Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1976464-Getting-to-Know-One-Another
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1976464
Edith and Charles have a second date
WC 1040

Getting to Know One Another

What am I getting myself into Edith wondered as she entered the END ZONE? She didn’t have time to dwell. Charles walked up looking unsure of himself.

“I reserved the table we had last week… you know the one reserved for adult conversations?” He gestured to the corner where they had been seated the previous week.

She remembered all right. Things had gotten off to a bad start. The bartender asked them to behave like adults and take their argument to a quiet corner of the bar.

Charles pulled out her chair. He was dressed casual with the same green sweater and a pair of tan slacks. As he walked around to his seat Edith noticed once again that pronounced bulge in his inseam. It was just a glimpse but the outline was unmistakable.

That can’t be real, she thought to herself. Probably a sock stuck down there. As an undergraduate she remembered a friend who had once stuffed her bra before a date.

Edith thought back to last Saturday night. After things calmed down the experience turned out better than expected. While she didn’t feel Charles was really her type, she found herself agreeing when he called for a second date.

“I really had a good time last Saturday,” Charles offered.

“Is this where I’m supposed to say, “Me to, it was a delightful evening?""

“Yeah!" He chuckled, "Something like that, even if it did get off to a rocky start.”

““Rocky”, now there’s an understatement.”

“Come on, once the sparks stopped flying we did manage to have a good time.”

“I guess we did… sort of.” Edith began to relax.

The waiter came up and they ordered drinks.

“I’m glad you came,” said Charles taking a more serious tone.

“Why, wouldn’t I?”

“Because you’re an attractive woman and me, well, I'm just an ordinary looking guy.”

“Hmmmm, “ she pondered stroking her chin. “To be honest, you aren’t exactly someone I’d have picked from a lineup.”

“So what made you decide to come?”

“You have a nice non-threatening manner.”

“Is that a compliment?”

Ignoring the question, she continued “Furthermore, there’s an illusive something about you that I find hard to define. It’s compelling.”

“An illusive something,” he said repeating her words. "“Compelling.” Can’t remember anyone ever describing me in those terms.””

“You’re not exactly a man of mystery but that’s all I can come up with for right now. What prompted you to call back?”

“You’re attractive and smart. I liked the sound of your voice. You have an abrasive way at times and a manner that doesn’t pull any punches.”

“How about you Charles, do you pull any punches?” She remembered all the other men she'd dated and their hidden agendas.

"I prefer mediation to confrontation. I know that might sound evasive but I’m not somebody who goes looking for trouble.”

“Do you think I do?”

“You have a certain aggressiveness…”


“Like right now. You seem to enjoy going for the jugular.”

Edith smiled. “So I’ve been told, more than once.”

“It’s a quality I admire. Actually, I wish I had more of it.”

“Be careful of what you wish for.”

The drinks arrived. Charles had a bourbon and coke and Edith a sweet vodka Collins.

As they talked she noted several times Charles staring at her breasts. Now that’s a good sign, Edith told herself. He appears to have a normal appetite for women. She was tempted to call him on it but wanted to make sure. She yawned and stretched her arms pulling tight the fabric of her cotton blouse. While not overly large her bust was ample. He responded, as anticipated, with a slight intake of breath. Definitely a boob man.

There was a pause and Edith voiced what came to mind. “Do you have a nickname or does everyone call you Charles?”

He paused, a bit too long. “No, not really, maybe as a kid, but not for a long time, except maybe “Charlie.””

“So what did they call you, “a long time ago?”“

He moved uncomfortably, peaking her curiosity. What’s he trying to hide, she wondered. He seems to be choosing his words.

“In case you’re not aware, in sports, teammates sometimes give you a nickname. The guys use it when they’re kidding around.”

“I’m familiar with nicknames," replied Edith with an edge, "particularly one I recently acquired,” She remembered overhearing a conversation between two of her male classmates, her being the central focus of discussion. “So what’s yours?”

“I don’t really like it,” he replied, “because it has a sort of double meaning.”

He really doesn’t want to tell me, she thought to herself. “If it’s too painful, forget I asked.”

“It isn’t that.”

“Then what is it? If you're interested mine's “BITCH,” what’s yours?”

“HORSE,” he blurted.

“Why did they call you that?”

He began half-stepping. “Awww, because in football and soccer I was hard to stop. Once I got the ball I knew what to do with it. The coach was always telling my teammates, "“Give it to horse.”" Sometimes the crowd would chant, "Horse! Horse!”"

“There!” Edith replied, "was that so hard?"

There was a pause as she pondered his words. “So... what's the double meaning?”

Charles turned red.

Oh my goodness, she thought, realizing the answer. “Is it because you have a big, “You Know What?””

Nodding his head Charles replied, the blush deepening, “So I’ve been told.”

Oh my goodness, Edith though, I really stuck my foot in that one. Undeterred, she continued, but with a soothing tone. “Easy there, I didn’t mean to get personal, plus I always thought men took pride in their “Manliness.”“

“Would you like breasts the size of melons?”

“If that’s what I was born with, I’d deal with it.”

“Easy to say.” said Charles with a dejected look.

Edith shifted gears. “Would you like me to have breasts like melons?"

“Now whatever made you ask that?”

“Because you’ve been staring at mine all evening.”

“Was it that obvious?”

“It was unmistakable. You think a woman misses that sort of thing?


“Don’t let it bother you. For some reason or another I didn't find it offensive." She postured with an overstated wink and provocative smile.

Charles, swallowed noticeably, at a complete loss for what to say next.

The waiter arriving to take the order and give the awkward conversation some relief.

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