Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1976874-Diversity-is-strength
by Amber
Rated: E · Other · Inspirational · #1976874
Discussing how the world's view on differences is flawed.
Strength in Difference  
This emerald’s green
And this emerald‘s gold
We’re of the same stone
But differently sold

My face is white
His face is black
We’re in the same race
But on different tracks

The sun sees all yellow
The moon sees all white
We have different views
They say both can’t be right

I see the angels
He sees the pope
We both praise our God
But have different hope

A gazelle munches grass
A lion stalks meat
They’re on the same plain
But rarely do greet

I watch TV
He toils away
We inhabit America
But live different days

The emerald of green
And the emerald of gold
Live side by side
While both growing old

The sun with its yellow
The moon with its white
Both shine in the sky
Both use the same light

The bloodthirsty lion
The gentle gazelle
They help each other live
They make the other well

If nature works together
When left to itself
Why can’t we just try to
Put our pride on the shelf

We have different faces,
But what does that mean
God made us special
As we each should’ve seen

Our lives are all different
But why should we worry
That gives us all strengths
To forgive we should hurry

Our beliefs really vary
But we should all understand
All these views can soon show us
There’s a greater plan

So remember we’re different
But that’s no need for fears
If we all work together
There can be no more tears
© Copyright 2014 Amber (mbrselley at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1976874-Diversity-is-strength