Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1975406-Pearl-Chapter-1---10
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #1975406
When a young man finds a mysterious stone in front of his house, his life changes in scale
Chapter 1

Mark, our handsome 19 years old protagonist, was returning home from a long and arduous day at work. Walking back to his house, he was pleased to be wearing trainers again, his foot throbbing, legs aching from having to be on his feet all day. Life as a car salesman in a fairly wealthy town, could certainly be tiring.

His phone vibrated in his trouser pocket. My smiled softly as he pulled out his phone, knowing that it would be Abbie getting in touch.

"I'll be home in about ten minutes! Xx" the text read.

Mark replied stating he would only be five, and slid his phone back into his pocket. He continued to stroll down the street, hating the fact his house was right at the end.

Mark swung open his gate and walked up the path to his door. Rummaging for his keys, his foot landed on something on his doorstep and he stumbled. He glanced down to see a small, oddly shaped pearl white stone left squarely in the middle of his doorstep. Mark pondered at the small item, slightly bewildered as to why such a strange item would be left here. He glanced around his front garden behind him, looking for any other stones like the one he bent down to pick up.

"Strange..." Mark thought. It was warm, too warm for the temperature it was outside now the day was slowly turning to night. It fit in the palm of his hand perfectly fine. Opening his jacket, he slid the stone into the inner pocket and proceeded to unlock his door.

Shutting the door behind him, Mark punched in the buttons on his security pad, threw his keys on the dresser in the living room and flopped onto the couch and sighed. He closed his eyes, and slouched a little more.

But then he opened them again. The stone in his pocket was warm against his chest, and it felt like it was getting warmer. As he was about to reach into his pocket, he received another text. Mark pulled out his buzzing phone and checked the message and to his surprise, it read; "Hey Mark! Upstairs flat had just flooded his kitchen and now my bedroom is soaked through lol! Gotta speak to my landlord, but I may have to move out for a day or two. Any chance I can crash at yours for a couple of nights?? Hope you're OK! xxx". He couldn't see why not, he had a spare room going and he was sure Abby wouldn't mind, they were friends too after all. "Hey Lauren, just got back from work. That's OK by me, just come over when you can x" Mark replied, and sent his text. He frisbeed his phone onto the coffee table and pulled out the warm pearl stone from the jacket.

Mark noticed a small red dot appear on the surface of the pearly stone. He casually rubbed his finger along the surface of the stone, he had never felt anything like it. Soft like fur, but hard, solid and weighty. His finger glided over the small red dot and suddenly, a white warm light ebbed from the stone and then, he blinked.

Mark blinked a few times before his vision cleared. He glanced at the stone still in his hand and hesitantly placed the stone on the coffee table. "What the hell was that about?" Mark uttered quietly. As he was about to question the mysterious stone further, the front door opened.

"Hey babe!" Abby yelled.

"Hey. Is it OK if Lauren stays over for a couple of nights? Her flat is flooded." Abby walked into the living room and threw her jacket onto the sofa Mark was sat on.

"Her flats flooded?"

"Yeah, well, the guy right above her anyway. Apparently it's drenched her room completely and she'll need to sort it out with her landlord." Mark turned his vision from the stone to his girlfriend Abby.

Abby pulled out her hair bobble, letting her long straight brown hair fall down behind her shoulders. Mark scanned her body with his eyes, eyeing up her slim figure covered by her work clothes. Her small but perky breasts barely pushed against her blouse, but it was enough for Mark to appreciate. She was cute, having a small nose and thin lips really accentuated her slim brown eyes.

Abby was only a year older than Mark, but they were in the same year at college. It wasn't too long before Mark made his move, once he saw Abby walk into his class for the first time. It turned out that they had a few friends in common, one of them Lauren, and so it was easy for them become a strong and fond couple.

Abby sighed as she too flopped onto the sofa beside Mark. "Sure, she can stay over." She turned her head and planted a small kiss on Marks cheek. "How was your day?"

Mark huffed. "Same old, really. I heard I'm meant to be getting a pretty good Christmas bonus after all, they said I've done pretty well for my sales targets all year round so I guess that's something."

"Aww Mark! Well done! I'm so proud of you!" Abby rubbed Marks chest as she curled up next to him on the sofa.

"How about you? Enjoying working for that miserable old twat still?" Mark chuckled. Abby slapped him a little on his chest with a grin.

"He's not that bad really, he just has his moments. But usually he's OK. Long day today, kinda turning off the idea becoming a lawyer already haha!" Abby laughed as she huddled closer. She was just closing her eyes when she noticed the small pearl on the table. "What the hell is that?" She asked as she reached for it.

"I have no idea," Mark muttered as she watched his girlfriend pick up the stone. "It was on the doorstep, right in the middle. I stood on it and... It was just there."

"Huh..." Abby muttered. "Why is it warm? It feels weird!" Abby quizzed Mark.

"No idea! But there's a little red dot..."

"This one?" And Abby stroked the little dot, and again, soft warm white light filled their visions.

After a few seconds, Mark and Abby sat on the sofa, puzzled by the little stone.

"...What the heck just happened?" Abby quietly asked Mark.

"No idea..." Mark yawned. "So, what do you fancy for dinner?"


"I wonder what happened to Lauren?" Abby asked whilst she washed her face at the sink.

"I told her that I've left the door unlocked. She'll lock the door when she comes in."


It was late evening now, 10:52pm to be precise. Mark took off his watch and threw it onto the bedside table, next to the new stone he found. He yawned as he stretched out on the bed in only his boxers, crossed his legs and put his head on his arms on the pillow. His eyes were locked on the en-suite bathroom door, closed now it was occupied by Abby. "Abby, have you got any plans for the weekend? I think a few friends may be coming over for a night. Have a good catch up and all."

"I think that'd be OK, I think I have a doctor’s appointment but that's about it." Abby began to dry her face with her soft white towel.

"Sweet..." Mark mumbled.

"Also, the bank called." Abby called out from behind the door.

"Oh yeah?" Mark replied, not sounding surprised. He looked at his phone to see if Lauren had sent him a message, but nothing had come through yet. He locked his phone and tossed it next to his watch. He rubbed his face as once again, he yawned. It had been a long day after all!

"Yeah, they left a message on the answering machine. They said it was about the mortgage." Mark chuckled slightly, it was strange even to him that a 19 year-old could even apply for a mortgage, and even be able to get one regardless. He had been earning good money for more than a year and a half now, and Abby was earning some good money too. Otherwise, they wouldn't have the house they have now, that's for sure. Both Mark and Abby were keen to have their own place as soon as they had left college, and luckily they both had managed to get good jobs once they graduated.

"Righto, I'll drop in tomorrow and see what they say." Mark said back to Abby. Abby continued to sort herself and Mark yawned again. He turned his head to the stone once again, and picked it up. It was still warm, if not warmer. "The fuck is this thing?" he mumbled to himself. Once again, he noticed the little red dot. Cautiously, he slowly poked at the dot again. This time, the stone instantly was red hot, and he dropped it in shock, and a small bang was heard when the stone rolled off the bed and hit the floor.

"Argh! Jesus what the...?!" He bent over the bed to pick up the stone, not wanting it to set on fire or something, and as soon as his fingers touched the surface of the stone, and he felt a tingling sensation race through his spine. He jolted and fell to the floor. He laid on the floor, as if paralysed and he closed his eyes to blink. When he opened them a split second later, things had changed indeed.

--- --- ---

Chapter 2

On the opposite end of his blink, Mark opened his eyes to pitch black. It was warm, but his body felt bare and a great weight was pressing down upon him. “Hey Abby…” he started but he quickly realised, much to his bewilderment, that we was naked. He couldn’t see very well, but he patted his bare skin, feeling for his clothes that were no longer on his body. The smell around him was choking, stifling. He pushed against the surface that was pushing him down. It felt familiar, but odd, different. He tried to walk but the black surface forced him to crawl instead.

Mark figured that he must still be in the bedroom, for Abby was walking around in the en-suite bathroom on the other end of the bathroom. He could hear her humming, maybe talking – he wasn’t sure, everything sounded odd, nothing felt right to him. In this dark cave he was in, he began to hyperventilate. Panic began to set in, but as he felt his chest constrict and his breathing becoming more frantic, he saw a tiny glimmer of light, and continued to crawl for it.

As he crawled out of the dark, the light of the bedroom forced him to squint for a few seconds, but it was enough time for him to settle his breathing. He looked down at his body, he was definitely naked – confirming it to himself in his head.

His eyes adjusted and he looked back at what he had walked out of, and to his surprise, Mark found his clothes laid on the floor. But his clothes, they were a thousand if not a million times bigger than he! Mark had to step back a few steps to even realise that he had crawled out of his black briefs and made his exit from the waistband. He looked around the room and he was now on the floor, walking on the soft carpet that was now thick and like overgrown grass. Mark looked all around him environment. He was definitely still in his bedroom for sure, but he had no doubt in his mind, that he had somehow in some way, shrunk to a very small and insignificant size.

“T-this… This is fucking possible…!” he muttered to himself, panic again setting in. He collapsed onto his arse onto the soft light brown carpet. But it was strange and other-worldly. Threads of the carpet were almost as high as he as he sat, wondering to himself what he was going to do.

But before he could ponder for too long, the latch on the bathroom door was unlocked with a distinctive click and the door slowly opened, way way into the distance down the entire length of the bedroom which seemed, to Mark, miles away.

“I know you’re tired babe…” Abby lustfully whispered, but was still loud for the tiny being. “But I know something that you want…” The door opened, revealing Abby standing in the doorway.

Mark’s jaw dropped, and it dropped with a crash to the floor. He eyes widened as he saw his titanic girlfriend standing in a silky-black robe, loosely tied around her waist revealing her black bra holding her pert breasts. He brown her was so neatly tidied back. The robe ended just below her tight round apple bum, her thighs exposed and continuing further down, she was wearing dark nylons that contained her long legs. Mark could see her bending her knee, her feet and toes were twisting slowly into the carpet.

Before Mark could react, before he could say anything, he was sporting a strong hard on. His dick reacted faster than his brain, his heart was racing at this point. He got up, and began to run towards her before…

“Mark? Babe, where did you go?” Abby called for him. Confused, she began to walk for the bedroom door.

“ABBY! ABBY, DOWN HERE!” He yelled after her, but to no avail. He watched as the giantess walked towards the door, opened it and left the room. He could hear her walking down the corridor and down the stairs. “Shit!” Mark yelled, angry with himself. How did this happen?! What was he going to do?! He figured that he needed to get noticed, that was a given. She was going to have to come back to the room, so he decided to keep venturing forward, he was truly thinking on his feet now as he continued to sprint forward.

After a few minutes of running, he looked back to see how much distance he had covered. The answer was not much at all. It seemed like he had been running quite some length, but in reality it was barely half a meter! He continued to venture onwards, but he heard Abby returning, calling out for him.

“Mark!? What the hell? Maybe he went out...” Abby graced back into the room, and closed the door behind her. Mark halted, once again struck by Abby’s great and epic size and by her beauty! He was lucky and thankful every day since the first day of meeting her, but right now, as turned on as he was, he was scared of her, and rightly so.

Mark watched as his girlfriend turned and noticed his boxers on the floor way behind him. He took this opportunity, she might see him! He jumped up and down, yelling and yelling for her, but there was no way that Abby would ever hear him, and his throat was beginning to strain and hurt, but he wasn’t going to give up!

“Mark what are you up to?” Abby said to herself, and at this point, Mark had realised something that he would never even imagine would ever cross him mind. Mark’s body went cold and stiff as Abby began to walk towards him.

Something of this size, of this magnitude, it seemed like time itself had slowed down altogether. He watched as Abby bent her toes that were hidden in her nylons as she began to walk towards him. Her feet lifted off the floor, her legs bent and swayed towards him and as she landed her feet back to the floor, Mark heard and felt the thump of her feet as it made contact with the carpet, he could see her thighs wobble ever-so-slightly as she made her way forward. Mark had realised, that he was right in her path.

Panic set in once again as his legs gave way and he once again, collapsed to the floor. Abby was only a few steps away from him, and he couldn’t bring himself to react to what was happening…

“Abby… Please…” Mark whispered to himself. “Look down, please…” He was desperate now as Abby continued towards him. With each step she took, a thunderous *THUMP* followed, shaking the floor around him more violently as she approached. She was a step away from him now and time again seemed to flow slower still. He looked up at his beautiful girlfriend as she lifted her right foot off the ground for her next step and swung it over him. “Oh God…!” Mark could’ve thrown up right there and then. This was the end, his death swiftly approaching by his gigantic girlfriend. How was this even possible, he would never know.

Mark braced himself as much as one could in this situation. He watched as Abby now had her sole high above him, it seemed. He could see the threads of the nylon that was tightly wrapped around her perfect feet, and more so in detail as she lowered her foot to the floor. To Mark, his girlfriend’s sole slowly lowered toward him, casting a large shadow over his tiny body. Her heel hit the floor with a thud and Mark instinctively reacted. “ABBY NO!” Mark yelled, raising his hands high in the air as Abby put her weight onto her foot, and lowered the rest of her sole flat to the floor, and stomped unknowingly on her miniscule boyfriend.

Mark was once again encased in pure darkness. “WHAT THE FUCK?!” Mark yelled, adrenaline pumping through his body, his heart racing fast! He survived! He didn’t know how or why, but he was alive! For a split second, he wondered if it was all a dream, but the fact that his body was squashed beneath her sole, the fabric of the nylon was somewhat soft against his bare skin and the heat radiating off her foot reminded him that he was still in his predicament. He was pushed into the thick carpet, but giving him enough leeway to survive underneath his impossibly gigantic woman. He didn’t know how long he was stuck under her foot, but the heel lifted again, and he saw the giant foot lift away from him, and he could see that he was, very luckily, underneath the arch of her foot. Abby made her next step towards his boxers and Mark was now free to move. He stood up, and looked up at his giant girlfriend once again. He could now see right up her legs, seeing her black silk panties between her legs worn tight against her round bottom, her camel toe was barely noticeable from where Mark was, but he knew it was there.

Mark counted his blessings as he watched Abby stop at his boxers. “Mark, you devil!” She giggled. She turned around to face Mark once again, but he could see her biting on her bottom lip. “What are you planning for me?”

Mark couldn’t help but laugh a little. Even though his predicament was beyond all comprehension, even though he was on the brink of death, his girlfriend was increasingly becoming more playful and there was no denying in Mark’s mind that he would’ve been in for a night to remember if he was still normal sized. But that thought brought him back to Earth, his smile dropping as Abby looked around the room. “She will never see me in a million years.” He thought to himself. And it was true, how would she ever know to look at him down on the floor if she didn’t know where to look in the first place.

Before he could make up a new plan, he watched as Abby noticed the pearl-white stone, on the floor next to his boxers. He didn’t even see it hidden behind his clothes. Maybe that was what made him shrink, it was the last thing he touched before this happened, after all!

He tried to call out to his girlfriend as she bent down to pick up the stone, slowly gripping it in her fist. He watched as she stood back up and looked puzzled, Mark wondered if it was still warm from when he dropped it.

“What is this thing?” Abby muttered to herself, and once again, Mark tried to yell for her but it was too late. He braced himself for the worst as he watched Abby stroke the little red dot and sure enough, light instantly blinded him and he heard Abby yelp in shock. Mark had to cover his ears as he scream was near-deafening and it rattled his head somewhat. He opened his eyes and saw that Abby was still at full height, she now had her back turned facing the dresser and she quickly put the stone onto it, he could hear the stone roll onto the wooden surface. “O…K…” he heard her say and she stepped back.

Mark was ready this time as she edged away from the stone and he ran out of the way of her oncoming foot. It landed with a thump on the carpet next to him, and he stared in awe of just how big, just how giant her foot really was, as it slowly pressed and flattened into the carpet. Just how he survived her foot earlier, he just had no clue whatsoever. But this was now his chance! He ran as fast as he could toward the side of her foot and he rammed the soft nylon as hard as he could. With an “OOOF” and a crash, he bounced back off the foot and landed on his back, winded from the force of his tackle.

“What the…?” he heard Abby’s soft voice say from far above him. He did it, he got her attention. His eyes were shut as he cradled his ribs and tried to breathe, coughing and spluttering at the same time. “M-Mark?! MARK?!” He slowly opened his eyes to see Abby, a million miles above him, stare down at him with her small brown eyes, her frown becoming more apparent in realisation.

“Abby! Thank God!” Mark barely croaked. He watched as Abby slowly knelt down to him, still staring, still in complete incomprehension of the fact the he was so tiny, naked and there on the carpet, TINY.

“Mark, how, how did this happen? Are you OK?” Mark could now feel her warm breath wash over him. He opened his eyes again, and he jolted sharply as her giant beautiful face was impossibly huge and close to him how.

“I’ve been better, I have to admit,” Mark chuckled lightly as he stood up on his own two feet again.

“I can barely hear you baby! Here…” And Mark couldn’t help but tense up as Abby’s hand raised into the air and slowly reached for him, her long slender fingers spread out and ready to grab him. He couldn’t say anything, it was just too hard to understand what he was seeing. He was looking through her trunk-like fingers, looking at her palm that was squashed by the way she held out her hand, another shadow casting over him as the fingers wrapped around him, lifting him up off the floor, and rolling him into her fist that she made around him.

He rolled around on her soft fingers and finally laid in in Abby’s palm, her fingers continued slowly to wrap around him, making sure he was safe as she stood up to her full height. Mark‘s bare skin tingled as the soft, moisturised skin of Abby’s hand bound him into the fist. There was light, and her pink skin was an awe at least, the fine details of her fingerprints and wrinkles now ever more apparent.

Before Mark could take in all the detail he could see, the giant fingers opened up around him and the skin of Abby’s soft palm stretched before him. He was now on his back, now looking up at his gorgeous girlfriend looking down at him. He figured that she must be sitting on the bed as she moved her lower half this-way-and-that to make her comfortable.

They simply stared at each other for a few moments, before Abby quipped “Mark, what happened?”

“Well…” Mark began to reply.

--- --- ---

Chapter 3

“I still can’t believe I stood on you!”

“It’s OK Abby, it’s not like you did it on purpose! See, I’m fine!”

“I know but… I-I’m still sorry…”

Mark sighed as he sat on his giant girlfriends’ palm, his arse sinking in to her soft warm skin. He had spent the last ten minutes explaining everything that had happened whilst she was in the bathroom freshening up. To Abby’s dismay, he had gone into detail of what it was like being him at this size and the fact that he could do nothing as she walked around and inevitably stood on him when she was investigating the mysterious stone that he presumed had shrunk him.

He was thankful that Abby had given him the grace of giving him her full attention. Even as Mark was explaining what was happening, it was hard for him to put it into words. How could you elaborate such events that had happened in a short space of time to someone that was literally holding you in their hand? Mark did the best he could, all the while being completely naked, and he was aware that he was exposed to Abby’s beautiful brown eyes that peered down from above him.

They sat in silence for a few moments, not knowing what to say next or what to do. Mark again sighed a long sigh as he ran his fingers through his fine brown hair. He bent his knees up, and rested his head on his arm and looked back up at Abby. She was still looking down at him in some confused awe.

“So tell me, how small am I really? It’s pretty hard to tell at this size. Everything is just unimaginably huge to me. I can see right into your little creases and wrinkles on your hand and everything!” And it was true. As Mark looked around his whereabouts, Abby’s skin was soft and pink, with rivers of wrinkles and small crevices that Mark could see so much more clearly than anyone of normal size could. He was still adjusting to Abby’s gigantic face that seemed impossibly far away from him, but he guessed that because relatively she obviously wasn’t far away, his mind filled the gaps that he couldn’t quite figure out.

Abby looked down at him, still in bewilderment. She shook her head slightly and brought her back to reality.

“Erm…Maybe… I’m not sure but maybe the size of an ant? Maybe smaller…” Abby spoke softly and delicately down to her tiny boyfriend. Mark’s skin prickled as her warm breath washed down on him as she told him his size.

“No bigger than an ant?” He thought to himself. Mark rubbed his face in defeat. “How is this shit possible?” He looked back at Abby from her hand. “How can you hear me?”.

“It’s weird, but I think it’s because I know you’re there talking to me. There’s no way I would’ve been able to hear you any other time. I mean, I didn’t hear you before I...”

“Stood on me?” Mark smirked slightly.

“…Yeah.” Abby gave a small smirk too. “You’re just so… Tiny. I still can’t believe it! It’s so hard to properly look at you, it’s like you’re not real or something… Sorry if I’m scaring you!” Mark stood up on his legs to make sure she understood him clearly as he replied back.

“No you’re not! It’s just a little hard to take in, it sure is for me I can promise you!” All of a sudden, he fell back onto his arse as Abby began to giggle slightly, but her palm waved and wobbled around so much that there was no way he could keep balance.

“Hehe, I’m sorry! I wasn’t expecting you to stand up, it felt a little ticklish! Guess I’m still getting used to your little feet on my hand! Sorry Mark…” Abby said genuinely, and he knew because he could see it in her face. That genuine concern that only a true lover could ever give. Mark couldn’t help but laugh at the situation too.

“It’s OK Abby! Just don’t let me fall off, that’s all I ask!”

“Deal!” Abby said with that smile that Mark’s heart melt for the first time. “So, do you really think it was the stone? I mean, it’s just a stone – I can’t see how it could, you know, shrink you so small!”

He knew that he really had no idea. He knew that whatever happened, happened because it had happened. If there was ever an explanation, he didn’t think he would ever find out. Or if he did, he wouldn’t find out any time soon.

“Well, even you felt it when you touched that weird little dot. With the light and everything…” Mark tried to continue to talk, but his voice just died out on him. He returned to holding his head back into his hands, unable to continue to think. Abby sighed above him and again, Mark felt his skin prickle from her breath washing down upon him. Every time his nerves were alight, his shaft responded slightly too and it brought his sense back to his situation. He looked back up at his girlfriend, and the rest of her of what he could see from her hand.

There was Abby, sat on the bed with her back against the headboard and still in her lingerie and her gown, still looking like the goddess that Mark always wanted to be with, even when he hadn’t met her. She was simply beyond beautiful. The single light of the bedside lamp made the soft tan of her skin dance in the contrast of the darkness of the room. Mark simply sat in awe and he just knew that he felt safe, he felt secure being with Abby – regardless of being so tiny and insignificant and even when he had already been stood on by his giantess.

“I’m sorry I ruined your night Abby.” Mark said softly to her. Abby looked back at him confused and replied softly.

“Sorry? Sorry for what?”

“You look beautiful. Even more than I can say from down here.” Mark smiled at her. Abby took a couple of seconds before she looked down at herself and laughed at herself.

“Oh! Hehe, it’s OK! It’s not like it’s your fault is it! May I say, you look awfully cute as you are mister!” Mark laughed too. It was good to feel somewhat normal again, given the circumstances.

“Haha, thanks! Look… Abby… I’m glad you found me. Thanks for taking care of me. I really appreciate it. I really do.”

Abby smiled and slowly winked down at her miniscule man, before a quiet knock was heard on the door. Abby and Mark shot looks at the bedroom door, and then quickly back at each other, mouths open in shock.

A quiet muffled voice was heard from behind the door; “Abby? Mark?”

“Lauren?!” Abby and Mark said at the same time. Mark’s heart began to race, the familiar panic attack began to kick in once again.

“Quick Abby, turn the light off!” Mark called at her, but Abby had the same idea anyway!

“Shit!” Abby urgently muttered as her right arm reached for the bedside table whilst staring at the door, and all of a sudden, another bright light flashed in the room, and Mark felt his body leave Abby’s warm comforting skin, and fell…

--- --- ---

Chapter 4

Before Mark could make a single thought, he landed on his back with a small bounce on something that felt like heaven. He instantly knew what happened but before he could say anything, the bedroom door slowly creaked open.

“No! Not again!” He began to panic even more as she turned as saw the door opening on the other side of the room. “Abby?! ABBY?!” Mark called for his girlfriend. He knew that she had accidently touched the stone again. The same second flash of light that enveloped Mark must have instantly shrunk her down and as Mark began to piece the situation together in his head, he realised that he was now standing on the silky black panties that Abby was wearing moments before.

“MARK?! MARK, HELP ME!” Mark heard her scream and she wasn’t far away.

“ABBY! I’M COMING! DON’T MOVE!” Mark, using his logical mind, figured that she must be stuck within the confines of her own underwear and he didn’t hesitate a moment as he sprinted towards the waistband of the sea of silk.

As he sprinted, he heard a voice from way behind, calling for him and his now tiny girlfriend. “Hey, are you guys in here? Hello?” Lauren’s soft voice carried over to Mark’s ears. He didn’t dare turn around as he worried for his woman who must now been in such a state of bewilderment and panic. But maybe he could call out for Lauren and get her attention? She could help! Indeed, she could, but Mark was far too concerned for the wellbeing of Abby at the moment to formulate any kind of plan that would get her attention. It was hard enough getting Abby to spot him on the floor, and even then, it was nothing but blind luck!

Mark reached the waistband and lifted the heavy silk above his head and proceeded to crawl into the dark abyss. “ABBY?!”

“MARK! OH MARK! I-I THINK I…” Mark sighed with relief as he continued to crawl further into the silky space, guided only by Abby’s panicked voice.

“Abby, don’t think about it! I’m coming!” Mark was slightly relieved to know he was heading in the right direction. He couldn’t spare a moment as he heard Lauren step into the room, a thud booming away in the distance. He crawled a little more and he felt Abby’s hand grip his wrist in the darkness. In an instant, he was subliminally happy that Abby’s hand was now normal sized, her fingers gripping his arms in a panic.

As if Abby had pulled him towards her, he slid along the silk towards her and they hugged within the confines of her own gigantic panties. As they embraced, Lauren could be heard walking deeper into the room and with each step, the booming thud grew louder.

“Mark!” Abby whispered in his ear, whilst kissing the side of his face.

“Abby!” He held her tight against him, both their bodies stripped of their clothes. They both felt each other’s nervous shakes.

“Mark, what happ-“

“You’ve must’ve touched the stone again. It’s the same thing that happened to me! I saw the room flash and I fell onto your…” Before he could finish his sentence, Lauren spoke once again and for both the tiny, tiny people, it was like a voice of God. Unseen, and yet present from seemingly everywhere.

“Abby, you naughty, naughty girl!” Lauren slowly whispered into the seemingly empty space of the bedroom.

“Mark…” Abby whispered. “Where are we?” As her words processed in his head, he hesitated. He didn’t want to answer, he had no idea how Abby would take the news. But he had to tell her.

“Well, we… We’re in your… Erm… Panties…” Mark was waiting for a reply as they laid in the darkness, but Abby didn’t reply. Instead, he felt her hug him tighter still, her breasts pushing up against his chest. They could feel each other’s heartbeat racing. Mark could hear Lauren walk right up to the bed, she must have been right at the side of where Abby was holding Mark only moments before. Mark and Abby waited for something to happen as they simply couldn’t see beyond the silky material that was holding over them, and indeed, Lauren began to rummage through the dresser for something.

They waited and waited, until Lauren piped up again; “Aha!” She muttered. They heard something pat the dresser and something like a scribbling noise. Lauren began to mutter under her breath; “Abs and Mark, sorry I was a little late – had to wait for the landlord to show up and he took forever as usual. I locked the door as I came in but I guess you guys went out and have a key. Anyway, I’m in the spare room – I also brought Cheryl with me…” At this point, they both figured that she was leaving a note for them, but when she mentioned Cheryl, Abby went ever so slightly stiff and Mark felt it. “I hope you don’t mind. I owe you big time! Thanks guys and hope you had a great night… Hehe!” And with that, they heard Lauren place the pen back into the dresser and slowly walked out of the room, and closed the door behind her, with the door bouncing off the frame. Lauren always had a knack of not being able to close the door properly.

After a few minutes, Mark spoke first. “Well, I think we’ll be staying here the night. I guess we can come up with a plan tomorrow. At least Lauren’s here, she sleeps in all the time so at least we can figure something out.” Mark waited for a reply, but Abby said nothing. He thought for a moment that she had fallen asleep, but she was still a little stiff from the mention of, “Abby, are you OK?”

“As if she brought Cheryl round…” Abby whispered quietly. Mark didn’t know what to say to that apart from a slight chuckle that he couldn’t hold back.

“Priorities Abby, priorities! What makes you say that anyway?”

“Well, Cheryl… I should’ve told you this a while ago but, Cheryl mentioned to Lauren a while ago that she liked me. They had a big falling out, I guess they figured things out.” Mark, again, wasn’t quite sure what to say to this statement. He knew Lauren was bi but he never knew that she was actually seeing anyone. Mark replied what he could only reply.

“What’s she like?” Asking Abby honestly.

Abby took a moment with a long breath, in and out. “She seems nice enough I guess. Apparently she has a bit of history for being a bit of a nympth… So that’s them busy for tonight probably.” Abby said quietly. For the third time, Mark didn’t quite know what to say. But the thought of Lauren and the mysterious lady having their time in the room down the hall made Mark’s member twitch, and Abby felt it.

“MARK!” They both laughed slightly, both still in complete darkness and both unable to see each other.

“I’m sorry haha! I’m only human! But there only one lady for me, you know that!” And Mark softly kissed her forehead. They hugged each other a little more.

They laid in the dark silky universe that they were now cozied up in and they lay quiet for a time that was unknown to them. The warm silk was incredibly soft against their skin and they felt somewhat safe. The smell of Abby’s perfume wafted around them, as well as something else, something that Mark had only just thought of.

“Abby… Were you… Horny… At some point?” Mark asked quietly. He heard his giggle ever so quietly near his ear.

“Well, yeah! I was in the bathroom… And...” Abby’s voice got quieter towards the end of her sentence.

“And what?”

Abby sighed as she finished her point. “Well, you looked really cute when you were in my hand…” Mark was finally completely speechless. He wasn’t quite sure what she meant, and as he pondered her somewhat enlightening statement, they continued to cuddle in the darkness. The warmth of Abby’s panties, the silk and the clean perfume mixed with the musk of Abby slowly sent them both to sleep, deep within the creases of the incredibly sexy lingerie.

--- --- ---

Chapter 5

Mark slowly opened his eyes as he woke from his slumber, but it was strange. It felt like he hadn’t been sleep for long at all, and as he opened his eyes to the darkness that he and Abby were resting in, he yawned and stretched and he noticed that Abby was resting on him, her head on his chest and the smell of her clean hair was welcoming to him.

As he wondered why he woke, a creaking noise from within the room, outside of the confines of the silk cave, echoed around them. Abby jolted as Mark jumped at the noise.

“Mmm… Mark what…” Abby started.

“Shh!” Mark hushed her quickly, his ears were now listening for the faintest of noises. Maybe it was just him, he thought, but he recognised the sound of creaking, groaning floorboard that was near the door of the bedroom. Perhaps it was the door not having shut properly for whatever reason… But then, another creak sounded off. Slower and louder, it was closer to them now and Abby heard it as well as Mark.

“Mark, has someone come into the room?!” She said with a hushed voice, not that it really mattered anyway. Mark waited before he could say anything, he instead gripped onto Abby in the dark, waiting for something else to happen, hoping that it was just their imagination playing tricks on them.

Nothing happened. Mark and Abby waited for something to happen, but there was just silence. Slowly, they sighed in relief. Mark even coughed a little from holding his breath and Abby stammered a small laugh.

“For a second, I thought-“, Abby screamed and Mark yelled as suddenly, a strong gust of air lifted them both from where they laid to the ceiling of the panties and held them there for what seemed longer than what they perceived it to be. The air was taken from their lungs and they felt like their skin was about to be ripped away from their bodies. And before either of them could comprehend what was happening, it stopped, and they fell back to where to where just moments before.

Mark and Abby panted, trying desperately to catch their breaths that had escaped them so dramatically. Before either of them could speak again, before Mark could embrace Abby and hold her safely again, both Mark and Abby’s world shifted around them. Mark tried desperately to get a grip on the black material but to no avail. He slid deeper and further into the blackness, as did Abby, who was screaming near him but keeping speed the same as Mark.

Eventually, they stopped sliding as they lay in the pit of the panties and managed to grab onto each other in a frantic effort of understanding what was going on. They felt the material around them stretch and within seconds, Mark felt his stomach lurch as he felt his whole universe being lifted up in to the air, along with the panties.


“I-I think someone’s picking up your-“ And before Mark could finish his sentence, light bloomed into their world from high above as the opening of the silk prison parted. They were blinded by the sudden act of the rays shining down to their eyes. Mark winced as he shielded his line of vision, trying to understand what was truly happening.


Mark and Abby froze solid in absolute fear as the impossibly loud hum of satisfaction boomed far above them. As Mark’s eyes adjusted, he moved his arm so he could see, and instantly, he wished he hadn’t at all.

Far above the tiny Mark and Abby, up and high through the panties they could see, unmistakably a giant pair of lips that were curled into a smile, slightly parted that showed a glimmer of straight white teeth. Mark felt Abby grab onto him tightly, stammering, trying to speak but pure panic was defeating her ability to talk at all. The same unfortunately, was for Mark as he tried to think of something to say to her, something to reassure her. But before either of them could conjure a single thought, they felt something big push them from beneath them, behind their backs, behind the material of Abby’s pant and alas, they began to close in on the lips that were their sky.

As Mark and Abby, still holding tightly onto one another, closed the gap by the force that was pushing them from behind and lifting them further towards the ominous pair of lips, Mark could see all the details that not even a normal sized person could. The lips were large and puffy, the small cracks and dimples of the giant pink skin now so much more present and noticeable and now, they presented doom for the pair that screamed as they rushed closer to it.

Mark watched as they were close now, the lips parting above them and with that, the pearly white teeth were gleaming in the dim light from the lamp and they too parted with the lips. Mark along with Abby ceased to scream as what they saw next literally turned his skin white. A giant pink monster slithered out between the teeth, covered in a thick coat of slime, and reached out to meet them.

Before either could react, Mark and Abby slammed into the tongue with no way of being able to escape, and he didn’t know how long it was before the tongue lapped up within the panties and lifted off the material, taking the tiny unknown beings with it. Mark was stuck to the intensely hot muscle because of the thick saliva acting like a pasty glue, his skin burned as he was coated in the stuff from head to toe. He was blinded by it, and as he desperately attempted to free himself from this monster, his hands slipped and slid on the bumpy but somewhat smooth surface. Quickly, he instead wiped as much of the gunk off his face and freed his eyes from it as best he could, and he opened his eyes to a horror unknown, unthinkable to any human being.

He was now staring into yet another dark abyss, one that was literally dripping in spit and ooze and his eyes trailed along the impossibly long, wide tongue that was quivering and undulating within the dank cave. He scanned furthermore, noticing the arch of the roof of this person’s giant mouth and further to the back, he saw that there was indeed an end to the long mouth, and he knew what was there. A pit, an entrance to the throat, to the belly of this mysterious giant person.

Before he could look to see Abby, she herself screamed her loudest scream. Mark guessed in an instant that she had seen what he had seen, and that was simply an understandable reaction to what was in front of them. Mark turned as saw her looking up, towards the back of the mouth as he did. He reached out for her, stretching as much as he could but then he felt the tongue twitch under his body and it began to lift up. In a panic, he tried to grip onto the tongue but there was no need for it as he was still stuck to the giant muscle with no effort on his part.

“ABBY!” he finally managed to yell as the tip of the tongue began to curl upwards, sending Mark and Abby sliding down the slick meat and further into the giant mouth. The giantess whom was still unknown to the tiny couple lifted her head upwards whilst bringing her tongue in. To Mark, it was like an incomprehendible roller coaster. He had no control over his tiny body’s destination, nor did Abby. The hot spit washed over his tiny body as he continued to slide further into the hot cave that was awaiting them.

--- --- ---

Chapter 6

Mark tried desperately to find his feet, trying to find some kind of grip that would allow him to stand upright but there was no way that he would find it on the slick hot tongue that he and Abby was now a prisoner upon. Like a fly stuck on waters skin, he couldn’t free himself from the adhesive properties of the hot spit that continued to wash over him. As the colossal tongue continued to curl into the dark mouth, the further and deeper into the abyss he was forcefully made to venture.

He could hear Abby wailing nearby, but as the saliva continued to wash over him, his eyelids continued to seal closed as it stung his skin and in prevention of being blinded. However, through his closed eyelids, he could see the light disappear. The lips were closing behind him. Quickly, he wiped away at his eyes, and opened them forcefully whilst quickly flipping onto his front. Mark’s mouth dropped instantly as we was now looking at a wall of tongue, raised high above him. To think that he was on the tip of this beast and had slid down to the curve of the tongue, it seemed much further a distance than it was. Everything was happening so quickly that he couldn’t make any kind of real estimate of distance and time. He simply couldn’t see the oval of the inside of the lips closing, but the light dimmed further still and finally, closed completely sealing the tiny morsels in complete darkness in this hot and humid prison.

From the depths of the darkness, before Mark could call out again for his girlfriend, once again a loud “MMMMMMMMMMM…” hummed from behind. Mark clasped his hands around his ears, they stung from the sheer volume of the deep satisfied giantess that had them trapped in her mouth.

Mark tried to call out for Abby, but as he opened his mouth, hot sticky spit washed into his mouth and he couldn’t help but swallow it from shock alone. Because he did it so quickly, he almost choked on it and thus he began to cough in a frantic effort to regain his ability to call out for Abby. However, the tongue began to lay flat, washing Mark away with the pond of saliva that he hadn’t realised he was trapped in.

His body wanted to cave in, like he was on the brink of passing out completely, but mind over matter, he made himself conscious by fighting his body’s ability to fail on him. He shook his head frantically, and cleared his ears of the excess fluids that was clogging his eyes and the intense sound of seas of saliva clashing with the wet meat of the innards of this trap. Mark tried to hold on as the tongue began to wave up and down, side to side, this way and that – soaking the taste of was what inside Abby’s undergarment along with two tiny bodies in the middle of the chaos.

Mark felt his body fly slightly as he was flung into a wall of slick hot flesh, and he stuck to that too. He slid downwards and landed in a pit within the hot mouth. Again, he quickly cleared his eyes from the hot spit, and he tried to see what had happened. He knew he was no longer on the tongue but somewhere still inside the cave. Mercifully, to his right side, light bloomed back into the cave, and he instantly saw pink flesh, thick veins and as he looked up, he could see giant ivory teeth in a row in front of him. Suddenly, the giantess breathed out slowly through her mouth with an "AAAAHHHHHH..." and Mark would've easily been flown straight out of the mouth from the gale of breath that begged to pick his tiny body up, but the gluey spit had his pinned to his spot.

It took Mark a few seconds, but he figured he was now stuck near the gums, having been flung against the inner wall of this person’s cheek. He lay there, pitifully, gazing over the teeth and to the side of the giant tongue. He gasped at the size of the thing, strands of thick juice hung from the rigid roof of the mouth, collecting at the beast that was now rising high up, and began to rub against the palate.

“ABBYYYY!” he yelled into the bleak pink cave that shimmered into the light, but he couldn’t hear Abby screaming anymore. Seeing the tongue raised high into the air, rubbing flesh against flesh, the sheer noise of the fluids being washed around was overwhelming as it was. But the thought that Abby maybe being rubbed too made Mark throw up.

He threw up as would anyone, and his sick washed away with the excess lake of spit that he was awash with. Suddenly, the lips closed once again, sealing him in complete darkness and in an instant, he felt his body lift away with the fluids as the giantess began to suck tightly on the taste that had made its way onto the lumpy buds on her tongue. He felt his body smash back onto the surface of the giant tongue and as hard as he could, he clawed into the flesh and managed to grip onto a small crack on the flesh and he dug his fingers in as tight as he could. He felt gravity shit away as the tongue raised upwards once more, and before he could think ahead, a deafening *GULP* boomed from behind him. The saliva flowed over him, trying to take him with it, and down into the throat it disappeared. After a second or two, Mark felt his body flung once again, but forward back to front of the muscle and something crashed into him. Instinctively, he gripped onto it as hard as he possibly could. He expected the tongue to move again, but it lay still – save for natural quivering movements – but it gave Mark time to wipe his eyes once again with his free hand and he turned to look into darkness.

The lips opened once again and washed him in light, and immediately, he was able to see that he was holding on to Abby’s arm. She was looking at him in complete and utter disbelief and she spared no time to hug him, sliding her body onto the giant muscle towards him.



“MARK, WE’VE GOT TO…” and they looked towards the outside world, looking at a giant fingertip that was passing through the oval of the fat lips, and it was heading straight towards them. They prepared for the worst, they held each other tightly as the digit approached towards them as it entered the mouth. “DON’T LET ME GO MARK!”

“I WON’T!” and together, they braced for impact as the tip of the digit crashed into them, and forcefully pushed them into the hot muscle they laid on. They sunk deep into the tongue and it knocked the wind out of them both. Mark thought they were doomed for sure, but he felt the pressure lift off him, and he felt his body leave the tongue with a sticky snap as a string of saliva that was attached to him snapped back to the tongue and leaving him soaked completely from the sea of despair he was in only moments ago.

He was still holding onto Abby as light blinded him. His stomach waved and turned as he was lifted out of the mouth and into the air, the finger turning upright, exposing him and Abby to whoever’s finger they were stuck to.

“Oh… My God…!” Mark heard the loud voice breathe over them…

--- --- ---

Chapter 7

A Year-and-a-bit Earlier…

Mark pushed the doors open and strolled into The Strawberry. The bar was busy on this Friday evening, but quiet enough for Mark to be able to find his seat on a stool to the side of the counter. He guessed it was only six in the afternoon so it’d probably get busier later on. He sighed as dropped his coat onto the floor next to him, and planted himself.

Mark watched as the middle-aged bartender walked to him with a welcoming smile. “Yes sir, what can I get you?”

“Pint of lager please mate.”

“Pint of lager it is then.” Mark pulled out his wallet and produced his ten pound note and placed it in front of him and waited patiently. He scanned the room, watching couples chat with each other, a group of people gathered round a pool table and someone leaning over a jukebox, deciding his choice of song to put on next.

“Two-eighty then sir!” Mark jumped as the bartender plonked the lager onto the hard wood and slid it closer to him. Without hesitation, the man took his money and wandered back to the till and Mark gripped the cold glass and took a sip of his pint. As he put the glass back onto the bar, his eyes again glanced around the room, and he took attention to a young couple talking to each other over a couple of drinks. He watched them smile and laugh and talk, a casual every day couple indeed. He stared jealously at them, wondering how the guy got so lucky with the lass he was with as she was very pretty and very “proper”, and he looked like a regular lad with a wonky tooth.

“Asshole…” he muttered under his breath, and took another sip from his drink.

“You are a lager lout aren’t you Mark…” Mark ducked his head to the familiar voice that seemed to be come close to left ear. He swallowed and turned around to see Lauren standing next to him.

And there she stood, with eyes from both the guys and the gals glancing from around the room to stare at her and Mark honestly couldn’t blame them. THe twenty-four years young Lauren stood a confident 6’1” in her skin-tight denim jeans and a simple light-orange blouse. Her clothes clung to her fit, athletic body only a gymnast could shape over years of training. Her jeans rounded where her round bottom curved down to her muscular legs and down to her thick calves. Her back wasn’t wide, but it was big enough to show that her upper body strength was envious even to those who perused a dream body from the gym. Her face was cute, small blue eyes that was accentuated by her thin eyebrows and small thin lips and a cute nose that was dashed with a light spray of freckles. She was extremely modest with her make-up, only using it where she thought she needed it, but she knew that she herself had a natural glow to her skin and naturally good looks.

But with all this, her most striking feature of all that made her stand from all the crowds, was her long thick, dark-brown tight-curly hair. It wasn't a frizz nor hairs inter-locking, but long thick locks that naturally twirled down her body. It didn’t stay up in a mound like an afro, but hung in long strands down her back and over her shoulders. It was beautiful and because it was natural, she hardly had anything to do with maintaining it beauty than just washing it.

Even though she had been training as a gymnast from an early age, Lauren also lived on a farm and that was hard work too. It payed off, her strength and stamina was far beyond anyone that Mark had met before.

She smiled her perfect smile, her small mouth stretching and showing off her well done teeth. Mark didn’t know her from when she was young, but apparently she had to have braces for some years to get them the way they look today but he just couldn’t imagine her with any faults at all.

Mark met Lauren at this very bar, The Strawberry, when he was mildly intoxicated and tried to make his move on her a couple of years ago. Unfortuantely for Mark, he made a fool out of himself but he was swarve enough to recuperate his dignity. However, Lauren, being the bubbly and easy going woman she, she laughed at and with him and since then, they had become close friends.

Before he could say a word; “There’s your change mate. And what would you like miss?” asked the bartender.

“Dry white please, large.” Asked Lauren, her attention turning to the man and taking a seat on the stool next to Mark. Mark slid the change off the bar and dropped a couple of coins onto the floor. “Sorry, I got held up on the farm. Mum has bought herself yet another horse so we're having to make room for her. Have you been here long?”

“A minute or two, the bus was actually early for once!” Mark slid his stool back and bent down to retrieve his change, noticing that Lauren was wearing heels, her nails painted with a gloss. He didn’t have a foot fetish or anything, but pretty was pretty in his books. He scooped up the change and sat back on the stool, pocketing his money. “If I sneeze later on, a guy who sat next to me had a cold so keep your distance,” he chuckled.

“Mhmm, I do anyway Marky-boy!” and she punched Mark on his arm with a mighty thump and he winced and rubbed his arm.

“How did you get so tough? I’ve had guys try and hit harder but they’re soft as shit compared to you!” Lauren laughed at him and gripped her guns.

“These bad boys didn’t come from drinking lager that’s for sure! So when’s Brody arriving?”

“He’s in a meeting so he might be a little late, apparently he’s landing a new contract for his business. He’ll be buying the drinks tonight depending on how it went. Mind you, he owes me twenty quid so he can buy me drinks anyway haha!” and with that, he took another sip of the refreshing drink. His attention turned to the bartender returning with Lauren’s drink and placed it onto the bar in front of her.

“On the house!” he said kindly to her.

“Oh! Thank you!” he wandered off and Mark turned to Lauren with a flat face. Lauren smiled and winked at him and sipped from her drink. Mark puffed through his lips ungraciously and shook his head. “Just because you’re you and not me!” Lauren laughed at his fed-up expression.

“Lucky you…” Mark muttered and took another sip.

“Aww don’t be like that! Why are hell you so glum anyway?” Lauren leaned closer to him, somewhat concerned. Mark felt her blue eyes burning into the side of his face and he couldn’t ignore her, no way no how. Her scent flowed to his nose and he took a silent look draw of it, and it smelt like heaven with a hint of grace.

“… Bumped into Charlotte earlier.” And instantly he knew that Lauren understood.

“… Oh…” she said quietly.

“Yeah. Bitch…” he continued to mutter. Mark rubbed his forehead and his eyes with his hand that he was holding his pint with, damp from the condensation but it felt welcoming to his skin. The bar was warming up as more people came into the establishment. He felt Lauren grip his other hand that was holding his upper body stable by gripping his thigh. He turned and looked at her, and she was looking right into his eyes with a warmth only Lauren could give.

“Well, you know, it was eight months ago. Time to let go Mark, don’t you think?”

“I have! I have… But seeing her again… I dunno, just me being me more than anything. I just wish…”

“You could give her a boot up the fanny?” Lauren said finishing his sentence. There was a second’s hesitation before Mark laughed along with Lauren who took a sip from her wine, chuckling as she did.

“Why aren’t all women like you? You’re my dream girl if you weren’t so gay haha!” Lauren swallowed and smiled a big toothy smile at him mockingly.

“I do like guys, but only super-humans!” and with that, she stuck her tongue out at him and winked again. Mark shook his head and took another sip. If only he had taken up the offer to do gymnastics all those years ago. Or even taken up swimming, or even weights! Hindsight was indeed a bitch, he thought. “Plus, girls are much more fun, all shapes and sizes. Anyway, I’m not seeing anyone at the moment either. Living the single life!”

“How’s that treating you?”

“Meh, I get to eat loads of ice-cream and watch crap TV without feeling judged so there’s that. Anyway, looks like the pool table is freeing up soon. Fancy a game? What is it, still six-four to me?” and with that, blew a raspberry at him, fine droplets of spittle hitting his face.

“You got lucky with that last game and you bloody cheated on the game before!”

“Yeah-yeah, whatever! You’re just jeal-“ and before Lauren could finish…

“Hey El!” Lauren turned to the voice that piped up from behind her and began to chat to the woman that had greeted her. Mark took the opportunity to buy another pint, waving the bartender over. He ordered his second pint and his mind wandered to Charlotte, his ex that had royally screwed him over. Why did he see her today, it was a fucking Friday Mark thought to himself. It really brought down his day and he felt miserable from the encounter. He felt a hand hold his shoulder for his attention and he turned to Lauren.

“Mark, this is-“ and Mark shuddered at the magnificent beauty that side-stepped into view from behind and she held out her hand.


Mark forgot about Charlotte in an instant.

--- --- ---

Chapter 8

The warm breath from the voice far above Mark washed over his skin that continued a pleasant tingling but somewhat burning sensation from the hot goo that had washed his body. He couldn’t open his eyes as the gunk was gluing his eyes shut. He could hear Abby whimper next to him, gripping his hand tightly under the new situation that they were in.

Mark tried to lift his head off the skin of the giant fingertip that he was stuck too, but his energy was drained. Weak from the events of the evening, none alone with was had just happened. Being in a mouth of a giantess just moments ago, Mark had no idea what to expect next.

“How… Did this… How did this happen? Abby?! Are… you Mark? Guys, are you OK?” the giant soft voice breathed at them from high above. One thing Mark understood for sure and that was that the voice, the person that had found them was not Lauren. Mark felt his stomach churn, his body temperature rise, his ears thudding and soon the world faded away…


A muffled voice echoed. Dark and light faded in and out. Movement. Touch. And then…


Mark jolted back to life as a sharp pain flared across his face, snapping him out of the funk that he had slipped into. His eyes snapped open, he sat upright and he… Was dry. Rubbing his eyes, he felt his head throb and his body ache. He croaked as he tried to talk, so he coughed and cleared his throat and tried again. He rubbed his throat and realised that he was wrapped in what looked like tissue paper.

“What happened…?” he talked quietly.

“You passed out…” Abby’s voice whispered next to him. Reality snapped back to Mark once again as he quickly snapped his head to Abby and looked right into her eyes and over her and noticed that she too was wearing tissue paper. She looked OK considering the events that she had endured. Her hair looked as if it had been washed and she looked calm as she looked back at Mark. “We cleaned you up, wrapped you up and let you rest. You’ve been out for a while I’m not sure how long specifically. We-“

“Wait, wait a second…” Mark stammered. “Who is ‘we’?”

“Hi Mark…” Mark jumped out of his skin and once again in haste, spun round from the hip and his jaw dropped.

He was now looking at a giant woman’s face staring over the tiny couple. Mark instantly figured that they were on their bedside dresser, but only because of the distinct dim light that the lamp was casting over them and into the room behind him.

Mark gawped at the woman though, how couldn’t he! She must’ve been in her mid-twenties for sure. The first thing he noticed about her was her skin, dark by the use of fake tan and copious amounts of it. It didn’t look bad as such, but it was easily noticeable that it wasn’t her natural skin colour, nor a natural sun-kissed tone. She had a small button nose and small round brown eyes. She had a wide smile with dimples at the corners of her lips and they were coated with a light red lipstick, which creased into her soft cheeks. She wasn’t chubby, but she was sporting a healthy weight more than a woman would happily admit to, but she suited it. She had long brown hair that was straightened, and it was parted and hung side-to-side of her face.

“So you must be Cheryl…” Mark said, finding his voice again.

“That’s me little guy. You gave us both a bit of a scare you know!” Mark was fascinated by watching her talk. The distance between the tiny couple and Cheryl’s face was not far at all, and Mark had to strain his next to look at her in the eyes. But even so, his eyes locked also onto the mouth that opened and closed as she talked. He stared in a stiff fear as he saw the tongue, the giant tongue he was being thrashed about with was flopping around in the depths of the darkness.

“Right back at you…” Mark mumbled. “Thanks for helping us out…” He finished speaking louder this time.

“That’s OK! Now that I know you’re awake and… alive, I’ll be right back!” and once again, Mark’s jaw dropped completely as Cheryl lifted off her knees and stood up slowly in front of them. She was wearing an orange tank top with thin straps that strained on her traps. And they were straining, for hidden behind her top was the biggest pair of breasts that Mark had simply every seen… Or contemplated for that matter. They were squashed together, pushing her breasts up and out forwards. Her curvy figure continued to rise and she turned to leave and proceeded for the door. Mark continued to watch as this giantess walked away. Her arse came into view, she was wearing just a black thing, the strap lost between her giant cheeks. The thong hung on her round hips, her legs were thick, not from muscle but from her soft meat that suited her without any doubt within Mark’s mind. Her thighs lightly rubbed together as she walked away, but round bottom bounce with every step. As Cheryl gripped the doorknob, she looked back at Mark and Abby staring right at her. She winked with a smile, and left the room.

There was silence for a few moments before Mark piped up.

“I can see why Lauren likes her…” and immediately, Abby turned to look at Mark with a look that was painful and piercing.

“And what is THAT supposed to mean?”

“Oh come on! Even you have to admit, she’s got a nice bod!” Mark said humorously with a smirk.

“This isn’t funny Mark…” and Abby huffed and tightened the tissue around her. He could see that something was bothering her and it wasn’t just the fact that a beautiful goddess had Mark’s good graces.

He wondered if he would regret what he was about to say next, but it had to be done. “Abby, what’s wrong?”

“Don’t you remember what happened? Not only did we nearly end up in the stomach of that bitch, but she only had us in her mouth, because we were stuck in my pants! My pants that she had the nerve to come and sneak into our room and have a taste-“

“Ok, I see where this is going…” Mark apologised. He hadn’t thought what had happened thoroughly, but she had a point.

“Mark, I thought you had died. I thought you were swallowed, I nearly got washed down her throat but lucky for me I guess, I was being raped by her fucking tongue!”

Mark turned to look at her again. Softly, he asked; “Raped?”

Abby was silent for a moment, Mark could see that she was envisioning everything that was happening. “She might not have known that we were in there, in her mouth. But I know she was… Enjoying me… She had me pinned against the roof of her mouth… She was rubbing me with her…” and Abby went quiet.

Mark waited for a moment before he hunched up close to her and hugged her side, bringing her close to him. He let Abby rest her head on his shoulders, and he slowly and softly rubbed her arm.

“We’ll be OK Abby. We’ll…” and suddenly he heard a silence as something electrical whined down and then were was nothing but silence. He hadn’t realised that something was left on. He lifted his head and looked onto his bed to find his laptop open and powered off. “What’s my laptop doing on my bed?”

“I told Cheryl about the stone, what had happened to us. I told her to find the laptop and we tried to find something about it, something to help us out.”

“Did you find anything?” But Mark knew what the answer was.

“No.” Abby whimpered.

--- --- ---

Chapter 9

Mark and Abby sat in silence on top of their dresser, both wondering just how they were going to get out of this situation. In just one evening alone, Mark had almost – even should have been crushed by his once normal-sized girlfriend and they both had come inches away from being swallowed into the body of Cheryl. Mark shuddered at such a thought and Abby looked at him.

“So… Are you OK? I mean, considering…” she said softly.

Mark didn’t turn to look at her, but instead spoke with his head sunk, looking at his knees. “I suppose. I’m not dead so that’s one thing. Where did Cheryl go anyway?”

“She said earlier that she just wanted to check on Lauren. I think she’s asleep, I guess it’s probably been a long day for her…” Abby paused, thinking what to say next. Just as Mark was about to reply, she continued. “Mark, we need to talk to Lauren. If there’s anybody that could help us, it’s Lauren. I don’t trust Cheryl, especially after she snuck into our room. I wonder how she knew - or guessed she knew that we weren’t in the room. She wouldn’t have just sneaked in, would she?”

Mark had a feeling it was a rhetorical question, but he gandered an answer anyway. “Maybe she needed something, or to tell us something… Saw an opportunity… I dunno. We could ask her when she comes back?”

“I don’t think so, it’s probably best we don’t raise the point until we… If we return to normal…”

“If?” Mark had noticed that she changed her phrase with confidence, not from a mistake. He turned to look at her, and she turned her head away.

“…I lied.”

“About?” Mark questioned with stern in his voice.

“…We did find some info on the stone.”

Mark cleared his throat and asked further. “And?”

Abby hesitated, Mark knew this was not going to be good news. “The stone… It’s… I don’t know. Mythical? There were articles about it sure, but it was based on rumours and weird reports. Nobody knows where it comes from, nobody knows what it’s made of. But… I guess some of it was true, the fact that people were disappearing around it and that people became somewhat invincible by touching it…” And in this instance, Mark thought again about Abby having stepped on him. He should have been crushed for sure, even if he was under the arch of her foot and pushed into the soft carpet, the pressure alone of her weight should have crushed his spine at least, but he hadn’t felt a thing. He could feel his palms become moist as he began to sweat. “But it’s not just anybody that can use the stone… It chooses, I guess, who can use it…”

Mark was beginning to get a headache from this news, he just couldn’t get his head around what he was hearing. “So, why us?”

“I don’t know. Nobody knows. But Mark, there were no stories about the people who disappeared…”

“…Or shrunk…” Mark came to realise.

“…Or shrunk, there were no stories of people returning. They just simply, they were just gone forever. There was something we read that said that the invincibility wears off after a time.” Mark sighed. Invincible, but not infinitely invincible. That thought alone… But with him being shrunk… He wanted to be sick. But there was one thing…

“But… You say there were no reports on people returning? Maybe nobody figured it out, maybe it is still possible to get back to normal.” Mark got onto his feet, and turned. He stared now at the ominous stone, sitting on the dresser next to the lamp. It was like a presence, a being that sat quietly… Waiting… It was as if it was watching them. Mark felt his skin pimple, his mind getting the better of him. Abby got onto her feet too and turned to the stone.


As he held onto the tissue wrapped around his body, Mark slowly approached the large stone and as he came closer to the strange object Abby started to follow behind him. He was standing close to it now, and he observed the strange smooth texture of it. He wasn’t sure if it wasn’t just because he was so small, but it was unlike anything he had seen before. Even the shade of pearly-white was something quite different, like his eyes couldn’t register the exact colour of it. He reached his arm out to it, ready to touch it…

A loud creak groaned behind them and both Mark and Abby spun on their feet. It was still a very odd sight, to see Cheryl slowly and quietly making her way towards the dresser. Mark couldn’t help himself, and he was sure Abby was doing the same, he scanned her whole body as she approached them walking lightly on her feet. Now that he could see all of her front, Mark was trying hard not to gain an erection from the sight of this colossal woman. Her breasts bounced and swayed lightly together, her cleavage ever-present from the way her top hung on them. Her thick legs motioned in a way that could hypnotise any man and woman… And between her legs, the front of her black thong was visible. It had some white logo on the front, but Mark didn’t pay any attention to it. Further down, her calves stretched as she continues to walk, and he could see a gold anklet resting on the top of her left foot.

Once Mark snapped out of his trance, he realised that she was only a step away from the dresser and she had stopped and was looking down on them with a soft smile. Mark stepped back and bumped his head onto the stone behind him and gawked as she once again crouched onto her knees and levelled her head with the dresser.

“Sorry about that! Lauren’s still asleep. She’s had a long day and it’s probably best not to wake her right now. Did you fill Mark in Abby?” Mark watched as Cheryl’s eyes had turned to his tiny girlfriend.

“Yes.” Abby replied flatly. Mark thought it was best not to be on the wrong side of Cheryl, invincible or not, seeing as she was a million times the size of them and that wasn’t the half of it.

“She did. Thanks for trying to help us out, we do appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome Mark! God, you guys are just so tiny!” Mark was nearly blown onto his feet as feet as Cheryl chuckled lightly, the wind from her mouth was shocking considering how lightly she was laughing. He turned to look at Abby, she had fallen onto her rear and her tissue had come away slightly. She quickly gripped the tissue again and made sure she was covered. “Oh, I’m sorry! Invincible, but delicate I guess!”

Mark wanted to turn the subject away from their immediate predicament. “Cheryl, would you be able to tell Lauren about us tomorrow? It’s not like we can shout for her like this.”

“Erm, sure! Why Lauren?”

Mark wasn’t sure why she had asked the question, but he answered her regardless. “Well, she is a good friend of ours, she might be able help. Somehow…” Mark faltered as hope did indeed looked dim for the both of them. Mark looked back up at Cheryl, who was still smiling down at them.

“Well, to be honest, I don’t think you’ll find a lot of help. There was nothing on the internet about it, just little snippets here and there. Maybe you should just accept your new sizes!”

“We can try!” Abby piped up. Mark turned to Abby, admiring her for her stern approach to Cheryl, but concerned by the way she was being blunt. He turned to look back at Cheryl who was now squinting down his girlfriend.

“Sure you can Abby, sure you can…” and her smile was now transforming to a smirk, a dimple creasing into her sheek.

“And why did you creep into our room? And why did you-“

“-Abby!” Mark interrupted her. But looking at Cheryl, she knew what Abby was going to ask her next.

“Lauren said you guys were out and that you had left your clothes on the bed. I didn’t hear you come in so I thought I’d… Take a peak and see if you guys had come back…” Both Mark and Abby knew that she wasn’t telling the truth entirely. “Anyway, here you are!” Cheryl continued. “And might I say, I liked your uhm... Outfit, Abby. Very sexy!”

“Fuck you Cheryl…” Abby muttered. Mark hushed her and continues to look at Cheryl.

“Well guys, I don’t think I can leave you here like this.” Cheryl said with a soft tone, and the tiny couple watched in awe as she stood up, back onto her feet.

“It’s OK Cheryl, just come and find us in the morning. We’ll be fine here for the night.” Mark shouted up to her.

“Guys, you don’t have much of a choice…” Cheryl said with a wink. Abby yelped as she began to back away, Mark felt like he was going to faint as Cheryl opened her hand above them and began to reach for them, lowering her outstretched hand towards them…

--- --- ---

Chapter 10

He felt his legs shake as he cowered from the sight of Cheryl’s hand lowering towards Abby and himself, the giant fingers stretching out to meet him and all Mark could do was anticipate what seemed like the inevitable. Shadow washed over him as the giant hand now blocked his entire view of Cheryl standing over them, but he could hear her quietly chuckling to herself as she threateningly lowered her hand further to them.

Mark’s reactions were thankfully quick and right now, they come in handy as he dived when the giant fingers quickly curled around him, trying to grasp him. But he saw a gap closing between the fingers and that was what he dived for, feeling the tissue that was wrapped around him taken from his body as Cheryl’s attempt to grip him failed. He landed roughly onto the desk with a huff, but Abby was not so lucky. He quickly turned to see Abby lost within Cheryl’s hand, screaming loudly, and then muffled as she was taken into a firm grip and lifted away from the desk.

Getting back to his feet, he watched as Cheryl was grinning as she opened her hand in front of her, and Mark could only just hear Abby screaming from within her palm.

“Well Abby, where did your boyfriend go?” frozen, he saw her eyesight return to the plain he was on, and lock onto his. “Oh Mark, don’t be so silly! You can’t run forever…”

Mark turned to run, but as he made even two steps away from Cheryl before he felt her hot fingers pinch his minuscule body, and felt his stomach lurch as he lifted up into the air. He winced in pain as he found himself locked in a pinch between Cheryl’s thumb and forefinger. He tried to push away her colossal digits, but his hands pressed into her soft fingers and made no impact on his struggles. If felt like it was going on forever, but soon he felt himself drop and bounce onto another warm surface.

He felt Abby hold him and Mark opened his eyes, still in pain from the grip that Cheryl had him in. Mark wanted her to say something, but she was panting heavily in pure terror. They laid on Cheryl’s soft warm skin and looked up at her, smiling above them.

“Aww guys, you two are so sweet! Holding onto each other! And Mark, may I say, you are well… Endowed…” and Mark looked down to see he was indeed naked, whilst Abby… “… And Abby, you won’t be needing this anymore!” And they both screamed as Cheryl’s other hand dived for Abby and tore away the tiny scrap of tissue that she covered herself with. They watched as the giantess flicked the tissue onto the floor without a care in the world. “Now you two, I don’t think it would be fair to wake Lauren up right now would it? I don’t suppose you’d mind me sleeping in here do you? It looks like a very comfy bed I must say…” And without consent, Cheryl proceeded to put the laptop onto the floor, and threw Abby’s clothes onto the floor. Soon enough, the tiny couple yelled as they rolled off Cheryl’s slanted palm and fell onto the bed and again, they found each other and held into an embrace as they looked up at the colossus that was her friends’ lover, that now stood to the side of the bed looking down at them, with a certain smile that meant that she was up to no good.

“Mark…” Abby whispered.

“I know…” Mark simply replied. Staring up at Cheryl was beyond imagination, beyond anything ever conceivable. As the tiny couple gazed high above them, Cheryl stood with her hands on her hips, the bed’s horizon was just below her waistline, her giant breasts trapped within her top loomed over them, almost blocking her face entirely, her hair hung down her body and Cheryl’s look, her grin as she dominated her presence over them. And the light too, the light from the lamp cast light and shadow on her body and it made her look like a God from Greek mythology, from scripture itself.

“Well, it’s just past 3 in the morning,” Cheryl yawned high above them. “I think we should hit the hay, don’t you think?” The tiny couple got to their feet and paced backwards as they watched Cheryl lift her round leg up and over to the bed. As Cheryl climbed on, it was as if Mark’s world was shifting around him. The bed crumpled under her magnificent weight, making the tiny couple lose their footing and they struggled to keep their balance and the giant woman climbed onto their own bed. As they regained their balance, everything stopped, and they looked back up at Cheryl, who was now on her knees, her round rear perched onto her feet, her hands on her giant round thighs and her thong squeezed between them and she, looking down up the tiny couple, grinning evermore. “Now guys, where would you like to sleep?”

“Cheryl, just leave-“ Mark began.

“Obviously, you can’t sleep on the bed, I might lose you and who knows what would happen to you guys then?”

“Cheryl-“ Abby also started.

“I have to keep you guys safe!” Cheryl laughed and bit her bottom lip, and Mark’s jaw opened slowly as he watched Cheryl slowly and lightly stroke the front pouch of her crotch, her fingertip pressing into her thong and sliding between her lips. “And you can’t sleep in my mouth, that’s for sure! Although, I wouldn’t say no…” And she winked down at the couple, wiping her tongue across her top lip.

“Cheryl! This is ridiculous! Just-“

“I know!” They watched as Cheryl lifted her hands and slammed them onto the bed behind them, Mark and Abby were now looking up at Cheryl lowering her body towards the bed in front of them, with her eyes locked on them without blinking whatsoever. Her eyebrows curled and she was again biting her bottom lip. But soon their attention turned to the giant round breasts that swung in front of them, swelling from her increasing pace of breathing. Abby screamed and she ran, and as Mark thought to do the same, they both were swooped into Cheryl’s gigantic hand once again and rolling onto her soft palm as she lifted them up to her face. Mark knew he was never going to get used to the sight of anything this enormous, such as this beautiful but terrifying womans’ face and subconsciously, he felt infinitely sorry for ants and what they had to go through on a day-to-day basis.

“Now Mark…” Cheryl began to talk softly, but her hot minty breath blasted at them and almost blowing them off the hand altogether. “…I hope you don’t mind, but I’d like a moment with Abby if you please…” And all of a sudden, Cheryl’s giant thumb pinned Mark down to the soft flesh of the giant palm, only leaving Mark’s head exposed to the world. Cheryl’s wasn’t pushing hard upon the tiny man, but it was enough that Mark couldn’t move at all, save the ability to turn his head.

“CHERYL!” he yelled and Abby screamed as she pushed and shoved and beat against the thick skin holding Mark down, but Mark could only watch as Cheryl slowly lowered her towards them.

“Abby, my little chew toy…” Mark stared in pure fear for his girlfriend as Cheryl’s lips hovered just above her hand, her breath washing over them more than ever as she deliberately breathed on them as she spoke. Abby screamed in pure agonising fear as Cheryl’s giant drool soaked tongue flopped with a splat onto her hand, and slowly slid across the skin towards her, but there was nowhere for Abby to run, unless she dived high into the air from the hand. And invincible or not, it was an impossible option for Abby.

And so, Mark yelled for his girlfriend with absolutely no power whatsoever as he watched the wet meat slide towards her. With a flick from the tip of the tongue, Abby instantly stuck to the pink monster, and instantly disappeared between the plush lips with silence.

Until… “Mmmmmm, she is so tasty…!” Cheryl quietly moaned, keeping her lips pretty much sealed save for the gap at the corner so she could talk.

Before Mark could retaliate, or yell at Cheryl, he felt his body be released from being pinned under the thumb and he rolled down the palm that now tilted downwards. He rolled and rolled, without truly knowing what direction he was heading towards…

Off the fingers he rolled and Mark felt gravity vanish as fell through the air, wind rushing around him and blindly he landed with a press onto something soft and warm but was a familiar feeling of skin. He bounced and began to roll once again but quickly, he dug his fingers into the skin and held his position. Dizzly, he shook his head and tried to gain his bearings. It didn’t take him long as he was now staring into a dark canyon, the impossibly gigantic cleavage was looming just below the round mound of which was lay upon.

Sitting atop of Cheryl’s breast, he looked up to see her staring down at him. His body burned in fury as he saw her slowly sucking, her cheekbones visible from the amount of pressure she was giving to her tongue and to his girlfriend, trapped in the hell he knew too well. Cheryl winked down at him as she pushed her finger towards Mark and in reaction, he lost his grip and he slid down the rounded slope, towards the vast darkness between Cheryl’s flesh…
© Copyright 2014 NickNack (nicknack at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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