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A divided world with its own rules, its own legends and its own secrets |
Shattered Legends Just above the clouds and on the borders of the endless night. There was built a city unlike any that came before, in all of mankind’s history. For it was built above the heavens and its towers touched the stars. It was quite easily the most advanced city to date that has ever been built. But now you’re probably asking “why build a city that high up?” Well before the city was a city. It wasn’t a city at all. It was in essence, a large town. But without warning, an earthquake struck that almost eliminated the entire town. Many lives were lost and many homes were destroyed. But some held on to the fragile hope, that maybe there homes could be built anew. However that hope was shattered, as the buildings and the ground that they stood on, were deemed unsalvageable. Time and time again earthquakes like this continued to happen. But the people who lived there, despite knowing what can and will happen to them…refused to move. So the most brilliant minds among them. Decided to constructed a series of special pillars that held up what would become there future home. Slowly but surely this new home of there’s began grow and flourish. The simple home to protect town’s folk, grew into a city. And they named it “Terrill” because of the massive thunderstorms that come swiftly, but the thunder harmed none that lived there. But when this city was just being constructed. Another earthquake hit, but this time the people and there new home were ready for it. But when it struck. Instead of breaking and shattering there newly built homes. It felt as if it was nothing but a minor shaking. Not the shattering and breaking they had known and feared. That’s when they knew, now more than ever, that there home was finally safe. And over the years they began to grow and learn without fear or restraint. Constantly improving and building things greater than any that came before. It turned into an economic marvel. Packed with wide roads leading to new mysteries. The coming and going of people in there daily lives. Trading valuables for something of equal worth. Trucks, trains and the occasional air ship carrying their cargo from one side of the city to the next. But the pride and joy of the Terrill lay in creativity. Every year new things would come. The streets would be littered with artworks, there walls would show there hard earned accomplishments and their banners would fly high displaying the storm and the thunder, which they honoured as brother and friend by taking its name and its image. But in time they grew dissatisfied and wanted more. So in the name of the genius’s that saved their people, by building a high place to call home. They in turn, decided that they too would build a home among the clouds. No above the clouds, so that it would be seen from afar, like an isle of stars resting in the heavens. And so it was done. And in the hour of its completion, it was truly one of the most beautiful sights that anyone had ever seen. All that lived there strived to better their work and themselves be it in work or at there own leisure. Building things at a faster rate. Constantly pushing the boundaries of what is real and what is not. Trading with the Terrill giving them things grander than they at the time were capable of creating. This city was seen as the herald of a new era and thus they appropriately named their new city “Era”. But not only the city, but also the people themselves seemed to gain a quality that befitted those of lords and dare I say otherworldly beings. And they themselves began to believe this. Thinking all that lived bellow them were not but ants underfoot. Their only use being to serve and feel honoured at their mere presence. And with their superior technology that made them all but invincible, it was easy to think that they were what they claimed to be. And so started the first civil war between the city of Terrill and Era that was named “the war of the blood thunder” The war lasted for five months and despite the technological advantage of the people of Era they were outnumbered by the Terrill who eventually managed to restore peace with the aid of some of the Era who were against their peer’s idea of conquest. But in the end, both sides suffered great losses and were willing to help each other rebuild and make peace. But it was a fragile alliance and both sides were more than happy to finish each other off. But the grief of having lost so many loved ones was greater than the desire for vengeance. So a pact was made that they shall aid one another and live as brothers who will fight and die side by side. This proved difficult, as there were a few stubborn bolts of pride firmly in the Era to pry out. But over time, that pride was swallowed and the grief was finally put to rest. Or so it would seem. After the war and the grief were put to rest. A small hate and distrust came into the hearts of a handful of both the Terrill and the Era. Whilst small this secret hate began to spread and grow. People started disappearing from both cities, rumours were traded and twisted in the confusion of the loss of those that are dear to them. However things started to stir in the shadows something sinister, old and powerful. But it would play its own part, in the terror that was to come. As who was the puppet? And who was the puppet master. Was all too unclear. But far below removed from the strife. Lived people of a much simpler life. For you see when the building of Terrill began. There were a small group of people who didn’t like the idea of living in the heavens. And some through dream Caught a glimpse of the glory that was to come. But looking upon it. pondering long and hard. They decided that they wanted no part in it. For what they saw was indeed great, it was not the home they desired. For they wished only for a small place to truly call home. To love a stranger, like he would his own family. To watch his children play in grass and along the streams. Not restrained by the stone streets of Terrill. And to be bound eternally together in bonds stronger than the earthquake that destroyed there home and mightier than the pillars that held Terrill aloft in the skies. So they abandoned Terrill and boarded a secretly made ship that they dubbed “The leviathan” that would ferry them to the underbelly of the city, directly in the centre where the ruins of their old town lay. Thus the rebuilding of there much beloved home began. And they swore never to partake in the matters of the cities above them and if they too become a city. That they would always remain true to the reason they returned to there once broken home. But the small town they desired to rebuild. Did indeed become a city as well. Whilst nowhere near as advanced as the other two above them. The city was what one would consider a small modern age city, but it was unlike the other cities because of the large forests and high hills that surrounded it and kept it hidden from both the Terrill and the Era. But unlike the cities above. Their city had many names it was called the hidden city, the foundation of earth and the city below. But the name that everyone called this new home was “Gwyr” and this is where our story begins, this is where my story begins. My names Alvis and by the end of my tale, you’ll know that there’s more to this world, than a tower to the stars. |