Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1975253-A-Beautiful-Beginning
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Drama · #1975253
Sixteen year old, Aria, is pregnant without knowing who the father of the child is.
Taylor Poliak

1 White

"A Beautiful Beginning"

January 23, 2014


You know how there's always that one dumb girl in high school that gets knocked up? Yeah, well I used to sneer at them and think they were hustlers just like everyone else. But now, I am that girl. I had everything. I had a good family, a cute boyfriend, great friends, and popularity. I had dreams and goals for my future life. Now, that's all over.

         I used to be the cheerleading captain at Roanoke High School. My boyfriend, Jake, was the linebacker for the football team. He was popular, every girl wanted him because he was too dreamy. But I had him, every girl was jealous of me because I had the dreamiest boy in high school. I had a best friend who would do anything for me, Jason. Jason was nothing like Jake, they liked different things. Jason and I have known each other since we were little. He has always been there for me. I have a couple of friends that are also there for me, but they will never compare to Jason. There is always one flaw in my life and that would be my enemy, Mona.

         Mona would always bully me when we were kids. She would make fun of me because my dad left. She would always say "your dad never loved you. He thought you were a disgrace. Don't get your hopes up sweetie, nobody ever loved you". My mom used to always tell me that she was just jealous of me but I never believed that. I always believed that she was telling the truth about my dad. Now that we are older, she stopped with my dad situation. Now she's starting with Jake. She has always liked him and when she found out that I was dating him, oh man was she mad. She would always use to try and get with him. Nothing ever worked to get him until one night.

         One stupid night, one stupid mistake, one stupid party. One night was all it took. One night was all it took for my world to crash.

         I went with a couple of friends and Jake to this party. Once we arrived, it was actually a good party at first. There obviously was alcohol and drugs. I mean, what high school party doesn't have alcohol and drugs? I wasn't really a drinker or a drug person. I always thought that if somebody did that, it would get them no where in life. Well, I became that person that night. Everybody was having a good time. People were making out, dancing on tables, drinking, smoking, basically what everybody does at parties. I went with my friend to go outside to smoke a cigarette. Once I came back inside, I could not find Jake. I thought he left without even realizing he left me there. I started asking around and people were saying that he was with another girl. My automatic thought was "oh, probably a girl who just needs some advice". Jake was always good with advice.

         I went to go look for him. I went room to room. Once I went to the basement, it was all dark. Since it was dark, I thought nobody would be down here until I started hearing noises. I didn't know what it was so I went to turn on the light. Once I did, there was Jake on the couch with another girl having sexual intercourse. That other girl would be Mona...

         "Are you kidding me!? Why would you do this to me? You know what, screw you! I'm done with you!" I ran upstairs, in tears and slammed the door shut. I don't need him in my life. I can find better, I know I can.

         I didn't know what to think. I didn't know what to do. I ran upstairs, grabbed a beer and drank it until it was all gone. It did that over and over until I got blasted that I couldn't even see straight. This cute boy was staring at me, winking at me and just basically being a total flirt with me. So, I went over to him, grabbed him by his shirt collar and starting making out with him. I didn't even know him. I never seen him before in my life but that didn't matter at the moment. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the back room. We starting making out again and finally him and I also had sexual intercourse.

         That next morning, I woke up with half of my clothes off, no ride home, feeling sick to my stomach because I drank so much, and I didn't even know where my cell phone was. After a while, I finally found my phone and I called Jason. I knew Jason would come pick me up because he'd do anything for me.

         Once he came and got me, he just looked at me like I've been through some kind of storm or something. He didn't even know the half of it or I didn't even know the half of it. The only thing I can remember is watching my dreamy boyfriend, Jake and my worst enemy, Mona having sexual intercourse. Last night was probably the worst night of my life.

         I haven't talked to Jake since that night. He's called, texted, tried talking to me and he even wrote me notes. Nothing he could do would make me talk to him. He cheated on me and he doesn't even remember! He doesn't remember going downstairs with my enemy. It doesn't matter how drunk you are, if you truly love somebody you wouldn't have sexual intercourse with another girl especially if it's your girlfriends enemy. He finally got the fact that I'm not going to talk to him. He just gave up.

         It's been three months since that night at the party. Everything that I eat, I just couldn't keep it down. My mom thinks it's just the stomach flu. I don't think it is though, I've had the stomach flu before and this time it just feels different. I haven't got my period either. Oh gosh, oh gosh! What if I'm... pregnant?

         "Aria, are you okay?" Jason's voice sounded anxious as I sat on the toilet holding the stick. That little stick that could change everything and behold there was a little pink plus sign.

         "Jason," tears filled my eyes. I felt like screaming. "I'm pregnant..."

         "What? With who?" He asked anxiously.

         "I... I don't know," I said while crying.

         I don't even know who the dad is. I don't even remember what he even looked like. I know it isn't Jake because we never did anything. He always wanted to but I just wasn't ready. I can't believe I only had sexual intercourse once and I'm already pregnant. What if people find out? What if I get an abortion? No, I can't get an abortion. This child is in my stomach and I'm going to take care of it no matter what. What would people say if they find out? Nobody would ever talk to me again. I would be the person that everybody laughs at. Everybody would just stop and stare and think "wow, she's such a slut". I don't want to be that girl. I used to laugh at those girls, now I am that girl.

         I'm six months pregnant now. I found out that I am having a girl. I'm going to be the only person taking care of this little innocent baby.

         "Aria, I will help you take care of this baby. I'm not going to let you go through this alone. Your family bailed out on you, Jake cheated on you and you know I'll always be here for you. This may not how your life is supposed to be, but its' how its' going to be. You are going to have a child and I'm going to help you with her." Jason was serious about this. I don't know the dad of the baby and he wants to basically be the dad of her. He's going to be great but I don't want him to waste his life away for me and my child.

         I'm nine months pregnant now. I'm almost close to my due date. I'm nervous but then I'm kind of excited. When I fall asleep, I will be able to finally lay on my side without my having this huge belly on me. I don't even go to school anymore because everybody just bullies me and makes fun of me. I hate how people think that they're better than me just because they can talk about me. Nobody is better than anybody.

         My due date is near. I cannot wait to have this little girl. She's going to be beautiful, I can already tell that she is. Hopefully, she's going to come soon. I don't want to wait too long. Hopefully, I don't have to get a C-section. Hopefully, everything is going to be okay between her and I. I just want to hear her cry, look at her and even hold her. I didn't really want her at first because I didn't want my life to end up like this, but I can already tell she's going to be the joy of my life.

         I woke up in the middle of the night with a pain so painful in my stomach that I couldn't bear. I think my water broke. I hurried up, grabbed my phone and called Jason. He answered sounding so tired.

         "Jason! I think my water broke!" I screamed.

         "Aria, calm down. I will be over in about ten minutes. Pack your stuff, get ready. I'll be right over." He sounded so calm.

         "Alright, but please hurry." I pleaded.

         "Aria?" He said

         "Yes?" I said worriedly.

         "Everything is going to be alright, I'm going to be here right by your side. You're a strong beautiful girl and I know you can make it through this. Just know I have loved you since day one and I will forever love you." He said sounded all calm. I just hung up.

         Today is the day. Today is the day I get to see my baby. Jason is right by my side like always. We're both extremely nervous. While Jason is holding my hand, I'm crying because I'm in so much pain.

         "Push, push, breathe, breathe, push, push." The doctor said this to me every single time. It eventually got extremely annoying.

         We stopped for a while, the doctor walks out of the room to go check something. Once he comes back in, he looks tired and upset.

         "Aria, you are going to have to get a C-section. The baby's umbilical cord is wrapped around her neck. There is going to be no way we can get her out like that." The doctor explained to me.

         This is my worst fear, getting a C-section and not making it alive. Jason isn't going to be there with me because they can't let anybody in. I'm going to have to go through this pain by myself.

         "Alright, I'll do anything just to keep this baby alive." I said while tears are streaming down my face.

         "You can make it through this, you both can. You both are strong, beautiful, brave, young ladies. I love you both." He kisses me on the forehead while the doctors are taking me to get a C-section.

         I'm so scared. What if I don't make it and she does? What if I make it and she doesn't? What if we both don't make it? There are too many "what if" questions.

         The C-section is finally over. I could barely open my eyes. I didn't even hear my baby's first cry. Once I officially woke up, Jason is right by my side, holding my hand. The nurse comes in holding my baby.

         "Do you want to hold her?" the nurse asked.

         "Of course I do." I said.

         She's so little. Her hands and feet are the size of my pinky finger. She has the cutest little nose. She is everything I ever dreamed of.

         "She's beautiful just like her mother." Jason said while tears are forming in his eyes.

         "I haven't even picked a name out for her. Could you possibly help me?" I asked Jason.

         "How about Emma May? May is your favorite month and you would always used to name your dolls, Emma." He said with the cutest smile on his face.

         "Emma May? I love it. Hi Emma, welcome to this odd world." I said with tears forming in my eyes. Emma looked at me and smiled.

         I thought my life would be over if I had a child. I thought it would be the end for me but no. My life is only the beginning with a beautiful child, Emma.





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