Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1981134-Either-Way
Rated: E · Non-fiction · Other · #1981134
This was a rant in response to a song that was stuck in my head for weeks, just flowed.
There isn't a working that hasn't been explained, yet constant confusion never settles. Uneasy minds together accomplish nothing. Asking how isn't consistent. Seek it, feel it, brave it. There will come a break once your broken. Completely. The bending hurts. The heart hurts. The mind hurts. Each day, endless days. Unless you stop it. You. Souls bursting in scattered disappointed fragments, holding trusts diminished. Shattered feelings exploding off in haste until they're searched for, worked for, ready for. How wicked is a frozen heart, a selfish mind, a numb spirit. A lack of conscience suffers no casualties. Self destructed compassion leaves an empty path. Uncompromising deals of submission for brief recognition, proving false and lonely in finish. Fake love. How dark and haunting a beautiful meaning can become under right circumstances. Or wrong ones. Memories of injury never fade. On random replay. A shorted mind pulling misfires. But self punishing as we don't want to pry our burning grasp from them. We haunt ourselves. The weak loathe their weakness, cowering under it, never thinking acknowledgement is the answer. Just never thinking. The want of the world crowds in from every side, every turn, every word. Do we dare speak if it can crush our voice? Do we think if it can erase our thoughts? Yes! Voice! Fight! What is 'it'? There's worse in not knowing. Yet devastation claims the ones who find out. Is there joy? Yes. Yes there can be. Work for it. Sacrifice for it. It's not served to you upon effortless requests. Negativity is brought forth with ease. Isn't it pressing how the mind wanders to the dark? It waits for light to pull it free. And will continue waiting. Another distraction to keep it occupied. Why can't we breathe? Why can't we settle? Why can't we act like human beings? Why can't we shake hate from our thoughts and envy from our tongue? Shallow beings reside in rich homes with golden archways entering into cold, lifeless rooms with not a happy soul to fill them. And people seethe with jealousy. Over what? Monotone dull parties with over expensive snacks of boring jibberish and time consuming prepared meals of unanimated stories about business, pointless boasts of high priced watches and hand made imported materials for perfectly tailored suits, their souls etched into the very fiber it's made from. Easily torn and fading quickly. Do you feel? Painfully lovingly feel? My action is your reaction. Maybe some ever find out. Maybe time doesn't fly, but moves only as you direct it. Maybe the center of the universe isn't Hollywood. Maybe people really have more compassion for the starving ones with no hopes or dreams or legs or sense of self. Maybe not. Maybe not. Media screams louder each day to be shallow, be fit, be ruthless, be popular, be somebody at 16,12,10, infants, in the womb. Feeding garbage that creates endless lazy minds and meaningless thoughtless actions. Feeding small horderves of impossible hopes of being 'someone famous.' Not letting them in on the vital secret that without forfeiting your life to money, greed and selfishness, you will acquire nothing of the sort. Pushing for a starved, unhealthy, unhappy soul without conscience of anything real or true or wrong. They are never suppressed. Or satisfied. Or full. Their hands bleed from ripping all we have from us and we are punished for the blood stains on them. There exists no balance. A refined madness of attempted order. A loss of control under strict conditions. A blend of power driven sickly greedy emotional gimps are who we have to work with, against, for. Everything and nothing is our own free will. Either way....either way.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1981134-Either-Way