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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1978519
The story of a girl named Kristen who realizes her powers in the world of mythical.

It has been a relatively dark and gloomy day today. It seems to be affecting everyone's mood.
I sit in a boring classroom, sighs and sniffles fill the air, clogging my thinking space. I sit and try to focus, this is the most important test all year and I have to pass. Then again, why does it matter? Nothing will matter in a weeks' time. I have to pass though, me and my pride issues. Focus, damnnit! Everything seems to be distracting me. Every pen tap, every cough, every drop of rain on the roof, and every annoying mortal heartbeat. My vision blurs. My hair slips from behind my ear, and falls into my face. I try to move it but I can't bring myself to lift my hand. I throw myself from my desk to escape, I have to get out. I have to run away. I start to crawl out of my desk. Other students stair in confusing some are scared. I crawl, my arms feel weak. I begin to taste blood in my mouth. And I begin to think.
I can't make it...
I won't make it...

For the first time in a while I woke up happy. Michelle had accepted my love. I love her, so much. But it was hard asking someone to love you when you are of the same sex... hoping that the other person would agree with your feelings. But she took my love, and cradled it with warmth. I threw on some clothes. The "mainstream" type, lets only get picked one for one thing today. And, sadly, if I didn't dress main stream id be gothic. I don't want to go down that road again...
Plus, for the first time in a while I was dressed on time - and with effort. Let's go see Michelle. This will be the first school day after getting together. We swore that we would hold hands in front of the entire school. Basically that would be getting as much attention as riding a parade float through the school.
As I walk down to the bus stop, I see Michelle, so I walk a little faster.
She smiles wide with an excited grin, happy of my presents. "Hey Kristin, so I told my mom today. WOAH, did she yell. Basically said I was cursed to hell for eternity." She still seem full of excitement, even after saying that. But I feel bad, her mother said that to her... "Hey, no, its okay. Im fine, everything is going to be fine. Are you okay? What did your mom say?" She asked.
"Well..." I get nervous. I didn't tell my mother. I was way too scared, Michelle is going to be so disappointed with me. She stands in front of my waiting for a response with eyes wide open. She just oozes pure confidence.
"You didn't tell her did you..." Michelle sighs.
"Are you disappointed in me? I'm sorry baby, I really am, but I couldn't say it to her... but you know what ill text it to her right now!"
To: Mom
Hey, guess what, I'm so flipping gay and I love it! What are you going to do about it? You can't change me. See you when you get back! Love you too!
"There you go. It's done" I show her the text message I just sent my mom.
"Flipping?" She seems amused.
"I didn't want to make her anymore mad than I had to." I said.
The bus pulls down the street. Creaking loudly and smells of some kind of leaking fluid. When it gets to us it opens its doors. I offer Michelle my hand, she accepts and we get on the bus together. As we jump onto the bus, the smell of sweaty teens fill my nose, disgusting. The guys stare in shock, because Michelle was one of the prettiest girls in school. The girls stare in disgust. And laughing in our head, we think how ridiculous.

Chapter 2
Seven hours- and a million dirty looks - later, Michelle and I get through an entire day of school. We both loved every look we got. But, when someone commented about "If Michelle was going to be lesbo, Kristin was WAY under her standard." And then she hit someone... so my dear girl, will be in after school detention for the next week. So I'll be sitting on the bus alone for the next week, fun. I'm horrified actually, I really don't know if I'll be able to face them alone in a confined space.
I can hear the rambunctious teens on the bus shaking it around. I'm so nervous when I get on the bus, the people stop and stares. I get on the bus, I go to my seat and sit down. I stare forward in to the back of the seat I look at no one. One kid rips a piece of paper out of his notebook, he crumbs it up and throws it at me, I feel it hit the back of head. But I still don't move a muscle, I still look forward trying to ignore everyone. I have an entire 30 minute bus ride home. The bus starts to chant offensive words that show how "gay" I am. The loudness of their chants gives me a massive headache. I try to tune the laughter as the boys try to make better "gay" insults. Five, ten, fifteen minutes go by. And that's when I can't stand it anymore. Till my brain can't stand anymore.
I crack.
I run up the isle of the bus. Up to one of the guys that started it and was hosting the insult completion.
"What are you going to do? Spread your gayness on me?" He says with a smirk. His buddy's laugh.
I get in his face, and a grab him by the collar. I am so enraged. I don't think I've ever been this angry. What am I doing? I throw him out of my hands. But he shoots back, and hits his face on the window. The bus driver had stopped the bus and was yelling at me and telling people to check if he was okay. But I just stand there, shocked. Not able to comprehend what just happened. There is blood on the window where he hit his head on the window, and he's not getting up. I panic.
Did I kill him?
I look back on the others on the bus. They just stare at me no one says a thing. A few kids puked at the sight of me killing someone right in front of them.
I run up to the front of the bus and slam through the doors. And I run.
Fast. Faster. Fastest. I run for a long time. I ran for miles. The fastest I've ever run before in my life. I've always been a slow non athletic person. There's no way I could do this? I stop thinking and I just run. With no destination, just running. I run till I collapse on the ground.
Chapter 3
I wake with a figure lurking over my face.
I panic, and with an instinct I've never thought I had, I push the figure away from me and slam them into the ground. While I'm throwing her a delighted girly giggle escapes her mouth. And before I can react they are on top of me. Then she is kissing me. By the sweet smell of her "Midnight" perfume and the way she holds me. I know that it's my Michelle. I hold her back. Taking in the sweet smell.
Then reality comes into focus.
I. Killed. Someone.
I start to scream and trash around. Panicked, I'm going to jail! Michelle is holding on to me trying to keep me, she tells me things, trying to calm me down. "Babe! It will be alright! Please calm down! Kristen!" She encourages me. "You didn't kill him! It's okay!" I calm down a bit after she says that, but I could receive so many lawsuits for just attempt of murder. I begin to hyperventilate.
"Kristen, its okay. You don't have to go back. You can stay here with me forever. You can be immortal, and we can live together forever. We can adopt children and be happy finally." She smiles at me. Oh my god she's crazy.
I jump up from her grip. The sounds of a water fall fill me ears, it relaxes every bone in my body. The smell of an assortment of fragrant flowers fills my nose. Everything that you could imagine to be your happy place is here.
Wait a minute, I swear this all wasn't here a few seconds a go.
A confused expression appears on my face.
"What do you see?" Michelle asks curiously. As if she couldn't see it herself.
"Where are we?" I sit up at attention, the gut feeling that I'm being tricked in some way...
"Where ever you want to be, my darling." She smiles at me. I begin to feel dizzy, I feel weak.
I feel that Michelle is responsible for me feeling this way. Or that I'm being weird and I'm tired and hallucinating from running for that long of a time. Maybe even this has all been a dream and I'll just wake up in a bit, right?
There is a man's yell from behind us.
My dream world that Michelle had supposedly created for me is slowly vanishing.
I can sense that man is stomping his feet as he walks. That makes me uncomfortable.
And I take my strength to sit up and look at him, feeling venerable in the laying down. He is a tall, handsome boy, about Michelle's age. He wears a strange purple coat with gold trim.
When I pull myself to sit up, I notice that the man is threatening Michelle with a knife.
In raged by the insults he is throwing a Michelle, a wave of strength flows over me. I jump up, and rush over to him. I go to hit him but he is fast. Even with the speed I had just acquired resonantly, he is still faster than I am and counters my swing.
Holding me on the floor he yells at Michelle, "You brought another untrained, sloppy, piece of sh--" he is cut off by Michelle foot colliding with his jaw.
"DON'T YOU TALK ABOUT HER LIKE THAT!! She is my Zachary's Soul. She has a right to be here!" Michelle screams at him
Putting away the dagger he had threatened me and Michelle with, he pulled out his sword, pointing it at my throat he looks up at Michelle, "You mean to say, that you, the woman a wanted to be my queen of this district" he says, Michelle groans. "Is just going to give that all away, because some untrained puppy, is in love. Michelle I find that quite silly to be honest...." He pokes my throat. Michelle gives a nervous squeal.
His sword is so close to my face that I can smell the metal. But it doesn't smell like any metal I've ever encountered before. Growing up with your father being a blacksmith, you get to know the smell of metal when he used to come home from work...
I shudder to get the thought of my father out of my head
"But!" He swings the sword near my face. "I smell something different on this one. I don't know if its power, or uselessness." He made an ugly face at me.
For an attractive so called "king" he isn't very, king like.
He walks away with too much ego in his step. When he is out of ears reach, Michelle grumbles still to uncomfortable to say things out loud "He's a twat..." She continued to grumble.
Where I still sit where I was when this all happened. "Would you like to explain what I'm god's name is going on!!!" I yell.
"That is exactly what is going on. Gods. I culture of gods that mortals don't even know exist. They are the only gods that actually exist. The only people that have come close to figuring us out are the Greeks and romans. But not exactly." I stare at her in confusion. She has gone completely crazy, and that dude too.
I wonder if they are escaped patients from an insane asylum that know live in the woods.
"Come on, let's walk and talk." She helps me up off the floor. I look around, the scenery is completely different from what it was only five minutes ago.
There is no more cascading water fall, no fragrant flowers. Just an old mossy wooded area. "Okay," she says, I look over at her. "I'm not crazy, just give me a moment to explain, and then I will show you proof and it will all be better. Agreed?" She looks over at me smiling. She's crazy, she's going to kill me.
And we walk deeper in the woods. Hopefully not to my murderace death.
Chapter 4
"So, we live in little colonies around the world." Michelle states.
"Who is 'we'?" I ask. Might as well play in her little prank.
"Oh, we is the people that have a certain ability and were bownd by their parents when they were born to protect the name of the gods. As you noticed I have the power to control peoples thoughts and emotions. Whatever you saw was what you wanted to see. I gave you something to relax you." She says stuff like this as if it were completely normal. Which frustrates me. She has never pulled any pranks on me, ever.
She knows I hate it when she lies to me.
"Okay! Enough of this silly prank!!" I yell at her. She looks very unfazed by that, like she expected it. "What! Say something!"
"Just come on..." she says.
We jog to a little village. "Here's proof." She points in the direction of the village.
People hustle and bustle with the important jobs of a day, seems normal. The people wear normal and casual clothes.
But, over in the center of the village, a group of children sit, captivated. They seem to be captivated by a man and a woman in a blue and yellow cloak.
The man in blue has a glass of water in his hand, he turns it over, but the water doesn't come out.
I stop be for entering the village, interested in the magic act. I know it's a load of baloney though. Just a illusion.
But then the man makes a hand gesture, similar to the movement of a tornado and the water follows. The children gasp in amazement.
I peak my head in interest, still not a 100% sure that it's just a magic act. He flicks his hand and the water turns to mist. And the woman in yellow points her hand in the direction of the water, shining light. Which creates a rainbow. The water falls on the kids making them giggle.
"Whoa." I gasp.
"Impressive right? The man is the blue is Addie, and the woman is yellow is Caddie. They are twins. They grew up in this town, so they come and visit and entertain the kids." She states, they must be her friends.
"Are they magicians?" I ask.
Michelle looks annoyed "You still don't get it!! This is real! Whatever, I'll have to use my strength, again. You're going to get me in trouble." Michelle sighs, looking around she pulls me into the forest. "Okay, look around. Memorize what you see, this is reality. Give me an animal, a place I've seen, and a person to be with, besides me." She looks over at me with a frown, then goes back to nervously.
"Okay whatever. I see a plain forest, nothing special. Uhh, a polar bear, my house, and my mother." I sigh.
My vision of the forest starts to fade, we are in my house.
"WHAT!?!" I shout. A polar bear appears beside me, I scream. And my mom appears talking with Michelle's voice.
"Do you believe me now?" My mom/Michelle asks me.
I am speechless, my eyes dart from the polar bear to my mother/Michelle. The polar bear just sits, in a strange replay of turning his head then sniffing.
"I assume that this time you do." Michelle as my mom says. And I can see the forest again.
"Okay, so I guess I believe you. But swear to me Michelle, are you lying to me?"
"Kristen, I swear to the gods that is am not lying to you. You will always be able to trust me, remember that. Always." She intertwines our finger and we immerge from the forest and enter the village.
As we pass through what look like a simple wooden gate that was the entrance to the village, a small alarm alerts villagers and the towns people flee.
Addie and Caddie try to calm the children but they run off screaming. Addie sighs while Caddie looks over to us, annoyed. Then they both leave the scene.
"Michelle, what did we do?" I ask. I go to step forward to Michelle, she stops me, looking panicked.
"Don't move muscle or they will shoot the both of us." She tries not to mover her mouth when she talks. "I forgot you don't have an ID."
"Where's your ID?"
"Its not a thing you have, its something imbedded in your skin." She points a t a little bubble in her arm.
"God, that is so gross..."
People with brown cloaks approach holding guns up to us.
"Oohhhh, so we have a Felix here that likes to break rules... don't think you can play your little visions on me. We have more people than you think with guns pointed at you and your little mutt. So what do you do build things," This guys a jerk. "Or are you stronger than I think and play with fire." He rolls his eyes. "What is your code ID," he pulls out some kind of tablet.
Michelle says very seriously. "Code Number; 8390468, sir."
"Oh, so you are a royal reject. Michelle Banette" He says very rude, Michelle is unfazed.
"You." He points at me. "Code number." He demanded.
I looked over at Michelle and she didn't say anything. "Uh, mister." He looked over at me shocked "I'm new here and mister king man knows I'm hear, and I have yet to get an ID. He said that he smells something special on me, you don't want to upset him." I try to sound as convincing as possible, batting my eyelashes. But all I'm thinking is; Please don't kill me.
"Oh, okay. Sure. Town square is that way, you can register..." He suddenly blinks his eyes, as if coming out of a faze. "So, you're a little child of Ribia. I now that you are new here. And I can't really blame you for not being able to control your strength..." he sighs disappointed that he didn't get to behead me.
"So may we go now, sir. I must help Ms. Kheeting to register." She still stands tall in attention. That must be how he knew I was new.
He looks over, he is handsome. But, not my type. Because he's not a girl...
"So miss Kheeting," He smiles. "I'm not into formalities, so what's your first name?"
"Its Kristin," I smile back, putting my arm around Michelle. "Hey, just so you know... Michelle is my girlfriend."
He looks shocked, and a bit sad.
"Well, enjoy your day... Ms. Kheeting..." He did a hand signal, probably alerting the gaurds not to blow our brains all over the grass.
We walked passed and we were on our way.
Entering the village, it was a lot different then it was on the outside. People that wore normal clothes before now mostly wear grey and salmon pink colored cloaks. The buildings weren't little log cabins, now they were actual building. The village now smelled like a mixture of fresh baked pastries in some parts, a smell so sweet that my mouth began to water. And in other parts has smelled the horrible smell of smelting metal, which made me ill, from thoughts of my father. To get my mind off that I will ask Michelle some questions.
"Okay, question time." I look over at her as we walk.
"What do the different color cloaks mean?"
"We will get into that later, I will tutor you but basically, a different color cloak represents a different parent."
"So, Ribia... What color would I wear, and who is... She?" I ask, not knowing if Ribia is a she or a he.
"She," Michelle confirms. "She is the goddess of thought, that's like a lime green. Which by the way if you ask is not my parent. But like I said we will get into that later, after you are registered."
"So why did the village look different on the outside?" I question.
"A little disguise mechanism." She said.
"Okay, okay cool." I say. "How do people keep automatically knowing that I'm special? The king said I smell different?"
"The 'King' was gifted with that. But he's not really the king, he's being kind of a dictator and lf the village in the first place if you weren't special"
"Why have a disguise mechanism if normal people cant see the village to begin with?"
"To hide from our enemies..." She says.
"Oh, enemies..." I say worried.
"Well, we are a small village, we don't get attacked that much to begin with"
When we reach the register office, Michelle holds the door and gestures me to walk in. The place smells weird to me like, burning rubber.
The lady gestures me to have a seat, without looking up at me to focused on her work. Sitting down with Michelle, I look back up at the lady.
"If you want to be on her good side. Don't scream when she looks up." Michelle whispers quietly into my ear. Did I hear her right?
"Okay I'll take you girl," she says pointing at me still engaged in her work. "The next door on your right" She finally looks up at me.
Michelle told me not to scream, before I could tell myself that it turned into a strange gasp.
"Yes," The Freak Lady sighs. "Im weird." She has three eyes.
I just keep staring in shock, unable to move my mouth.
"Okay, Ms. Dreeder, we will be going now...." Michelle grabs me by the shoulders and pulls me into the room that the lady had originally pointed to.
When we got through the door Michelle said "Well it wasn't a scream and you didn't faint, so she probably won't hate you."
"What is that thing!" I exclaimed in a hushed voice.
"Don't be so rude. You need to get used to things like that or you'll never survive." Michelle said in a stern voice like I said something really ignorant. "I, I am sorry... I just want you to be happy hear with me. I was going to let you ride out in the mortal world as long as possible, but they were coming for you.
Don't even ask me to explain right now... its really complicated and we need to get this done."

Michelle pulls me along into a small cubical. Its hours of boring paper work. Until they ask me for my godly parent.
Michelle answers for me before I open my mouth. "Undetermined."
"Then she will start training in a week. Did you already make housing accommodations for her?"

"Yes she will be residing with me in loft 13." Michelle smiles politely.
"Great, now we are down. Leave." She points to the door
God people here are so rude. We leave and we walk in silence to what I guess it the loft. When we get there it is pretty miserable looking. A small, and run down looking apartment building. When we get to the door marked 13, Michelle unlocks the door.
The inside doesn't look as bad as the outside. On the inside it's a pretty simple apartment. It looks cozy.
Unlike the outside, everything looks nice and refurbished. The house smells of clean laundry. Again it not top knoch, but it cozy.
"So..?" I say, "What do you guys eat here?" I ask curiously. I don't see how they would get anything here, with factories or people with proper skills. So I'm assuming no pizza and stuff like that in this town.
Does this mean no tacos... Dang, I don't see how the farm, from what I say walking through a bit of the village, seems that all the farms are privately owned.

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