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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1977617
I wrote this fan fiction with two of the character's from Dragon Age Origins.
Please note that I do not own these character's, they are Biowear's

We were about a half days journey from the base of the mountains. The morning air had a slight chill to it as I came out of my tent from being so close to the pass. Glancing around to see who was awake, I spotted Leilana, Sten and Zevran, each busy with their morning habit. Sten had taken it upon himself to care for Cayne if I wasn’t awake, I watched him as he throw a large bone the hound insisted on dragging with us. The pair had become rather close as we traveled.
In the tent next to mine I could hear Alistair cursing at or about something. When he finally came out his face was dark. I walked over to him to see if I could help in anyway.
“Are you okay?” I asked
“I’ll be fine.” His answer was cross
“Alistair, you need to let your rage out.” I said softly
“And how might you suggest that I let my “rage” out Elissa?” I could see him gritting his teeth as he spoke. I knew that he was still angry at the way things had turned out between him and Goldanna in Denerim.
“Come and I’ll show you.” I reached for his hand and lead him to a clearing not far from the camp. Looking around I found two small stick to serve for my daggers and a larger one to serve as his sword. I threw the larger one to him. When he caught it, I saw that he knew what I had meant by letting his rage out I unlaced my leather breast plate to move quicker with just my shirt and he did the same with his. I moved in to my fighting position and raised the sticks to show him I was ready. We began to circle each other, watching each other’s steps. When he brought his weapon close to him I attacked, he counter by blocking me then moving on to his own against me. With each step I took he moved to match mine, dancing in attack we made against other. I would twist and turn to catch him off guard but it was almost as if he read me like a book and counter attacked.
I knew the noise we were causing would draw the others to come; out of the corner of my eye I could see Leilana and Zevran watching us.
“They dance so well together.” I heard her say.
Alistair and I continued to follow each others movements. I could feel the adrenaline fueling each attack, both of us dripped in sweat. My shirt was sticking to me like a second skin. In one final attempt brought on my frustration, I brought my leg up in a kick to knock him down. I was surprised when I felt his hand grip my ankle. I looked at him, his chest raised up and down in breath. The look in his eyes had gone from rage to something else; it was a look I had never seen in him. Dropping my sticks, I stared back him. Both of us were done
“Umm, I think this is the time when we leave, dear Lei.” I heard Zevran say to Leilana. I could hear them making their way from us.
Alistair still griped my ankle but I could feel him loosen the hold he had. Slowly he moved his hand lower down my leg till it rested below my knee. Without realizing it I let me body relax, I was still breathing hard but for another reason. I had never seen him this way; so many emotions ran through his face. Nervousness, passion and fear poured out through his face. I let him pull me closer to his body; slowly he released my leg, but ran his hand along my backside till it rested on the small of my back. I felt him began to shake. Pulling me even closer till there was nothing between us, his arms were strong and they wrapped around me. I dared to bring my hands to his chest, I could feel him breathing deeper. Gently I moved them upward towards his neck; he had made his move now I needed to make mine. I pulled him down, bringing his lips to mine. I had denied to everyone including myself that they only real feelings that had for him was a friendship , but being this close to him I wanted nothing more than to forget about the rest of the world. The kiss grew in strength as we pulled each other closer, our mouths parted and we tasted each other for the first time. I could feel his hands under my shirt moving up my back, his fingers taking in as much as they could. My knees began to buckle and I found it hard to stand, but he held me up.
We only parted for a moment, long enough for him to pick me up. I wrap my legs round his waist as we began to fall to the grass below. On the ground I let him wander about my body, his lips gently caressed my neck and I felt a shiver go up my spine. As they moved lower his hand brought up my shirt till it rested across my breasts, soon he found my belly and slowly laid tiny kisses upon it. Looking down at him, we caught each other gaze. Staring hard in to each others eyes we both knew where this was going to go if we didn’t stop now. Nervously I slipped out from underneath him and sat up.
“Was that too soon?” He asked as he sat back on his heels.
I smiled at him while I bit my lower lip. “I don’t know, I think I need more testing.”
“You know that can be arranged.” He crawled closer to me, as we kissed once more, this time slower and softer. I wanted to continue but he broke away from me.
“Maker’s breath, but you are beautiful. I am truly a lucky man.” He whispered as I laid my head back in the grass. In that moment I felt a whole again. A felling I had long forgotten since Howe had taken away my family. With his head resting on my stomach I ran my hands through his short blond hair, I closed my eyes taking in the forest around us. So quiet and still, in the distance I could hear talking in the camp. They would come looking for us soon now that the fighting had stop, I was sure of it.
“Alistair?” I looked down at him.
“Yes.” His voice was soft like silk.
“I think we need to get back before the others come looking for us.”
“I umm think you might be right.” Slowly he got to his feet and reached out for my hand to help me up. “ I think you might walk back first, I’ll be along in just a moment.”
“Oh all right.” I was a little shocked that he didn’t want to go back to camp with me. As I turned to go he grabbed my hand and brought to his lips and gently kissed it.
“My lady.” Alistair whispered.
© Copyright 2014 Oktober Stephens (oktober at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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