Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1978592-Virtue-of-Silence
Rated: E · Fiction · Environment · #1978592
A short fictional piece about a warrior and his home in the valley
Light slowly falling reaches the silent valley once again

Hidden in the nothingness of the earth

Forests, mountains, rivers, revealed in the nothingness

The misty outline of a once great civilization

Water slowly dripping breaks the silence once again

Past dense forests the sheltered temple is revealed

The trees don't stop but instead take a different form

Once a great temple has now become a green tomb

Temple end and forest beginning is non existant

The mist thickens and as the light begins to dim

A lone figure emerges

From the nothingness he is born silent as the land around him

Silent are the trees silent are the birds silent are the rivers

All encased in a sheet of snow

He stands there like a wall of steel

Listening for the earth mountains river and trees

To reveal the sounds of a land once prosperous

A place he called home before the war

He stood alone among his brothers in arms

Outspoken against the atrocities his government had him commit

In the final moments before his fate was sealed

He fell silent and seemed to go into a deep slumber

But when he emerged from his deep slumber he turned into a force beyond comprehension

Cutting down old friends and new enemies

The blood soaked battlefield became heavy in red mist in the morning

He stood alone breathing hard among the piles of bodies

As he fell to his knees he let out a cry and was banished from the empire he once fought so hard to protect

So he starts his journey to the place he once called home

To his dismay he found an empty village and ash

Only the temple remained

Where he would play with the monks in his youth

The hallowed halls that once echoed laughter and cheer were now silent as the land surrounding it

He vowed to seek repentance for his sins and to seek an answer as to why this happened,so he lived alone

Sun and moon seemed to become one after the many years he spent alone

Uttering no words for fear of upsetting the ones he loved even further

The land stood still and all was silent for he was no longer a man but part of the silence and the land that surrounded him

A lone warrior now stood before the world and gazed into the stars and heavens

Hoping to find the answers to all his questions

He never stopped seeking his answers from above

And as time slowly passed his body began to transform

He turned to stone and was silent forever more

He stands alone still trying to find his answers only to be a permanent guardian in his once lively home

A reminder to any who may stumble across this peacefull valley

That war strife misery can happen anywhere but all things fade and in time become silent once again
© Copyright 2014 JoshMagwood (spraky94 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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