Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1979249-Invisible-Ledge---Chapter-Three
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Young Adult · #1979249
Andrew's world is turned upside down as things start to unfold in front of him...
But, the bullet doesn't come. The man holding my life in his hands doesn't pull the trigger. He just stands there, looking at me, sizing me up like a piece of meat.

I'd try to run if I wasn't sure I'd be dead before I stood up. Defeated, I just go limp, awaiting the end. I always thought my life would flash before my eyes when I was about to die. All the images of violence, pain, and loneliness sending me forward into the light to rejoin my parents, whoever they may be. But the only image flashing before my eyes is that of a tall, rugged man pointing a gun at me and... laughing? He's laughing...

"Maybe you're not beyond redemption after all. Get up kid."
He says through a laugh and even extends his hand to lift me up. I gladly take it, but I can't help but feel like a victim of a very cruel prank.

To my endless relief he holsters his gun on his belt, finally removing the demonic contraption from my sight. He even pats me on the shoulder reassuringly after he helps me up. What the devil is going on?

"I'm Edwin, but you should call me Ed, if you know what's good for you." He says it through a laugh, but something tells me he's deadly serious.
"You seem a little confused..."

He says, as if he didn't notice I'm staring at him with my mouth half open like I just saw a ghost. And my broken nose and the blood gushing down my nostrils doesn't do anything to lessen the impression.

"I'm a friend of all Insurgent kids, that's all you need to know."

"Why the gun then? And the freaking punch! My nose!"

I ask, irritated by the fact I sound like I'm speaking through a trumpet. I wipe some of the blood of and touch my nose, which turns out to be a big mistake. I wince, and by that point I'm not sure what Ed is laughing any more at. My cries of pain or my voice. What's with this guy? Acting like he wasn't trying to kill me a few seconds ago. Except if he wasn't? What if he was just testing me... to see my reaction. Now I just feel stupid.

"Hey, you asked for it. A little pain is good for you, it builds character.."

"Yeah.. sure, a masochistic character maybe. Mind telling me what the hell is going on?"

"Not now, kid, not here." He says sternly. He goes into his back pocket and takes out a dirty piece of cloth, hands it to me, and continues.

"You look like a mess. Anyway, sorry to give you a scare, and for the nose. But I had to make sure you haven't gone full Risen pansy."

"Why does it matter?" I ask as I take the cloth, shake it off a bit hoping to remove some of the grime. I don't, but I still press it to my nose.

"Oh it matters, little man... more than you'd think."

My fear and anger are suddenly replaced by curiosity. There's something odd about the way he talks. He's hiding something, obviously... If only I could get a hit as to what it is. Like he read my thoughts, he clears his throat and starts moving to the end of the alley, pushing me along with him.

"Look, if you want answers, I have them." He says as we reach one of the city's main street, bustling with activity.

"I'm listening..."

"Not here, kid." He says as we walk down the street, keeping his voice low and constantly turning around. What's he hiding?

"Where then?"

"I said I have them, never said I'd give them to you."

He says it coldly, and I can't help but wanting to hit him. But the pain in my nose, the blood running down it, and my nasal voice remind me what a horrible mistake that would be. I turn to face him, my face red with anger. I've had enough of this...

"Then what the hell do you want?"

Ed smirks, but doesn't seem hostile. He folds his arms and eyes me up and down, sizing me up probably.

"Honestly... I'm not really sure of that myself. Look, if you really want to know what's going on, I'll send someone for you, alright? Then we can talk. You better go home now, little man."

My jaw falls slightly open. I'm not sure how much bull my brain can take any more. But I just throw my hands in the air, mutter "Fine." through my nose, and turn around, walking down the pavement quickly. He doesn't run after me, and when I turn around to look for him, he's already gone. Good riddance.

The grumbling in my stomach reminds me why I went down that alley in the first place. I haven't eaten since noon. I pick up the pace, walking past innumerous people through the heart of the city, then the inner rings, and finally one of the outer districts where the dorm is located.

The cafeteria is bustling in the evening, and today is no exception. Cliques of Risen are huddled together around the larger tables while the few kids from the general populace lay scattered, in small groups or just alone. I'm the only Insurgent kid at Hawthorne's, and by some unwritten rule I'm condemned to the corner to eat alone, which suits me just fine.

My broken nose and bloodied face immediately attract attention as I walk through the crowded room seeing nothing but the food on display and the cashier, a stout, firm woman named Mona. She greets me warmly when I walk up, gives me the plate she set aside for me and wishes me a pleasant meal. I can't help but smile weakly at her. Mona is possibly the only person that's ever been kind to me, truly kind without expecting anything in return other than a weak smile I manage to pull off once in a while.

I sit in the corner, devouring my meal like I haven't seen food my entire life. As the cold chicken and peas rumble in my stomach I go over today's events in my head. It's like I was in a stupor ever since I became an A.S. and devoted my time fully to studying, effectively replacing anything else that was on my mind, and now I finally woke up. For the past year and a half or so every day has been the same, boring routine,and now all this in one day... I feel a bit bizarre to say the least.

Christie... beautiful, mysterious Christie. I wonder why she ran off like that, and what the tattoo on her arm means... I want to know more about her, she looks like she's been through as much crap as I have. I know I shouldn't be glad for that, but I am. It makes me feel like I'm not as alone as I thought.

And Ed... what the hell was that all about? I feel conflicted, one of my inner voices telling me to just stay away, and the other yapping at me to find out more in an irritating, curious voice... Which should I choose?

Too many questions without even a hit of an answer for one evening. I return the plate, licked clean of food, to Mona, wish her good night, and head to my room, locking the door behind me. I go out like a candle the moment my face touches the bed sheets.

The next couple of weeks pass quickly as classes and studying occupy my mind, yet no matter how hard I try I just can't shake the thoughts about Christie, hear beautiful long hair, her pale face, and blue eyes... and then I realize I'm acting like a ten year old.

That morning starts like any other. The alarm wakes me up , wash up, get dressed ,and pull on my gloves to hide my scars. My nose got checked and healed up by the dorm nurse. Healing and medicine is one of the few areas where technology can be used practically unhindered. My nose healed completely within a day or two after her treatment, which I'm eternally grateful for. I hated my nasal voice...

I spend the bus ride going through my notebooks. I made sure to try and never forget them at the dorm again. I'm completely absorbed by the text in front of me when someone slides in the seat next to me after we pass one of the bus stops. I look up from my paper and see Christie beaming at me.

"Hey there."

I close my notebook shut and place it back in my bag, trying my best to make a serious face, but can't help at grin at her. She's back...

"For a while I thought you weren't going to show again."

"Oh, you won't get rid of me that easily." She gives me a wink and lays back on the bus seat, placing her hands behind her head.

"Good to hear. So you won't run off again?"

She shrugs, but I can see she's smiling.

"I might. Depends on how you treat me."

She seems different today, warmer than she used to be, even...flirtatious. I think I like this Christie even more.

We spend the ride talking about anything I could think of, getting to know one another. She has an older brother named Jacob, and they both live somewhere in the inner districts of the city where they also work. I change the subject quickly, trying to avoid it entirely in the future. I can tell she's ashamed of it...

I tell her bits of pieces about me I think couldn't hurt. That I got my A.S status by a complete fluke and some clever paperwork managing, that I used to be into sports, boxing in particular, 'til I became a student. When we left the bus she started asking me more about the Risen, or rather what I study about their ideology. It's knowledge she doesn't have access to and is forbidden from having by law. I just tell her not to bother trying to understand their lies, and instead of scowling at me for withholding information, she grins like a kid that's hiding a juicy secret.

She insists on walking with me to my classroom, and I enthusiastically accept, trying to contain my smile. Her ever proud strut and exposed mark once again attract attention as we head through the halls, but I no longer care, let them talk all they want.

We reach the door of my Anatomy class and stand there for a while. I could stay there forever, even if it's in silence, but I know I'll be scolded if I'm late so we say our goodbyes. We shake hands, both her and mine covered with fingerless leather gloves. At that moment I can't help but wonder if she's hiding scars behind them, like I am, of if they're just a fashion choice. Just before I release she pulls me to her, whispering in my ear.

"Meet me by the fountain around seven." She gives my hand another gentle squeeze and walks off, leaving me slightly shocked. Yep.. there's the butterflies, right on cue.

It's hard to focus on any class when my head is full of Christie and the fact she'll be waiting for me. It occurred to me somewhere between Science of Generality and Advanced Zoology classes that I've never been with a girl before, that I have no idea what to do... All my life I've been shunned, treated as an outcast. I didn't even have friends let alone anything more. What if I mess this up?

My final class ends at just before seven, and I have no idea what the lecture was about. Heck, I barely remember what subject it was. I think it was World History, but I don't particularly care at this point. Christie is waiting for me.

I almost run through the corridors, trying my best to keep casual, but I get the impression I'm utterly failing at it. My mood drops when I reach the fountain and she's nowhere to be seen. I check the time on my WWC Pad. It's five past seven.

I alter between pacing and sitting on the bench carved into the fountain as I wait for Christie. People pass by me, heading home for a meal and rest after a hard day of lectures, yet she's nowhere to be seen. The dim, yellow lights of the lamps slowly take over the function of the Sun as it sets down behind the hills, leaving me the only person around. It's dusk, and I got stood up.

Frustrated and disappointed I turn to finally leave when the numbers on my WWC Pad show it's already 19:42, when hear her soft voice, as gentle as silk behind me.

"Oh, you're still here..."

I face her with my eyebrows raised and pissed off, not even trying to be charming anymore.

"What's that supposed to mean? Where the hell have you been, Christie? It's almost eight!"

"Hey, calm down. I can explain, alright?" She purses her lips, walking closer to me looking as beautiful as ever, but I'm too angry with her to either care or notice.

"You have two minutes, then I'm leaving." I say, crossing my hands and trying to look as cold as possible. It seems to work when she bites down on her lower lip nervously.

She opens her mouth to say something when an all too familiar voice cuts the silence between us and sends chills down my spine.

"My fault, little man. I was trying to talk her out of coming here."

I whip around only to see Ed leaning on a lamp post observing us with folded arms and a grin under his beard.

"Ed? Wh... you two know each other?" I ask, utterly confused.

Ed opens his mouth to speak, but Christie beats him to it, speaking as she places her hand on my shoulder. Somehow her touch is less comforting than I had expected.

"You could say that. Ed is my uncle."

The information almost knocks me off my feet.

"What now?" I ask, hoping it's just a bad joke and Christie isn't related to the guy who almost shot me.

"You sure about this one, pumpkin? He doesn't seem to be the sharpest tool in the shed, if you catch my meaning." Ed says to Christie, almost completely ignoring my very existence.

"I'm sure, Ed. He's got what it takes and then some."

Even though I have no idea what's going on, I can't help but grin at Christie's words. Whatever she means, I'm glad someone has faith in me, or at least appears to. It's not a very common occurrence.

"If you say so pumpkin." Ed continues, sizing me up not to differently than when we first met in the alleyway a few weeks ago.

"Will one of you tell me what's going on?!" I shout finally. Luckily we're the only ones around so I don't draw any unwanted attention. Even so, they both glare at me like I just slapped them.

"Mind keeping it down, kid? Unless you want to get us all executed?"

As I ask myself what Ed is blabbering about, what we could possibly be dong to get us even arrested let alone executed... it comes to me that we're two Insurgent and someone who seems an Insurgent supporter, gathered at nightfall talking in hushed voices. It's a treason accusation waiting to happen. Realizing my stupidity I shut up and shrug.

"It's alright Andrew. I realize you're upset and confused. But, trust me, it's worth it. Ed, you want to do this or should I?" Christie says gently, still keeping her hand on my shoulder in a gentle squeeze.

Her uncle shakes his head and spits on the ground, then turns around and walks away into the shadows with only the words "Be my guest. He's your responsibility now." before he melds wish the darkness.

This is good, I think. With Ed out of the way I feel more at ease then I would be with him around. Even after almost a month I cant shake that feeling of helplessness I felt when he held me at gunpoint, literally holding my life in his hands. I shake my head, hoping to get rid of those thoughts. It only somewhat works.

Christie sits down on the fountain bench and motions for me to do the same. I gladly accept, as I'm not sure how much more I can take before my knees start buckling.

"You must be really confused." She says with her melodic voice, keeping her eyes fixated on mine the entire time.

"That's an understatement. Mind telling me what's going on here, Christie? And what about Ed? He's your uncle.. but he's alive how..."

"Ed isn't Insurgent. Or rather, he wasn't when the Rebellion Backlash happened. He was on the other side.." She just says coldly with a frown, obviously hoping to avoid going further down this subject.

What kind of a man would fight for the destruction of his own niece to be.. marked as a lesser species? Suddenly, I'm thinking I had more luck than brains down that alley.

"So, what is it you're supposed to tell me? I haven't seen you in weeks, then you come to me all smiles, ask to meet me, get here late with Ed shadowing you... just, what the hell Christie?"

I ask, partly to change the subject, and partly because I'm starting to get sick of this entire situation. I have half man to go back to my dorm where I'll perfectly invisible to everyone and spend the rest of my life being ignored. At least I won't have to cope with crap like this.

Instead of answering my question, she replies with one of her own after giving me a long, blue eyed stare.

"What do you really know about the Insurgent and the Rebellion Backlash?"

I figured that would be the subject. I take a deep breath and try thinking of all the lessons we ever had on this particular part of history.

"Insurgent were radicals, vying for a change in the system, one that would allow everyone to be free of political rule. They rose up in a rebellion to try and overthrow the government. Around the same time, the Risen were formed, far more numerous than the Insurgent they sought the same reforms, only in a less harmful way."

I spit out the words straight from a history lecture and nearly gag on them. I can wager my left arm that half of that is lies, if not more. Christie remains calm however, not taking her eyes off me.

"And do you believe in this yourself?"

"Of course I don't. I've lived around the Risen for long enough to know that they're a lot of things, but harmless is not one of them. So is this what this is about? You're going to open my eyes to the truth?"

I ask sarcastically, though she seems dead serious.

"In fact, that's exactly what I'm supposed to do."

"And what will that do? What good can come of that when we know we're powerless. What are we going to do, send the Risen a strongly worded letter?"

Her lips curve into a smile though it doesn't reach her eyes. She leans into me, whispering into my ear.

"Better. We're going to overthrow them."
© Copyright 2014 The Crow King (mi.nen at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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