Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1976052-
Rated: E · Poetry · Adult · #1976052
A special poem about a past failed love and how I now realize what happened.

-You Told Me You’d Love Me-
Keaton Foster

*Vignette5* *Vignette5* *Vignette5* *Vignette5* *Vignette5*

Very clear
In a room
Full of no ones
They witnessed
As you spoke
With unwavering lips
The words came out
Soft spoken
Only I
Only God
Could have
Heard them
You told me
You’d love me
A sacred promise
Impossible to break
At least for me
Even more compellingly
I repeated that lie
So much that I was sure
Without an ounce of question
That is was the absolute truth
When the priest pronounced us
United we turned
Facing those in attendance
Few smiled
Few clapped
So many cried
For ten years
After that day
You and I tried
And tried
We fought
We both cried
Oh the tears
What immense fear
Failure seemed so far away
But I now know
That it was always close
Over that time I’m sure
That parts of us died
That our souls
And relationship
With God
And each other
Was again and again
Then one day you said
Even more convincingly
Then any time ever before
I’m done
I’ve had enough
I can’t live like this
No longer can I deal
An about face you made
Walking out on me
Our love
Your promise
Never again
Would I see you
Never again
Did I feel you
You told me
You’d love me
I’m sure you tried
I repeated that lie
I also tried
We both failed
Maybe you were first
But certainly
I was very close behind
I miss you and us
But now
So many years later
I have come to understand
That you said what you said
Because for a time
You truly wanted to believe it
And my once love
So did I…

You Told Me You’d Love Me
Written by Keaton Foster Copyright © 2014

© Copyright 2014 Keaton Foster: Know My Hell! (keatonfoster at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1976052-