Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1977396-The-Story-Of-The-End
by Sparky
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1977396
a boy who is an alien from a different world come across a great danger.

Chapter 1 Future

The world was dark and filled with smoke, all that was in this world was death and pain, as the sky turnd red and started to fill with blood. A evil creature came out of the shadows of a million dead bodys, he had black skin and a tail bigger than a small car, his thin body was almost human shaped but he looked more like an alien from a different world, he just looked around looking for his next kill, he walked for miles and miles and found nobody to kill, as he stood on a hill filled with blood he said “i need to kill its all I have to live for, I can go back in time and kill more humans, but that would mean this world I have made will not be around no more”
As he started to get ready to back in time there was a bright light, it was the sun but he had only come out at night, he felt the warm heat that came from the sun and wished for death, but just seconds after he thought that a new creature came out of the darkness to fight the evil creature, he arm turnd into a sword and he was getting bigger in size, he was almost bigger than a house, as the evil creature saw this he turned into a small female child, the other creature fell in pain from the heart, as what he saw was his best friend who he saw die right infront of him hours ago.

The blue creature awoke from a dream that was the future but when he awoke he was a human and not the blue creature.
He told his parents about the dream and after that they told him the turth.

Chapter 2 Truth

They were an alien race from a different world, when they dream of the future it means they will soon be able to transform into a new creature that no humans know about, the creature could have a tail or have a big head, but the tail almost none of the creatures get, if they have a tail it means they will be great warriors who are ment to help people or kill people. They then told him what there colours mean if they are good or bad, black means bad, blue means good, white means good and bad and pink means they are not good but are not bad.
After a few days past he started to transform into a blue creature during his school break, he took out his phone and told his parents that he was turning blue, they rushed to his school and told the head teacher that they needed to take there son home, since the head teacher knew what was going on he let him go home, they did not know how he knew what was going on but the trust they had for the head teacher went down.
As they got home he transformed into a creature with a blue body and with a tail, his body was thin and he could make his hands turn into weapons, they taught him how to become a human again
but if he stays in his alien form he will live forever unless he is killed by the same alien race. He was not worryed about that since he thought that there is none of the same alien race in the world other than his family, but then he rememberd his dream and thought again, he asked his parents to transform just to make sure they are not evil, he was thankfull that they were both blue, he asked about his older sister and they told him not to worry.
The day went like any other day, He played video games and watched some TV, he started to want to learn about his powers so he transformed and started to try out his shapeshifting powers, he turnd into a giant bird, a lion, a dog, a snake and a dinosaur, he was happy with what he could do but he wanted more powers. He went to his parents and asked about the powers he could learn, they told him he could learn any powers but it would take time. He wanted to learn how to make illusions to trick the creatures or people he might go into battle with. It took him a while but he managed to create a small illusion, it was the size of a small bedroom but he wanted bigger, the biggest he got was the size of his house, he thought to himself that it will do for now. He wanted to learn how to get bigger but that took a lot longer than he wanted it to. He can now grow to the size of a door when his actual hight is half the size of a door.

Chapter 3 School

When he went back to school the head teacher called him into his office, as he was going to the office people were looking at him verry strangely, he passed his friend and asked what was going on, his friend just walked away from him as he continued to walk to the office the school bullys pushed him onto the ground, he scream “WHAT WAS THAT FOR” they all just looked at him like he was a monster, he arrived at the head teachers office but he could not see him, he then turned around and he saw the black creature that was in his dream, it said “were do you think you are going” as he was in shock he transformed and charged at the black creature without thinking, people saw that he was an alien then they all left the school building in fear, the black creature then charged and missed him. The only people that were in the building were a group of students that transformed into black creatures and they were staying behind there leader, witch was the head teacher. Not long after that there was a long battle that went on for what felt like hours, but it was only a dream as he awoke again, he heard somone shout “lewis get out of bed now or there will be no TV for the rest of the day” he soon got out of bed and ran right to the kitchen to get something to eat, after he ate his food he got ready for school and went to the bus stop.

He got on the bus and sat next to his best friend Ally, she said “you almost missed the bus again and if you did miss it you know what will happen right”
lewis just looked at her and smiled then said “yeah I do know what will happen but it will never happen”.

As they arrived at school there was a giant fire, they were thinking that they would get to stay off of school but they were wrong, they had to do there lessons outside, this was really annoying lewis thought, but he then noticed he had a blue arm. He thought to himself I thought that was just a dream,
he then asked to go to the toilet but the problem was the school was on fire so there were no toilets, he got told to go behind a bush he did this and now both of his arms turnd blue, he tried to turn them back into human arms, after a few minutes he managed to make them human again, he told the teacher he was not feeling very well, the reason for this was because he was in pain from making his arms human again.

Chapter 4 Back at home

After a hour or two he got sent home and his parents were not very happy that he got out of school. They asked him why he was not feeling very well, he showed them that his arms were turning blue, a few minutes after they told him to stay here and his older sister will look after him. His sister April came down and told him to get dressed since she was going out and had to take him with her, she told him to stay with her when they went out to the shops, he asked if he could get something but since she was in a hurry she said no.

When they arrived at the shops there was a dark creature that was attacking some people, he noticed it was the creature that was in his dream again, but this time he was awake and ready to fight, as he transformed his sister told him not to otherwise they would end up getting killed, he did not listen to her so he just transformed into the blue creature and used the powers he learned and got bigger in size, he charged at the black creature but it just vanished and got behind him, the creatures arm turnd into a sword and he swung his arm at lewis but his sister stopped the black creature but she almost got heself killed, she thought to herself the creatured was very weak they are normaly stronger than that. She quickly turnd lewis back into his human form although he did not know how, she quickly took him home and called there parents.

April told her parents that lewis has started to master his alien form quicker then they thought he would, his parents came home with a very old man that looked like he was over 100 years old, lewis just look at him in shock then asked how old he was and the old man said 1000, lewis then said that is not even possible, but the old man turned into a blue craeture witch left lewis very confuesed, the old man said that he would teach lewis about his powers but first he must learn how to clear his mind. It took lewis 3 days before he gave up and went to his sister for help, his sister just said that he has to do this on his own.

Lewis went back into the garden and tried to clear his mind again but just when he started the old man told him he was doing it wrong, lewis then said how am I ment to do it then, the old man told him to just relax and not get stressed about it, it took him over a month to be able to clear his mind and he told the old man that he could clear his mind.

Chapter 5 Training

They went to a old building to do there training, the old man taught lewis how to fight first since it was the best thing to start with, it took him 3 months to learn how to fight at a basic level, after a while he started getting stronger and quicker, his fighting also improved more then the old man thought it would, the old man told lewis that it was time for a break, as lewis sat down he asked the old man what his name was witch led to the old man saying that he will find out when he is older.

Lewis went back home after some more training but only his sister was home, he found this odd since his parents are always there to see him come home, he asked his sister were they were and she said that they went out to find another trainer for him.

When his parents got home they ran right into the house because of a creature that was more powerful than them. Lewis wanted to fight the creature but they would not let him go because he had not finished his training, the creature died after the old man cut its head off, the creature turnd to dust after it died so no human would ever have proof that aliens were real.

Lewis went back to the building were he was training but was not sure what to do since the old man was not there, he looked around to try and find the old man, after a while he gave up and started to try and learn new powers, since the old man was not there he thought he could learn how to locate people with a power, but he had no clue on how that would work so he just tried to go invisible, going invisible was not very hard since he managed to go invisible very quickly, it took him less than a day to master it, he then thought to himself maybe he could learn how to multiply his body, mainly because it would help him fight his openents.

About a weak later he managed to multiply his body once but he needed to be able to get more than one clone, well thats what he thought but just when he started to train again the old man came back, with a shocked look on the old mans face to see two of his student, he told lewis to go back into one form and lewis did as told, the old man told him that learning to multiply is one of the hardest things any of there alien race could learn, the old man then told him about another power that could help him, the power was to be able to make eggs that become anything that the creator wants them to be, lewis found this quite cool that he might be able to lay eggs, but what he did not know is the eggs came out of the mouth, after the old man told him that he felt like he was going to be sick.

Chapter 6 Eggs

as lewis started to learn how to make eggs it started to make him feel even more sick each time he tried to lay an egg, afte a while the old man told him to keep going even if he feels like he will sick as that means the egg is almost ready. It took about 3 months before he could even lay one egg, the old man just kept telling him to practace every day until he can lay ten eggs.

Lewis managed to lay ten eggs after another 2 month.

Chapter 7 The Master

It was almost a year since lewis could turn into his alien form, lewis managed to learn lots of new powers in that year then he started actully fighting the dark creatures, but he did not know the name of his alien race, he asked his parents what there alien race was called and they said they were called The End, this was a odd name lewis thought but he was just happy that he knew the name of his alien race. Lewis parents got lewis a new master to help him train since the old man got killed in a battle with another creature. It took lewis a while to like his new master but could this new master be trusted. Lewis asked his new master what colour he was in his alien form, the new master hit lewis for asking sush a question, mainly because he did not want anyone to know.

As lewis went back home a new creature came out of the shadows of a building, this creature was not like any creature he had seen before, this creature was coloured gray and had more than one tail and four arms, the new creature charged at lewis but missed him, lewis transformed into his alien form and made a clone that transformed into a giant sword, as lewis swung the sword he cut off one of the creatures arms and a tail, it took lewis almost an hour to finally kill the creature by cutting it in half, the creature just turned into a giant ball of fire then vanished.

Chapter 8 The truth of the new master

lewis new master was at lewis house waiting for him to return and said how did you like my friend,
lewis said “you made that creature it almost killed me”
New Master “it was ment to kill you lewis, I can not let you live in this world anymore”
Lewis “well then it looks like you will have to kill me yourself”
as the master transformed into the evil creature from his first dream of the future lewis started to panic, but lewis managed to transform even though it was the creature that killed his best friend in his dream of the future. Lewis just said “i will kill you, you should not even be alive, since I know what your plan is, its to take over this world by killing all the humans”
The master just looked at him and charged at lewis.
Lewis got out of the way of the attack and swung his arm sword at him, lewis then asked what his name was and he replyed with Darkness.

Chapter 9 Lewis VS Darkness

lewis jumped back since darkness vanished into the shadows that were around the house, lewis ran straight outside and there were was a army of dark creatures, lewis was just standing there in shock of what he saw, he thought to himself I cant beat all of them on my own im gunna have to clone myself, as lewis started to make clones of himself the dark creatures charged at him, lewis managed to make some clones just before they got to him. A long battle was going on for hours and hours, Lewis managed to kill all of the dark creatures, then darkness came out of the shadows and charged at lewis. Lewis and darkness started to fight at full power, not long after that darkness came across a young girl that was about lewis age and asked what her name was and she said Ally, this put a grin on his face as he grabed her and showed her to lewis, lewis told him to let her go but he just went to chop her head off but she vanished and appeard next to lewis, lewis asked her how she did that and she just transformed into a blue alien creature just like lewis, there were some differences like her body was thiner, she was more flexible and she looked more like a female. Her alien form looked like it was wearing a dress, lewis then asked Ally why she did not tell him she was a alien, she replyed with “well you did not tell me”
As lewis and Ally agreed to stop darkness together something happened to the sky it turnd red then there were screams, screams of childs, males and females, the people were all dying because of the other part of the army darkness had set up, lewis told ally to help all the people she could while he faught darkness, she went to help the people and he faught darkness it then started to rain but it was not normal rain, it was blood from all of the people that were killed, it filled the sky and made lewis feel more pain than he has ever felt in his life, all the people that died he could not help them, this made him feel even more pain, he then grew bigger and bigger, he got bigger than a house then bigger than a hotel he just kept growing, he then stoped growing and attacked darkness, lewis stomped on darkness and all he say was the blood that darkness left behind, lewis found it odd that he did not turn to dust like the others, he did not even turn into a fireball, he just died and his bosy was just laying there not even moving, then the world started to crack on the surface, the land that lewis was on was breaking into a thousand parts then lewis fell right to the center of the earth.

Chapter 10 The true end of the world

as lewis got up he say a bright glowing orb, it was the center of the earth it was slowly breaking into millions of parts, lewis tried to stop it from breaking but just made it fall apart even more, lava was coming from all directions and started to hit the core of the world, not long after that the world was cracking into millions of parts then the world exploded.

All that was left in space were rocks even the sun was destroyed all that was there was the dark, it went on forever no light to be seen. Could this be the true end of the world. Soon a giant light came it was a giant spaceship filled with humans and even lewis, his friends and his family, who did this lewis thought he looked up to see Ally his best friend and his family.

Chapeter 11 Spaceship

what was this spaceship for, and how did I get here lewis thought.

Lewis went around the ship to find its pilot but he found no pilot, it was on auto pilot with a message on the monitor, This is your new home.

Lewis went to his sister and showed her the message she told him that this is the old mans spaceship, lewis then asked his sister what the old mans name was, she just said his name was hope, he picked that name because he had a lot of hope for all the people in the world but now there is no world, this was the planet that he made, most people know him as god but his real name is hope.

The End

You cannot copy this story at all!!!
© Copyright 2014 Sparky (truesparky at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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