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Rated: E · Poetry · Personal · #1976308
A collection of short poems I've written over the years through various experiences.
Classroom Crush
Across a sky of charged lightning
A smile is exchanged
With a sigh I turn away
My heart is singing
But beneath there is a pain
How easy it is to watch him
And hope he’ll talk to me
But waiting in the silence
My secret agony

My Torment
You evil! You wicked! How you play with me so.
Fluttering my hopes like a butterfly with a broken wing,
You know I cannot escape, you know how I believe you so.
Why must you persist in tormenting me such?
Your jokes are so frequent my reality has turned upside down.
I know not whether what you speak is truth or jest.
It infuriates me and you know it, you like it.
Why do I restrain myself? Why are we still friends?

Because I love you.

Time of Our Lives
Everlasting is not to be.
What once had seemed
So fresh and vivid
A dream,
Now a memory
I hold close.
But slipping through
My desperate fingers,
Fading into oblivion.

A Definition of Love
Love is like a twisted dagger.
Give it to someone,
Whether or not they know they have it,
You give them the power
To carve cruel designs
Into your aching heart.
The cuts cannot be healed;
Forever will they scar
And bleed when you are alone.
Why do we love others
When we know it can cause pain?

Love is like a soft ray of sunshine.
Recieve it from someone,
Whether or not the day is gray,
It will light up your whole world,
While frosty sorrows melt
And clouded wounds heal.
A smile plays around your lips
For the first time since
The numb of winter's night.
Why don't we love others
When we know it can bring joy?

A Sluggard’s Sorrow
Days pass
On a silent course.
My heart feels nothing
Until remorse
For letting time
Slip away
Comes unto me
A later day.
Little I do
Amounts to an end.
How unwisely
My time do I spend?

Analysis Angst
Am I alone in thinking
That if life was a game,
I'm certainly not winning,
but stuck in some replay?
No matter how I roll the die
The answer's still the same.
No matter how hard I try
I get the same refrain:

The most that I have ever done
Is always second best.
If perfection is attainable,
Is it beyond my grasp?

And so I keep on trying
But I'm shooting in the dark,
Simply hoping to get it right
Before it gets too hard.

Pandora’s Box
It's the screaming silence
I'm shivering from the heat
My dead heart's beating hard
I'm falling on two feet.

The old feeling comes anew
The sleeping mind awakes
The lies are coming true
We're flying on the brakes.

Tomorrow is Yesterday
Changes stay the same
Forever is now over
Ripped by an icy flame.

But from the dark, a butterfly,
With wings of purest light
Escapes the box of horrors
And makes its hopeful flight.

Thousands of questions,
flying through my mind.
Never has this happened,
Life's never been so kind.
I just don't know,
I'm just so unused
To all of this happening,
I can't help but feel confused.
Everything, Everything
It all feels so unreal.
I'm having trouble figuring out
Exactly what I feel.

Without You
Don't leave me here
In this cruel world all alone.
Don't die away from me;
Darling come back home.
I can't stand the thought
Of a world without your smile.
I can't bear to think
I'd ever be without you child.
I love more than you'll ever know.
So please oh please I'm begging you
Darling come back home.

You’re Gone, I’m Still Here
My tears
Their endless fall
Like rain
The thought
Never see you

Life has
It would appear
Less meaning now
They tell me
Not knowing
Live with it
But how?

Tragic things
Life brings
More frequent too
All our time
Time now spent
Did I say
“I love you?”

The Spider's Prey
Naughty little fly,
Yes, I see you cry.
So ugly, poor thing, so abused.
I see your tears glisten,
Why didn't you listen
When I said you were being used?
You could have flown away
Why didn't you escape
When I said you were caught in the spider's trap?
How could you choose to stay?
Now it is much too late,
You hopeless, worthless little sap.
I tried to free you, cut the strings,
But you wouldn't believe in anything.
You trusted him, you didn't want to go.
You didn't know better,
You just didn't know.
Then you asked the spider,
Who wrapped you up tighter
In his sticky lies. And so
I let you be
For the spider bit me
And told me to leave his prey alone.

My Mistake
A mistake once made cannot be undone
The stone has been carved too deep
The waters of time will erode the marks
But the scars may be left underneath

Ocean of Thought
Breathing slowly
In and out.
Waves are floating
Up and down.
I see the sun,
I feel the breeze,
I long for warmth,
I only freeze.
So much to say,
No words come out.
The secret dies
Without a sound.

The Bunyip's Lost Eye
Staring down from a darkness blanketing the sky,
Illuminating all; No secrets; The Bunyip's lost eye.
Pinholes in the dark blanket of the night,
Shining through to reveal some of heaven's light.
A gentle chill gingerly invades the night's still air,
Touching nothing; Bending nothing; Not even rustling my hair.
I twirl round and round and round; My feet begin to freeze,
But it is beautiful to dance at night upon the grassy seas.
I dance though the grass is frozen, and with a blissful sigh,
I continue to piroette, under the Bunyip's lost eye.

The dark of emptiness clutches at my heart
Whether it be the heady day or the frigid night
It has never been the same since you left.
My soul is a dark pit of hate.

The golden morning fingers providing a new start
Breaking the barracade; Letting in some light
I let go of the secret I have long since kept
I am a new beginning in the morning's wake.

Things are changing,
You can feel it in the wind.
Something's different,
But has yet to begin.
Something's shifting
But you don't know what.
You cannot tell
What change is being brought.
Then something happens,
Your stomach drops through the floor,
And that's when you realize
This was your premonition before.

The Blue Hills Yonder
The day is happier
The sun's smile is fonder
I can't stop the joy
Upon the blue hills yonder.

Pushing farther
Don't want it to end
A journey on the blue hills
As I go I descend.

I can't stop the blissful pull
Pulling me deeper towards its depths,
A way to put nightmares to lull,
Avoid the hard road I tread.

I'd rather walk on the soft wet sands,
My body begs me to give in;
Let it pull me to distant lands,
I can almost see the end.

Running from problems though,
I know that it's not right.
Continue fighting the way I go?
Or simply leave this life?

There is no dread within me
When I think of what's left behind.
Rather the terror that fills me
To face a life so unkind.

To let go in the ocean blue
And never have to go back,
The heart that always beat so true
Suddenly went lack.

She gave into the beckoning pull,
The end of her pain.
The new silent blissful lull
From a life she couldn't sustain.

She let go of her world of hate
Where she had no voice.
Although her birth may have been fate,
Death had been her choice.

It provokes much thought
And can often make us wonder
If a little kindness could have stopped
Her journey to the blue hills yonder.

Mother Haiku
Gentle, loving, warm
Upon the Baby's forehead
A Mother's soft kiss

Perceptions of Night
The glow of day
Slowly fades
No more the blue bird sings.
The sleepy owl
Opens up his eyes
And silently spreads his wings.
The grasshopper
Is traded for
The cricket's trilling song.
The gentle breeze
Shakes the shadow trees
Oh will this peace last long?
The sky is clear
The stars do wink
The moon is glowing white.
A beautiful
On this tranquil night.

When darkness falls
And shadows creep,
A baby cries
A ghastly shriek.
I shut my eyes
And begin to shake.
A mournful howl
That is not fake.
I cover my ears
It does not help.
Outside my window,
A frightened yelp.
I bite my lip
And say a prayer,
"Lord protect me
From what's out there.
Please let everything be okay
With the sunrise
And break of day."

Secret Sorrow
A tear escapes
Leaving a trail
Of wet salt.
I try to hide it
But it is too late.
Questioning glances,
Sympathetic voices,
Inquiring why
I am crying.
I cannot tell,
There are no words
They can understand.
They might find
My tears
For my heart falls
With every tear,
It breaks
With every thought,
Torn by every moment,
Without the one I love.

My Day Today
Feeling down
Needing a change
Waited for a call today
That never came
Locked up at home
Locked inside my head
All alone
Crying in bed
Ghosts and visions
Both take shape
What I need
Is an escape
Took a drive
To go nowhere
A silent attempt
To avoid the air
I didn't speak aloud today
There was no one to hear
A single word I might've said
Unspoken words turned into tears
I didn't want to be alone today
I didn't want to feel depressed
I just woke up by myself
And that's how my day progressed

May You Know
Every night when you lay down to sleep
May you still feel my love in the dark
And know I'm always with you
Even though we're miles apart
Though we've faced disaster and hardship
May you know my love will remain true
Even when you push me away out of pain
I'll still be here waiting for you
My love is not conditional upon
Whether you bring me joy or pain
So may you know I'll always be there
Until you're ready for me to hold you close again

I'm in love
With a phantom
Of a feeling
Slowly fading.
Brushing fingertips
With a vision
I can only describe
But can't imagine.

The fading afternoon light
Casts shadows black in hue
The setting sun illuminates
The sky from orange to blue

I pluck the strings of time
They creak and groan, protest
This life is all but mine
It remains beyond my grasp

My time is running out
My music lost its beat
My head is in the clouds
And I can’t find my feet

The lethargy inhibits me
My movement soft and slow
I’m swimming through this foggy world
But don’t know where to go

What’s the point in trying
When there’s no up or down?
Just floating in the nothing
How does one find the ground?

The sun is still setting and it’s getting dark
I’m running out of time
Consumed by the emptiness
This life is ALL but mine...

Help Me I’m Drowning
Help me I'm drowning
Why do I feel like you don't care?
I don't know
Everybody cares so very much
So why do I feel I can't speak up?
Will you take me seriously if I don't do something serious?
Do I even want you to take me seriously?
Do I even know how long I will feel like this?
By the time you call a shrink will I feel fine again?
Treading the water as I've always done
Like everyone else I blend in
I don't want you to call a shrink on me
I crave intimacy to fill the emptiness
And yet I don't want to let anyone in
Not because I think they won't love me
I know they would
I just don't want to let them in
You have to prove you're worth it
By fighting your way in
Scaling my walls
Pushing past my defenses
Because if it's worth it to you
Then you're someone I can love and trust
You aren't just anyone
You're special
And I need you in my life
© Copyright 2014 Marissa Oxford (bluerose114 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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