Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1977728-Not-Yet-Finished
by Vilo
Rated: E · Other · Sci-fi · #1977728
An adventure into the future and far away in another galaxy.
Planet Orion

Book 1: Planet Orion

CH 1: Planet Orion


Thousands of thousands of light-years away and thousands of thousands of years away lay a planetary system consisting of seven planets. Each planet is special around the large gas giant known as the sun, each with its own colors and sizes, but none so as Orion. The third and largest planet to orbit its star in its system, its gargantuan size allows the heat of its sun to be distributed throughout the areas it shines on. In response to its large appearance, its days have greatly expanded to seventy two hours of day light on average. It is the only planet in its system to have life teeming all over, and advanced enough to have seven different humanoid societies that live across its incredible mass. None of the other tribes are as prominent and multitudinous as the Mushroom Men. Which have long been enslaved by the Lizard Lords and by other Kingdoms, they are the lowest of the social scale. Even other tribes use them as slaves and a means of trade. It is true, without the mushroom men the great wonders of the Lizard Empire and Lyons empires would not have come to fruition. I cannot deny they are great servants after generations of practice and submissions.
Through all of the dust, flying comets and floating and combusting gasses that fill the night sky with beautiful wonders. Adventure is not far away, change is coming and the day of the mushroom is coming I promise you that. The highlighted clouds that drift through the day and carry aero bacteria that create bioluminescence through the long day. It stores vast amounts of energy and when it comes to night it lights the way wherever it hovers over, whether or not it's in cloud or not, it will light the way. So basically Orion is the planet that hardly darkens, whenever it does though. That's another story, but for now with the three moons of neon colors that pain the night with its flashes of light and sparkles of the stars that glitter. For the time for change has appeared! A black, metallic coffin figure drifts near the planet Orion, to be mistaken for a comet. It appears slowly and rotates in a regular fashion through the gasses and dust. Through the illumenesence shows a being, a human being with his eyes closed and seems frozen inside the coffin through the glass. Down below is the crash site, or rather where it's going to be. There lays the Great Forest, inhabited by the mushroom men and overlooked by the Lizard Lords. Her name is Chef-Ra; a young mushroom woman adorns her mushroom bell which is attached to her head. Every Mushroom Man and woman has different colors and patterns that mark each and every Mushroom individual. Her colors were bright red with black and brown spots. Her dry, fragile skin pounded with the veins of water that circulate through her body.
Her pale skin, like others only were limited to the arms and calves where they too were the same color of her bell. With her telescope in hand she watched as she noticed a large object approach Orion at night.
"Hey sis" she yelled "There's a new comet like I have never seen before" her sister walked through the hallway of their hut with a swollen gut that stuck out. It was obvious she was pregnant and like others they carry their child and have live births. Harpers cannot fly after a certain period of time during pregnancy, which makes them vulnerable to storm and if out on the ocean, prey to the Colossus Fishes. Even the ones whom you expect to lay eggs have live births. Chaff-Ra then waddled her spore filled belly to the telescope.
"I see, it looks too close to the Lizard Lord capital Borgu, it most likely will crash down there" She looked away
"Where do you think it will crash to?" asked Chef-ra
"I cannot say, I do wish that it wouldn't hit the Lord of Lizard capital"
"Why not? They deserve it" Chaff-ra shot a dirty look to Chef-ra
"Do wish for their safety, for if that comet strikes the Lord of Lizard capital, then they shall suspect that we launched an attack upon them and they will come after us like they did years ago. Do you not remember?"
"Yes....... I remember" Chef-ra still remembered the night years ago, when a lizard official was accidentally killed but the mushroom men were immediately blamed for murder. In retaliation the Lizard army struck at every Mushroom village for thirteen days. Chef-ra remembers the fire and smoke from those days of horror. It all started when thick smoke could be seen blocking the setting sun as an explosion rocked the ground as Chef-ra, Chaff-ra and Cho-ro were playing near their house. Their parents called them in as shrieks of Mushroom men and women could be heard from other villages, the intensity grew as the ferocity of the attack grew. They hid in the water compartment where they go each day to absorb water or they will dry out. They hid in the current up to their chest and heard the Lizard Infantry come in to their house above them. Then they heard a great crash of splintering wood in front of them and the water level began to rise rapidly, drowning them until they were pulled out and onto the living room floor. The water rushed beside them as the family coughed up water; they still have to breathe air. Chaff-ra was in her parents arms when they were cut down, her midsection was cut open revealing her gender modifier organ which every Mushroom being had and was removed at a certain age. Chaff-ra was not old enough to get hers removed, since she was not of maturity. She fell down onto to the floor and rolled to the fire place nearby as her older brother and sister rushed to her side. Outside of the house the great forest caught on fire when a nearby village was caught up in flames nearby an old compost dump which had methane gas build up which caused the gigantic explosion. The flames reached their village and engulfed a tree nearby.

Then the would be slayers raised their swords as the flame engulfed tree fell done on their house and killed both their attackers but knocked Chef-Ra's and Cho-Ro's gender organs, stored in jars, which both fell on top of Chaff-Ra. Chef-Ra's gender organ fell on Chaff-Ra's open wound as the head of the burning tree activated the organ and fused with her. Their brother's jar missed her and shriveled up to the intense heat. They quickly got up and ran deep in to the woods, away from where the wind blew, they ran and ran until they rested upon Great Mountain Zarl. As they rested, they saw the forest now scared in a sea of blackness as the sun began to rise. Every now and again during their travel to find a new place to live and often hear the booming and echoes of exploding as evidence that the fire was still going. That's was eight years ago and although a lot of land was scorched, it only consisted for almost a quarter of the forest. It took two years for the fire to die down, that was when the fire encountered the Great Seasonal Storms which took out the fire. That was a long time ago, and Chef-Ra and her sister began to worry it may happen again.
"But why would they suspect that we would do such a thing that massive? We are not that smart nor have the material to do so" asked Chef-Ra. The comet began to descend onto Orion as the villagers outside look onto the clear night sky. The comet falling fast into the forest added fear into the hearts of the mushroom people, they know if it hits anything of Reptile Lords they will be sought after. The comet landed far away, South of the Mushroom Village. It slammed hard into a Reptile Lord capital Borgu and as far as the crash site was, its sound echoed to the Mushroom Village with a resounding boom. It did not take long for the horizon facing south to glow with an amber red. Fear struck the village, knowing that the reptilian village and regional castle was destroyed and now burning to a crisp. Chaff-Ra looked at her sister with her hands over her swollen belly with worry. "I think we will find out why tonight".
The flames rose high and scream and shouts of the doomed villagers and city goers rang in the hot air with fear. Bodies already burned to a crisp and some had body parts and long tails separated or torn off by the impact of the crash. The Lord's castle of Lord Borgu was in flames and collapsing to the weakened foundation. The coffin was in disarray and filled with holes as steam was coming out from evaporating water that was frozen. Inside that coffin Jumbo opened his eyes and realized he needed to breathe. The coffin exploded at Jumbo shot up into the night sky. He was faltering from his slumber for so many years as he almost lost control a couple of times. The cold wind blasted his face which helped him wake up from his long slumber. From his aerial view he could see the smoke rise from the reddish orange glow from where the original capital used to be. The bacterial light flashes next to him as he glided in the sky, Jumbo breathing in as much oxygen as possible. He looked around to see the world he was in and knew he was not on Earth anymore. He a sea of trees lighted from the night sky of wonders from space. The closest two planets were in view as far as they were. He could see the gasses twinkle in the reflected light from the sun, as well as the moon that over hung where he was. After catching his breath he flew here and there to see where he would go, after all he expect to be hunted down since he was connected to the deaths of hundreds if possible thousands that are burning below him. What was he to do? He could not make water out of thin air; he was not an elemental user. So instead of doing nothing the least he could do was help prevent the spread of the fire.
With a kick of his legs he rushed down with his body glowing a bluish red. He slammed into the ground creating a crater with trees and foliage pushed away from the impact and fired his built up energy. He fired into the ground and uprooted trees and blasted away dirt and began to walk forward. He pushed with all his might spilling vegetation and earth left and right leaving the ground scorched and already spent so no more fire would catch. His arms outstretched and letting his massive energy beam destroy the fire material below. He continued this for two hours in a diagonal line ten feet under the surface of the ground. Jumbo felt the blaze above him and how blistering hot it was, then behind him Lizard Folk and Officials began to jump in with burned bodies. Revitalized with the impressive inferno he left into the night against the wind and landed behind the controlled fire. He landed on a massive tree branch and looked out to the direction of the fire. It's amber glow began to fade and the image of the smoke began to disappear into the night where the aero bacteria once again ruled the sky, this time with more power because of the massive buildup of heat and carbon dioxide from the fire below. He laid down and began to drift off into slumber once again. "Where am I" Jumbo muttered before he dosed back off to sleep. The use of his energy beam left him exhausted especially the event occurring at night and he has not been under the heat of a warm sun in years, frozen.
Back at the mushroom village Chef-Ra and her sister saw in awe of how quickly the fire was quenched. Even with stunned looks they still were worried about a possible retaliation from the Lizard Lords. A bell began to ring and the village leaders began to round the people up for late night work. Cheff-Ra always stayed behind as the majority of the village was summoned to clean up what was left of the capital. "Be safe sister, please don't end up like Cho-Ro", they hugged "I will be careful" as Chef-ra began to exit the house. They will never forget to what happened to Cho-Ro, it all was four years ago when the Mushroom men were working on taking down a city and relocating every single brick and beam of wood to a farther location.

© Copyright 2014 Vilo (bmachulesb at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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