impossible. They have pushed the envelope farther than anyone in the previous century. Scientific inquiry, and the pursuit of knowledge continues to progress, so more outcomes are possible everyday. If they can go to space, then why should there be anything one can't do? Were these ventures not considered both insane, and impossible? Look they're doing it.
space programs have accomplished the impossible, and shattered beliefs. This continues to inspire and vive hope to a nation. Peoples lives can be so much more fulfilling, and can have a vision, purpose, depth, and sound reason. One does not have to fit in a box, and is not limited. I am asking people to push the envelope, and be live anything is possible with the right amount of work. I have high hopes as younger people venture out into the world, and cannot wait to see what they will become. Enjoy the journey friends.
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