Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1980236-Alice
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1980236
Meeting friends who care.
(Bella’s Point of View)

The next few days passed by slowly. Then again being in a hospital usually tends to alter the realm of science and actually slows down time. What seems like forever is usually around a few hours. I don’t think that is scientifically proven yet, but it’s how hospitals make people feel. Esme was spending the days with me which helped to pass the time. She has been a life saver. She's been keeping me sane inside of these walls.

Since there is a limited amount of shenanigans that I can partake in while in the hospital, Esme has been teaching me cross stitching. Who would have thought that I would actually enjoy it? I never realized how difficult but fun it is.

Yesterday Esme asked me if I would mind if her daughter came to see me. She said that her daughter, Alice, had been asking every day if she could come. At first I was a little hesitant because I don’t do well around others, especially those my age. I had to lie to people for so long that I realized it was easier just to not make relationships with others at all. I looked at Esme and seeing her smile made me realize that if Dr. Cullen and Esme’s family was anything like them then wouldn’t mind meeting Alice.

So, this left me waiting to meet Alice Cullen. From how Esme described her, she seems like a pretty cool gal.

The hands on the clock seem to move forward once and back twice never really getting anywhere. I guess my nerves were getting the best of me so I tried to concentrate on the rose cross stitch pattern that Esme brought me. Once I realized that I made no progress for the past 20 minutes, I put it down beside me and turned on the TV to some generic talk show just for the distraction.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard a knock at the door. I told whoever was on the other side of it to come in. As the door opened, I saw Esme and a bright smile encased my face automatically. For some reason I feel comfortable around Dr. Cullen and Esme. It’s nice to feel that instead of the negative emotions that I have been used to for so long.

I have come to see Esme as a type of motherly figure. She has shown more care for me in this short time that I have known her than my mother showed me in the entirety of my life. I knew that one day I would find love in one way or another and I imagine that having a mother's unconditional love would be something special.

Behind her I saw a head peek out and the sight I saw was quite comical. A girl my age with short spiky black hair was bouncing up and down as if it was Christmas and her parents got her the pony she had begged for. This bouncing ball of pixie sunshine was Alice.

At first I thought she was too old to be Esme's daughter but then I remembered that she had told me about her and Dr. Cullen adopting all of their children. I thought that was such a remarkable thing for them to do. I’ve always found adoption to be a selfless act as it is taking people who have no physical connection to you and building a family with them. The Cullens truly are amazing people.

As Alice continued to bounce up and down she had the biggest smile on her face which caused me to return her smile. She oozed happiness and I couldn’t imagine how this pixie could be anything other than epic. Even though I just met her, I already enjoyed being around her.

Maybe we could be really good friends. I hoped so. I learned a long time ago the dangers of allowing myself to develop bonds with people. Things change, people change, and nothing stays the same.

Alice came up to my bed, almost dancing the entire way, with two large bags in her hands. I had a feeling of who the bags were for and a blush began to creep its way up my neck.

"Hi Bella, I'm Alice. I'm happy I finally got to meet you! I thought you would need some clothes so here you go, I got a few outfits for you so that you don't have to be stuck in that awful hospital wear." I couldn’t stop the laugh that fought its way to the surface as Alice finished without even breathing. It was hilarious to see her nose wrinkle up when she said "hospital wear" as if it was the foulest thing she ever thought of.

Wow… Alice is very… umm… bouncy. I couldn't help but giggle at her excitement. As I took in her perfectly put together outfit and her picture perfect hair I realized that she must really have a passion for fashion

My first instinct was to not accept anything, especially not from someone I don’t know, but her thoughtfulness and kind smile made me reconsider my instincts.

"Wow, thanks Alice…I really appreciate this. You have no idea how blah these gowns can make you feel." I figured that I should show some interest in what she likes. She seems cool and it was very kind of her to think of me. She really seems like an interesting person and I hoped I would get the chance to get to know her better. I already like her.

The clothes that Alice got me weren’t what I would normally wear. I don't know much about clothes, but I am fairly certain that she brought me designer labels. They were really pretty nonetheless and I was ecstatic to wear something other than these bland tan hospital gowns.

We talked for hours and I got to know Alice better. She was a very bouncy and very happy person and it was almost as if it was wearing off on me. I felt happier talking to Alice than I have in a long time. We both found out that we have similar tastes in music and movies. I don't really care much about fashion, but Alice talked and talked about which designers were her favorites. It was really great talking to her so I had to feign understanding. I nodded and agreed in all the right places but it wasn’t out of obligation but out of interest.

We were in the middle of talking about books when this glossy look came over her eyes and she zoned out for a moment. When she finally snapped out of it, she had this look of horror cross her face for a split second before it disappeared and she continued on with our discussion as if nothing unordinary happened. I knew she was hiding something from me, but I wouldn't dare ask her about it just yet. I figured she'd tell me in time if I needed to know.

We spoke for another twenty minutes before she said she should be getting home. "Bella, I really enjoyed coming over and hanging out with you. Would you mind me coming by tomorrow?" She smiled at me as if she knew what my answer would be.

"Of course I don't mind Alice. I’d really like that." I gave her a big smile and she returned my smile and then some. She seems to be so happy and I wonder how she does it. She gave me a big awkward hug, because of the bandages which still graced my body, and she smiled once more as she turned to close the door.

When she left, I sat there in silence thinking about what it was like to have people who cared about me. I know how stupid that may seem, but it's a great feeling to know that people actually care. I, of course, don't understand why the Cullens, or the ones that I have met so far, care about me I guess that I don't really care about why but instead I am just thankful that they do.

I hope that I will have a lasting relationship with them because in this short time, I have come to really care for Dr. Cullen, Esme, and Alice. I wondered if I would get along as well with the others. I hoped I would get the chance to find out.

© Copyright 2014 Shana-Batgirl-Allen ~WeGotThis (allenshana at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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