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Rated: 13+ · Draft · Drama · #1979518
Looking for ways to expand or clean up.

"Where on earth is he?" Erica wondered as she strained to see through the moonless night. Long forgotten, the dinner she had spent all day cooking sat cold on the dining room table. Once tall aromatic candles were now mere stubs struggling to fill the already over scented room with cinnamon. Her anger had been replaced with fear; Jason had never been this late before. Trying to keep her mind from conjuring up every nightmarish possibility she started flipping through the TV guide. By the third time around Erica finally gave up and selected a random channel. After a while she became so engrossed in the tragedy she hadn't noticed the violent thunderstorm roll in.

The more she watched the more fear arose in her. It was like she was watching herself in the movie. It was titled "Mark's Tree", the wife; Susan was staring out the window into the moonless night waiting for her husband, Mark, to come home. Her special dinner sat cold while the once tall aromatic candles were now mere stubs struggling to fill the already over scented room with vanilla. Erica glanced at her own cold dinner and stunted candles with a new fear that sent shivers down her spine. She found herself riveted to the television, watching every move, wondering, if this is what was happening to her. Erica stifled a shiver as she watched Susan turn on the TV, start flipping through the guide. She counted each time around, 1, 2, 3!


Erica screamed as Susan picked a random channel, the same channel she had just moments before picked. Please not another tragedy, she didn't think she could stand watching women after women stare into the moonless night waiting for her husband to come home. Seeing another set of once tall candles now mere stubs struggling to fill an already over scented room with some fragrance. Then she had a thought that was almost more terrifying then all the others. Could she be one of those women after women staring into the moonless night?

Erica wanted to change the channel, or better yet go looking for Jason. Yet she couldn't force herself to stop watching, even though the feeling of being watched herself continued to grow. As she watched the image began to shift, now showing Susan and a window to her right. A mirror to Erica's own home, right down to Jason's, no Mark's, no Jason's slippers waiting for him by the couch. Erica was starting to become confused. Her movements and feelings melding with those of Susan's until she wasn't sure which one of them was real. A flash of lightning lit up the sky outside Susan's window. Erica thought she saw a man outside, but the flash was so fast and she was watching Susan not the window. With every ounce of will Erica turned to look out her window just as a flash of lightning lit up the sky. Was that a man hiding behind the tree, or was it a shadow cast by some innate object in the yard?

Not wanting to take any chances Erica ran through the house making sure every door and window was locked. With one more quick glance out the window, hoping to see Jason pulling in the driveway, she raced back to her chair needing to see if Susan was doing the same. To her horror Susan was peering out her side window then was off to secure her home from the unknown shadow ominously looming outside.

Erica, now paranoid by the unknown shadow that lurked outside both her and Susan's windows, nervously flitted between scanning every inch of the scene on the television and the one outside her window. With each passing second Erica's anxiety mounted as she sat there watching her surroundings, Susan's surroundings and Susan watching her surroundings. On the verge of bursting with that anxiety Erica jumped up and started pacing, while continuing to switch between the two views. As she expected Susan too was up and pacing with her, eyes flickering between her television and her window. By now Erica thought she would be more afraid if Susan did not mirror her so exactly.

How long had she been waiting for something to happen? What had felt like hours had only been five minutes. While wondering how much longer she was going to have to deal with this unknowing a sudden crash drew all her attention. Had the wind blown over one of her vases, or was it someone's false step that caused it to go tumbling? She stood frozen not knowing if she should stay in the safety of her home or investigate outside. They both stood rooted to the ground contemplating their next move. Finally curiosity got the better of them. Erica with her shadow in tow crept to the door and scanned the yard with every streak and flash of lightning. Movement caught their eyes, was it the mystery man or a tree bowing to the wind?

Erica ran back into the living room and grabbed the phone to call the police. As she dialed 911 the lights flickered and she watched as Susan's image slowly faded from the screen. In disbelief she stared first at the now blank screen then to the now inoperative phone. She set the phone back in the cradle and was blinded when the light on the table flashed back to life. Quickly she spun around and there was Susan mirroring her own astonishment. Again she reached for the phone, again as she dialed 911 the lights flickered and Susan's image slowly faded from the screen. Shaking she set the phone back into the cradle, eyes closed to protect them from the blinding light she knew was coming. Even still the light was blinding, and the overwhelming loneliness threatened to crush her. She didn't have to turn around to know that Susan was standing there eyes closed trembling with her. She saw it in her mind’s eye, alone without being alone. Did she dare try again? She steadied herself and reached for the phone one last time. This time as she wrapped her hand around the phone the lights flickered then remained on as she released it.

Feeling she only had one option left to her Erica slowly climbed the stairs, opened her bedroom door her heart sinking as the hall light glittered off of the gun safe. Jason's 38 special felt cold and heavy in her hands as she descended the stairs. Erica jumped as she saw the muzzle of a gun pointing at her, fearing somehow the mystery shadow had made its way into the house. Relief flooded her as she realized it was her shadow holding Mark's 38 special.

Each step felt like it took every ounce of strength she had. Her door never seemed so far away. Mustering every last bit of courage she turned the knob and stepped out onto the porch. There was the mystery shadow looming in front of her. A clap of thunder shook the house. Erica dropped the gun, closed her eyes and covered her ears, startled by the sudden noise. Not wanting to look she dropped to her knees, her hot tears stinging her face mixed with the rain soaking the ground. When nothing happened she opened one eye looking for the shadow. Not finding it she picked up the gun and made her way down the sidewalk.

When she reached the end of the sidewalk she found Jason lying on the ground bleeding from a gunshot wound to the chest. Her scream drowned out by another clap of thunder. She cradled Jason's head in her lap apologizing for her mistake. She dug through his pockets looking for his cell phone praying that this time she would be able to call for help. Crying tears of joy she relayed all the information asked of her by the 911 operator in between pleas for them to save her husband.

As the sirens drew closer Erica and Jason held hands each trying to comfort the other. Erica telling Jason to hold on, that help was almost here. Jason telling Erica that it's alright, everything will be ok. Emergency vehicles pulled in the driveway illuminating the pair in the beams of their lights. Locking eyes they said their final I love you and goodbyes. Jason closed his eyes and let out his last breath. EMS crews tried to save him, but in the end stepped back and waited until Erica was ready to let him go.

On her way back from the funeral Erica stopped to place flowers where Jason had fallen. There she saw a tiny sapling struggling to break through fallen leaves. She cleared away the debris and wished it good luck. Each year the tree would grow bigger and stronger. Every year Erica would visit Jason's grave. On her way back to the house it seemed like the tree would reach out for her, as if to say I'm here.

10 years had come and gone. Erica returned home from visiting Jason. She walked into the house, climbed the stairs and opened the bedroom door. Sitting on the bed the weight of the 38 special felt cold and heavy in her hands. Through tears Erica looked to the Heavens thinking soon she would be reunited with Jason.

Just before she pulled the trigger she thought she heard someone call her name. She knew she was home alone, yet she couldn't shake the feeling she was being watched as she replaced the cold steel against her temple. It came louder this time.



She was sure it had been him. How could it have been? Erica sat still, closed her eyes and strained to listen hoping he would call again. After a few moments she heard that sweet, deep base voice that she could have listened to for hours call her name once more. It sounded like it was right beside her, but all she saw was the tree that marked where he had fallen. She watched that tree for hours. She couldn't make sense of it; the tree seemed to breathe with a life of its own. Her thoughts snapped back to that horrible night and the title of the movie, "Mark's Tree". It was the first time she had thought of Susan and Mark in years.

Mind reeling Erica began to wonder if somehow Jason was still here watching over her. It almost seemed as if the tree was truly alive. Not bowing to the wind as it demanded all the others to do. She went to stand next to the tree wanting to believe it could be true. She circled it until the wind was at her back, took one step closer, closed her eyes and breathed deeply. Jason's favorite cologne filled the air and the tree brushed her cheek bending into the wind.

Erica now sits for hours underneath Jason's Tree breathing in his sent and hearing his sweet, deep bass voice as the wind blows through the branches. In her heart she can feel Susan sitting under Mark's Tree breathing in his sent and hearing his sweet, tenor voice as the wind blew through its branches.

"Where on earth is he?" Susan wondered as she strained to see through the moonless night. Long forgotten, the dinner she had spent all day cooking sat cold on the dining room table. Once tall aromatic candles were now mere stubs struggling to fill the already over scented room with vanilla. Her anger had been replaced with fear; Mark had never been this late before. Trying to keep her mind from conjuring up every nightmarish possibility she started flipping through the TV guide. By the third time around Susan finally gave up and selected a random channel. After a while she became so engrossed in the tragedy she hadn't noticed the violent thunderstorm roll in.

The more she watched the more fear arose in her. It was like she was watching herself in the movie. It was titled "Jason's Tree".
© Copyright 2014 Jessica Lynn (jesica1181 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1979518-Mirror