Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1977727-Mommy-Dearest
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #1977727
Mom and son have a time
Seventeen year old Jon stood beside the bedroom door listening intently to his parents talking downstairs. He had been waiting for this moment for weeks and it was finally here. Soon he would have a whole week alone with his mother.

"Here's the number of the hotel I'll be staying at," he heard Martin, his father, say.

'C'mon,' thought Jon. 'Hurry up and leave already!'

"Okay," said Jon's beautiful mother Diane.

"I love you," said Martin.

"I love you, too," said Diane as she kissed her husband goodbye. Rage and jealousy flared through Jon's heart.

Jon listened carefully, his cock throbbing at the sound of every step his father took toward the door. At long last, Jon heard the front door click shut. He waited intently as he heard the doors to his father's car open and shut. Finally, its engine revved up and the car was out the driveway. Jon couldn't hold back his smile.

Jon walked down the stairs with the massive erection in his pants. He was met by his mother, smiling at him as she watched her oldest son make his way into the living room.

Jon admired his mother's beauty. His mother was a beautiful, curvy woman in her forties with full buttocks and B-cup breasts that didn't have a hint of sag. She had shiny red hair that fell to her shoulders and glasses that were perfectly suited to her job as a teacher.

Jon had been planning this day ever since he heard his father talk of the trip he would have to make. He knew that his mother wouldn’t be up for the “challenge”, but he thought he had a way of getting her into the “position” he needed her to be in so that he could release his aggression on her.

It had been a long time ago that Jon had realized he was “different”. He wasn’t like the other boys at school. When he was 11, Jon was made fun of by the boys in the locker room due to his rather large endowment. At 11, his cock was right around eight inches long and about six inches in circumference. Not what you would expect from a boy that age. Hell, it was larger than most men then.

As he grew, so did his cock. At seventeen, Jon sported a good 11 ½” in length and right at 8 inches in circumference. By far the largest cock around, and that caused him some major difficulties with girls his age. Some would want to see it, just out of curiosity. But none, minus one, would dare try to tame it.

He had gotten quite a few hand jobs, and a few blow jobs, but only one girl tried to fuck him. She was his younger cousin, and at 15 she tried her hardest to let him fuck her. It was more for the bragging rights of saying she had taken a cock that big. He only got about half of it in her, before she balked and made him stop. He was tired of not getting any, and had decided that come hell or high water, he would fuck someone.

This all came to planning when his dad informed them that he was going out of town. Jon had always thought of his mom as somewhat of a looker. He had even gone so far as to fantasize about the things he could do to her. Now he had come full circle, and had planned what he WOULD do to her. Jon knew that he had all the time he would need. This was going to be a long week for his mother, in more ways than one.

Jon stood at the base of the stairs eyeing his mother, the determination beginning to creep out of him. Slowly he walked to where she had taken her seat. At 6’3, he towered over her, and his 240 pound frame was something to be admired. He stood over her watching as she flipped through the channels on the T.V. in a feeble attempt at finding something to watch.

She looked up at him, smiling in that smile that drove his desires wild, and spoke. “What’s up honey?”

Jon had anticipated his mother having a very soft and accepting demeanor, but his impending actions were far from soft and accepting. Jon slowly bent over and placed his hands on her wrists as they rested on the arms of the chair, his grip slowly tightening as he stared into her face.

Her eyes began to widen with the strength he was showing her as she gasped. “Jon, you’re hurting me,” she complained.

Jon didn’t take any more time to delay his plan. He quickly pulled her from the chair and in one motion had her over his shoulder. She screamed out as he did this, but he acted so fast that she didn’t have time to react. Slowly and methodically he carried his kicking and screaming mother through the house to his room, which he had already set up.

When he arrived at his room, he tossed her onto the bed. She was wearing loose fitting shorts and a tee-shirt, and they both showed the signs of her struggle. She immediately jumped up screaming vulgarities at him, but was met by a swift backhand that knocked her to the floor. There she sat looking up at him with tears in her eyes and a red mark on her face.

“What are you doing Jon? You don’t treat me like this. Are you on drugs or something?” she asked through tears and fear.

“Don’t worry about me mom. You need to be concerned with you,” he said in a deep momotone voice that she had never heard.

Her fear began to surface as he stepped to her and grabbed her by the arms lifting her up to stand. She tried in vain to slap him, but her assault was thwarted and she met the back of his hand yet again. This time it didn’t knock her down, but spun her around in almost 360 degrees.

Jon smiled as he knew he was now in full charge of the situation. “Get on my bed,” Jon ordered, his voice still monotone and deep. His mother looked up at him and slowly her eyes began to plead with him. She didn’t move, only began to shudder and cry a little harder.

“I said get on the bed,” he said a little sterner. She still didn’t move, and placed her hands in a defensive position to protect herself.

“Listen bitch, you can move on your own accord or I can make you. The choice is yours, but you WILL do what I say, or I will do it for you,” he said.

Slowly and through streaming tears, she climbed on the bed and sat down. She was still cowering from him and covering herself as he stood and watched her acquiesce to his orders. Jon folded his arms as he barked more orders.

“Now you can begin by taking your shirt off,” was his next demand.

She sobbed and began to beg him not to do this. This only brought about Jon putting his hands down and taking a step in her direction. She immediately cried out and pulled her shirt over her head, revealing no bra and beautiful B-cup tits. Perfect with nicely shaped nipples, and absolutely no age showing in them despite her 40 plus years.

“Good, now the shorts.”

She knew this was coming, after the order to remove her shirt, but she wasn’t prepared for it. She immediately screamed out at him cussing him and verbally abusing him. This only fueled him more as he again backhanded her knocking her back on the bed. This left her on her back, covering her face, which was tear soaked and red from the assaults. Jon took the opportunity to grab her shorts and attempt to pull them off, to which she kicked and fought.

Jon took that as a hint that this was going to be the fun option, with him doing all the work. He was ok with this, as he had pretty much figured that would be how this would go, so he had planned for it. He had already attached restraints to the four corners of his bed.

As she tried to kick her way away from him, Jon grabbed an ankle and swiftly placed it in the restraint. He was quick enough to illicit a scream and take her off guard while he grabbed the other ankle and place it in other restraint at the bottom of his bed, spreading her legs. She leaned up to grab the restraints and Jon sat back and laughed out loud. She was not going to be able to get them off, they were police issue handcuffs, courtesy of his detective uncle.

She screamed out at Jon, reprimanding him and ordering him to let her go. Jon just laughed and watched as she made her situation worse trying to pull free from the cuffs. “You won’t pull out of them, they were made so you can’t. You need to understand who is in charge here, and it isn’t you,” Jon said softly and deeply as he walked to the side of his bed. Standing there he admired his mother as she made feeble attempts to free herself. Then, when she couldn’t do that, she started swinging her arms at him. He was just out of reach, and would mock her by stepping inside her reach so she could graze him with one of her swings.

He enjoyed this little game he was playing, and when he had enough of it, he again backhanded her, knocking her backwards on the bed. He was like a lion pouncing on a prey as he grabbed her first wrist and secured it above her head and outstretched. Making sure the cuff was tight, he walked around to the other. She tried again to strike him and he caught her wrist and immediately secured it tightly.

Standing back, Jon admired his conquest. Here in his bed, laid his mother topless and strapped down. Her arms were outstretched over her head and to the corners of his queen sized bed, as her legs were stretched the same below her. He admired her from all angles as he walked around the bed. This was exactly what he wanted, although it would have been interesting had she not fought him, he was ok with how this had turned out.

She continually begged him to let her go and nothing would ever be said about it, but Jon had other ideas. As he made his way back to the foot of the bed, he had grabbed a pocket knife from his nightstand. Opening the knife he knelt between her trembling legs as he ran his hands up them to her thighs. Grabbing her shorts and pulling the leg of them away from her, he placed the knife inside them and began to slice his way slowly up the shorts until he had reached the waistband. A little more effort and he had sliced through it too. The other leg of the shorts met the same fate and he pulled the shorts from underneath her and tossed them on her face.

She shook her head violently to rid it of the shorts, and when she finally did, she saw him as he placed the knife under her panties on her hip. Repeating the action from her shorts, he removed her panties and sat back on his heels as he viewed her newly shaven snatch.

“Damn mom, you shaved that pussy just for me. How thoughtful of you,” he said in an approving tone.

She laid there crying, not moving but heaving from the sobbing. She had never dreamed of something like this happening to her, and most certainly not from her son. She knew deep down how this was going to end, the only thing in question was to what extent.

Jon stood next to the bed and began to take his shirt off. Once off, he stood there and let her look upon his physique. He was a marvelous specimen of a man, and he worked hard to maintain it. Slowly he took his shorts down, and with it, his boxers. When he was naked, he stood tall, and his mother caught the first glimpse of his manhood. She had seen him when he was a young boy, and knew he was a little larger than most boys. But she had not laid eyes on his cock in over 10 years. Her eyes opened wider than she knew they could looking at one of, if not, the biggest cocks she had ever seen.

Jon stood there and wrapped his hands around his cock stroking it slowly as he watched her face. His hands were not small, but they barely wrapped around its girth, and the act of stroking it was not a small task considering its length. Slowly he walked to the foot of the bed, constantly stroking his cock. The ropes attached to the cuffs were tied to the foot board of his bed and he untied them holding on to the ropes. Pulling the ropes up, he drug her feet up to where they were next to her head. Thankfully she was flexible, and he tied the ropes next to her hands. This left her in quite the position, folded over and displaying her pussy and ass to him.

Jon rested on his heels as he surveyed the situation. Here was his mother, strapped to his bed and splayed out for his taking. There was a part of it, albeit a small one, that had some reservations about this. But that part was so small it didn’t have a voice in this. Jon scooted himself up and began to slap her pussy with his mammoth cock.

He listened to his mother go from sobbing, to gasping, to squeals of some pain as he slapped her pussy lips with his cock. Finally he stopped and slid the head of his cock up and down her slit. Her breathing was quick, and he knew there was some excitement in her from this, as was evident in her wetness.

Slowly, he pushed the tip of his cock into her and stopped. It was beyond a tight fit. For a woman of 40 plus years old, she was not as tight as his cousin, but it was still like trying to push into a cheerio. Positioning himself, he prepared to fully insert his cock in her. Well, the more he thought about it, he was about to impale his mother on his massive cock.

He reached up and grabbed her ankles as he pushed a little more in her, and she began to beg him screaming at him not to do this. Her last discernable word was please, right before he slammed all of his cock into her. Bottoming out in her womb as his balls rested against her anus.

The shriek that came from her could probably have been heard down the street. Jon thought about checking his ears to see if they were bleeding, but the thought left him as he pulled completely out of her. Looking down, he saw her gaping cunt as he pushed into fully again. Again, he was met with a shriek, which was cut short when he pulled out and slammed into her again, a rhythm he began to mount.

His thrusts were violent and vengeful, causing her breath to be taken from her with each thrust. He was pushing into her with more force than even he thought he would ever have. Again and again his large cock would appear at the edge of her opening and then rapidly disappear until his hips met hers, bottoming him out inside her.

Her shrieks slowly turned to grunts and groans. He was lost in the act of plunging his cock into his mother, and didn’t realize there was a point where her cries turned to wanton desire. As his thrusts slowed and became violent slams of his cock into her, he looked down and saw her looking at him with insatiable lust.

“FUCK ME!” she cried out to him.

Jon reached down and placed his hand across her throat, squeezing and taking the air out of her as he began his thrusts again. She couldn’t breathe and he watched her face turn red before he let her get some air. But just as she gasped for air, he closed her airway again, thrusting harder and faster.

He watched her face and saw what he believed to be the beginning of her orgasm, so he let go of her throat letting her breathe. As she took in a huge breath of air, she began to scream out, “I’M CUMMING!” Having read that if you deprive a woman of air when she is cumming, her orgasm will be more intense, he closed her airway again.

His mother began to convulse from orgasm, and the act of choking her caused it to be 100 times more powerful. Jon could feel the walls of her already tight pussy constrict around his cock, causing the tightness to be amplified.

He let go of her throat, only to release guttural grunts from her as he thrust. Watching her, he knew she had blacked out, her body was limp to his ministrations. Jon slowed his thrust, and withdrew his cock from her pussy. Looking down, he could see her juices as they dripped from his large manhood.

Not wasting any time, he pushed the head of his cock against her darkened anal entrance. She was still out of it and made no attempt to stop him. Slowly he pushed the head into her ass, and when he felt it give way to his cock, he stopped to revel in the newfound tightness.

Once he had given her ass muscles a chance to adjust, he began the slow methodical push into her ass. In the middle of all this, she became aware of what was being done to her. Her eyes shot wide as the pain introduced itself to her, and out of her mouth came another shriek that would end all shrieks.

Once Jon was fully inserted into her ass, he allowed her adjust to him. He didn’t give her long, only a few seconds, and he began to pull out and then thrust back into her. Initially his thrusts weren’t as rough as his initial fucking of her, but slowly they began to increase in force and speed. This happened until he was fucking her in the ass as hard as he was in her cunt.

Her screams and sobs could be heard throughout the baron house. Jon reveled in the thought of what he was doing and how he had a full week of this coming. Harder and harder he pumped his thick cock in to and out of her ass. It didn’t take too long before her demeanor had changed back to the way it was when he was fucking her cunt. She was now grunting and begging him to fuck her ass.

This began to drive him over the edge. He could feel his cum building in his cock, something he had learned to realize in all his masturbation sessions. As he neared that point of no return, he pulled his cock out of her ass completely and stood up on the bed leaning in on the back of her thighs. This act pushed her legs and his cock closer to her face.

Stroking his cock with wild abandon, he felt it begin. All his previous releases had proved to him that he was not only abnormal in the size of his cock, but also in the amount of cum that shot out of it. As the first string of cum exited his cock, it landed on her face, right where he had aimed.

The following spurts began to cover her face and hair, and as he neared the end he aimed for her small tits. When he was done, he looked down while trying to catch his breath, and saw his mother below him. Her face was covered in a mixture of his cum and her own tears.

Stepping back, he stepped off the bed and stood next to the bed. Leaning over he wiped some cum from her eyes so she could see him. “That was day one of the beginning. We have a whole week of this, and you can expect nothing less than what you just got. You are my bitch now, and you will do anything and everything that I order you to. Do you understand?” he asked. She didn’t say anything, only shook her head in affirmative confirmation.

Undoing her wrists and ankles, he set her free, only to watch her curl in the fetal position. As he stood there and watched her sob, he put his clothes back on and walked to the door. Turning around to face her, he gave his last order for the moment. “Don’t worry about clothes, it will only delay what is coming to you” he said.

He walked out of the room, having defiled his mother, but knowing he was now in possession of a new fuck slave.
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