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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1980262
A decision that changes everything for Bella.
(Carlisle’s Point of View)

I was on duty at the hospital when I was trying to decide how to best approach the situation with Bella. After everything the family discussed yesterday, as well as the decision that was made, we have decided to ask Bella if she would like to come and stay with us.

I wasn't quite sure how she would react, or even if she would want this, but I hoped that she did want to accept our offer. She is such a special young woman and I would love to have her in our family. I have not in all of my years met someone quite like her. She is unique to say the least. She is very mature for her age and to imagine what she has been through… no, there is no possible way I could imagine such a horrific thing. She is a very strong young woman whom I admire very much.

I was thinking about this as I was making my way to her room to discuss everything. She usually spent most of her time with either Esme or Alice who have become close to her. At other times you could find her alone reading a book that Alice had gotten for her. Bella had initially had a hard time accepting the gift because she apparently wasn’t used to receiving gifts. Bella told Alice that she couldn’t accept it because she had no money to pay her back for it. It saddened me to see the blush creep into her cheeks. It's such a silly thing to be embarrassed about, especially if she joins our family where she will be entitled to more money than she could ever spend.

When I approached her door, I listened for her heartbeat to make sure she wasn't asleep. Luck may have it that she wasn't.

I hesitantly knocked on the door and patiently waited for her to answer. She beckoned for me to enter her room and as I did, I saw her reading the book that she finally accepted from Alice; Wuthering Heights. She seemed to be fascinated by the book, but I haven't the slightest clue as to why. She mentioned to Esme that she’s read it several times before so I wonder what has her intrigued by it.

She looked up at me and a smile broke out on her face. She put the book on her bed and nodded for me to come closer. I came fully into her room and sat on the edge of her bed. I found it intriguing that she didn’t react the normal way a human would while around us. Where they would shy away or cringe at our presence, Bella seemed to be at complete ease. She is an interesting little thing.

Okay, so how should I begin this conversation? I was not usually nervous around people, but for some unknown reason, Bella's decision on this matter will mean something strong to my family and me one way or another. I took a deep breath and decided there is no time like the present.

"Bella, I am pleased to see your progress. As I'm sure you know, you are healing rather well which is a very good thing. You have surpassed any of our goals for you. If all continues as it has, you should be released in a few days.” I saw a flash of fear enter her eyes before she calmed herself. I decided to continue on even though all I wanted at that moment was to take away that fear. “After you are released from the hospital, you will need to return somewhere and have some follow-up care for your injuries as well as some sort of physical therapy to gain your strength back. I was wondering… do you have somewhere safe to go Bella?"

I studied her expression carefully. Her eyebrows were pulled down in concern and she was biting her lower lip hard enough to leave marks. I may not have Edward's gift, but I surely could tell what she was thinking so I tried to calm her nerves some.

"Of course, we know about your step-father and I assure you that he is not an option that you need to consider, so please don't worry about him. He will never harm you again Bella, I promise you that." As I said these words, I knew that I meant them with my entire being. As long as I am alive, nobody will harm Bella if there is anything I can do about it. Alice's vision will not come to pass. We will find a way to change it.

She sat in silence for a few minutes before she sighed and began to speak. "I guess it's time to tell you more about my life…"



"I guess it's time to tell you about my life…"

I really hated thinking, let alone talking, about my life. There was nothing in it that was worth anything to me anymore. Well at least that was until I met the Cullens. They have become a sort of family to me. If I dare think about it, Esme seems like a mother to me, Alice seems like my hyperactive, shop-a-holic sister, and Carlisle has come to be like a father. Like a real father, not one of those lousy, good for nothing, men who feel as though they have the right to do as they wish to the children they are supposed to be protecting. Carlisle, Esme, and Alice have helped me to completely change my views on what family really is. It’s not blood that makes family, it’s heart.

I know it's only been a few weeks, but this odd bond has formed between us. For as long as I can remember, I’ve never felt as connected with anyone as I do with the three of them. Whether or not it’s wishful thinking, it’s been a nice thought.

I mentally shook my head- back to the present. What do I tell him? Where do I start? Hmm… the beginning I suppose is the best place.

"Well as you know I was in the accident when I was younger and I was in another only a few years later. Thankfully it wasn't as bad as the first but it still did some damage. I've healed from them as much as is possible. Everything is better except for my paralysis. My father had passed away a few years before the accident, back when we were close to what a family is supposed to be.

"After the first accident, I was no longer the "perfect" child that my mother had always wanted and she seemed to take on a whole new personality. It was like my sweet mother had turned into this horrid woman who didn't care the least about me. She left me to fend for myself at first. She refused to take me to therapy so I had to learn to walk and all by myself. She'd leave for days or weeks at a time and not leave any money and very little food in the house. She just seemed to stop caring. She had always had this idea that I had to be perfect or I was nothing.” Tears were starting to well up, but I shoved them down and continued on.

“After a while she married a man named Phil who was even worse than her. He made her think that I was conspiring against her to become better than she was or something of that nature. I never really understood him or how she believed such an obvious and superficial lie.

"All I had ever wanted was to be left alone to live my life. I always wanted to be happy but it seemed impossible for me. They moved us back to Washington in order to retrieve the things my father had in his possession before he died and they decided to stay in our old house. After a few weeks of their marriage, Phil started to threaten me. You know like telling me that if I didn't have his supper ready when he got home that I would "pay" for it. Stupid and petty things like that. At first I didn't take him seriously but I soon realized that he was serious. He quickly became abusive and always took it out on me. My mother, the loving mother that she was, just laughed when I told her and she looked me dead in the face with hate filled eyes and said "You are a pathetic little girl. At least it's you and not me!" and she laughed as if it were the most hilarious thing in the world that her daughter was being hurt. I never understood how she could react like that.

"I was able to hide the injuries that I received from him with a little work for the most part. Most people just assumed my bruises were from me falling because of the crutches. Of course I never told anyone, because they would never believe me. Phil was well respected in this town and I couldn't imagine how anyone would believe me over him. There was no way they would which I understood, so I dealt with my pain and torture silently.

"He told me that my life was his and if I ever left, he would find me and torture me until I was begging for death. I believed him and I still do. He is pure evil. There is nowhere that I can go that he won't find me.

“I’m no longer afraid of him or of the death that he has promised, but I want to experience some kind of happiness before I die and I thank you, Esme, and Alice for helping me with that. Being with you three has been the first time that I've ever really been happy in my life, as pathetic as that sounds. So, thank you for your kindness Carlisle." I saw the doubt in his expression as I said that I was no longer afraid. I am terrified of Phil, but I am more afraid of bringing this to them.

Blush quickly crept up to my cheeks, which I really hated. I have never told anyone all of that before… but then again, this very well may be near the end of my life. If Phil found me… No I cannot think like that. I have survived this long, and I will continue to do so. Maybe Carlisle can help me find a way to start a life of my own. I was lost as how to figure it all out but no better way to learn than to dive in head first.

I slowly looked up at Carlisle to see his reaction to what I told him. I was afraid he would find me broken goods and leave just like everyone else had. I wouldn't be angry with him if he did leave because who would really and truly want to have me around them when they could be happy by themselves? He has other children, why would he want another?

"Bella" I heard him say my name like he wasn't sure where to start so I just nodded. I was already steeling my heart for what he would say.

"Bella, I have something to discuss with you. Since I will not allow you to go with those… people…at your house, and you don't have anyone else, I, well, my family and I were wondering if you would consider staying with us? We have spare room in our home and we would love for you to stay with us. I spoke with my family last night about it, and they agreed they would also like it if you would come with us. We can take care of your injuries and also we will make sure that nobody will ever harm you again. I give you my word on that Bella. I promise you."

I was stunned for a moment. They weren’t leaving me. I didn’t have to go back to Phil and my mother. They wanted me to stay with them. I wondered briefly if I heard him correctly. Why would they want me to stay with them when they were obviously already a perfect family? Could they really care about me and want me stay or was it just pity? No, Carlisle, Esme, and Alice are not like that and I'm sure if they aren't then the rest of their family can't be either.

Hmm… living with the Cullens, an actual family, does sound very appealing. Maybe they could be the family I never had and always dreamed about having. Maybe I could finally be happy. I could finally have an actual life, not a horrible, and painful existence. I knew what I wanted to do so I followed my heart.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I tried to tell him my answer. I wanted to scream it, that's how happy I was, but I decided to show him that I was not a crazy, undisciplined, teenager. "Thank you so much Carlisle. You have been so kind to me. I am very grateful for that and for your family. I do think, if it wouldn’t be a hassle, I would love to come stay with you as long as you want me to stay. I promise I won't be a burden on you. I appreciate your kindness more than you could ever know. Thank You." By that time, I couldn't control the tears that fell freely from my eyes and onto my shirt. I hope Alice won't mind the tear stains.

Carlisle grabbed a hold of me into a hug and he whispered into my ear that there is nothing to thank them for; this is how they treat family. His words touched me and my heart grew just like the Grinch’s did. An actual family…I can't think of anything I could have done to deserve such wonderful people in my life. For once in my life, I was actually truly happy.

In that moment I didn't fear the man who was certainly bent on torturing and killing me once he found me, or the mother who didn’t care about me, or the future that may or may not be good. I concentrated on that moment. Soon I would go home to a place where people actually cared about me and to me, which is the best thing I could ever imagine. I would become part of the family.

Carlisle broke me away from my thoughts. "Alice and Esme already have the room set up and you'll have everything you need already there. If there is anything else that you would like please don’t hesitate to tell one of us. Everyone is excited to meet you, and Alice has been bouncing around everywhere getting things perfect for you. She had a feeling that you would stay, so she wanted it ready for you when you came."

Just then, something dawned on me, "Wait. What about Phil? What if he decides to try something? Please, I couldn't stand it if I caused problems for any of you."

He smiled slightly and seemed to almost laugh lightly, but it was something so fast that I can't for sure say what I saw.

"Don't worry about any of that dear Bella. We will be fine as will you. Now, the only thing that you need to concern yourself with is getting better. Save your energy for that. We will take care of everything else." His words seemed genuine and I believed every one of them.

There was a knock at the door which pulled us both away from our thoughts. As the door opened a small pixie's head peeked through with a wide grin on her face. She was hiding something behind the door as she stepped mostly into the room. I tried to see around her, but she was blocking the view very well.

"Umm… Hi, Alice." I said as I kept trying to see what she was hiding.

"Hi Bella!" She said with a huge grin. "Close your eyes! Pleaseeeeee" She said it with such horribly perfect puppy dog eyes, that I couldn't refuse her. I had a feeling that she got her way with that trick a lot.

I did as she asked and heard her walk into the room. She said I could open my eyes so I did cautiously. Knowing Alice, she could have an Elephant in my room dressed in the latest couture fashion.

She had a huge grin plastered on her perfect face and I looked at what she had in her hands. Finally they were able to get my crutches so I could start to walk around. There was only one problem, "Alice, really, pink?"


Later that night after Alice left and Carlisle came back in to tell me that I would be released tomorrow, I brought up the issue that Alice got me pink crutches. I loved her for her effort, but I couldn't walk around with pink crutches. It was too unlike me. I practically begged him to get me the typical silver ones and he assured me that he would get them by morning.

He told me the agenda for tomorrow and I started to get excited. I had no clue how long I had been in bed, but I was itching to get out of it. He told me that I would be released at noon but in the morning I was going to try walking to see if I was able to. If I couldn’t, then I would have to use a wheelchair for a while. I prayed to God that I didn't have to use a wheelchair. They can be very inconvenient.

I read a little more of my book before I decided to go to bed. I finished my page in Wuthering Heights and I set it on the table beside my bed. I don't know why I loved that book so much. I suppose it's because my mother used to read it to me before everything changed; when she was just my mother.

I yawned and realized sleep wouldn't be far off so I laid my head on the pillow and pulled the blanket up around me. I closed my eyes and was soon off into a deep sleep while I awaited tomorrow.

© Copyright 2014 Shana-Batgirl-Allen ~WeGotThis (allenshana at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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