Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1980867-The-Whole-Shebang
Rated: GC · Assignment · Other · #1980867
A compilation of the 6 Romantica lessons

In the back page of the South Western University News Letter the following Personals appeared.

CD: I’m six feet tall, with sandy hair and freckles and weigh one hundred fifty lbs. I’m thirty-two, have college degrees in computer and political science and work for a Fortune 500 company. I’ve a slim athletic build, love to run and play racquetball and enjoy watching collegiate and professional sports. While confident on the job, I’m quiet by nature, and admit to nervousness around women. I’m interested in a girl seeking a long-term relationship. Ideally it’s someone who can make me laugh, is into physical fitness and has an educated and inquiring mind. Cooking skills are a definite asset. I can be contacted at (541) 254-6832.

EH. I’m five foot nine and weigh one hundred twenty pounds. I’m twenty-nine with a masters degree in Sociology. Currently I’m in advanced studies, working on my doctorate. I’m strong willed, opinionated and don’t suffer fools. I’m seeking a man who is personable, outgoing and self-confident. Someone who can sooth my fretfulness, and appreciate the many fine qualities I bring to a relationship. Qualified candidates may contact me at (541) 254-2136.

Chapter 1 Trusting Your Instincts

Charles walked into the sport’s bar looking casually about. As promised, he was wearing a green sweater. He took a seat at one of the stools, motioning to the bar tender.

“A Pepsi,” he ordered, wanting to stay sharp and make a good first impression.

The Place was called “The End Zone” and was one of his favorite haunts. It had large windows around the perimeter and a huge bar in the center. From the ceiling hung wide screen TVs each with a different sports venue. Surrounding the bar were booths for ordering food and having a good time with friends.

He noted the usual crowd except for a woman sitting alone in the corner. She was wearing sunglasses and a dark fur lined parka. Hmmmm, he thought beginning to wonder… until that is, he was distracted by another attractive young woman coming inside. She walked up to the bar and took a seat. She turned, noting his presence, and looked away.

Five foot nine, about a hundred twenty and in her late twenties, he thought. Leaving his seat he stood and walked over. “ I’m Charles Dubois and you must be Edith Hamilton.” He tried to sound confident but his voice had a squeak that betrayed him.

“My name isn’t Edith, and I’m expecting my boyfriend,” she replied with a dismissive look.

“Sorry,” His confidence shaken, Charles returned to his seat. He glanced to where the girl with the parka had been sitting and saw her walking out the door. Five foot nine, a hundred twenty and in her late twenties… “Damn” he muttered to himself, paying the tab.

When he got to the door he noticed the mysterious girl was the other side of the parking lot getting into a Mini-Cooper. On the vanity plate were the letters ED HAM.

"Excuse me," he called out in a loud voice… "You’re Edith Hamilton, aren’t you?"

She paused and got in. Turning around she began backing out of the space. As the car pulled out even with the curb their eyes met. She had a furious expression! All he could think to say was, “Sorry I disappointed you!”

She floored the accelerator and popped the clutch. Wheels screeched as the sporty little sedan sped away, onto the main thoroughfare.

Charles shook his head and went back inside. His stomach churned and his hands were shaking. Returning to the bar he ordered a double something or another. He slugged it down and ordered a second. Minutes passed and a warm glow began settling about him. Introspectively he mulled the scene over in his mind before taking a deep breath and smiling bitterly. She came early to check me out and didn't like what she saw. His reveries were broken when somebody took the stool next to him.

“Hey sailor, new in town?”

He looked over and saw Edith. There was an uncomfortable pause.

“What made you come back?” he asked sullenly. “Guilty conscious?”

“Not exactly,’ she replied, “I couldn’t leave things like that plus..."

"Plus what?"

"Plus I couldn't t help but notice something as you stood by the curb. Was that a pickle in your pocket?”

Her manner and tone took him off guard. She was looking at him with wide-eyed innocence, and a disarming smile.

“You were supposed to come up and introduce yourself," he replied accusingly, "that's what we agreed to on the telephone.”

“What is “Supposed,” supposed to mean?” she shot back. “I arrived early, and saw you trying to pick up that cutie over there. I didn’t want to interrupt anything.”

“I thought she was you,” Charles retorted.

“Yeah, like the two of us, even look remotely alike.”

“I never saw you before. How was I supposed to know what you looked like?”

“Get real! Am I to believe that you didn’t check me out in the yearbook? How many EH’s are there in class of 2004 with a Master’s Degree in Sociology?"

“I’m not into doing background checks," he shot back," I don’t suppose you can say the same.”

“Busted!” She said throwing up her hands in dismay. “ I confess. A girl can’t be too careful with all the lying men in this world who don’t care about anything but getting laid.” The exchange had gotten loud and heated. People were looking their way.

“Time Out!” said the bartender, ”Why don’t the two of you go somewhere and talk this out like adults.”

There was another protracted silence before Edith slipped from her stool.

“My fault,” Charles admitted suddenly. There was a note of contrition in his voice. “I can see now how this was all a huge misunderstanding.”

Edith smiled, “So you admit you were wrong?

“I can see how things might have appeared from your point of view.”

“You can?”

“… And concede I might have been presumptions.”

“Presumptuous? I should say so… thinking I was hiding incognito in some back corner to check you out. Thinking that if you didn’t meet with my expectations I would slink off without a word leaving you to wonder why you’d been stood up.”

“It was a bad assumption.”

“Do you really believe I'm capable of such deceit?”

“I was wrong, OK?”

“Are you always so skeptical of others?”

“Not always. Are you ready to quit beating a dead horse?”

Edith paused stroking her chin. “I suppose since we’ve cleared the air and you admit to being in error, that we might do a reboot.”

Charles signed with relief.

“Are you ready to go sit in the corner and start talking like adults?” she asked.

“That would be a welcomed change.”

As Charles reflected when he got home, from that point on the evening was delightful. He felt more at ease with Edith than he could ever recall. They had so much in common and her conversation had been so ranging and animated. He reflected back on her opening comments about the SAILOR and the PICKLE. What was that all about, he wondered? But what really peaked his curiosity were her words as they parted.

“Always trust your instincts, Charles. You give up much to easily. “

Chapter 2 Awkward Conversation

What am I getting myself into? Edith wondered as she entered the END ZONE. She didn’t have to wait long finding out. Charles walked up looking unsure of himself.

“I reserved the table we had last week--- you know the one reserved for adult conversations?” He gestured to the corner where they had been seated the previous week.

She remembered all right. Things had gotten off to a bad start. The bartender asked them to quiet down and take their argument to a quiet corner of the bar.

Charles pulled out her chair. He was dressed casual with the same green sweater and a pair of tan slacks. As he walked around to his seat Edith noticed once again that pronounced bulge in his inseam. It was just a glimpse but the outline was unmistakable.

That can’t be real, she thought to herself. Probably a sock stuck down there. As an undergraduate she remembered a friend who had once stuffed her bra before a date.

Edith thought back to last Saturday night. After things calmed down the experience turned out better than expected. While she didn’t feel Charles was really her type, she found herself agreeing when he called for a second date.

“I really had a good time last Saturday,” Charles offered.

“Is this where I’m supposed to say, “Me to, it was a delightful evening?""

“Yeah!" He chuckled, "Something like that, even if it did get off to a rocky start.”

““Rocky”, now there’s an understatement.”

“Come on, once the sparks stopped flying we did manage to have a good time.”

“I guess we did… sort of.” Edith began to relax.

The waiter came up and they ordered drinks.

“I’m glad you came,” said Charles taking a more serious tone.

“Why, wouldn’t I?”

“Because you’re an attractive woman and me, well, I'm just an ordinary looking guy.”

“Hmmmm, “ she pondered stroking her chin. “To be honest, you aren’t exactly someone I’d have picked from a lineup.”

“So what made you decide to come?”

“You have a nice non-threatening manner.”

“Is that a compliment?”

Ignoring the question, she continued “Furthermore, there’s an illusive something about you that I find hard to define. It’s compelling.”

“An illusive something,” he said repeating her words. "“Compelling.” Can’t remember anyone ever describing me in those terms.””

“You’re not exactly a man of mystery but that’s all I can come up with for right now. What prompted you to call back?”

“You’re attractive and smart. I liked the sound of your voice. You have an abrasive way at times and a manner that doesn’t pull any punches.”

“How about you Charles, do you pull any punches?” She remembered Bruce and all his hidden agendas.

"I prefer mediation to confrontation. I know that might sound evasive but I’m not somebody who goes looking for trouble.”

“Do you think I do?”

“You have a certain aggressiveness…”


“Like right now. You seem to enjoy going for the jugular.”

Edith smiled. “So I’ve been told, more than once.”

“It’s a quality I admire. Actually, I wish I had more of it.”

“Be careful of what you wish for.”

The drinks arrived. Charles had a bourbon and coke and Edith a sweet vodka Collins.

As they talked she noted several times Charles staring at her breasts. Now that’s a good sign, Edith told herself. He appears to have a normal appetite for women. She was tempted to call him on it but wanted to make sure. She yawned and stretched her arms pulling tight the fabric of her cotton blouse. While not overly large her bust was ample. He responded, as anticipated, with a slight intake of breath. Definitely a boob man.

There was a pause and Edith voiced what came to mind. “Do you have a nickname or does everyone call you Charles?”

He paused, a bit too long. “No, not really, maybe as a kid, but not for a long time, except maybe “Charlie.””

“So what did they call you, “a long time ago?”“

He moved uncomfortably, peaking her curiosity. What’s he trying to hide, she wondered. He seems to be choosing his words.

“In case you’re not aware, in sports, teammates sometimes give you a nickname. The guys use it when they’re kidding around.”

“I’m familiar with nicknames," replied Edith with an edge, "particularly one I recently acquired,” She remembered overhearing a conversation between two of her male classmates. It was one where she was the central focus. “So what’s yours?”

“I don’t really like it,” he replied, “because it has a sort of double meaning.”

He really doesn’t want to tell me, she thought to herself. “If it’s too painful, forget I asked.”

“It isn’t that.”

“Then what is it? If you're interested, mine's “BITCH.” So what’s yours?”

“HORSE,” he blurted.

“Why did they call you that?”

He began half-stepping. “Awww, because in football and soccer I was hard to stop. Once I got the ball I knew what to do with it. The coach was always telling my teammates, 'Give it to horse.' Sometimes the crowd would chant, 'Horse! Horse!""

“There!” Edith replied, "Was that so hard?"

There was a pause as she pondered his words. “So... what's the double meaning?”

Charles turned red.

Oh my goodness, she thought, realizing the answer. “It's because you have a big,'You Know What?' Isn't it?"

Nodding his head Charles replied, the blush deepening, “So I’ve been told.”

Oh my goodness, Edith though, I really stuck my foot in that one. Undeterred, she continued, but with a more soothing tone. “I didn’t mean to get personal, plus I always thought men took pride in their “Manliness.”“

“Would you like huge breasts?”


"You know the size of melons?"

“If that’s what I was born with, I’d deal with it.”

“Easy to say.” said Charles with a dejected look.

Edith shifted gears. “Would you like my breasts to be the size of melons?"

“Now whatever made you ask that?”

“Because you’ve been staring all evening.”

“Was it that obvious?”

“It was unmistakable. You think a woman misses that sort of thing?


“Don’t let it bother you. For some reason or another I didn't find it offensive." She postured with an overstated wink and provocative smile.

Charles, swallowed noticeably, at a complete loss for what to say next.

The waiter arrived to take the order giving the awkward conversation some relief.

Chapter 3 Dinner Together

Charles was nervous as he knocked on the door of the stylish townhouse. It was in an affluent neighborhood and he wondered what the rent must be.

The door opened and a stern looking man stared out, inquiringly.

“Hello, I’m Charles Dubois and I’m looking for the Edith Hamilton residence.”

The man gave him the once over and gestured with his thumb. “Her ‘residence’ is up there.”

“Who is it?” came a woman’s lilting voice from behind him.

“Edith's dinner guest.”

Peering over his shoulder an attractive older woman smiled warmly. “You must be Charles. It’s a pleasure…we don’t often get to meet our daughter’s boy friends.”

“MOTHER!” From the next level up came Edith’s voice. “Send Charles up here.”

The woman giggled and pointed to the outside stairs leading to the second floor. “Her apartment is upstairs.”

“It’s a pleasure meeting you both,” said Charles politely. As he started up, a curtain parted revealing the face of a little boy. He scowled. They seem a bit old to have such a young son. When he reached the top the door was half open.

“Don’t let the screen hit you in the butt,” came a voice through the open window.

He entered and looked about. Down the hall and to the right was a light. He was immediately assailed by the smell of home cooking. There was a scent of steak and the aroma of steaming vegetables. As he entered he saw Edith moving briskly as the meal seemed to be coming together all at once. She gave him a quick hug and noted the bottle of wine in in his hand. “There’s a corkscrew on the counter. Why don’t you serve us?” Her tone was softer than usual and carried none of the “attack dog” quality he'd come to expect.

“Its Auselase,” he informed her.

“Is that like a Chablis?”

“Sort of,” he replied, “but sweeter. I hope it goes with the meal.”

“Anything goes with my meals,” she replied, grinning. There was a relaxed manner to her movements as she scuttled about fixing the dinner.

“I wasn’t expecting to meet your parents downstairs.”

“I should have told you earlier to come right on up. However, checking in on them was OK. I’m sure you made mom’s evening.”

“Your mother told me she didn’t get to meet many of your boyfriends?”

“Is that a fact?” Edith replied noncommittally.

In the background soft music was being piped in over the sound system… “Come a little bit closer, you’re my kind of man…"

He poured the wine and Edith pointed towards a second entrance.

A small dining area, with a table, candle and two place settings awaited him. Beyond was the living room. He set down the glasses. On the wide screen TV the voice of the sports announcer seemed almost surreal. “Alabama breaks the huddle, third and goal…”

He took a seat on the couch. She came in with the main courses and arranged the bowls and platters on the table. They were hot and steaming.

“There’s the snap, the fullback breaks right, TOUCHDOWN!” The screen went blank and he saw Edith putting the remote on the bookcase.

He stood and walked over seating her and then took his place on the opposite side. She extended her hands, took his fingertips and said the grace... "Amen.”

“Amen,” he said.

“Your PERSONAL said cooking skills were a plus. I hope the meal measures up to expectations."

It could be cold brats and refried beans and still exceed my expectations. There were two New York strip steaks, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn and a side salad. However, most delightful was the basket of hot French bread and dish of soft butter.

“I cooked them medium,” she said. “Hope you like them that way?"

Is this the same girl I’ve been dating the past two weeks?, he thought in amazement. She’s certainly behaving much differently in the domestic mode.

He spread his napkin with a flourish and they began eating. What followed wasn’t much in the line of conversation. The atmosphere was filled with the clatter of silverware on porcelain and the clinking of wine glasses. Twice Charles poured them a refill and hardly paused in serving himself seconds.

“..so big and so strong come a little bit closer,“ The music droned on in the background as the lyrics cycled around in his head.

When they finished there came a moment when both sat back and took note of one another. She had a questioning look, clearly waiting for his assessment.

Usually Edith is so brash and self confident, he wondered, and there she sits waiting for my approval. Am I missing something?

He belched unexpectedly, a little louder than intended. “Excuse me,” he said with a genuine note of contrition.

“Men,” Edith replied, wiping her lips with the napkin.

“That was a great meal.”

“Glad you liked it,” she replied, pleased with herself. She leaned forward motioning. Her eyes had a soft tenderness, as if wanting to share something intimate.

“Huh?” He found himself saying.

“Come a little bit closer,” she said.

He leaned across the table and she met him halfway. The smell of her perfume assailed his nostrils as their lips met. It was all so unexpected; first the kiss and then the parting of his lips. He took a deep breath not knowing how to respond. Hers lingered on his and she wiggled her tongue, extending it into his mouth. “Ummmm,” she sighed, “you taste like Listerine.” She drew back, watching him intently.

He remained poised over the table. At length he cleared his throat and sat back down. “That was unexpected.”

“Kissing is OK once two people get to know each other.”

“I thought you were going to whisper some sort of secret.”

“And what sort of secret were you expecting?”

“I wasn’t thinking that far ahead.”

“Well think about this,” she replied. “Instead of us sitting face to face, at cross purposes, what say you move over and sit next to me?”

Where is she going with this? he wondered, unsure of himself. Her whole demeanor is so different and bewildering. Charles got to his feet clutching his napkin and moved his chair alongside. As he did her hand dropped down onto his thigh. The motion was unexpected and he was startled. It wasn't a little start but one that made his knee jump and bang the bottom of the table.

“You’re the most wired guy I ever met,” Edith scolded, however there was no bite to her words, only gentleness. “Touching is good. It’s meant to be relaxing. ”

“You surprised me is all,” Charles explained, “Like somebody comes up behind you and says, ‘Boo!’”

“You're so up-tight.” she chided, her hand rubbing back and forth. “If we were in a car with a bench seat, I’d be scooted up close, doing what I’m doing now. “

Charles could feel his heart racing. I wonder what else would she’d be doing, he asked himself?

“If you aren’t aware, rubbing is a warm and endearing form of expression… as long as we behave properly and keep our fingers from wandering into those forbidden places.” Edith’s fingers spread and her pinky searched downward.

Charles squirmed. He felt an unanticipated appetite began to stretch the inside seam of his slacks. The tip of her little finger reached out. His eyes had the look of a deer caught in the headlights.

“Cat got your tongue?”, she teased. Her words were hypnotic. The sound was soothing.

His voice quavered, “I don’t know quite what to say.”

“Tell me that you found the dinner pleasing.”

“It was great.”

“I want you to be pleased with me,” she said, almost submissively.

What has come over her, Charles wondered? Is this the same person I’ve been dating the past two weeks?

“My Mom told me the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” Her fingers moved lower.

“What else did she tell you?” Charles asked, nervously.

“She told me that once a man gets his hook in you… a poor girl is lost.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“What do you think it means?”

“You’re asking the wrong person,” he replied taking a breath, “So what kind of sage advice did your father have to offer?”

“He told me to be strong and independent, that a woman never knows what the future will hold.”

“Do those two 'nuggets' ever come into conflict?”

“'Only if there's a man in my life.” Her lips brushed his ear and she sang softly, “… I’m all alone and the night is so long…”

Charles tilted backward and his chair teetered on one leg. He fell hitting the hardwood floor, surprised but otherwise unhurt.

Edith looked in dismay, napkin to face, and started giggling. Then, came an unexpected look of anxiety.

Charles wasn’t amused. Gathering his dignity he stood up and glared. “You think this is funny?” he asked, feeling foolish.

She shook her head taken by a growing hysteria that alternated between laughter and tears. Her eyes had a vulnerable look and she squinted them tight, open and then shut again. She continued shaking "NO" as her bottom lip quivered and shoulders trembled.

“Are you all right?” he asked. Something wasn’t right and his anger was replaced by a feeling of genuine concern.

Edith's bust began to heave taken by an onslaught of sobs.

Charles took her in his arms. Like waves came an outpouring of pent up emotion that left her body shaking uncontrollably.

“Don’t leave me,” she pleaded, squeezing with unexpected strength, fingers gripping desperately.

He felt his eagerness stretch, pressing against the softness of her clutch. His heart beat, Ka-Boom, Ka-Boom.

Tears ran down her cheeks. She whimpered, pressing her lips into his shoulder and breasts close against his chest. He could feel her struggling to take deep and rhythmic breaths. They swayed together back and forth as the episode ran its course and an electrifying synergism passed between them...

At some length the intensity began to recede. Like a storm cloud the moment passed leaving an almost serene silence. Edith stepped back, her breathing at last under control and began to regain her composure.

“I’m so sorry,” she said.

“Are you all right?”

“I think you’d best be going,” she answered.

“When can I see you again?”

“GOOD NIGHT!” she replied emphatically.

Chapter 4 Back for Seconds

He descended the stairs in a daze and walked out to his car. As he cranked the engine he saw the curtain part and a wide eyed face peering out. It was the young boy again. Charles dismissed the vision, stepped on the accelerator and sped off down the street.

Edith sat on the couch, dazed. Everything she had planned for the evening was dashed. It’s been a long time since my last anxiety attack. Thought I’d grown out of them.

She took the dishes to the sink and began rinsing them off. They always seemed to come when I let my guard down, when I let my feelings get the upper hand.

There was something about Charles she really liked. Perhaps "Like" wasn't the operative word. Despite being unsure of himself, he was rock solid. That’s what she needed in a man, someone who was an anchor, someone to cling to. The irony is, when I surrender to my emotions, that’s when I’m most vulnerable. That's when the anxiety becomes overwhelming and I lose control. Dad was right. I need to stay strong and on top of things.

The phone rang. It was her mother. “Are you OK? I heard a thud on the floor and then I saw Charles walking down the driveway.”

“Everything’s fine, “Edith answered. “He slipped on the rug while taking a call from his office.” She was in no mood for the conversation. The matter resolved itself, quite unexpectedly.

“Hey, there’s a car pulling up in front. It looks like your young man is back and he's not bringing pizza.” There was a click followed by the dial tone.

Edith’s heart leapt. She took several deep breaths as his footfall came up the stairs. There followed a quiet knock. She opened the door to the limits of the security chain.

“Got any left overs?" he asked, inquiringly.

Edith rolled her eyes. “Is that why you're back?”

“Why did you come back the other night?” He replied, turning the table.

It was a fair question. Lately, I find myself wondering the same thing.

He answered it. “Some things can’t be left the way they stand.”

That sounded familiar. She paused looking out through the crack. The light from the hall caught the glimmer in his eyes. Her heart began to melt. If I let him in there's only one way this will end. She looked down and saw the bulge in his trousers.

“Are you going to make me sleep on the deck?”

She removed the chain and let the door swing, still clutching the knob.

“I don’t think this is such a good idea.”

His hands took her waist and he kissed her. Edith melted, pressing herself shamelessly. Through her skirt she could feel the hard outline, beating like a pulse. What kind of a signal am I sending?

He stepped inside, and threw the deadbolt.“

“That was an anxiety attack you had, wasn't it?"

"What if it was?" He's beginning to get it.

With a sympathetic tone he continued, "I want you to know I'm here for you."

Is that the only reason?

"I want to be part of the solution..."

Exactly what does he have in mind?

"...not the problem."

If she could believe it, the size off his swollen inseam was becoming even more pronounced. It drew her like a magnet, compelling her gaze. What had started as a quick glance lingered becoming a protracted stare. Nervously she averted her eyes.

He shifted uncomfortably.

"... And exactly how do you intend rescuing the poor maiden from herself?

Charles shrugged, his thoughts seemed uncertain.

"I know," she said sarcastically, "...with some old fashioned bedroom therapy."

"I don't even know where your bedroom is."

His answer was absurd and she pushed away in exasperation.

"You can get that right out of your mind!”

His eyes had a wistful look, mesmerized by her heaving bust. Still worse, she warmed to it. A tingle of desire began to resonate inside. The train was blowing its whistle and she was poised on the edge of the platform, waiting to board.

She remembered times with Bruce, anxiously waiting to take the next step. Once again she stood on the cusp of her mother's warning. Once a man gets it in you, a poor girl's lost.

Edith had learned the hard way the truth of those words. Once Bruce woke her up from the slumbers of innocence she learned all about those obscene urgings. They never stopped and still cried out in her dreams.

"How do you know what's on my mind?" Charles shot back.

It was deja vu and once more she was being drawn by that irresistible force.

She struggled to stay in control "Why don't you just admit the real reason you came back here

Her words were sharp, aimed more for herself than Charles. They were a ploy to buy time, intended to stifle that compelling itch that couldn't be scratched.

"Why can't you get it through your head that I'm interested in a whole lot more than what you're referring to?"

She felt herself losing. Any relief will only be fleeting. "What makes you think you're any different from all the rest?" She remembered Bruce's seductive voice and shameless pleas.

"Because my feelings for you, go way beyond sex."

"Yeah, I hear you." Once I give in, he'll pluck my frets and make me do the Kaboky dance--- that is until the music ends and it's time to pay the bill.

Standing on the brink, their eyes met, each wondering what would happen next. Once more she hesitated. This is where I always seem clutch. This is where I feel faint, hyperventilate and start breathing into the paper bag. I am one messed up girl.

"Are you OK?" His voice came from afar and sounded almost surreal.

How do I put him off? Do I even want to put him off.? The outcome seemed inevitable until hearing her own words, speaking from afar. The voice seemed to come from outside her head.

“Lets take this one step at a time.”

She began undoing her blouse, surprised by her own actions. Even more surprising was what she said next.

“I’ll show you and then you can show me.”

The words were hardly out when what they implied, saw the light of day. It was like a wave breaking on the beach and then receding back into the ocean. They were unexpected, leaving behind an effect that lingered, as the deeper context sunk in. What have I just said? She looked closely, to measure his response.

Charles nodded in agreement.

Things are OK. I’m not sure where this is all heading but maybe it’ll work out for the best.. She turned her back to him, breathing with regularity, calmer than expected. She began working the buttons loose, one by one, until the last was undone. Opening the fabric she looked back over her shoulder.

He stood transfixed, eyes wide in anticipation.

Pulling the tails from her skirt she turned about. The seams hung loosely apart showing the cups.

Charles was riveted. He moistened his lips.

What do I do next? She reached behind and undid the retaining straps. The bra sagged falling off the cleavage. Her breathing continued in easy rhythm. Despite some nervousness, things were still under control. So far so good.

She reached behind holding the cuffs and pulled the sleeves from her arms. I guess this is going to be a replay of the same old theme.

His jaw dropped.

Noting an absence of anxiety she tossed it on the couch.

He stepped forward.

I seem to have things under control. “That's close enough,” she said.

He stopped.

With her thumbs beneath the shoulder straps Edith lifted and let the bra fall to the floor. Naked from the waist she stood revealing parts that were no longer confined to his imagination.

Charles dropped to his knees, extending his arms. His eyes pleaded. Taking an overstuffed pillow from the couch she put it between them and kneeling, pushed close. The smell of after-shave hung in the air as his lips introduced themselves, first to one and then the other.

As Edith experienced the intimacy, a warm glow spread throughout her body. It was euphoric, mingled with eagerness and desire. It sang with an uninhibited feeling of joy radiating through every nerve and fiber. The effect was euphoric and she reveled in a sea of unexplored sensations. His lips were gentle, and the nibbling evoked an unfamiliar delight. His tongue searched the soft contours and teased the upturned fonts. The effect was overwhelming and she trembled with excitement.

“Do you like them?”

“I lov..."

“Shush,” she answered quickly placing her finger on his lips. “Save that for tomorrow.”

She snuggled close, feeding his lips like an infant. For a long while they lingered, enjoying the tenderness not wanting the moment to end. Then, Charles started getting impatient. His got a glassy look in his eyes and hands became more insistent. He pushed her back and groping fingers tried to unbutton her skirt. Time to break the spell, With a strong exercise of will she pushed back, ...while I still have the strength to resist. She stood, and began putting her blouse back on.

"Now it's all on you Charles. Ready to hold up your end of the bargain?”

Chapter 5 Your Turn

POV Charles

You can’t go through with it. The words cried out from inside Charles’ head. Are you trying to spoil everything? With a skeptical look, he said “Are you really sure you want me to do this?”

“Are you going to renege?” Edith shot back.

Talk about anxiety, when she sees what’s in these jockey shorts, she’ll come unglued. “I’m only thinking about your peace of mind.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

It means that seeing “The Horse” for the first time is going to send her into cardiac arrest “I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed.”


Yeah, pulling out your hair, gnashing your teeth... that sort of thing. “You know, afraid of what you’ll discover.”

“Did you or did you not, agree to this show and tell?”

What did she expect when she started taking off her blouse? “I’m not backing out,” he replied, choosing his words carefully, ”only trying to ease you into what might become a stressful situation.”


She knows damn well what I’m referring to. “You know the shock of seeing it for the first time.”

She replied sarcastically, “Oh, I get it now, the shock of seeing that awesome appendage of yours.”

She wouldn’t be so flip if she'd actually seen it. "I’m only speaking from experience.”


He stammered. “Not a lot mind you, but enough to know what I’m talking about.”

“Go on.”

It would wipe that smirk right off her face. “My first girlfriend took one look and said, 'Forget it.' My second suddenly remembered she had another appointment.”

“And you think the sight of your “awesomeness” will overwhelm me?”

That’s exactly what I’m thinking. “Yeah, and it really bothers me.”


“Because you’re special and I don’t want to lose you.”

“… like you lost the last two?”

“You’re nothing like the last two. Don’t you know what “Special” means?”

“I’m flattered. Now, did you or did you not agree to what we decided earlier?”

Charles settled into the leather couch,. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” and began unlacing his shoes.


He stood and unbuckled his belt. “Don't blame me for another one of your anxiety attacks.”

“I’ll take full responsibility.”

He parted the retainer and pulled down his zipper, giving her one last inquiring look.

She nodded her head.

He pulled a leg out of his trousers. “This is not a good idea,” he mumbled.

“Have you ever considered that your physical prowess might be overstated?”

She’s about to find out how “overstated” it is. Still bent at the waist, he hesitated and then let his slacks fall to the floor.

“Don’t stop now.”

As he straightened, she saw the “tent pole” he was referring to, poking out against the fabric of his underwear. He looked at her anxiously.

If anyone was familiar with anxiety, it was Edith. She tried to make things easier. “If a woman can bear a child, don’t you think she can deal with 'the man thing?'”

And if she can’t? Taking a deep breath Charles pulled down his boxers. “I was hoping we could build up to this a little more gradually."

It sprang into view!

POV Edith

Imagination had prepared Edith for the worst. She’d seen her father and brothers at various times growing up. Then there was that life changing experience with her Sociology Professor. Bruce introduced her to lovemaking in most of its forms and variations. While Charles had them beat, it was not by the imposing margin he imagined. It was one of those cases where reality was much less daunting than what she’d been led to believe. Arching her brow she looked down at it. So this is the fate worse than death I’m supposed to be so worried about? She breathed a sigh of relief. “Amazing.”

“I told you what to expect," he said sharply, "and now you know.”

"Yes I do," and if you observe closely, I'm not shaking in my boots. She said tongue in cheek, "You definitely had me worried.”

“I knew it would get your attention and leave you wondering…”

“About what?”

“You know the size. Don't you see? The size! Like getting a size twelve foot into a size six shoe.”

She considered the analogy, giving the matter some further thought. Looking closer, with a more critical eye, she felt an inexplicably response. A warm and maternal urging began stirring in the most unexpected of places. She examined the matter clinically as her education had trained her to do. Is this a visual response to what I’m looking at? Is it an emotional reaction to something unfamiliar, or is it something physiological? Could it be my body is acting in some subtle sort of way to prepare me for intercourse? What she was sure of was the wetness, in a part she hadn't felt in a long time. Knowing Charles was waiting for an answer she put her questions on the back burner.

“I think the proportions in your shoe analogy are a bit inflated.”

“You do?” he said in surprise

“While I won't say you aren't 'ample,'" she said stepping closer, "let me put your fears to rest.”

“You really think so?”

“Your imagination, Charles, has gotten the best of you.”

“I’m relieved you feel that way.”

What Edith actually felt was a serene sense of calm. Instead of the anxiety she’d dreaded, her mood seemed almost placid. Isn’t it interesting? Charles is worried about the size of his manhood and I’m worried about another anxiety attack. How can two mature people see the same situation and react so differently?

She sat down on the arm of the couch and motioned him closer. I never wondered much about this part of a male’s anatomy. I just took it for granted. Rather, in my mind was the type of man I would become intimate with, someone who would be there for me, to share the joy of children and a lifetime together. While I understood the physical aspect, from my affair with Bruce, it still remained something of an abstraction. Now seeing Charles in the flesh, the experience has added an “eye opening” context.

He stepped towards her. She motioned him still closer until he was easily within reach.

“May I touch it?”

“Go ahead.”

Edith extended her hand and took the girth in her fingers. “Hmmm,” she said, working the foreskin back and forth.

He rose on his tiptoes, taking a deep breath. “Easy there, it’s sensitive.”

A dribble of viscous fluid appeared at the opening.

“What have we here?” she inquired with a gentle squeeze.

“What do you think?”

“Semen I suspect, full of those wiggly little spermatozoa.” she put her finger in the drop forming at the tip and raised it to her nose. It had a sharp pungent odor, shared now with the rest of her hand. She squirmed about on the arm of the couch trying to stay comfortable. The scent brought back memories she wanted to forget. WHEW!. She touched the droplet to her tongue. It tasted salty, with the consistency of an oyster. No surprise there.

Seen enough?

She nodded and looked up, her head swimming. Is the smell of pheromones affecting my mind? His eyes had a vulnerable look, filled with tenderness and desire. “I’ve seen more than enough.” Is it time we take the big step?

Charles broke into her mood. His words were compelling. “Maybe we should get the next hurdle behind us. “

“Maybe we should.”

“Are you afraid?”

“Not about the same thing you are.”

“Then why don’t we adjourn to the bedroom?”

Edith took his hand and began leading them down the hall. Making love to this man is going to be a much different experience, she thought to herself.

Chapter 6 Getting It On

Charles POV

Whoa! This is really happening? Edith took his hand, leading him down the hall. I’m about to get laid. They walked past several doors before getting to the end of the corridor. The last opened into a spacious bedroom. She pulled him inside and he looked around taking note. This is definitely a girly place.

The bed had a bright orange pastel coverlet. The headboard was stacked high with pillows. There were frilly drapes on the windows and everything was matched and coordinated. On either side of the bed were end tables with shaded lamps. In one corner stood a writing desk with a display of brightly colored small figurines. Against the walls were a dresser, mirror and large worktable. A white mohair carpet still showed the tread marks of a vacuum cleaner.

So this is her “Nest.” It looked like something out of a fashion magazine, the kind you read in a dentist’s office, for want of anything else. She opened a door leading to the master bathroom.

“Want to take a shower?”

Are you kidding me? “Yeah, that’d be great.”

His heart raced. Am I ever amped..

Edith walked into the bathroom and turned on the water. It was dark at first, until the motion sensor activated the light. With her back turned she began to undress.

What a body. His eyes got wide as he saw the skirt tossed aside and watched her panties pulled down over those long shapely legs.

“One at a time or both together?”


He kicked off his shoes and socks. In short order they both stood in the buff. He marveled at the speed with which all this was taking place. It didn’t take us long to get past those feelings of self consciousness.

Edith opened the sliding glass door and adjusted the water temperature. Steam was rising as she stepped inside.

What a nice butt.

“Come on in. The water's fine.”

Charles followed into the stall, holding himself, to keep from poking her. It occurred to him suddenly, what’s the point of worrying about all that? Letting go he put his hands on her hips, turning her waist until they faced one another.

Those breasts, He sighed, those little acorn nipples. Am I lucky or what? “You are gorgeous.”

The warm spray soaked their hair and dripped down into their faces. She pursed her lips and they kissed, swaying back and forth. It was a long and intimate embrace and he felt their nervousness seem to flow off and down the drain. She took the tube of body wash and began squeezing the goop liberally into her hands.

This must be the washing ritual.

She began rubbing his chest. The water cascaded down. It felt good to feel her fingers. She seemed in no hurry soaping his shoulders and stomach. They were separated only by that part he’d been so loath to reveal just minutes before. Squirting more on her hands she reached down and began to lather it.

He groaned. “That feels so good.”

She finished and continued working along his thighs and calves.

He watched her squatting, her cheekbone brushing it aside, It reminds me of the way a girl throws an unwanted curl that keeps falling out of place.

She did it again and paused.

Is she doing it on purpose?

Edith looked up. It hovered just above her nose. She smiled with those adoring eyes that sparkled whenever she wanted. They telegraphed something, an intention he wasn't sure about.

Is she thinking what I think she is?

Their eyes met and he knew.

She took it, applying a gentle suction. With a look of beguiling innocence her cheeks dimpled drawing it in. Her eyes stared up, measuring his response.

Immediately he felt an urgency he didn’t even want to think about. What if I…? He couldn’t decide what to do and pushed harder than intended. He watched as it slipped deeper.

His response was unexpected and took Edith by surprise. She gagged and came off sputtering.

"Damn Charles! You don’t have to be so eager. “

“I’m sorry,” he pleaded upset with himself. "I don’t know what came over me.”

“Like I really believe that,” she said rolling her eyes. Edith went back to work with more enthusiasm.

He pulled back with an extreme exercise of will. “That’s enough. If you don’t stop, something unexpected is going to happen.”

“And whatever might that be?” Her expression was clueless but the tone in her voice didn’t sound genuine.

“Never mind.”

She gave him a petulant look, as if reluctant to stop and disappointed at not being allowed to continue.

“I guess this is something we’re going to have to work up to,” She got to her feet and her hands went up to his shoulders.

Charles watched, uncertain what to do next.

She pushed in with her stomach. “Wash my breasts.”

He took the tube of gel and began soaping. She held his hips, leaning back and pressing her middle tight. A shudder rumbled through her body. It happened again when he did each of the fonts.

“Oh my goodness.”

He massaged gently going slowly first to one and then the other. “Like this?”


They embraced lingering in the sway of each other’s arms. The moments passed with a languid slowness.

At length he turned the lever to “Off” and slid the glass back open. They toweled themselves and then patted each other dry.

“Are you ready?” he asked when they finished.

“…as I’ll ever be.”

"How do you want to do this?"

“You on the bottom and me on top,” she replied, walking into the bedroom. She pulled back the coverlet and motioned for him to sit on the edge of the mattress. As he sat down he saw her opening a tube of KY Jelly.

She must have known this was going to happen.

Edith anticipated his thoughts. “What was I supposed to do after all that innuendo about your 'Thing-a-ma-Watchi?' I bought some today at Walmart just in case. Lucky I did, don’t you think?" Edith began applying it and after finishing put a big dab on “The Horse.“

His heart pounded. This is really about to happen?

“Lay back on the bed.”

He hesitated.

“Was this your idea or wasn’t it?”

He reclined down onto the mattress and she climbed on top.

He realized as she straddled how much he loved her. It wasn’t the sight of her breasts or those perky nubs hanging down, Nor is it doing it for the first time. Edith is everything I imagined in a woman and despaired ever finding.

Edith's POV

What the heck must he be thinking? That I do this every day? Charles strained, hard with anticipation.

“Lie still.”

Reaching between her legs, she took hold. I’m not exactly a virgin and there’s a good chance that Charles is. Her mind raced back to the first time in Bruce’s office. How he’d taken her on the conference table like a lovesick cow. I loved him, or at any rate, though I did. Isn't sex something a girI's supposed to share with the man she loves?

Charles groaned.

Guiding it upwards she searched for the opening. After that I was totally under his sway. I had sex with him whenever he wanted. It went on for the rest of the semester.

She found the spot and began working the tip in. In retrospect I realize now he was taking advantage of me. I was so compliant. The Bastard would give me a sign I'd give him sex on command. I performed like a Pavlovian dog. He did me in ways I never before imagined or thought possible.

It entered and began sliding deeper filling her void as she lowered herself down.

It was wrong for him to take advantage of me. A professor isn't supposed to do that. Just because I was naive and vulnerable didn't mean I was some sex-toy to fool around with. He was married for heavens sake, and I knew it. What does that say about me?

Edith took a deep breath. The lube definitely helped.

Dr. Bruce Jackson..., he was so good looking and had such a cocky and confident manner. His voice drew me like a magnet and the look of those pleading eyes turned my stomach to jelly.

Slowly she managed to accommodate the girth and Charles began slipping deeper. Why am I thinking about that Son of a Bitch, at a time like this?

As Charles came to length she felt the squish of their short hairs. She was stuffed. I'll be damned--- I did it.

“Are we there yet?”


The line from a long forgotten musical, resonated in her ears, “… after you do they’ll never phone ya… I’ll never fall in love again…” That’s when the anxiety attacks started.

“Are you OK?” The words were panted almost obscuring the question.

Edith sighed with relief, knowing she could handle Charles, yet stuffed to the very limits of her womanhood.

I had the baby and the rest is history.

He wiggled beneath.

“I said lie still.” She felt suddenly wicked. “That monstrosity isn’t quite the monster you thought, now is it?”

He arched his back.

“Easy now, Just because you’re in doesn’t mean we’re all that practiced. Give me some time to adjust."

His body began to tremble. It was like sitting on a volcano starting to erupt.

This is either Charles first time or he isn't very experienced. “You were right about "Horse" being a load.”

He squirmed and she felt him starting to come. It grew larger in her clutch and seemed to yawn. Inside she felt the pulse of spasms as it started squirting. They came repetitively and each time she felt the spit of his hot seed. She squeezed her sphincter and experienced a glow of maternal satisfaction. It wasn’t an orgasm but felt good nonetheless. It was like a thirst being quenched in her womb. Its been a long time since I felt that. I'd forgotten how good it feels. She sighed.

“I love you,” Charles whispered.

He just got what he wanted and still spoke the “Love” word. That’s encouraging. “Louder." she sighed.”

“I LOVE YOU," he repeated. "Is that loud enough?"

Bruce had said it often during their intercouse, but never once after he finished his business.

Yeah," she answered, "but will you still be saying it in the morning?”

“I'll be saying it for as long as you care to listen.”

When do I tell him about…? “I hope this isn't pillow talk.”

“Try me.”

She turned, staring intensely into his eyes. “I have a son named Jason.”


Chapter ? The Vow

State Park Trail was ten miles long. It was cloudy as they got their gear out of the Mini-Cooper. Charles had done all the packing, making sure their rucksacks had everything they needed.

Things haven't gone all that well since that night we made love at Edith’s apartment. It wasn’t my fault. Heaven knows I tried but the whole relationship just suddenly fell apart. She became distant and either didn’t answer my calls or kept coming up with a bunch of feeble excuses. I love her so much. I can’t just give up. Somehow I must become the man she’s looking for.

He kept calling and sending e-mails. I didn’t know what to tell him. I was falling in love and that night, after we did it… well I felt myself losing control of my life. My parents told me to slow down, my friends said the same thing and my job really got hectic. Then there was my son, Jason, to think about. Still, I really felt the tug of my heartstrings and Charles kept calling and turning up “coincidentally” when I least expected. I finally relented and we went to the zoo last Saturday. Charles and Jason really hit it off. When I got home he asked, “Is that man going to be my Daddy?”

So when Charles came up with the camping trip idea, I decided, I’d waited long enough. I decided to follow my instincts. They were telling me, "he’s the one." So I agreed to this hike, the two of us alone together. All day I’ve been tagging along and I have to admit it’s been fun even though I’m not much of an outdoors person. I wonder how this adventure will turn out and what the evening has in store. The weather forecast said thunderstorms tonight. I bet we get soaked.


The meal turned out better than expected. I never cooked survival rations before. Then I was hungry after all the walking. It was nice sitting around the campfire. Charles has been humming an old John Denver song. He doesn’t realize I know the words.

Talk of poems and prayers and promises, things that we believe in, how good it is to love someone, how right it is to care….How long its been since yesterday, what about tomorrow? How about our dreams and the memories we share?"

(Note: What follows are alternating POVs)

The sky was dark when I held the flap and motioned Edith inside. A storm was brewing and in the distance flashes flickered on the horizon.

I unrolled our sleeping bags and Charles showed me how to zip them together into a coverlet of soft down.

We kissed. Her lips were warm against the wind-chafed texture of my own. She pressed her breasts tightly into my chest. We swayed back in forth for what seemed a long time, lost in the comfort of each another's arms.

When we kissed I realized how much I cared. Tonight, I’m going to make him feel like a man.

“Storm’s coming,” Charles said. He felt her tremble and wondered if it was the cold or something else bothering her. He sniffed and the air smelled of spring This will be a night we won’t soon forget.

“When I was little I used to hide under the bed.” Edith said. “Whenever a storm came that’s where I’d go, like a little rabbit, straight for my burrow.” She trembled in his arms. Please not another anxiety attack. Trembling was an early symptom. Ever since my affair with Bruce, intimacy triggers strong feelings.

“Crawl up under my arm. I’m not going to let anything bad happen to you.”

He’s been like a rock these past months. Even when I tried to break things off, his commitment never wavered.

From far off lightening flickered on the horizon followed by a distant rumble.

“Are you beginning to trust me?” From the beginning it was a struggle to earn her trust. Somehow, today seems a milestone. Is it because we’re out in the woods where a man usually takes the lead?

“Trust doesn’t come cheap," she replied. Is this the man I want to spend the rest of my life with? I feel safe in his arms. Her look was pensive. I’m taking a chance with him.

“Then maybe we should formalize our relationship.” It was a bold statement but the time seemed right.

“What do you mean by that?” Is this a proposal?

“Like a contract… something that’s binding.”

“What kind of a contract?” Why can’t he come right out and say it?

“Like when two people buy a house together and agree to make the payments.”

She traced the outline of his jaw. “Something sealed with a kiss?” She pursed.

He put her off. “A little more binding than that.”

“What then?”

“Like taking a vow in the Boy Scouts. I remember vowing that I’d keep myself Physically Strong, Mentally Awake and Morally Straight.”

“I wasn’t a Girl Scout."Why does he keep being so evasive?.

He reclined her back onto their pallet. It was made of Thinsulate stuffed with goose down. It made a crinkly sound as he rolled on top. His hand went between her thighs and he felt her stiffen. “When are you going to quit fighting me?”

She relaxed, but only a little. “You surprised me, that’s all.“ Her hand was pulling his away. “It’s not you I’m fighting… Don’t you realized that by now?”

“Are you forgetting the night we went all the way?”

“How could I ever forget that?” she reflected.

She’s getting nervous, maybe I need to slow down the train. “I’m only reminding you that we’ve been down this road before.”

Edith sighed, “...and it was wonderful.” Not so much the sex but the intimacy, the feeling of fulfillment.

“You’re just saying that. My performance was pretty lame.”

Edith showed her exasperation. Here we go again. “It’s a fond memory, don’t go spoiling it.” First it’s the size of his manhood and now ejaculating early. What is it with him anyway?.

“...and tonight I want it to be even fonder.” He kissed her neck running his tongue across the creamy texture of her skin.

She shivered. "Stop, that tickles. “

He kept it up.

She twisted away. "Please don’t do that. It tickles."

"Why not?" he asked, Probably one of those “no” but “yes” things.

Bruce used to do that and I hated it. “I’m not going to say it again, 'Stop!”

Opps, she wasn’t kidding.”Sorry.”

"Bad memories," Edith replied bitterly.

Oh my goodness, don't go there. He paused raising up on his elbow. “I didn’t realize you were serious….”

Her eyes got wide as if regretting the words. She recalled how Bruce kept it up, kept it up---. refusing to give it a rest.

"Its OK," he answered, tracing her breast with his finger. "Today is for you.."

She squinched her face. "It isn't fair for me to put all this on your shoulders."

”Let me worry about that."

She arched her back, shifting her buttocks.

"Give me some of that baggage you're carrying around. My shoulders are broader than you think."

At that moment the dam started breaking. She relaxed a little even though her body continued to tremble.

Charles began stroking the inside of her thigh

Tears began rolling down her cheeks. Don't be like Bruce.

Tears? What’s this all about?. "Let me be your rock."

She knit her brow and he saw the struggle in her eyes. It was a flashback and she was laying once more on the conference table. Bruce was on top, his hands holding her waist. He had a mole on his back and she was fixated on it, rubbing it back and forth. “I’m trying, but some things are hard to forget.”

What's going through her mind? Her face was like an opaque looking glass. I can watch her expressions but I don’t know what she’s thinking.

Why? Bruce, why? why?

He felt like he was watching an old silent movie.

Why, did you keep stringing me along? Why did you keep using me?

He wondered. It looks like a conversation she’s having with somebody else. “Relax, Honey, it’s OK.”

She could still feel that damn mole and hear Bruce ‘s voice egging her on, "Give it to me!” She started!

“Are you OK?”

Her bottom lip quivered and her jaw was set in determination. She was back in time, reliving a memory, watching while the video cycled through her imagination. Bruce slapped her flank as she struggled to please him. “Give it to me! give it to me!

In her eyes Charles could see the playback of some strange silent drama.

It "clicked," returning to the beginning of the sequence. Edith shouted… “Not again… Please not again, just let me go!”

Charles was shocked, and turned her loose.

Edith couldn’t believe what she'd just exclaimed. “Not you, I’m having a flash-back.”

“...Are you imagining, doing it with somebody else?”

Damn! What have I gone and said now…?” “I meant a ‘Hot Flash.” I’m getting hot, OMG!" She fanned herself, "and that’s the last thing I want to happen.”

Women get those. My mother used to have them all the time. “Whew, you had me worried for a minute.”

This is no time to be thinking about Bruce. Are you trying to ruin everything? She reached down putting her hand on his inseam. Her fingers could feel that hard outline of “Horse” in the leg of his trousers. Let him think about that.

A tremor raced down Charles’ spine. I’ll give her something to ponder. His fingers fondled her breast feeling the cotton fabric of her blouse.

She tried to push it away.

“No!" he said, "Leave it where it is." Maybe its time I exercised a a little machisimo.

A voice whispered from inside her head. Why don’t you just give him what he wants?.

“I’m going to unbutton you.”

She answered her own question. Yeah, why don’t I? At that moment she conceded. It was like a landmark decision, amounting to total surrender. Her arms opened and dropped to her sides. She totally “caved,” and laid there quietly watching as he undid her blouse. Was that so hard?

Charles spread the garment revealing her bra. Her bust heaved up and down. His hands caressed the silky fabric and squeezed the bulges underneath.

She looked up nervously and responded gripping his shoulders. “Making love to you is going to be the easy part.”

“So what’s the hard part going to be?”

“Turning loose.”

“Relax,” he said, soothingly. "We’ll take this one step at a time. Think you can you handle that?"

"As long as I have you to guide me." That sounded so trite.

"I’m like the song. You can soar and I’ll be---'the wind beneath your wings.'”

She gazed at him. At any other time that would qualify as "totally lame."

“Can you trust me to be that person in your life?”

She nodded again. Jeeze! where does he get these lines? From a soap opera?

He looked down at her jeans and popped the snap. She spread her knees.

“Take me, I'm yours." What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Holding his neck she kissed with a hungry and lingering insistence. Her tongue beckoned, inviting his to reciprocate.

He responded with a halfhearted kiss, trying to pull down her zipper at the same time. It didn't want to cooperate.

What a klutz. She sucked in her stomach and it came free.

He accepted this as a sign of compliance and felt a growing self-confidence. At last, she’s coming around. He recalled how he felt on their first date. How his heart skipped when she appeared on the stool next to him. He knew he loved her from the very beginning.

“I love you Charles.” She realized it was true, simple as that.

His heart thrilled to the words. Joy rang like the buzzer that ends class.

“I want to spend my life with you.”

There! She finally said it. “Same goes for me.”

“But you have to realize that sometimes, I can be a real 'Bitch.'"

Edith is strong willed,--- That part's true. What it means for the future I won't think about right now.. He cringed. She’s a force bigger than life.

She noted his expression and thought to herself. Why are you trying to spoil the moment… some kind of death wish? “I don’t mean to upset you, Charles, but you might as well know, I’m not all that easy to live with.”

Like I need reminding. Darling, you’re the center of my Universe” and sometimes, the black hole of my existence.

Edith gave him a hug. “I love you so much."

She’s so strong and compelling. Sometimes it seems her spirit is tugging me down into a dark pit.

The wind blew harder. The intervals between the lightening and thunder grew shorter. The booms got louder.

At last I have somebody to cling to, who loves me for who I am.

The candle of his spirit danced inside as the sky darkened and the wind began to really blow. It seemed to flicker around them. He remembered the dread thinking he’d lost her. When she wouldn’t return his calls or e-mails. How it weighed like an anchor around his heart.

She lifted her bra and guided his hands underneath and then turned her attention to the retainers. The second popped loose and the cups fell off the cleavage.

They were so soft. “I swear Honey, I’ll always be here for you…” Even though it promises to be one hell of a rollercoaster ride.

”Do you want to kiss them?”

“You bet I do.” He nuzzled down with his lips kissing one and then the other. He remembered her chiding when she first caught him staring at her boobs. That was when the embers really burst into flame. At that moment he realized there was no escaping her attraction. His heart was hopelessly entangled in her web.

She sighed as he kissed her nipples and simpered as he drew the bulging fullness into his mouth. With a moan she let loose, acquiescing to his will. She spread her legs, reading his eyes for the response.

He got the message. “Are you ready to get on with it?”

She nodded, her bottom lip pursed. … For the past five minutes.

What am I signing up for?. His mind drifted back to that night of discover in her apartment. The memory made him uncomfortable. I couldn't control myself and it was over before I even got started He remembered the embarrassment, even though Edith seemed to take little note of it. Tonight I’m going to make it up to her.

“Pull them off,” she said, raising her legs.

He grabbed the cuffs and tugged.

She pushed the waist-band over her buttocks.

As he pulled, her blue jeans came sliding down those long shapely legs. Charles watched as she struggled with her panties, slipping them down over her ankles and tossing them aside. Her vagina gaped, a tangle of brown curly hairs. He devoured her, staring in wonder at the gateway to iniquity and into the dark corridor of her soul. His head was spinning.

She straightened, coming to her knees, tossing her head. Her hair swirled about her shoulders.

Looking up he saw the blouse being tossed aside. Her eyes had a distant look. She was beautiful. He breathed her in, unable to believe she was his for the taking.

Like a wraith she squatted down, all but naked in front of him. She threw her leg over and began unbuckling his belt.

He watched like a mute as she fumbled.

She released the retainer and pulled down his zipper.

He remembered the night in her apartment--- their night of discovery. How she climbed on top and showed his fears were unfounded. How long had it been since that night. Six months? It didn’t seem to matter now. Her long brown hair was falling about her shoulders. The tent was beginning to sway as the storm drew closer.

“Are you going to just sit there?” she asked, holding out her wrists.

"Ah sorry…” He reached for the bra straps and pulled them over her arms. His heart raced.

She began getting under the covers. Her bare breasts perked up in all their glory.

“I have a question for you.”

“Not now," she pleaded, "...hurry!”

He paused, “It won't wait.”

“Don’t tease me… ”

“First answer my question.”

“Please don’t do this."

"It has to be discussed."

“Can't it wait?”

“I’m afraid not…..”

“What is it? ” she snapped.

“Will you marry me?”

She sagged for an instant, shaking her head. “Why are you asking me this now?"

“Only because it’s the most important thing in my life.”

Her face flushed with emotion. “YES! Now get in here and we'll consummate it together."

“You aren’t just saying that under duress?”

“You got your answer, don’t press your luck.”

“Do you vow to love, honor, cherish and obey?”

“We can talk more later; I'm not sure about the obey part.”

Now that he’d managed the question, he was eager to move on. " Determined" was the operative word, that, unlike the last time, he’d do a better job. He loved this woman and wanted to make it right. He was still in a daze when he heard her voice.

“Are you going to help or just lay there?” she was exasperated.

“What do you want me to do?”

“Get those pants off.” Her hands struggled with the legs of his breeches.

He lifted his hips and let her pull them free.

Her hands dove for the elastic. “Raise up.” He lifted once again and she pulled his boxers down about his ankles. OMG! I'd almost forgotten how big it is.

“Are you ready?”

...as I'll ever be. Overhead a brilliant flash was followed by a loud crack! “Hurry,” she pleaded, “before the storm gets here.” Naked, they crawled under the coverlet.

She scrambled on top as he laid out to receive her. She got through it once... He waited, holding his breath while she reached for him. ...don't let me hurt her.

Edith reached down between his legs, groping to find it. Her heart was racing, breasts pressed against his chest. Her face was flushed.

He could see in her eyes the thought process going on in her head. She searched, shifting her knees and spreading her buttocks to position the opening. He felt the tip gain entry as she coaxed it inside. How long am I going to be able to hold out? He tried to think of something distracting like lying on the beach of a South Sea Island. He reached up with his hands, elbows pushing into the pallet, holding her hips.

She began to lower herself and it started to move with a wet friction. Then it began sliding, necking its way deeper until at last the head could go no further. She let out a groan. Moist secretions flowed around it and her body began to relax. As it became more pliant Edith found she could move. Tentatively at first she worked up and down, feeling its measure…. I can do this. and then started moving with a greater confidence.

Charles kissed her long and passionately. They lingered in the joy of a timeless embrace.The moments passed with a languid slowness.

She felt the glow of a deep and abiding tenderness. They wallowed in the earthly pleasure, becoming more and more familiar with the intimacy. She felt the heat radiating off her stomach and beads of sweat running down her clevage. The halting of her breath came in little mews as her bust heaved. Their short hairs squished together in a lather of perspiration. She smelled the pungent eagerness still lingering on her hand. The raw scent thrilled her. Why does he seem to be restraining himself? “Dance with me Charles, I promise not to break.”

He saw the intensity in her eyes imploring him to match the rhythm of their intercourse.

“Move with me,” she pleaded.

He matched her tempo, moving his buttocks in consonance.

She delighted as they rose and fell together, like wild surf, surging up the beach and receding back into the dark waters. “That’s it, that’s it.”

Willpower began to betray him. He felt the hunger of his need crying out.

“Slow down, let me feel you.”

He tried, with all the strength of his will.

This isn’t working. "Get on top, I want you on top of me." She strained trying to roll her hips.

He let the momentum shift her sideways and underneath.

“Don't hold back.”

He came on top and she closed her thighs letting him straddle.

“Push deep, I want all of it.” There was no stopping now. In and out the dance went on until at last they could bear it no more. Edith stiffened, arching her back and crying out… Charles! Charles!”

A bolt of Lightning cracked overhead and illuminated the inside of the tent.

His knees came up and she splayed. He moved to the inside spreading her like a wishbone. Once more he seated his member, driving it to the limits of her body.

A loud clap of thunder shook the ground.

She groaned, writhing on the cusp of desire.

He began working it relentlessly, in and out.

Then came a simper, followed by a long sigh. At last, liberated from all anxiety, Edith was caught in the throes of a shimmering delight. The wind howled shaking the tent. Driving rain pelted the canvas and the poles swayed back and forth. She quivered, and arched her back, holding, while the orgasm ran its course. Then she collapsed beneath his weight.

Charles continued to rut.

She saw his face etched in the flashing light, bloated with a blind and mindless passion. The flicker of the lightening made the tent surreal and in slow motion she could see as he hunched, like a glassy eyed demon. The moment seemed an eternity before there came the blaring of a distant trumpet.


Charles exhorted her spent body

“I love you!” she cried out.

He asserted his dominion. It resonated inside and began thrashing back and forth. The hounds of desire broke their fetters and began howling with the wind. He hoisted her buttocks and came to his knees. His cock swelled…

She felt the spasms, one after the next as the squirt of hot semen gushed into her womb.


Charles was extremely pleased with himself. He puffed out his chest and looked proudly down at the woman he loved. Taking the flashlight he turned it on. Edith was lying exhausted with her eyes closed. On her face was a serene look of bliss.

© Copyright 2014 percy goodfellow (trebor at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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