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CANCER .fake pleasures |
POCHEMU YA POSELILSYA V LILITH POCHEMU YA VYBRAL LILITH )))))))))) LILITH EDINSTVENNI CHELOVEK NA SVETE KOTORAYA MOLITSYA ZA VSEKH VAS KAJHDUYU NOCH I NE GOVORIT VAM OB ETOM I NE POKAZIVAET ETO NIKOMY TOJHE ONA KAJHDUYU NOCH MOLITSYA TRI RAZA CHITAET OUR FATHER NA ANGLIISKOM A POTOM ONA DOBAVLYAET MOLITVY NA ARMYANSKOM EYO PODRUGA DETSTVA EY SKAZALA CHTO ETA MOLITVA VSEM POMOGAET I VSEGDA TAK ONA CHITAET ETU MOLITVY I SVOIMI SLOVAMY KAJHDUYU NOCH DOBAVLYAET PROSBY ZA VES MIR PROSIT CHTOBY YA SPAS VSEKH XOROSHIKH I PRAVILNIKH I PRAVEDNIKH LYUDEY VOT TAK NESMOTRYA NA TO CHTO EY VSE DELAYUT BOLNO I ONA EDINSTVENNIY CHELOVEK VO VSEM MIRE KOTORAYA NE PROSIT ZA SEBYA NICHEGO I NIKOGDA LILIT PODMETALA HALL V KVARTIRE I MENYA PROSILA DEAR GO PLEASE HELP ME TO WORK SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH THAT MY MOTHER LIVES IN A PALACE SHE DIDNT SAY THAT I LIVE IN A PALACE SHE SAID THAT MY MOTHER >>> SO TRY TRY ONLY TRY TO PLUCK ONE HAIR OFF LILITH S HEAD JUST TRY IF YOU WANT TO TEST YOUR DESTINY TO NEVER BE ABLE TO TEST ANYTHING IN YOUR LIFE EVER. and this is a warning. LILITH IS WHO YOU MADE FLY OUT OF HER BODY SHE WAS SO SCARED OF YOUR ATTACK ON HER IN THAT CRAZY HOUSE YOU TOOK HER TO SHE WAS SO STARTLED SO SCARED SO STUNNED SO STONED SHE FLEW OUT OF HER BODY IMMEDIATELY BUT I DIDNT LET HER DIE AND I DWELT IN HER BODY TO SHOW YOU WHERE YOU BELONG )))))))))) SHE WAS WAITING FOR ALEXANDER YOU HAD BEEN CHEATING HER SO MUCH AND SHE WAS THINKING IT WAS SOME FUNNY GAME YOU WERE PLAYING BECAUSE HER CONSCIOUSNESS CAN NOT HOLD ANY BAD OR NEGATIVE THAUGHTS SO EVEN YOUR NEGATIVE ACTIONS SHE ALWAYS INTERPRETS TO ME IN A JUSTIFYING WAY BUT WHEN YOU ATTACKED HER SHE DIED. I WILL BRING HER BACK SHE IS THE ONLY PERSON THE ONLY QUEEN TO BE ANYONE WHO CAN CATCH UP WILL COME UP TO US LILITH REFUSES TO COME BACK SHE FEELS UPSET SHE ONLY FLIES ABOUT AND COLLECTS MUSIC FROM ALL DIFFERENT DIMENSIONS WHERE SHE GETS TO IN SEARCH FOR ALEXANDER AND SHE CONVEYS THE MUSIC TO THIS SOULLESS BODY IN ORDER FOR IT TO LEAVE THE MUSIC IN THIS WORLD FOR YOU TO SOFTEN YOUR HEARTS AND SHE FLIES AWAY AGAIN TO BE OR NOT TO BE DECIDE DECIDE WHAT IS IT THAT YOU OWE TO LILITHS BODY YOU ATTACKED AND OFFENDED HER INTENTIONALLY DECIDE YOUR DESTINY www.youtube.com em satori shegamatsu is the name she has chosen for herself em is mother satori knowledge shegamatsu famous UM- SOZNANIE SOZNANIE-LYUBOV Sumaschedshiy eto tot kto ne LYUBIT KTO otoshel ot svoei estestvennoy formy i prinosit v etot mir tolko bol ,obidu i razrusheniya. LYUBITE. CANCER AIDS OTHER ILLNESSES ARE LIES CANCER DOESNT EXIST IT EXISTS ONLY IF YOU DECIDE TO TURN YOUR LIFE INTO A CANCER WELL OUR BODIES HAVE A THOROUGH MEMORY OUR BODIES ARE MADE OF WATER WATER HAS 100% MEMORY IN IT IF NOT MORE I WOULD SAY 200 TO BE EXACT BODY HAS MEMORY MEANS THAT THE BODIES HAVE THE ABILITY AND CAN RESTORE THEIR CELLS YOU HAVE ALL NOTICED THICKENINGS AND BLISTERS ON THE OUTER PARTS OF YOUR BODY ON YOUR FEET HANDS ETC THESE BLISTERS AND THICKENINGS COME UP WHEN YOU MISTREAT YOUR BODY AND GIVE IT A CERTAIN HURT THAT IS WHEN YOU DO A LOT OF HARD WORK NOT PROTECTING YOUR SENSITIVE SKIN AND SO ON HOWEVER AFTER A WHILE IT MAY GO AWAY BY ITSELF WHAT HAPPENS IS THAT WITH BLOOD CIRCULATION YOUR BODY CELLS GET MOIST AND RECOVER WHICHEVER PART OF THAT THICKENING IS ALREADY DEAD IT MAY JUST CRASH AND FALL BY ITSELF RELEASING YOU FROM PAIN SO JUST LIKE THE NATURE DOES YOUR BODY ALSO HAS THE NATURAL ABILITY TO RESTORE ITSELF THIS REFERS TO YOUR ENTIRE BODY CANCER COMES UP FROM HURT AND WHEN YOU TAKE IT IN INTO YOUR MIND AND NOT FORGIVE WHEN THE PERSON HAS A FEELING OF HURT THAT SENDS CERTAIN DESTRUCTIVE FLUIDS ONTO THE PERSONS MIND AND YOU KNOW THAT JUST AS THE CREATORS THAUGHT CREATED YOU AND THE ENTIRE WORLD YOU MAY ALSO IMPROVE YOURSELF AND HAVE A MORE CERATIVE APPROACH TO YOURSELF IN THIS LIFE RATHER THAN HURTING YOURSELF BY WASTE THAUGHTS YOUR THAUGHTS CAN MAKE YOU AND YOUR LIFE SO WHEN YOU TAKE HURTFUL FEELINGS IN AND ONE OF YOUR ORGANS THEN CAN BE THICKENED (JUST LIKE EARLIER I WAS TELLING YOU ABOUT YOUR HAND OR FOOT SKIN BEING THICKENED BY RUDE MOVEMENTS) YOU THEN HAVE THE CHOICE 1 YOU MAY CONSIDER IT TO BE AN ILLNESS AND CALL IT CANCER AND START CUTTING THE DAMAGED ORGANS UNTIL THE LETHAL END 2 YOU MAY DISREGARD IT AND FORGET ABOUT IT TOTALLY AND LIVE POSITIVELY THINK POSITIVELY AND IT WILL RESOLVE ITSELF WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO LIVE POSITIVELY WELL THIS IS ABOUT A TRUE POSITIVE THAUGHT AND TRUE LOVE I RECEIVED IN MY MAIL BOX A MESSAGE FROMA COMPANY WHICH CALLS ITSELF POSITIVCHIKI AND SENDS 'what they call -positive lookig photos' teaching people hw to be positive AS YOU MAY GUESS THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH A TRUE POSITIVE ATTITUDE WHAT I SAW ON THSE PHOTOS WAS VERY TRAGIC I SAW EYES OF PEOPLE WHO WERE NOT TRULY HAPPY BUT HAD SOME MAD LIGHT OF JOY IN THEIR EYES NAKED WOMEN UGLY LARGE SMILES ESCORTED BY MADNESS OF MIND WHICH THEY CALL PLEASURE IT IS UP TO YOU TO DECIDE WHETHER TO DERIVE YOUR PLEASURE FROM TRULY DESTRUCTIVE THINSG LIKE SEX ALCOHOL DRUGS AND HURT OR TO SIMLY COME OUT TO THE NATURE LOOK AT THE SUN AND SMILE FIRST OF ALL TO YORUSELF LOOK AT THE BIRDS AND SMILE AND MAYBE EVEN SING BIRDS FLYING HIGH YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL....:) Hakol Midrash- Ze AHAVA AHAVA HUVA.Ani me ISRAEL Eser EL Arbaa-Elanim arbaa ze eser kan TFILA 4 /1+2+3+4=10 Hakol Malkhut ve kan She be Shamaim. Ani Gara She be Shaiaim she SHKHUNA. Aval ani mistagenet l ' Anashim (Huva)Sheli. Anashim Makhshavot ktanim sheli ve Ani Tsrikha Lahuv ve latet et hakol SHUVANIM Davnym Davno ya byla Kruglym nulem. Polnaya nolj! Ya sobralas v tochku to est sosredo TOCHilas is sozdala eshe tri takikh nuley. Pervyuy ya sozdala s takoy lyubovyu chto ona poluchilas ochen ochen goryachey y nazvala eyo ya Solntsem. Ya srazy jhe sozdala xolodnuyu lunu dlya balansa/ ravnovesia- 2 nolik.Potom ya sozdala syna moego Ezekiel ot pravdy ot vremeni y podarila emy shar zemnoy- 3 nolik. I loved my son very much and gave him everything I had. I used to fly down to Earth to my son to see his achievements. Each time my Ezekiel showed me some new plant he had given life to and he was so happy! I, most of all liked to eat " TUT" which he had invented and planted and he fed me TUT right from his hands. He called me TUTKA , laskovo. Once I asked him: Ezekiel I have given you all of my Love and all I had - could you think of something which would be as big as MY LOVE. He said that he for sure would. Next time I came down to Earth to see my son he produced me three round metallic things . he called them coins. He said. This one is for Sun, This one - for the Moon, and this one is For the Earth. What? I answered upset. You want to put my Sun, Moon and Earth on the same scale as these metallic coins?? I flew away... My son cried" Prosti!!! Tutka!!!!" He begged me to return , he said he would find something better. I came back again. MY son then, showed me some paper which he called rouble. He said he had made it from the tree. WHAT?? You are spoiling my NATURE(as character/as greenery) to PROVE your LOVE??? I flew away again. This time to never come back. My son went up the globe in search of me and stopped at a higher point. he called it America. There he painted his roubles green color which cant be found in the nature( so I dont tell him hes playing with my nature..) and he wrote on it that he trusts in me... MY son keeps waiting for me up there.. and while hes waiting he tries to give and get Love from any woman he sees , -offering his dollars- in search of me- tryig to detect me.. Those who dont take, hear: "Prosti!!! Tutka!!!" Those who do hear the same but the two words connected. But isnt it just easy Ezekiel? Shouldnt it be Simply LOVE FOR LOVE?? I wont come to you ever again in America Ezekiel, UNLESS you find another ecquivalent for LOVE. This is your mother L./ I don't know what to write. Just that it's very hard for me in yerevan. Many bad things have been happening with me here.A lot of inadequate people -done inadequate things with me after I came here. I came here from Moscow some years ago because my mother said that my father was ill and that they had lost their apartment- they were financially insecure and ill as she said. I came and found them in a bad condition. I brought them some money, I wanted to help them reovate their crappy flat, also wanted to help my father recover- to find some good paid clinic for him to find out what was the problem with him. But- I was met here in a very hostile way- right from the Airport. Then, I was attacked in the street and my documents and all finances were stolen. I was alone, without documents and money. I asked my armenian relatives to lend me some , so I could return back to my work in Moscow.I told them that I would return their money. They said that they didnt have any money at all. Not even one dollar. I was very surprised. Then I said that they could give me a calling card so I could call my friends/students in Moscow and they would help me-they, again said that they didnt have even one cent. I was even more surprised. I managed to call and I went back to Moscow- but: I have been chased and attacked in Moscow by some people after that many times. Attavked in all possible ways -including physical attacks. After I was put in a hospital in Moscow- I was sent back to Armenia. So , after this I don't want to return to Moscow because I dont know where the problem comes from. But my life in Armenia isn't halawa.. In Moscow , I am a native teacher of English with CELTA and I have around 20 years of teaching experience and my students are very happy with my lessons. However, when I offered my teaching services to various yerevan language courses- I was met with a very bad, scornful attitude, which I dont deserve not by my dealing, not by my behaviour, not by my mind, thoughts and intentions, not by my looks, not by my inner world. I am a very positive-minded person who always avoids conflicts and is very cheerful inside. I went to them with very good intentions.I was thinking that never mind the fact that they can not pay well, I can still teach them as a volunteer,given the fact that they respond the same way-with a positive attitude.But here is what I heard from them They called me at my face: "Prostitute"," Cheap one","Go make your circus in some other place", "You have nothing in common with education", "Crazy, sick person, dont come here again" All of these words said here in local schools , dont have anything in common with me- so I think locals have something against me and I also feel that I am not one of them. And At some place I did 80 pages editing. After I called to ask about the payment, this person said: "If you call here once again, I will put you in a psychiatric hospital" SURPRISE AFTER SURPRISE. I dont understand what have I done wrong to these people.Who are they?Why are they so hostile to me? What have I done? I am a very accurate lady, very tactful. I never ever want to hurt any persons feeling with a foul word or even a glance.. Now I remember that although I never had any problems in Moscow- but the only times I had a problem it was connected with armenian people. First time it was in MGIMO in 1995. Some Armenian called me and offered me a lot of hours.He asked me not to take any hours in other schools.After I refused other schools- he didnt give me these hours... Second time was also in Moscow- some Armenian woman called Larisa offered me some students then didnt pay...she also offered me a flat, then in the middle of the night told me to go out of the flat she gave together with my little child.. Third time it was in Cairo. I got a teaching job in a language school.Then they said that the course supervisor was armenian and they didnt pay.. So what is this dilemma with Armenia? When I was little: I was a very sad girl living in armenia.. I go to the Synagogue here. One lady from the Synagogue told me: "You are not local. YOu are a foreign girl and they brought you here from another country. They 'cleansed' your brain with many many injections and they changed your identity. All your visions are true. You have another Mother and Father." You have another home... Beiti, Beiti... I am afraid to say this aloud. Because when I say it - those around me say that I am crazy and they want to hurt me.. yerevan Assualts: 2009 March Girl by the name Milena -downstairs neighbor made a scandal at 1 o'clock in the morning , saying there was Water flowing to her apartment from here. It was for sure not so. And Police was called to calm her down She in aliance with Police made a perjury. Police took Me to the Psychiatric hospital/ Moscow assaults: 2007, October There were many psychological attacks on me while I was living in an apartment on Novyi Arbat. knowing that I am only making a living off my English lessons ,some people made sure I didnt get any students. Vera, the land owner firstly locked me up in the apartment, then came and said "Lilith moi bandity sechas pridut" then she used very low words to my address which I didnt deserve by any means Moscow 2008 In a mini hotel on Suharevskaya they took my things and locked the hotel room up ,giving me an address and urging me to go there The address is Ulitsa Svobody dom 22 I went to the Police trying to understand who these people were After playing a lot of psychological games the Police took me to the Psychiatric hospital. Moscow 2009 I was invited to Moscow By Dana Subbotina She asked me to stay with her in her flat and teach in her school After about a month , She told me it wasnt her flat at all and that she would have to leave it that day- she added you can stay -if you want Dana drugged me together with her friend Alex from Johnson and Johnson and then called Police and they took me to the Psychiatric hospital. Moscow 2010-2011 I was attached a lot of times physically and psychologically ,staying in a mini hotel on Tverskaya 15 yerevan 2007-2014 Being attacked and harrassed all the time Each time I leave my apartment to go somewhere By Taxi drivers In shops In Banks MY ANSWER FOR YOU ALL TO THOSE DOING ALL THIS IS DEATH. YOU CHOOSE TO DIE PHYSICALLY BY NOT ACKNOWLEDGING YOUR WRONG OR ACKNOWLEDGE IT AND DIE PSYCHOLOGICALLY GIVING WAY TO A NEW PURER EXISTENCE FOR ME IT IS THE SAME BUT I WILL NO LONGER ANSWER FOR YOU AND YOUR DEEDS THIS IS THE TIME FOR YOU TO BE. BUT TO BE HERE YOU NEED TO KNOW THE HEAVENLY LAW OR LEAVE |