Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1975059-Soul-Guardian
by tasha
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1975059
A girl is being guarded for her life but why she has a guardian angel that saved her life.
Chapter 1

Once upon a time there was a girl named Mariel Mendoza, she is fifteen years old, thin,tan, and has a long hair. Her appearance is just like any other students, a normal girl. Her mother is a vendor in their store and her father is a welder in their own welding shop both of their parents were self employed. Mariel has one sibling and her name is Arianne, which was thirteen years old. They are both studying in a school, with a church that focuses in religion and values education. Mariel is a type of a daughter that just say wholeheartedly what she thinks is wrong especially when she and her mother had a misunderstanding, with that, without pausing, she and her mother almost had an argument and she was called a black sheep by her mother in front of Arianne, which Mariel took seriously.
Meanwhile in Egypt, a group of archeologist found a mummy wearing a gold neclase and inside its locket embedded is a red stone. When the archeologist took the neclase from the mummy a sudden wind gushed and a white shadow appeared and then dissapeared. They sent the neclase to the lab for research, they found out that the neclase is pure gold but the red stone is just an ordinary stone, weird knowing it came from a mummy. The researcher then removed the red stone from the neclase, they put it inside 2 boxes and then they carried it to their private plane going to their country for further research. While the plane is above air, the system suddenly malfunctioned and displayed an error "overload". Which was then relayed by the pilot to the people inside. "We need to loose some cargo guys, otherwise we cant get to where were going"said by the pilot. The researcher and the archeologist went to the cargo bay. The archeologist threw boxes outside the plane that they think is not necessary. The researcher shouted seeing the archeologist. "No, not that one!" But the box already fell outside the plane. All of a sudden the system went back to normal. "Everything's alright, back to normal flight guys" said by the pilot then he closed the cargo lane. The cargo dropped in a province, and was then mulled by the people, the red stone inside the box rolled in front of a girl and when the girl saw the stone she immediately took it and sent it home. The girl gave the red stone to her mother who is a neclase maker, due to the unique glow of the red stone they made it a beautiful neclase and tried to sell it in the market. After a few hours, an old woman in the market looked at the neclase the girl is selling and wanted to buy it all. The girl got overwhelmed and sold it. The old woman bought all the neclase they're selling and tried to sell it in a church in the city. That sunday afternoon Mariel went to the church and she already has the money she saved, for almost a year and wanting to buy the latest gadget celphone. She is so excited just thinking about it, she planned to buy it after the mass. After the church mass, Mariel headed outside to wait for a cab going to the Mall when she heard a fight. She saw a man throwing all the neclase of the vendor, at the side of the street and shouting at her. "You better pay for your debt or else!" then left.. Mariel went to help the vendor organize. "Thank you child", said the vendor while crying. "How much was your debt to him, if you dont mind me asking"? said Mariel. "USD230, Well I cant pay him as of the moment since I have three children, and I am the only one who supports them. I promised I would pay him if the bussiness is good then this happened">said the vendor. "Oh I see, well.. you be careful, next time alright?"said Mariel. After Mariel finished organizing the neclase, she walked going to the terminal preparing to ride a cab. All of a sudden a woman went to the vendor and said "Maring, Damian went to our house demanding that you pay your debt as soon as possible or else he wont stop bothering you".said the woman. The old woman cried and tried to explain to her friend. When Mariel heard it she approached them, "Ahmm is Maring your name mam?"asked Mariel. "Yes answered the vendor. "Here is the... USD230, please pay that person before something bad happens."said Mariel handing the money to the vendor. "No I cant"said the vendor. "No I insist please take it"said Mariel. "Bless you child,"answered the vendor, while accepting the money. "Youre welcome"said Mariel and walked going to the terminal home. "Child, good child wait"said by the vendor trying to catch up with Mariel. "I would like to give this to you, this is the most beautiful neclase I'm selling right now and this came from a very far province. Please... take it",said the vendor. Mariel accepted the neclase and said, "it is preety, thank you", said Mariel. Later that night, in Mariel's room she suddenly was awaken, when she heard someone calling her name. "Mariel, Mariel!" When Mariel opened her eyes, she was surpised to see a white looking like a ghost in her room. "Whoa, w-who are you?" asked Mariel. "Me?, well I am the guardian of the neclase your wearing". "Are you a ghost?"asked Mariel. Mariel tried to touch it but her hands are just passing through. "Not really but you could say it like that because I dont have a body" it answered. "What do you want with this neclase, this was just given to me" said Mariel. "This neclase came from a very very far place to find you Mariel, and this neclase would only stay to a person with a good heart. I see you were emotional most of the times, you've been called a black sheep by you mom? Well for me you are not, because people do change, and people can change if the have the will and dedication to it."It said. Mariel smiled and said. "Oh alright, what's your name?" asked Mariel. "I don't have a name, but you could call me soul g, I'm your guardian angel and I am here to guard that neclase". Then he held the right hand of Mariel and kissed it. Mariel took back her hand and said, "Well at least I don't need to pay for your fare or anything because you are definetely invinsible. And if I tell anyone about you, they'll put me on straight jacket. W-wait what is this neclase for and why are you guarding it?" asked Mariel. "When time comes you'll definetely know, now if you don't mind I'll be here by your side from now on ok?"said by her soul g.
Why is Ms Mendoza has someone guarding her what is with her neclace that her soul g is guarding?
Ending: Ms Mariel grew old and was advised by her soul g to throw the neclace into the deep sea for someone to get it accidentally in replace to her.

Chapter 2

After a few years that Mariel is with the company of her soul g, weird but magical things happen in her life. But Mariel does not believe in her soul g, for her she really would not believe a thing looking like a ghost to say unbelievable facts to her. She just ignored it and moved on with her life. When Mariel grew up with her parents, her mother always give her advises especially when she's all alone. Not to talk to strangers, be mindful of places they are going to go, and to be extra careful. And since she was just a teenager that time she doesn't understand and take her mother's advises seriously. But this time she indeed learned why, she needed to listen to her parents. Mariel was the eldest among them siblings with Arianne. She saw how her parents struggle with their expenses and still manage to feed her and Arianne. She even hears her parents arguing at night because of financial problem. which makes her decide she needed to do something about it. Next day she and arianne went out to find a job, Arianne was that first one to land a job and Mariel was hired as a waitress in a 24 hours restaurant. Mariel was given an afternoon shift in a restaurant where she was hired and she would be out at 12 in the morning. In order to save money she decided to just walk across the bridge despite the long distance from her work to the teminal in going home. Despite the dark road and what was just reflecting are lights from the crossing vehicles. When Mariel reached the bridge going to the terminal, she saw a person coming her way. She felt nervous when she saw that guy, so she kept a distance a bit far from the guy, and walked at the side of the street avoiding the bridge along with that guy. Mariel caught the guy's attention and asked her. "You might get hit with the vehicles why dont't you step here in the bridge instead", smiling at Mariel. "No, thank you, said Mariel, remembering what was advised to her by her mother, not to talk to strangers. After that the next night Mariel had an acquiantance in the restaurant a waitress just like her, her name is Carmela and found out that she is also going to the terminal in going home and agreed to accompany Mariel. Same time 12 in the morning Mariel and Carmela walked going to the terminal and saw two guys coming their way. When the two guys were already near them, one of the guys spoke, "Hi miss, can I ask you a question?", All of a sudden Carmela panicked, and raised her hand "Do not come close"! Carmela thew the cigarette butt in the two guys, then she looked at Mariel and ran. Mariel gazed at her friend running and going back to the restaurant's direction. Mariel looked back at the two guys in front of her wondering why her friend suddenly panicked. Then Mariel got shocked when she saw two icepick pointing to her belly and demanding her to give them her celphone. Mariel got scared and her eyes burst into tears when she saw and felt two icepick on her belly. Mariel just immediately did what the holdapers demands so she opened her bag and try to search for her celphone, unfortunately it is under her things. Mariel, due to fear kept mentioning her friend's name, thinking it would be the end while her tears continue to fall. Mariel saw the accomplice of the holdaper, a bit hesistating seeing the scenario. All of a sudden her soul g, just beside her said, "please stop", looking at the car going to the bridge. The driver of the car also said, "Please stop and headed where Mariel is. The girlfriend of the driver heard what her boyfriend said and asked, "W-What did you say Pablo?" Her soul g now looked at the accomplice of the holdaper, and said to him "Look behind you a car is coming, run!" The accomplice did look, and saw the car going to their direction so he asked his holdaper friend to escape. The holdaper slapped his friend's arm to let him go, anger can be seen in its eyes and saw the car coming so they both escaped. Mariel even saw the holdaper shouting at his accomplice while they are running away. The car stopped in front of Mariel, and was asked by the driver to ride in his car to be sent to the police station for further reporting. She saw, as well that the girlfriend of the driver beside him seems proud of the good deed that his boyfriend had done to Mariel. Mariel declined the driver's offer due to fear and said she'd rather walk going home. Mariel ran going back to work, and rode the bus going home. When she got home she remembered the first time she went to the bridge and a guy talked to her and remembered his voice. Which is the same guy who tried to holdup her with accomplice, he was planning it the whole time and was waiting for her to come back. In Mariel's room, her soul g hugged her, "There, there your alright.. If your already ok, you need to report this to the police alright?" said her soul g. And so Mariel did.

Chapter 3

After the incident, Mariel failed to meet the performance the manager of the restaurant is for in a waitress during her 1 month training and she was not hired by that company. But Mariel believed fully that if one door closes another opens. So instead of quitting she decided to look for another job and after a few days of looking for a job, she was called for an interview as a receptionist, which she definitely passed with flying colors. Mariel was excited in her first day of work, and she was welcomed by Elmer, a receptionist just like is her. They are both working under the same company and after a week of being a receptionist, Mariel loved the company of Elmer and she admires his personality. Most of the time Mariel asks Elmer about himself, which Elmer describes himself as a religious person wherein Mariel believed and admired. Elmer has a great sense of humor which Mariel liked and sometimes Mariel even feels like Elmer puts a word in her mouth even though her sentence was incomplete and she definitely adored it. Mariel’s day is incomplete if she does not see Elmer especially when he is away or absent. But there is also a guy linked to Mariel his name is Jared a cook in their canteen. Which was heard that asked Mariel’s name when he saw her. Jared is popular in the company since he was known as a runner up in a popular cooking show in tv, and due to his tv exposure is being invited to cook for them in a number of known companies. Mariel was teased and asked by her friends if she liked Jared to be her boyfriend but Mariel clearly said “No”, which Jared heard. Mariel is just a newbie at work, and sometimes she takes people’s word seriously and can easily be offended. This time she did not expect her soul g would be a great adviser. 12 in the afternoon, It’s time for Mariel’s lunch, she even told Elmer about it. When Mariel went to the restroom and inside the cubicle, she had something in mind and told her soul g about it. “Soul g, you know what, I think I like Elmer and I like to be with him and I think he’s my soulmate, What do you think”, said Mariel while blushing. “I’m sorry I don’t like him for you” said her soul g. “What, why?” asked Mariel, shocked on soul g’s answer. “I don’t know, for me , he is just good with mingling with other people, what I like for you is the cook”, said her soul g. “What? I don’t like him, he’s so quiet and does not have a sense of humor at all” said Mariel. “Think of it this way if you will be with him, you will just be at home, be a housewife, you don’t need to work and you will have a great future ahead of you, that is because he is hardworking..” said her soul g. “I don’t think so, for me even though we don’t have all the money in the world as long as we’re happy, its perfect” said Mariel. “Ok.?” said her soul g. After a few weeks, Mariel was invited to go to a bar along with some of her co workmates and was advised that Jared is treating them for a night out. Mariel was with Elmer and Jared in table in a bar, with singers on stage. Mariel got amazed with the voice of the performers and enjoyed the food and drinks. When the bar went quiet for a while, Jared made an announcement, “Guys this is my last day of work, I’m resigning as a cook in our canteen” said Jared. “But why? We love your company?” asked Elmer. “Actually I owe it all to you, because of you I wouldn’t know how to cook great foods, because of your comments I learned to cook even better than before. Now I have saved enough money for me to start my own restaurant” said Jared. “Cheers to that” said Elmer raising his bottle and everyone congratulate Jared. Mariel upon hearing it, smiled and thought that she will definitely miss the delicious foods being cooked by Jared. After a few hours, Jared paid the bill upon hearing the last call request of the waiter and said that he needed to go. Mariel had not noticed the time and has almost consumed half bucket of liquor and got drunk. “You take care Jared thank you for the treat” Mariel said and smiled. Elmer also told everyone that he needed to go and upon hearing it Mariel rushed and said that she wants to accompany Elmer in going to the nearest terminal because she knows that he is heading there also. Elmer agreed and they both ride in a tricycle. Mariel, due to feeling dizzy and hot due to the liquor she drank, leaned her head on Elmer’s shoulder and hugged it while inside the tricycle . Elmer did not like what Mariel did, and said to her “You are not yet drunk Mariel”. All of a sudden Mariel vomit in the tricycle and had some of it in Elmer’s clothes. Elmer got angry and said to Mariel “Look at what you did, I’m leaving you” said Elmer. “Oh I’m sorry I didn’t mean to” said Mariel. Elmer paid the tricycle and headed home. Mariel tried to catch up with Elmer but he is walking fast and had already crossed the highway. Mariel stopped at the side of the street feeling dizzy and what she can only see are small lights from the vehicles. Her soul g beside her said “Are you ok? Can you still cross this street?” “I’m fine I just need to wait until I’m already ok” said Mariel. A few minutes have passed and then her soul g spoke. “Alright, on my signal cross the street ok?” “Ok..?” answered Mariel. Mariel is looking at the street and saw that the lights from the vehicles had faded. “Go” said her soul g and so she did, cross the street. Another street to cross so Mariel stopped at the middle. “Alright raise your hand so they would see you” said her soul g touching Mariel’s right arm. So Mariel raised her right hand as a signal for the vehicles to stop, even though Mariel is crossing the street slowly, the vehicles seems patient at Mariel and did not complain after that Mariel had crossed the busy highway safely in the middle of the night, while her soul g is just looking at her. That night Mariel arrived home safely and when she felt the comfort of her bed she had slept quickly. The day after, Mariel went to work and she had noticed her crush Elmer kept distance from her and saw that he is talking to someone else in the office. After a busy day Mariel went to the restroom to think, and washed her face. “Oh I think I want to be with him, I think he is my soulmate” said her soul g said teasing Mariel. Mariel was just speechless. “Listen Mariel you can never tell that a person is kind or whatever in just a month or two you knew him, it should be years remember that!” advised by her soul g. “1 year?” asked Mariel. “No, more than of course” said her soul g.
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