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Rated: E · Other · Comedy · #1982166
Short story- creative writing homework
Nathan was determined to win his girl back, after being dumped for a much mature bastard, he felt humiliated and a little bitter. He was with this girl for practically a year he didn’t understand what went wrong. “We have nothing in common” was her clarification. How can you suddenly have nothing in common, that doesn’t make sense? He knew there was more to it than that, he also knew it had to do about the obvious fact that her new jerk was tall and buff something he wasn’t. That son of a bitch just stole her from under his feet. Well he wasn’t going down like that, he will get his girl back, and when he does he will make an arse of tall buff jerk guy.

Nathan began plotting in his bedroom, but got nowhere. The only way to get her back was to kill buff jerk or out do him. After many hours of making the right decision he opted to the latter to outdo him. He needed to buff up get rich and grow a few more inches. Sounded simple enough, but he didn’t have the money to join a gym, didn’t have a job to get rich and certainly couldn’t grow any taller as he was now hitting nineteen. This irritated him, how can something so simple be so hard to get.

Lying motionless on his bed, gawking at the blank ceiling he had an epiphany why didn’t I think of that before? Leaping out of the bed he seized his cell phone and called Jayce his best mate. He recalled Jayce talking about a couple of guys he knew who knew about a place just outer the city limits, of a house which inhibit vampires. I know you’re probably thinking what a load of crock, but who’s to say they didn’t?

Jayce answered “hey wassup Nate?”

“Uh…I wanna go see the vampires, can you take me?” Nathan asked straight out as he had no time to waste, any minute apart from Beth was an extra minute with Buff Jerk. The thought made him cringe.

“Whataya mean, I …w-why?” Jayce was stumped by the question, he really didn’t believe the story but still he didn’t want to go and find out either, being a chicken shit and all.

“I found a way to get Beth back, please you gotta help me” he sounded rather desperate

Jayce didn't understand just how this could get a girl back, but what was he to do let his friend down, aint no way “I dunno know what you’re planning, but yeah count me in, be there in a jiffy” and hung up the phone.

Nathan felt a sudden choke in his throat, what the hell was he thinking turning into a vampire to win the girl back, doesn't make sense, but it is worth the shot. The vampires always get the girl; it’s in every god damn movie. That buff jerk won’t stand a chance. When Beth sees him all hot and sexy oozing with vamp flair, she will beg him to take her back.

Without haste Nathan packed his bag with the essentials torch, lighter a blade, just in case. Then grabbing the Vicks vapour rub he smeared it over his bare body parts as a deterrent-hey it works for dogs. That’s when he heard a knock on the door, and bolted down the stairs to meet his mate.

They got into the car and drove off in search of the vampire house. Then Nathan suddenly blurted” I thinks it’s best if we fill up” he was referring to petrol” Just in case!”

After hours of searching, they reached their destination. There it was a good 10 feet away, this is one ugly house Nathan thought, not anything he imagined it would be-Hollywood movies being his main source- he expected a lush mansion, instead he faced a run-down weather board farm house, completely engulfed by the grass and other green stuff. The house seemed abandoned, completely lifeless.

“OK let’s go” ordered Nathan

Jayce was no fool, he wasn't going in that house, if Nate wanted to be a walking dead man that was his problem, no one is worth that “err...Maybe I should stay here, you know for a quick getaway, just in case!”

After giving Jayce a cynical stare, he inhaled deeply before setting foot out of the car, his heart pounding so hard he thought he would fracture a rib. Let’s get this over with, and as he was heading towards the house Jayce called him back.


“I just wanted to say good luck...and don’t bite me when you…you know!”

“Hey if I turn believe me you won’t be the first person on my ‘to bite list’, and thanks” gave a salute and went on his way.

It was too dark and too quiet, actually the more he thought of it the weirder it was, you see generally one could hear the chirping of bugs and other grouse insects, but now it was eerily soundless. Shit this is serious stuff. But Nathan was prepared for whatever was to come, he had his running gear and weapons that might by him time to make an escape. He didn't bother with the holy water and garlic as he knew that much was bullshit, but he did have a silver blade which was sure to kill anything mortal or immortal just decapitate the bitches was his ammo.

He turned on the torch and steadily made it to the front gate following a trail in the tall grass and walked up the few steps to the front door, opening the half broken screen door with the rusty spring squeaking the door broke open and crashed to the floor creating a huge dust cloud.

He shone the light into the house, unable to see clearly from where he stood he took a few steps forward and entered. The dust had not settled causing him to cough, which echoed through the whole house. That’s when he thought he heard something like chains and moaning, it was coming from down stairs damn I hate basements. Ignoring the groans he went straight to the first room, empty! Then went to the next room, when he opened the door he froze. Yup, I found’em alright. Staring at him were eight or so faces. “Uh, are you guys by any chance vampires?” he asked

In unison the guys laughed hysterically drawing out their weapons. They didn't have fangs; they defiantly aren't good-looking and are really fat. Just then he realized what an idiot he was to ever believe in such crap and bolted for the door. As he did he yelled to Jayce to start the car.

They sped off in top speed occasionally looking back, they weren't being chased anymore.

“So what happened” asked Jaycee eager to know

“Turns out they aren't vampires”

“Then what?”

“Just nasty angry humans”

Nathan felt super dumb in fact he felt so dumb he asked Jayce to hook him up with that girl he keeps talking about.

© Copyright 2014 Jeminem (ella_moor at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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