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Rated: 18+ · Assignment · Other · #1980786
Charles and Edith consumate their relationship
Getting It On

WC 1830

Recap: On their third date Edith has Charles over for dinner. Afterwards she has an anxiety attack and tells Charles to go. He complies but on the way home decides he can’t leave things the way they are. He returns and they decide to share some discovery and finally that it’s time to take their relationship to the next level.


Whoa! This is really happening? Edith took his hand, leading him down the hall. I’m about to get laid. They walked past several doors before getting to the end of the corridor. The last opened into a spacious bedroom. She pulled him inside and he looked around taking note. This is definitely a girly place.

The bed had a bright orange pastel coverlet. The headboard was stacked high with pillows. There were frilly drapes on the windows and everything was matched and coordinated. On either side of the bed were end tables with shaded lamps. In one corner stood a writing desk with a display of brightly colored small figurines. Against the walls were a dresser, mirror and large worktable. A white mohair carpet still showed the tread marks of a vacuum cleaner.

So this is her “Nest.” It looked like something out of a fashion magazine, the kind you read in a dentist’s office, for want of anything else. She opened a door leading to the master bathroom.

“Want to take a shower?”

Are you kidding me? “Yeah, that’d be great.”

His heart raced. Am I ever amped..

Edith walked into the bathroom and turned on the water. It was dark at first, until she flipped on the light. With her back turned she began to undress.

What a body. His eyes got wide as he saw the skirt tossed aside and watched her panties pulled down over those long shapely legs.

“One at a time or both together?”


He kicked off his shoes and socks. In short order they both stood in the buff. He marveled at the speed with which all this was taking place. It didn’t take us long to get past those feelings of self consciousness.

Edith opened the sliding glass door and adjusted the water temperature. Steam was rising as she stepped inside.

What a nice butt.

“Come on in. The water's fine.”

Charles followed into the stall, holding himself, to keep from poking her. It occurred to him suddenly, what’s the point of worrying about all that? Letting go he put his hands on her hips, turning her waist until they faced one another.

Those breasts, He sighed, those little acorn nipples. Am I lucky or what? “You are gorgeous.”

The warm spray soaked their hair and dripped down into their faces. She pursed her lips and they kissed, swaying back and forth. It was a long and intimate embrace and he felt their nervousness seem to flow off and down the drain. She took the tube of body wash and began squeezing the goop liberally into her hands.

This must be the washing ritual.

She began rubbing his chest. The water cascaded down. It felt good to feel her fingers. She seemed in no hurry soaping his shoulders and stomach. They were separated only by that part he’d been so loath to reveal just minutes before. Squirting more on her hands she reached down and began to lather it.

He groaned. “That feels so good.”

She finished and continued working along his thighs and calves.

He watched her squatting, her cheekbone brushing it aside, It's the way a girl throws an unwanted curl that keeps falling out of place.

She did it again and paused.

Is she doing it on purpose?

Edith looked up. It hovered just above her nose. She smiled with those adoring eyes that sparkled whenever she wanted. They telegraphed something, an intention he wasn't sure about.

Is she thinking what I think she is?

Their eyes met and he knew.

She took it, applying a gentle suction. With a look of beguiling innocence her cheeks dimpled drawing it in. Her eyes stared up, measuring his response.

Immediately he felt an urgency he didn’t even want to think about. What if I…? He couldn’t
decide what to do and pushed harder than intended. He watched as it slipped deeper.

His response was unexpected and took Edith by surprise. She gagged and came off sputtering. "Damn Charles! You don’t have to be so eager. “

“I’m sorry,” he pleaded upset with himself, his voice pleading concern. “ I don’t know what came over me.”

“Like I really believe that,” she said rolling her eyes. Edith resumed with an even greater relish and enthusiasm.

He pulled back with an extreme exercise of will. “That’s enough. If you don’t stop, something unexpected is going to happen.”

“And whatever might that be?” Her expression was clueless but the tone in her voice didn’t sound genuine.

“Never mind.”

She gave him a petulant look, as if reluctant to stop and disappointed at not being allowed to continue. “I guess this is something we’re going to have to work up to,” She got to her feet and her hands went up to his shoulders.

Charles watched, uncertain what to do next.

She pushed in with her stomach. “Wash my breasts.”

He took the tube of gel and began soaping. She held his hips, leaning back and pressing her middle tight. A shudder rumbled through her body. It happened again when he did each of the fonts.

“Oh my goodness.”

He massaged gently going slowly first to one and then the other. “Like this?”


They embraced lingering in the sway of each other’s arms. The moments passed with a languid slowness.

At length he turned the lever to “Off” and slid the glass back open. They toweled themselves and then patted each other dry.

“Are you ready?” he asked when they finished.

“…as I’ll ever be.”

"How do you want to do this?"

“You on the bottom and me on top,” she replied, walking into the bedroom. She pulled back the coverlet and motioned for him to sit on the edge of the mattress. As he sat down he saw her opening a tube of KY Jelly.

She must have known this was going to happen

Edith anticipated his thoughts. “What was I supposed to do after all that innuendo about your 'Thing-a-ma-Watchi?' I bought some today at Walmart just in case. Lucky I did, don’t you think?" Edith began applying it and after finishing put a big dab on “The Horse.“

His heart pounded. This is really about to happen.

“Lay back on the bed.”

He hesitated.

“Was this your idea or wasn’t it?”

He reclined down onto the mattress and she climbed on top.

He realized as she straddled how much he loved her. It wasn’t the sight of her breasts or those perky nubs hanging down, Nor is it doing it for the first time. Edith is everything I imagined in a woman and despaired ever finding.


What the heck must he be thinking? That I do this every day? Charles strained, hard with anticipation.

“Lie still.”

Reaching between her legs, she took hold. I’m not exactly a virgin and there’s a good chance that Charles is. Her mind raced back to the first time in Bruce’s office. How he’d taken her on the conference table like a love sick cow. I loved him, or at any rate, though I did. Isn't sex something a girI's supposed to share with the man she loves?

Charles groaned.

Guiding it upwards she searched for the opening. After that I was totally under his sway. I had sex with him whenever he wanted. It went on for the rest of the semester.

She found the spot and began working the tip back and forth. In retrospect I realize now what a Bastard he was. He's make the sign and I'd give him sex on command. I performed like some sort of Pavlovian dog. He did me in ways I never before imagined or thought possible.

It entered and began sliding deeper filling the void as she lowered herself down.

It was wrong for him to take advantage of me the way he did. A professor isn't supposed to do that. Just because I was naive and vulnerable didn't mean I was some sex toy to fool around with. He was married for heavens sake, and I knew it. What does that say about me?

Edith took a deep breath. The lube definitely helped.

Dr. Bruce Jackson..., he was so good looking and had such a cocky and confident manner. His voice drew me like a magnet and the look of those salmon eyes turned my stomach to jelly.

Slowly she managed to accommodate the girth and Charles began slipping deeper. Why am I thinking about that Son of a Bitch, at a time like this?

As Charles came to length she felt the squish of their short hairs. I did it.

“Are we there yet?”


I was stupid and not nearly as careful as I should have been. What a shock finding myself pregnant. The line from a long forgotten musical, resonated in her ears, “… after you do they’ll never phone ya… I’ll never fall in love again…” That’s when the anxiety attacks started. I was knocked up and didn’t know how to handle it.

“Are you OK?” The words were panted almost obscuring the question.

Edith sighed with relief, knowing she could handle Charles, yet stuffed to the very limits of her womanhood.

I had the baby and the the rest is history.

He wiggled beneath.

“I said lie still.” She felt suddenly wicked. “That monstrosity isn’t quite the monster you thought it was, now is it?”

He arched his back.

“Easy now, Just because you’re in doesn’t mean we’re all that practiced. Give me some time to adjust."

His body began to tremble. It was like sitting on a volcano starting to erupt.

This is either Charles first time or he isn't very experienced. “You were right about "Horse" being a load.”

He squirmed and she felt him starting to come. It grew larger in her clutch and seemed to yawn. Inside she felt the pulse of spasms as it started retching. They came repetitively and each time she felt the spit of hot seed squirting inside. She squeezed her sphincter and experienced a glow of maternal satisfaction. It wasn’t an organism but felt good nonetheless. It was like a thirst being quenched in her womb. Its been a long time since I felt that. She sighed.

“I love you,” Charles whispered.

He just got what he wanted and still said “Love” word. That’s encouraging. “Say it again, "Big Boy," like you really mean it.”

“I LOVE YOU," he repeated. "Is that loud enough?"

Bruce had said it at times during their lovemaking but never ever once he finished with his business.“Yeah," she answered, "but will you still be saying it in the morning?”

“I'll be saying it for as long as you care to listen.”

When do I tell him about…? “I hope this isn't just your spent sex talking.”

“Try me.”

She turned giving him an intense look. “I have a son named Jason.”

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