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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Dark · #1979873
Original fiction CreepyPasta. NOT FINISHED YET. ENJOY! :)
Sleepwalking: An Original CreepyPasta Story- Pt.1

Savvy Wilkinson


 Ever since I was a kid, I had an unexplainable problem with insomnia and sleepwalking. On nights I couldn't sleep, I walked like a zombie through the day, exhausted and unfocused. During nights I did sleep, I would act out my dreams. In dreams where I was being chased, my mom would wake up at 3 in the morning to find me aimlessly stumbling throughout the house, running into counters and chairs. When she woke me up, I could recall my dreams quite vividly, and my mom seemed to witness that I was acting out what I was seeing and doing in my sleep simultaneously. This seemed to worry her- she was afraid one day I would walk straight out of the house and into the road, or even try to hurt her and my dad in my sleep, without realizing what I was doing. My parents tried everything- They took me to the doctor's, tried sleep medication, but nothing seemed to work for me. We eventually gave up on finding a 'cure', you might say, so we just improvised. We bought a spacious house out in the country, with multiple floors and minuscule furniture. The only things I couldn't seem to do in my sleep were to climb stairs and eat or drink anything. My parents slept upstairs while I slept in the basement with a gaming room and bathroom to myself, so I had nothing to complain about. The only problem I had was I was lonely at night. It was freezing downstairs, and the wind would howl against my window, causing it to fly open sometimes. I couldn't reach the window (a safety measure for myself, my parents said,) so i would freeze those select nights, which sucked more than always bumping into my T.V., and knocking it over a few times. (I've probably bought myself 6 televisions in my lifetime, due to punching them or kicking them in my sleep.)

    We moved to that house when I was nine years old, and still reside there. Now that I am 17, I am enduring high school, making friends, moving up in my career, and learning to live with, like many things in life, something I couldn't control. I was genuinely happy with my life. I had many friends, but the one who was more like a sister to me was Reeta. She and I only met two years ago, but we spent all of high school together, and instantly found a connection between us. We did almost everything together: riding out bikes, writing stories, singing in harmony, and playing video games down in my beloved gaming room. We were inseparable. She was one of the few people in the world that knew about my... condition. At first, she was bewildered, "No way! I want to see this for real!" Luckily enough for her, my parents were leaving soon for Utah for a week, and invited her to stay with me. Even though I was nervous for her to find out what exactly my sleepwalking was 'capable of'. My parents knew that she knew, and were okay with the fact.

    It was the first night my parents were gone. Reeta brought over all of of the games she had, some fleece blankets, chocolate, and her stuffed dinosaur, Mo. Although she was eighteen, she carried that dinosaur everywhere she went. She got funny looks for it, but she never seemed to care. That adorable little dinosaur made her happy, and hey, I couldn't blame her. I have to admit, it had sentimental value, even for me. (I snuggled Mo a few times myself. She was the best for when you were upset!) 

    The night had fallen, and it was probably around midnight. I was used to waking up pretty early, and began to feel tired. I wish it could have been one of those insomniac nights, but the only one who had too much sugar that night was Reeta. She was screaming and laughing as she dodged what we called "bullet hell" in Rayman. I quit a long time ago; this level was killing me! I already died 43 times! Reeta turned to me with a huge smile, "Hey, noob! You're tired already? Man, i'm just getting started!" The vibration of the controller scared both of us as the 'Game over!' screen came into view. "God dammit. I lost again. You wanna try with me? I think I figured out the part where we jump through the spikes, THEN dodge, THEN we run through the hole BEFORE we-!" "Not tonight, man. I am tired as all hell." I replied. "Besides, we need to have serious talk." Reeta turned off the console and turned to me expectedly.

"Is this about your weird sleeping problem?" She asked, grabbing Mo.

"Yeah, it is." I turned away, almost ashamed. I don't remember exactly what I said, but I told her that she needed to sleep on the other side of the room on the couch, and if she (or I) had ANY problems, to wake me up immediately. She gave me an innocent, curious look. "Dude, I have to see this in action. Can I stay up for a bit?" I thought about it, and assumed it would be safer for both of us if at least one of us was awake. I agreed to let her continue her Rayman, and in minutes, I fell asleep. I opened my eyes to find I was deep underwater, with a giant pufferfish swimming right in front of my face.

I gasped, and swat at the fish, just as his stingers were sticking out. I don't know what was worse; breathing the water in, or grasping my hand as blood seemed to endlessly spurt from my palm. I panicked and began to search for air. 'Oh God! Blood, air, need bandage, blood! Shit, so much blood!' The thoughts ran repeatedly through my mind as a began to swim, despite the pain coming from my right hand, which made swimming even more difficult. I looked to where I thought 'up', or 'air', might be, but it only seemed to get darker up there. 'What? How is this even possible...?" In fret, about to gasp for breath again, I looked downward. 'The hell? SUNLIGHT?! AIR!' I turned myself around and began swimming downwards. I could feel the compression for the need to oxygen in my chest; it almost hurt more than my, now, swollen hand. The loss of blood and air was giving me a huge headache. 'So... fucking close...' I thought, as I pushed my hand through the surface of the water, the rest of my body following. With one final gasp, I was pleasantly surprised to find I was breathing air this time! I coughed for some time, my headache continuing to grow in intensity. As I became more dizzy, I began to realize that I was still upside down.

The pain in my hand and head turned my ever growing confusion into anger, "How?! How the hell is this happening!? I am going to die like this! HELP! FUCK!" I tried kicking profusely, reaching towards the sun, screaming, tears running down my face. Nothing seemed to help... It was only a matter of time before I would pass out, either from blood loss, to my hand and brain. In my panic, I turned around and saw a black figure in the distance, sticking out of the water, upside down like I was. 'Shit, now I'm hallucinating.' I thought. I closed my eyes and turned back, and opened my eyes again. It was still there, but now it seemed closer. It seemed to be coming right at me. I squinted to see it clearer. It looked like a black, pointy shard of plastic. I could feel myself losing strength, and in my vision becoming fuzzy, I finally figured out what it was. "Oh my God, that's a fucking SHARK! SHIT!! IM BLEEDING!" 

I screamed with what little strength I had, and started swimming the opposite way. There was no way I was going to make it; the shark was swimming faster than I could swim at my best, I was upside down, and I could feel myself sinking deeper and deeper into the water. As I felt like my heart was beginning to stop, I took one last breath and submerged into the water. Still crying, I turned towards the shark. He was right in front of my face. In his pure black, hungry eyes, I saw the reflection of myself. What I saw scared me enough to gasp in more water. My face was completely pale, my eyes black with red pupils. I was bleeding from my eyes and mouth... I must have been crying my own blood this entire time. I closed my eyes, and everything turned the darkest black one could imagine. This was it... this was the end of me. Before I completely slipped away, I felt one last thing; the inevitable crunch and snap as the shark tore through my limp body. Whatever vision I might have had left turned dark red... I was gone.

After what felt like years, my eyes sprang opened to a familiar, ear splitting scream, and the sound of shattering glass hitting the cold basement floor.

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