Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1980531-Blackula
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1980531
Tj is wants to have friends.But after bullying Vladimir Tod, things don't go as planed

He was just a pale,goth boy(or at least that's what Tom said).But I should of known not to trust him.The goth was only a few inches shorter than me.But no! I had to get famous, which led me to the dark ally with the monster that stood before me.There was no way out.Well here probably was, but the boy, with amazing speed, was already two feet in front of me.With a ferocious slap, he sent me flying.I hit my back against a wall and slid to the cold, wet ground.My face hurt...bad.I was sure something was broken but I didn't want to think about it.His eyes were glowing purple and he had big white fangs slowly growing out of his mouth.He sunk them into my neck and all I saw was blood.My life was slowly slipping.But then a idea hit me.It was crazy, but with the situation I was in, I was willing to try anything.So, as if I too had fangs, I bit his arm as hard as I could.I tasted his disgusting blood as I drank and almost gave up, but I wasn't going down like this.He wailed in pain and cursed.Then my vision started getting blurry as, for some weird reason, my body started jumping and shaking like crazy.The last thing I saw was him looking at me, his eyes wide with disbelief and horror.

Chapter 1

Wow! For some African American jerk this guy sure was smart.He just single handedly turned himself.Most humans aren't able to do that.His body did all of the things Otis said it would.Now it was still, dead.After a few hours he would wake back up as a vampire.A black, dangerous vampire who will probably try to kill me.As if I don't already have enough vampires who want to kill me.Just my luck.I should of killed him.Mabey a blast from the Lucis would do it.But I couldn't bring my self to it.So instead I brung him to his house and hoped he thought it was a dream.I would regret this later.

Chapter 2

Dang my head hurt!Yesterday was a blur.I remember being with Jennifer...and...that's it.that was all I remembered.But...something didn't feel right.I felt different.Changed.But I just couldn't put my finger on it.Oh well.Mabey I got better at math.

  The day was boring and slow, like always.Finally, lunch came.And to my surprise the smell that usually reminded me of angels, almost made me puke.Puke? At the smell of nachos? Something was wrong.And that's when it hit me.Vlad was looking at me.Then he turned his head.But he was too late.I remembered.Last night Vlad bit me.Anger was building up inside me.I felt fangs sliding out of my gums.I covered my mouth and excused my self.I wasn't seen again until later that day.

Chapter 3

I saw Vlad from the small slits on my locker.As soon as he got near I pulled him by his collar."Hey! What do you think..."He paused when he realized I was holding him."Um...hi?"He muttered as if he hadn't turned me into a monster the night before."Me, you,park, tonight!"I blurted, mad as hell.I didn't give him time to reply.I was already gone.

It was late and dark when I met with him.If he was scared, he didn't show it.But I didn't either.He stood there, staring at me.It was one thing to fight someone and it was another to start fighting someone.But something happened that I will dread and bless forever.

There they are, both of them.This was the type of thrill i liked.Two vampires and one stake.But they couldn't touch me.And the black one is a rookie.Vlad was the real problem.He was a vampire ever sense he was born.But I can handle him.

Vlad dashed to me, with his purple eyes and big fangs showing.I bared my fangs, proud I had a chance against this guy.I dashed at him, and that's when i got stabbed with a stake.I fell to the ground engulfed in pain and blood.Vlad stopped in his tracks looking at me.He spotted someone near me and dashed in my direction.He ran out of my sight.Later he came flying back and landed on the ground.A figure walked near me and pulled the stake from my chest.I cried (literary) in pain then the figure walked toward Vlad."Too easy."he muttered to his self.He raised the stake up high and prepared to stake Vlad in his chest.Finally I yelled"STOP!"To my surprise he stood there looking at me."Think your so tough,huh?"I said through bloody teeth."Stab yourself in your chest and prove it!"Then he did the most amazing thing(for me, that is) he staked him self in the chest.Blood was everywere and my vampire instincts took over.I started drinking from him and it was delicious.Vlad stared at me, disgusted, and bust out laughing and i soon joined him.Vlad was okay...for now.
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