Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1979275-capture
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1979275
A cool story
It will be fun she said. You would have a good time she said. It was a complete disaster I said. It was a rock concert which my mom apparently thought was a good idea. It had been okay and I though I thought I might have been able to survive through the last song but then a bad thing happened. All I heard was an explosion at the back of the room. Everybody was standing up and screaming. Smoke drifted over the heads of the innocent people in the concert. I didn't really know what was happening. All I saw was the fire escape with the glowing exit sign to my right and a crackling fire behind me. I looked back at the gruesome sight of the explosion and I was driven to the fire exit. Many people followed me out the door where someone had their cell phone out calling 911. When my mind finally slowed down I looked at my leg and saw a nasty gash. I had no idea how it had happened and now that I was aware of it the pain surged into my body. The only thing that could possibly have done it was a chair that had flown through the air from the explosion and somehow lacerated my leg without me noticing. I immediately went over to one of the three ambulances that were there. Apparently the cut was worse than I thought and the EMPs said it too straight to have been cut by shrapnel. Somebody had cut me with a knife, but why would somebody have a knife while they were trying to escape a rock concert? Could I have been the whole purpose for the attack? If so was I endangering everyone here by staying? The attacker was probably still here waiting to strike again. The EMP was cleaning my wound. They poured something into the cut that stung. It hadn't hurt till now, but now that there was pain it multiplied tenfold. I winced and gritted my teeth, but did not scream. He wiped of the excess disinfectant and started to wrap a clean gauze bandage around it. The pain was too much for my weak body and I passed out.
I didn't wake up at home. I didn't wake up in a in a hospital either, but the room radiated cleanliness. I sat up and looked around at my surroundings. The walls were white, the ceiling was white, and the floor was white. The only things in the room were a bed and a shiny metal toilet. I had no idea why I was here or how I got here. Maybe the person who had cut my leg had somehow captured me and taken me to some kind of secret lair. In fact that was the only thing I could think of. Why else would I be in a cell that looked like it was in an insane asylum. I had no idea what was going on or how long I had been there. I would just have to wait until somebody came for me. I had nothing else to do and I was tired so I fell asleep.
I woke up when I heard a clang. In the corner a door was opening. I hadn't seen it there before because it had blended in with the wall. A man came through the door who looked like he could have been fighting aliens for six years. His face was scarred he was very well muscled. Was the this the man that had supposedly captured me. I looked him in the eye, but couldn't stand it. They were so full of hate and death like he had killed so many things and felt no remorse. He looked at me and said, "Hello Jason, how has your day been?" This man confused me. He radiated the essence of someone who was probably only twenty, but his appearance was that of someone that was 50. I didn't answer his question; I just sat there and stared at him as hard as I could. "As you see my plan to capture you has gone perfectly. It may have cost other people their lives, but not you. There is no way you could have died from that pathetic blast; you are a fighter like me. You won't give up your life for anything. You will fight to the end. I learned this the hard way. Ten years ago I traveled away from Earth to a planet that is not much different, but has kept some of the their bad traits from their past. These are so called traits are the fact that they capture humans to fight for them. I was able to escape by the same means that they brought me there by, but there were unfortunate side effects. When I teleported back to Earth I encountered some kind of time warp. When I reappeared on that track I wasn't the sixteen year old that had been running in that race; I was a fifty year old man."
This story sounded so unrealistic, but at the same time it sounded so true. It made me feel sorry for him. He wouldn't have been able to go back to his family or see any of his old friends. He had probably been assumed dead when he disappeared off the face of the Earth. My thoughts were interrupted by the man as he started to monologue again. "I did not want to see anyone I knew before this had happened so I left. I wasn't sure where I would go I just started walking. I walked away and lived on the streets for 2 years. Then they contacted me. The Aliens. I was standing near a payphone one day and it rang so I picked it up. Then I knew it was a trap the aliens had let me escape so that I could come and fight for them on Earth. They told me where to go and what to do and I obeyed. So, I am asking you. will you join me."
I didn't have to think I just said,
, "No." His reaction was different than I thought it would be. He just sat there and then abruptly he said,
"Okay." Then he got up and exited out the hidden door. It clanged loudly behind him and I knew I was trapped again.
I knew that he planned to keep me there until I joined him.

© Copyright 2014 Tom Churzynsky (churzynskyabc at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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