Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1976615-Attic-Of-Stars
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Comedy · #1976615
Strange days and dead dudes...
Attic of Stars

         For many years, Manson and Wendy have been freightened of the attic. In 2009 their parents took them on a rode trip to Disney World. They were gone just a week, but when they returned they felt like strangers in their own house. The parents soon forgot, but the children remained disturbed. Sometimes they would hear strange, musical noises coming from the attic. Of course, the whole family is terrified of heights, so no one has ever been up there before. As soon as they moved into the home, they closed up the attic, and never set foot in it.
         One summer day, Manson and his black haired friend Damien, were playing in the yard. They blew bubbles and ran a muck all day. The sun began to sink, and they decided to turn in. Just then, something caught their eyes. For just a second, there was a ghostly figure in the window. It was not just any window either; it was the window to the attic. The boys looked at each other with a kind of horror on their faces. They ran inside, and told Manson's parents. The parents just shook their heads and told the silly boys to go to bed. Manson and Damien were up all night, just in case the boogey man came to get them.
         After a few weeks, Manson and Damien got over their fears of the attic. Now, they decided, was the perfect time to use their knowledge against that annoying little Wendy. Wendy bugged them not stop, and not just that, but she was a girl. No boy of their age could stand a little girl messing around in their own business. One day they decided enough was enough, and told her what they had seen. Damien was a master of embellishment, and added some rattling chains and smeared blood to knock it all off. Wendy was scared shitless. She instantly ran in to tell the parents, and they were very unhappy. They scolded the boys to no end, and from that point on, it became a taboo to mention the attic.
         Of course, all three children still heard thumpings and shakings in the night. But never again was a figure seen in the window. Years later, the family sold the house to a young couple and moved to Pennsylvania. The young couple was in love with the house, and unlike the last family, not afraid of heights. The first thing they decided to investigate was the attic. They both loved attics, with their wonderful musty smells and old cobwebs. When they entered the attic, they were greatly surprised. Right in front of them, more real than life, was Micheal Jackson. Not only was it Micheal Jackson, supposedly fifteen years dead, but it was Micheal Jackson doing the moonwalk. The couple stood there with their jaws dropped. They could not believe their eyes. Micheal Jackson was shocked as well, but his reaction was much quicker. He called to someone, and that someone came bearing two shotguns. That someone was none other than Kurt Cobain himself. Kurt handed Micheal a shot gun, and they proceeded to blow the heads off of the young couple. Afterwards, they gave each other a look of knowing, and bolted out of the attic and into the woods.
         Kurt Cobain and Micheal Jackson were never seen again.

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